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You've come here seeking, your journey has been long and finally you've arrived at the Avalon School. You are now in a small boat heading into the mist, there are two men at either end of this boat, rowing silently,and in front of you is your guide, Alcina, her blue robes and long dark hair blow gently in the wind. You start to speak, but she makes a sign of silence to you and begins her ritual, soon the mists part, and before you is the magical isle of Avalon. You can see many round huts with thatched rooves as well as stone buildings, several henges and holy spots,and of course the smell of apples is everywhere. Your boat docks, and your greeted by several young women, who help you out of the boat. Alcina says"This way", and you follow, though your mind is reeling with excitement, as you pass so many new and wonderful things. You and Alcina walk for about a half hour before entering a large stone castle, which seems to be carved into the very side of a huge hill. You go in and stop several times to make small talk and introductions and are finally led to a small,lovely woman with pale skin, light freckles across her nose, bright green eyes and long curly dark auburn hair. "Lady Ygrainne?"Alcina addresses her. Ygrainne turns toward you and smiles, saying "I've been expecting you, our oracles have predicted your arrival, I hope we can help you to re-learn what you already know". Alcina squeezes your hand, and says" I need to leave you in Lady Ygrainnes capable hands now, but we will see each other a little later", and she walks towards another door and dissappears. Ygraine takes your hand gently, and says"Well, lets get you some proper attire and some refreshments, then we'll start your new adventure!

Enter our classrooms.

The Distillery
Pleasure and Rejuvination
The Oracle
Spellcrafting and Ritual
Ritual tools
Ritual Space
The Kitchens