Have we meet before?

All of the fan club members have met Steve before, some more than others. Here are the descriptions of the encounters of ours. We hopefully hope someday you have encounters just like these.

Val's Encounters

April 16th, 1999: Los Angeles, CA. Stephanie and I woke up at the butt crack of dawn to see if we could spot any *N SYNC entourage ( A couple friends and I stayed at the same hotel as the boys when they were in LA in April) when we spotted him. Freshly buzzed and cranky, Steve Fatone. To our amazement he smiled at us as he walked by quickly followed with a "good morning sunshine" from me. I didn't appreciate the Stever then but I knew my heart opened a little for this stallion. Later that afternoon we got to see the brothers strutting down the hallway, both on cell phones, to an undisclosed location.

May 29th 1999: Council Bluffs, Nebraska. I was visiting Jen in Iowa the next time I got a glimpse of this stud muffin. He was standing by the stage surrounded by eight year olds and looking fairly unamused. I didn't have the pleazzzure of going with Jen to talk to him cause I couldn't leave my bar, but I got a prime viewing spot. Jen ever so sexily strutted over to Steve and introduced herself ( She will have a full account of the actual meeting when you get to her encounters). All I saw was the high swing over of his arm while saying "Steve". I started laughing and I almost fell. I do know that we made the Stevers video when he was filming the crowd.

August 19/20th 1999: Los Angeles, CA. Not much happened at the concert besides me saying hi to Steve so I'll get to the good part. Christina, Sheena and I drove from Irvine to LA to hang in the lobby of the hotel that NSYNC would be occupying. At around 2am the great Stever walked in and my heart jumped a beat ( well not really but I'll say it did to add a little pizzazz). He walked right over to us and we all introduced ourselves and shook hands. Steve being the brain surgeon that he is made me repeat my name twice ( So did Sheena). We learned the correct spelling of his name "ph" or "ve" and sat while he drank a beer he asked for from another group of over aged fans that were staying at the hotel ( he doesn't drink my boo-tay). The Stever was cool and he took turns from hanging around with us and the hooker like group by the stairs. All in all, Steve made my night.

November 26/27, 1999: Las Vegas, NV: All I have to say about Vegas was Steve was an ass but I got my picture with him and his hair.

November 30, 1999: Sacramento, CA: Steve was cool. Wore the same shirt as in Vegas. He didn't have much to say ( surprise surprise).

December 7th, 1999: Calgary, Alberta, Canada: Stever looked homeless in that lovely hat but he was quite talkative bitching about the tour and that he wasn't happy. He happily took pictures with us and went to his designated taping spot to get ready to work his magic.

December 10th, 1999: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Steve was absent for most of the beginning of the concert, which made Brit and I worried that we wouldn't be able to see our Stever before the show or that something else happened and he wouldn't be there. Then out of the corners of our eyes we spotted him and a rush of joy spread over us. We stood up and walked over to him. We were greeted with " Hey! What's up?" which made my day cause he was happy to see us. We chatted with him for awhile before he asked us to wait there and he would be right back. During that time we were asked where our seats were and the security telling the person we knew him (Steve) so it was ok. Steve came back and told us what was up for after the concert. During that time I was tapped on the shoulder and asked who he was. I proceeded with Steve, which was quickly followed with a "who?". I said " Joey's brother" which made way to a stampede of girls wanting pictures and autographs from our very own Stever. We told him we would make way for his fans and got the finger. OH HAPPY DAY!! We went back to our seats and smiled. Oh yeah!! I had a " private moment" without words with Steve when we were making fun of the girl decked out in the Superman shirt with the blue hologram like shirt over it who looked like a guy with big black framed glasses. Now she was pretty.

December 29- January 3, 2000: Honolulu, HI: There are many things that could be said here, but due to the fact this is already long and we have many more members to go I will make this short and sweet. I am happy and lucky we got to spend so much time with Steve. I have grown to love him in a way I never thought I would. I have two favorite days with him though. They are New Years and the day we were leaving =( I have a lot of respect for him and I give him a lot of credit with what he does. He really is a funny guy in a weird sort of way and I'm fortunate to have spent my Hawaii vacation with him. PEACE.

Brit's Encounters

July 21st, 1999: Wilkes-Barre, PA: This was the first time I ever laid eyes on Stever live and in person. it was at an "Official" NSYNC After Party. No one knew who he was but me, he was dancing with an unnamed bodyguard. I jumped in between them and danced with him for a few seconds and that was that, I was hooked.

November 26th, 1999: Las Vegas, NV: I attended an NSYNC concert wanting to see Stever, the new love of my life, but he ran from me. I also saw him later that night at a club, Rum Jungle, but it was uneventful other than the fact we danced for him. Someday Stevie, someday, I thought...

November 27th, 1999: Las Vegas, NV:I wore a Do Me Stever tube top to a concert and made Steve smile.

November 30th, 1999 - January 3rd, 2000: California, Canada, Hawaii During this time I was fortunate enough to have many Steve encounters. I do not feel like going into details because of the fact that I am lazy. So, I will talk about my favorite moments, which were:

When Stever gave me the finger, he's such a positive role model.

New Years Eve, when we told him about the SeXXXy Steve Fan Club™ and he said "Sexy WHAT?!?" I was so happy to be one of the few people able to witness the inverted "V" within the first hour of the new millenium.

January 3rd when Steve went into an uproar over his trusty flashlight. Also, hearing how much love he has for his older sister showed me what a family oriented man Stever is. It made me fall in love with him all over again.

In closing, I am a very lucky girl to be able to have had double digit Stever fatone encounters, and I hopefully hope other people have the chance to have their lives touched by Stever like mine has been. PEACE.

Ashley's Encounters


1. While in Las Vegas in November Courtnie and I were sitting in the lobby hopefully hoping to see something good. After sitting there for about 10 minutes she said softly "Here comes Stever!" I didn't turn abruptly, but waited for him to get closer - he looked at us and smiled. We decided then and there that he was way hotter then Joey - we loved him with hair. He walked away and about 5 minutes later passed the corner where we were standing. We called Brit to come down, but she was passed out - lol.

2. On November 26th while in Vegas I had front row tickets. Brit gave me a camera and I took many shots of the Stever - even some of his ass. He was right in front of me, and I kept killing him with my flash - Sorry Phat-One!!!

3. Again while I was in Vegas Brit, Court, and I went to Rumjungle and Steve was there. He was dancing with all kinds of girls, so we went over and shook it for him - he soon left. I hope not because of us - lol.

4. On November 27th I had the wonderful opportunity of subjecting myself to looking like a teeny and attending a Meet 'N Greet. After I passed through the autograph line (Phyllis and Joe were there too!) I was waiting outside the room and Steve walked by. Luckily I had just reloaded some new film in my camera, and I asked if I could get a picture with him. He was kinda quiet, but smiled for the picture, so I was happy. He then got on his BMX bike and rode around with Scary guy, Mr. Personality (Tyler), and other crew members.

5. We saw him many random times in the lobby, but he was usually surrounded by tight 8 year olds.


Note from the Webmaster, Janine Fatone: At this time Miss Ashley was forced to attned a business meeting, not that I know what work is, I ride my younger brothers fame. She will finish her encounters when time becomes available. PEACE!

Courtnie's Encounters

Encounter 1: Las Vegas, NV on November 25th @ 1:15am. Ashley and I were sitting in the lobby of the MGM Grand Hotel. We were discussing the days events and just chilling in our pah-jah-mas. When, what to our wondering eyes should appear, but Stever Fatone on his cell phone. I noted him entering the hotel and told Ashley. We played it cool and he walked by, glanced at us, and gave the "whassup" nod.

Encounter 2: Las Vegas, NV on November 26th -various times- We saw him in the lobby, the venue, and most importantly, Rum Jungle. He watched us "shake our bon-bons" (Ashley, Courtnie, and Brittany.)

Encounter 3-7: Honolulu, HI on December 28th-January 5th These are more detailed and just like the rest. See/e-mail me for details. PEACE

Shannon's Encounters

Other than the Hawaii trip, I just have one...well, several but all the same type of encounter. I saw him numerous times in passing at Universal Studios back in the day (1996). I never talked to him but saw him all the day from watching Joey and Chris at work. PEACE.

More encounters will be put on this page as they occur, to see the pictures that go along with the encounters see the Phatone Pics Section.

© 2000 SeXXXy Steve Fan Club™