Grad 2000

FINALLY! School is over for me! I Graduated on June 27, 2000, and it feels good! All the pictures here are from the day of my Grad. There are pictures of me all dressed up (take a good look at those, cause that's probably the last time anyone will ever see me in a dress!), of Ace, and of my escort Christian (a.k.a Chris) from Sweden. Click here to learn more about Chris.

The first picture is of me and Chris posing infront of the stage. The second is of me showing off my good makeup job (it better have been good cause it cost me 40 bucks!)

These are of me and Chris posing outside in my backyard for pictures.

These are of me posing for some more pictures. It was my mom's idea to have a picture of me looking at a dumb flower!

This is my sister, Erin, me and Chris sitting at our table waiting for the banquet to begin.

The first is a really bad pic of me and my best friend, LeeAnee smiling for the camera-it's the best picture I have of us. The second is of me and Chris sitting in a pair of really small chairs.

This is one of the many of my grad presents that I got! My parents actually got my a car for my grad! It's an '88 Pontiac 6000 and I love it!

Here is me on Ace. I insisted on having a picture of me in my dress on Ace! Though my mom didn't like the idea of having me sit on Ace BEFORE the exercises! Ace didn't really mind me sitting on him in a scary dress, but only because the day before I had gone out to the pasture in an old frilly dress to see what Ace's reaction would be. Let's say it just took me about half an hour to catch him!

The rest of the pics are ones that were professionally done.

Here's some nice pics of us individually. (And no, I'm not leaning on a garbage can!)

I liked these pictures with the white background. I think it looks cool!

These didn't scan too well, so they're a little dark. But at least you can see us.