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The Artist
7/13/04 At the age of 27, a recent college graduate, I plan to pursue a career in photography. Creating this page was done to be able to share my work with you. So don't be too upset if it doesn't upload for ya, or meet your expectations. The more I work in HTML, hopefully the better I will get.

Anyway about me, I think thats what I wanted to write here. In Maryland now after four months of living in London, trying to get a job in fashion photography. I am a huge fan of soccer and travel, you can start to see what I see through my pictures. For me photography is getting away, capturing an image or memory.

I couldn't tell you exactly the type of photography I am most interested in. Although I am tending to lean more towards fashion photography. I want to meet these crazy people and jump into the lime light. The money is not too bad either, so if I'm not here I'm in London trying to make a connection or NYC.

I must say if you have read this far, you must like something about my work or as bored as I. If you have any questions send me an email.

mailAlan Nusinov
Questions, Comments, Mail Me!

ALAN NUSINOV # 9 (the 9 is for the love the game, soccer that is)

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