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* 04.30.2001 *

* Updated Main Page (including introduction paragraphs, quote of the week, and fact of the week)
* Updated the Trivia Game with a new quiz for the month of May.

* 05.06.2001 *

* Updated Main Page (including quote of the week, and fact of the week)
* Finished the main Scooby Movies Page.

* 05.12.2001 *

* Updated Main Page (including quote of the week, and fact of the week)

* 05.18.2001 *

* Updated Main Page (including quote of the week, and fact of the week)
* Worked on finishing the Scooby Movies Section

* 05.20.2001 *

* Finished Scooby Movies Section

* 05.25.2001 *

* Updated Main Page (including quote of the week, and fact of the week)

* 05.28.2001 *

* Began working on the Scooby News Section, and added it to the categories menu on the Main Page.
* Updated the Credits Page with the movie gossip sites that I got information from in the Scooby News Section.

* 05.30.2001 *

* Added more news to the Scooby News Section.
* Updated the Main Page with new fact of the month, quote of the month, new picture, and re-wrote the paragraph.
* Updated Goo Page with a new picture for this month.
* Updated Trivia Game with new questions for this month.

* 06.17.2001 *

* Did more work on the Scooby News Section.
* Updated the Main Page with new club meeting dates for this month.

* 06.30.2001 *

* Added more news to the Scooby News Section.
* Updated the Main Page with new fact of the month, quote of the month, new picture, and re-wrote the paragraph.
* Updated Goo Page with a new picture for this month.
* Updated Trivia Game with new questions for this month.

* 07.11.2001 *

* Began orginizing the information in the Scooby News Section differently.
* Added new club meeting date for this month to the Main Page.

* 11.03.2001 *

* Updated the Main Page for the month of November. Changed paragraph, quote, and trivia. Added two new features, Scooby joke of the Month and now you can listen to the quote of the month.
* Updated the Club with two new meeting dates for this month.
* Put new Trivia Game up for November.
* Changed Goo Picture for this month. Check it out.

* 11.04.2001 *

* Made a new page for Webrings/Clubs.
* Added new search feature to Main Page. Now you can search the entire SDDATGT site.

* 11.11.2001 *

* Finished Scoop On Scoob (finally!). Check out the new information and pictures!

* 11.22.2001 *

* Updated the Scoop On Scoob section with the Scooby Movie Release Date!
* Updated the Scooby Gear section with the Scooby Monopoly Game! How kewl is that?
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