Steve at play

Sometimes Steve needs to take some time off from his strenuous job of holding a video camera and relax, complain, and have some fun. Here he is doing just that.

Steve on 12.31.99 in Hawaii getting the FIRST EVER presents the SSFC™ gave him out of his camera bag

You can't really see it, but this is Stever holding up one of the above mentioned presents, a small ukelele keychain

Stever in Hawaii, he looks SO hot, it's like the best pic ever. HooooooooonK!

This is Steve and an unidentified female enjoying their breakfast of Surf Omelettes. (Calm down girlies, she's just a FRIEND!)

Here is Stever playing with his chipped tooth.
Sexy, sexy, sexy.

Ya like that boa dontcha !?!

Here's Stever doing what he does best... complaining.

Here's Steve trying his hardest NOT to look at his sister. He's yelling to us, HEEEELP!!! But, we didn't save him. Sorry Stever.
[Steve with fans]-[Steve at work]-[Random Steve goodies]

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