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What element are you?

Learn more about the elements here.

I really intended to make this a quiz where you could select choices and then get the answers automatically, but unfortunately I don't know enough html for that so I'm afriad you're gonna need a pen and pencil.

Some of the questions seem to have not enough answers. I thought they had got missed off, but infact it is right. Just write down the letter of the answer you chose and make sure you do write it down. Some of the answers tot he questions might same a bit odd, but they are right.

Yet again I'm afriad I shamefully nicked this from an email list I am a member of. If anyone knows the original author, I shall be happy to acknowledge him/her.

1. Which type of book or movie appeals to you most?
a Science fiction and horror
b Humor & Satire
c Romantic drama
d Adventures & thrillers.

2. Which are you most proud of, your
b Mental clarity
c Compassion

3 Having status is
a Not important at all
d Very important

4 Which occupational category would you select
a Design and research
b Teaching, journalism, business administration
c Social work, psychology, public relations, practical medicine
d Courtroom law, politics, surgical medicine

5 Which would you rather do with a friend
b Discuss ideas
c Share stories of the past

6 Which is worse, to be told that you
a Are in a rut
d Have your head in the clouds

7 Which attracts you more?
a People who are imaginative
d People who are sensible

8 Which do you usually trust more?
a Your hunches
d Your experiences

9 When under stress, what are you most likely to do?
a Turn to your imagination
b Formulate a plan
c Explore your emotions
d Take action

10 Which is most distressing to you?
b To have your plans go awry
c To misinterpret another person's feelings

11 Do you think genius is more likely to be the result of
a Inspiration
d Hard work

12 Which bothers you more?
b Lack of justice
c Lack of mercy

13 When making important decisions, do you tend to rely more upon
b Objective analysis
c Subjective standards

14 Which quotation are you most likely to agree with?
b Justice transcends even friendship
c My friends are my estate

15 Which do you value the most?
a Your personal vision
b The realm of ideas
c Human relationships
d The physical world

16 Which statement best expresses your attitude toward time?
a The future is the only thing that matters
b History is important because it explains the present
and future
c Traditions are important and should
be maintained
d The present is the most important thing

17 What distresses you more?
a Being pinned down
d Being fenced in

18 Are you more likely to be swayed by:
b Logic
c An appeal to your emotions

19 Is it worse to be
b Undiscriminating
c Too critical

20 Which would you rather do?
b Discuss issues in detail
c Agree on issues

21 Which is worse
a To be called a nut
d To be ignored

22 Before making an important decision, you
a Ignore the facts and wait for inspiration
d Carefully consider all the facts of the situation

23 Are you more ruled by
b Your head
c Your heart

24 Which statement usually describes your attitude about the future?
a I am extremely optimistic
b I think things will get better in time
c The future worries me
d The future is irrelevant

25 What is your natural inclination?
b To be fair minded
c To be sympathetic

26 If you had great power, how would you use it?
a To change the world entirely
b To implement important ideas
c To help those who suffer
d To control your own actions and, if necessary,
those of others

27 Which would you prefer to wear?
a A costume
d A uniform

28 During leisure time, which would you rather do?
a Dream about the future
b Read a book
c Visit a friend
d Participate in a sport

29 Which do you consider the greater compliment?
b To be called cool-headed
c To be called warm-headed

30 Which do you trust more?
a Your imagination
d The evidence of your senses

31 Is it worse to be
b Too passionate
c Too objective

32 Which do you tend to rely upon and trust the most?
a Inspiration
d Your skills

33 Which is the more accurate statement?
a I am more speculative than realistic
d I am more realistic than speculative

34 Which means the most to you?
a To be different
b To maintain a well-ordered lifestyle
c To attain emotional unity with others
d To be self-sufficient

35 Would you rather
a Be different
d Fit in with the group

36 Looking back on the past is
a A waste of time
b Necessary in order to understand the present and
c Very pleasurable
d Morbid

37 Which is most important to you?
a Developing a personal vision
b Adhering to your principals
c Being loyal to your loved ones
d Being a productive member of a team

Now, total all the a's, b's, c's and d's. Put the in order by the highest to the lowest number. The highest is your primary element- the natural you - for right now. It can change through the years. Don't look down any further until you have taken the questionnaire!!!!!!

FIRE | AIR --- | ------- WATER | EARTH

Highest A's is the element - Fire - Intuitive -idealistic/spiritual

Highest B's is the element - Air - Thinking -rational

Highest C's is the element -Water - Feeling -emotional

Highest D's is the element - Earth - Sensate - practical/realistic/materialistic