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Moira leads you into another room where there are several young accolites hard at work,chopping herbs,melting fat and all manner of other interesting things! She turns to you and says"Now I'm going to show you how to take those herbs you just learned about and make different kinds of medicines out of them."

******************************************************* SALVES: In order to treat various skin conditions,we can take the appropriate herbs for the condition and make a salve that can be applied externally. To start out, simmer the herbs in olive oil,in a separate pot,melt 3-4 Tablespoons of beeswax(depending on how soft you want it) per cup of oil. Put enough oil in the pot to just cover the herbs. Simmer the herbs in the oil for about 20 minutes. When wax and oil are heated to the same temperature, add the wax. Strain and pour into clean jars. Add tincture of Benzoin to preserve it,while the salve is still warm. Make sure your jars are sterilized! You don't want your salve contaminated. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* TINCTURES: Tinctures are very simple to make. First you grind the leaves,roots,bark or other plant parts with a mortar and pestle, (or a blender for modern times)put them in a sterilized jar and just barely cover them in either vodka,whiskey or pure grain alcohol,the higher the proof the better. After 3 weeks,add 2Tablespoons of glycerine for each pint,and about 10% per volume of spring water. Strain and store in amber glass airtight bottles, keep them in a cool,dry place and they will last up to 5 yrs. The dose for adults is generally 20 drops in a cup of tea or warm water,4 times/day. You can take just about any herb this way, and its easier to keep. ******************************************************* ****************************************************** POULTICES: In order to make a poultice, you take fresh herbs or dried ones that have been soaked in warm water until soft. Mix them with enough slippery elm powder to make the poultice stick together. Place it on the affected part and wrap with a clean cloth. Then put clear plastic on top of the cloth. Another way to do this is to make a Fomentation, you simply to make a very strong herbal tea,and soak the cloth in it, then apply it to the affected body part. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* SYRUPS: Syrups are the easiest way to give your children medicine and its very easy to make. First boil about 3 pounds of sugar in a pint of water until you have a syrupy consistency and then steep the herbs in the hot syrup for 20 minutes. Use 2 tsp. of herb for each cup of liquid. Herbs can also be simmered into honey or maple syrup if you prefer,simmer them for about 10 minutes. Strain and store in the refridgerator,well sealed. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* TEAS: Teas are perhaps the simplest,most used form of herbal medicine. Simply boil a cup of water,wait about 30 seconds and add 1 tsp. of herb/cup of water. Let steep for about 10 minutes,strain and sweeten to taste.The dose is 1 cup,4 times/day for adults,1/2 cup/4 times/day for children. DECOCTIONS: Decoctions are similar to teas,but is used for hard materials such as roots,bark and seeds, which are bruised or crushed beforehand to release their active elements. Place the herb in a glass or enamal pot with cold water (1 tsp.of herb/cup of water)and slowly bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 10-20 minutes; then steep with the lid on until cool. Strain and sweeten to taste. Can be stored in refrigerator for up to 3 days. The dose is 1 cup,4 times/day for adults,1/2 cup/4 times/day for children. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* POWDERS: Chop large dried plant parts,such as roots,bark or thick stems,into small pieces, then crush these, or dried leaves and flowers with a pestle and mortar, or a coffee grinder. The powder can then be put into gelatin capsules, to make it easier to take the medicine. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* ESSENTIAL OILS: Essential oils are the concentrated essence of the herb, and needs to be added to a carrier oil,alcohol,water,etc. to use it generally. When using essential oils for medicinal purposes, make sure it is pure and 100% real! You don't want to use a synthetic or a blend when your mixing a tincture or making an ointment,etc. Find a reliable supplier such as Aroma Vera. Essential oils can be a great way to easily add your herb to what ever your making. *******************************************************