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Turn Back Time


If wishes were horses...all beggars would ride...
Sometimes wishes come true and sometimes they don't...
My wish is that I could turn back time...


A painter, a poet, a wise man too...
all these things I've found in you...
Young in years, wise in a worldly way...
just being together, you brightened my day...
Stars were shining when we met...
your charm makes you so hard to forget...
So into my heart and mind...
your spirit permeates me...
Taken a gentle hold and will not
let me be...
The connection that we've shared
is a very special one too...
I thank my guiding star for sending me to you !





Take me away to your mountains high...
we'll sit beneath the stars...
gaze upon the heavens...
kiss and talk for hours...
Lay me down in the meadow...
under the starlit night...
Touch me gently ...stroke my hair...
together our souls will take flight...
Laugh at the moon with me, sweet man,
talk of things that will be...
discover mysteries of life with me...
touch a will set you free...
Smell the mountain air...
together we will share...
a connection true and strong...
a bond that can't be wrong...
Friendship, love and trust...
combined with smiles and lust...
I'll softly caress your face...
as you take me to our special place...
On our mountain hideaway...
we'll watch the sun as the stars drift away...
and as a new day begins...
we'll know we are Special friends...






My hands are bond so I can't write the words I wish to say...
My mouth is gagged so I can't say the words from my heart
or kiss the lips I long to kiss...
My eyes can see but they no longer see the glow in your eyes
and for that my eyes weep silent tears...
My ears listen for you to speak the words I long to hear...
that you still love me...that you need me...that you want me...
My body aches for your touch...
to feel your hands on me...
playing my body like an instrument...tenderly...
My mind wants to know what happened
to the man that loved me
with passion and fire...tenderness and desire...
My heart is breaking and bruised...
I look at you so close and yet so far away...
I want to reach out and hold you...
I want to smother you in kisses...
I want the moments of sharing we held so dear...
Even the silence was good because I felt your love caressing me...
Now...the silence is awkward...strained moments...
I feel you turn away...and the pain stabs my heart...
You say we can be friends...but things change...
Each time you leave a little bit of me goes with you...
There goes a piece of more tomorrows...
Turn back the clocks...back up the me again...



Poems written and page designed by StarLyn

@ Copyright 1999 All Poems and Stories in this website.


Do You Believe by Cher



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My Other Pages

Just the Two of Us
Lady n Red
My Master, My Lover, My Friend
River Watch
Words from the Heart
In the Still of the Night
xxxx ~Marissa~ under construction
Dreams Come True
xxxx~No More Hiding~ under construction
Lady Starlyn's Page
Favorite Paint & Av Links
Friends Pages & Special Places Links
Some of My Other Pages & Links
Welcome to My Star
DarkStar's World
Starlyn's World