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Until The End Of Time-My Heart Beats For You
This is a page dedicated to all of the people who i love/adore/admire/care about and consider my friends. Some people go through life never knowning what a true friend is, but I have been given a chance to expierience it, and these people(plus people not featured/pictured on this page) have given me that. I want to thank all of you, because each of you has a piece of my heart. I love you. *blows kisses*

I miss you.... This is Dan, he is a really sweet guy, I fell for him, deeply. And I had to get over it, because he found happiness and i am happy for him. He is beautiful and sweet like candy, and I adore him. Hope to see you one day soon.img>

This is my sister, Joy. My sister has been there for me through everything, she knows everything about me, she knows how i feel because she basically goes through the same things. She is so beautiful, she amazes me. I adore her and love her and I never want her to die. My sister, Joy. I love you!!!!!!

LOOKIE!!! It's john doll. I have known John for a long time now, but I have not talked to him in forever. He loves the same dorky geeky things I do that no one else knows about, and he is so damn funny. John has this sweet caring spirit about him that makes you smile constantly. The boi is gorgeous! Look at those eyebrows!!! He and I were going to start this band for "only cute beautiful people" (heheheee) and we were going to make eyebrow stencils and put them in our cd's so people could draw on their eyebrows like us. hehe...See, I have so much fun with him. John I love you, and you are a wonderful boi.

i have not heard from her is a while, this is sarah, but i miss her.

Sebastian, a cute little poof of a boi that lives in Florida. I have known Sebastian for a while now, and he has always stayed the same wonderful entity that he is. I adore this boi to pieces, he is gorgeous, sweet, funnny as hell, intelligent and sarcastic which makes me happy. :) hehe...I hope to see him soon, and I will because he is dear to me, and I care about him a lot, not to mention i love the sayings of the day, and his letters. i love u sebastian!!!! *huggles*

There are some people that we have in our lives that mean a lot to us, and their well being is so important to us that we forget about ourselves. David,is one of those people to me. Although, I had to expierience heartbreak in one of the hardest ways, I love him still. We have had our ups and downs...but all the while, I always loved him, and let him know how much I adored him. Sweet Boi, I always will.

Spiro, I used to go to art school with this boi. I took this picture myself, and even though it turned out like shit, i know i captured Spiro in his element. The way the photo looks is the same way too...Spiro..i adore him and miss him so much.

This is my cousin Lisssa. She is so amazing, not to mention beautiful, kind hearted and spirited. She is a singer in a German band called "Sugar Coma" she can sing so beautifully, she is so smart, and she makes me laugh so much. She lives in Germany, which means I only really get to see her once a year, if that. Love you meine leibling!

This is my Heather Doll face batty goil. i miss her.I love you grrly!!! You can visit her site here; Ice Cream Headache

My Kittie grrl. Oh what would I do without her? Kittie is my punky little poof of ....hmm...katelyn! I love her to bits and she and I are so close. She has an amazing sense of humor and makes you laugh all the time. She cheers me up when I get sad, and is there for me when I need her. She and I have known eachother for a long time now..years. She moved to florida 3 years ago, and now I miss her more than ever. But the good part is, is that I get to see her and visit and she visits me, and now I realize how precious time is between the distance of her and I and that I get to see her every so often, and we have the best times now. More than before. I love you katelyn. You are my sunshine.

This is Katherine, She is a part of my life,and even though lately there has been drama, i care about her. I am not going to say anymore, but things need to change. I love you Katherine, and I have given so much up for you(i am not being cocky, but i have.)

This is my Emmy Bunny, and OH MY GOD, do i love her to pieces. I just met her out of the blue, and we became friends. She is exactly like me, its funny, we think and act the same, we have the same problems. She has a beautiful webpage, which you can see HERE I just love her to pieces. she is so beautiful and sweet, she is like this little sugar bunny poofball, Love you emmy, i will see you soon! *muah*

This is sagacity, but i like to call him Sage. This is such a cute little quiet kitten and I have known him for not that long of a time, but still I adore him to pieces. He's all like, quiet and nice, and acts like this mysterious muscheivious little kitty, and all of you know how i love those. Meow....hehe, he is sucha doll, and he's funny. *muah* (If you'd like to go see mor about this loverly boi here; Sagacity

This is some guy, a.k.a. Wizard 9er a.k.a. Alton Bryan King II. Yes, well this boi is a totally animated sweety head, he makes me smile with his emails and i look foward to them. I want to go to his mental resort, and wear a green name tag...but I guess you would not know what I meant seeing as you don't really know him.....even though I don't really, I adore him anyway. so...nyeah! You should go to his site,...meow... Right Here or just email him and get to know him, he's wonderful.... so...mail him! Yes, so now you see, yet another friend of me, who makes me feel just a little bit more completely...umm....okay, i sound like dr. suess on crack, so i will go, it must be you! damn you! making me sound like a crack kittin!!!!narrr! love you alton.
This page is not done at all, this is just a few of the people. I just have to get more of my pics of my friends scanned. Damnit i love the Lunachicks.
