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The Ogham alphabet(pronounced Owam) has existed since possibly the 4th century B.C.E. and has been associated with the God Ogma/Ogmios. A great deal of our knowledge about these runes comes from the Book of Ballymote. The Druid Priests used the Ogham runes in a secret form of sign language,forming each rune with their hands,but the Druids also had a form of speech based on the Ogham runes. This alphabet is made up of a series of straight and slanted lines that rest either above,below,or across a central line. Each set of lines and their position on the larger line represent phonetic sounds rather than letters. The simplicity of the Ogham runes made it very easy to carve these letters into wood,stone,etc. The most famous carvings of Ogham runes have been found in Scotland and Ireland. There are 20 basic runes,of which 13 are consonants, one for each lunar month,five vowels, and symbols for NG and ST. There are also five additional runes that are called the Crane Bag, it is believed that these runes were given to us by the Sea God Mannannan. Below are examples of 2 different ways the Ogham can be written.

The Ogham runes have been used for both mundane writings as well as magical script and divination. Each rune is also associated with a particular tree, the trees associated with the ogham were divided into three classifications, which represented their Druidic order of importance,first Cheiftains,then Peasants and the final being the Shrubs. Two of the symbols,Grove and Sea are of course not trees, but it shows us that the Druids believed there was great power in large groups of trees as well as the sea. Beithe/Birch- Gods:Brighid,Bran,Belinos,Blodeuwedd,Boann,Branwen, Brigantia Month:November Color:White Class:Peasant Letter:B New beginnings,changes,purification,birth,energizing,vital life force, good fortune,finding inner strength. Can be used in ritual to drive out evil or negativity as well. Luis/Rowan- Gods:Lugh,Llyr,Luchtaine Month:December Color:Grey and Red Class:Peasant Letter:L Gives insight and foreknowledge, helps you to develop intuition and the ability to overcome self doubt, and use your own inner strength and wisdom. Also helps you to avoid being controlled by others.In ritual it's also great for helping you to learn a new skill. Fearn/Alder- Gods:Fintan,Fionn mac Cumhail,Flidais Month:January Color:Crimson Class:Chieftain Letters:F,V Strength,Tenacity,Determination, foundation of your knowledge and being. Saille/Willow- Gods:Semias,Scathach,Scota,Sucellus Month:February Color:Black or Indigo Class:Peasant Letter:S Developing Psychic and clairvoyant powers. Intuition, imagination,women,the unconscious,the hidden in all things. Emotions and sometimes gaining balance through painful emotional experiences. Nuin/Ash- Gods:Nuada,Niamh,Nantosuelta Month:March Color:Glass Green Class:Chieftain Letter:N Rebirth,Peace,Psychic strength,seeing the big picture, Macrocosm/Microcosm. Huath/Whitethorn- Gods:Herne,Hu Gadarn Month:April Color:Purple Class:Peasant Letter:H Bad luck,misfortune. A need for cleansing and restraint. Being held back for a time. Duir/Oak- Gods:Dagda,Danu,Diancecht,Dylan,Don,Druantia Month:May Color:Black and Dark Brown Class:Chieftain Letter:D Strength,Endurance,the power to overcome even the greatest trial.Security, Protection,leadership. Tinne/Holly- Gods:Taliesin,Taranis,Tephi,Toutatis Month:June Color:Dark Grey Class:Peasant Letter:T Balance,Karma,Retribution,Justice. Coll/Hazel- Gods:Cian mac Cainte,Caillach,CuChulainn,Cairpre, Camulos,Cernunnos,Cerridwen,Creiddylad Month:July Color:Brown Class:Chieftain Letter:C,K Creativity,Mastery and skill, Learning. Quert/Apple- Gods: Month:none Color:Green Class:Shrub Letter:Q Beauty,perfection,Eternity,Youth , a choice must be made. Muin/Vine- Gods:Manannan mac Lir, Morfessa, Morrigan,Macha,Mab, Math Month:August Color:Variegated Class:Chieftain Letter:M Inwardness,the weaving together of conscious and the unconscious mind,freedom from inhibitions and restraints. Gort/Ivy- Gods:Goibhniu,Gwyddion Month:September Color:Sky blue Class:Chieftain Letter:G Development, fierce determination, patient tenacity, will, transformation. Taking time to study the situation before you make a decision. Ngetal/Reed- Gods: Month:October Color:Grass green Class:Shrub Letter:Ng Union of opposites,Harmony,Good health,Growth. Straif/Blackthorn- Gods: Month:none Color:Purple Class:Chieftain Letter:SS,Z,St External control,Coercion,Resentment,confusion. Ruis/Elder- Gods: Ruadh Rofessa,Rigantona,Rhiannon Month:Makeup days of the 13th month Color:Red Class;Shrub Letter:R Evolutionary change, transition from one state to another,cycles. Ailm/Fir- Gods:Aedh,Aine,Airmid,Amaethon,Andraste,Angus mac Og, Anu,Arawn,Arianrhod Month:none Color:Light blue Class:Shrub Letter:A Transformation from a weak state to a strong one. Good health and strength,vigorous life force,learning from past mistakes, the pathe of truth and life, objectivity that becomes wisdom, sovereignty. Onn/Furze- Gods:Ogma/Ogham,Owein ap Urien Month:none Color:Yellow gold Class:Chieftain Letter:O Synthesis,the gathering of sweet and valuable things for a greater purpose. Wisdom gained through hard work. Discovery of something life changing. Ur/Heather and Mistletoe- Gods:Uscias,Uathach,Wayland Month:none Color:Purple Class:Heather(Peasant),Mistletoe(Chieftain) Letter:U,W Romance and Dreams,Gateway between inner and outer worlds,passion,ecstasy. Edad/Aspen- Gods:Esras,Eriu,Emer,Etain,Epona Month:none Color:Silver white Class:Shrub Letter:E Overcoming negativity through determination and inner strength. Problems,doubts and fears. Idad/Yew- Gods: Month:none Color:Dark green Class:Chieftain Letter:I,J,Y Death,Immortality,Transformation. The essence of the self which is inherited from the ancestors. Complete change in life direction. Koad/Grove- Gods:Taranis Month:none Color:many shades of Green Class:none Letter:CH,KH,EA Wisdom gained by reviewing past livesor past experiences,seeing through illusions. Oir/Spindle- God: Month:none Color:White Class:Peasant Letter:Th,Oi Use self-discipline and responsibility to finish obligations . Uilleand/Honeysuckle- Gods: Month:none Color:Yellow white Class:Peasant Letter:P,PE,UI Proceed with caution. Phagos/Beech- Gods: Month:none Color:Orange brown Class:Chieftain Letter:PH,IO New experiences and opportunities,information. Mor/The Sea- Gods: Month:none Color:The blues and greens of the Sea. Class:none Letter:AE,X,Xi Travel,either of the body,mind or spirit.