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Your tired, you've been learning so many things, and your now in the process of having some much needed refreshments, when you meet up with Lady Ygrainne again. She embraces you and then says "I've been getting good reviews from some of the teachers where your concerned, keep up the good work, but now my dear, you need to learn more of our Beloved Goddesses. She leads you into a clearing, where there are several other students sitting crosslegged on the ground in a circle, they smile towards you and wave you over. There are many Goddesses, in many different lands of course, here is a list of the main Goddesses we pay homage to on the Isle of Avalon. ******************************************************* ARIANRHOD ___________ Her name means "Silver Wheel",and she is the Goddess of re-incarnation, the wheel of the year, the full moon, weaving or un-weaving a spell or situation, primal female energy,spirits and spirit contact, past life issues, star magic and astrology,karma. She is the ruler of Caer Sidi, a magical realm in the north; in Welsh the constellation of Corona Borealis is named Caer Arianrhod-Arianrhods' Castle. It's believed that the souls of the dead go to her castle to await reincarnation, and Arianrhod and her female attendants preside over the fates of the living and departed. She is also connected with the Greek Goddess Ariadne, as she is associated with the maze and thread, and of time,space and energy. Her colors are: Dark Blue,Black,Silver,White and Blood red. Her stones are: Moonstone and the Metal Silver. ******************************************************* DON/DANA(CELTIC) __________ Dons' consort is Beli and she gave birth to Arianrhod, Gwyddion,Amaethon and Govannon. She is a powerful Mother Goddess in Wales and is considered the same as Dana of Ireland. She is one of the oldest of the Gods and the root word "dan" means knowledge, and any form of knowledge,inspiration and learning comes under her jurisdiction. She also has power over fertility, creation in general(crafting,plant growth,manifestation magic) the issues of Mothers, healing, herblore,sovereignty to name a few. Her colors are:Green(all shades),Red Brown(earth colors) Her stones are: Amber,holey stones,malachite,diamonds. ***************************************************** RHIANNON _____________ Her name means "divine" or "great queen" and she is a symbol of fertility, as well as a goddess of the underworld and death, she is a bringer of dreams and a moon Goddess symbolized by the White Mare and is associated strongly with the all horses. She can aid you in defeating your enemies,learning patience,magic,moon rituals,dream work. Her colors are: Silver, White,Blood red. Her stones are:Moonstone,silver. ****************************************************** BRANWYN __________ Her name means "fair bosom" and she is equated with the Greek Goddess Aphrodite in that she is also a Goddess of Love, Sexuality and the Sea. Her colors are: Turquoise blue,Sea green,Pink,Red,Lavender,Silver and White. Her stones:Pearls,Rubies,Garnets,Rose quartz. ****************************************************** LEFAY ____________ Lefay is a Goddess of the sea,healing waters and wells, and a Goddess of the Isle of Avalon in particular, she is our patron,and she also connects us with the faery realm,as her name would suggest. She can aid you in healing,water/sea magic(especially in creating magic wells or potions,faery magic. Her colors are:Turquoise,Sea green,Lavender,Purple,Green,any prismatic combination such as a rainbow. Her stones are: Opals,,Aquamarine,Mother of Pearl. ****************************************************** AIRMID ___________ She is the daughter of the God of Medicine,Diancecht and is a Goddess of medicine and all healing arts,as well as being a Magician and supreme herbalist/alchemist. After the death of her brother Miach, she tended the grave on which grew all the herbs of the world, and when she harvested them,each plant told her what they were useful for. She can be called on to aid in any magical endeavor, especially healing of course and the brewing of potions. Her colors are:Green,Purple,Silver. Her stones are: Malachite,Silver,Gold,Emerald,Quartz ******************************************************* BRID/BRIGID ____________ Her name means power and she is a Goddess of many talents, much like the God Lugh. She is Goddess of Fire(and several fire festivals throughout the year),the forge,healing,warrior/protector,fertility,creative inspiration,guardian of children and pregnant women,childbirth and midwives,the sun,agriculture,animal husbandry,crafting of all sorts, music and poetry. She can be called on to aid you in magical endeavors of any of these things. Blackberries are sacred to her, and any kind of food or drink made with these berries are good for ritual meals or cakes and ale. Her colors are: Red,Green,Brown,Sky Blue,Lapis blue,Purple. Her stones are:Iron,Clay objects(especially crafted by you!),Sunstone,Rubies,Emeralds ******************************************************* CAILLEACH __________ Her name means "old woman" or "hag" and she is a crone Goddess who has many names in various places. She can be called on to help in learning wisdom in any situation. The raven and the crow are her sacred birds. Her colors are: Black,Grey and Dark Red Her stones are:Hematite,Smoky Quartz,Obsidian. **************************************************** CERRIDWEN ___________ She is a sow Goddess, and is known for her great cauldron of knowledge. She is also a moon and grain Goddess with both mother and crone aspects. Cerridwen is sometimes equated with the Goddess Hecate. Some of her other specialties are:Harvest rites,spells for wisdom and knowledge,waning moon rites,past lives and reincarnation,pigs,cauldrons and potions,vervain,hens. Her colors are: Black,Red,Orange,Silver,Grey,Dark blue. Her stones are:Smoky quartz,Carnelian,Lapis,silver. ****************************************************** EDAIN __________ A beautiful and great horsewoman,she is a Goddess of transformation and past and future lives,butterflies,serpents(especially with their tale in mouth,beauty,love,faeries. Her colors are:Pink,Gold,Yellow,Orange,Red,Blue,Green, Black,Dark blue. Stones are:Amber,petrified wood,Diamonds,pearls,jet,gold. ****************************************************** EPONA ___________ Similar to Rhiannon,Epona is the bringer of dreams both good and bad, the word nightmare was taken from her name. She is usually shown riding a white horse with a serpent in one hand,a sheaf of corn in her lap and a dog riding at her side, showing her as a Goddess of sexual potency and fertility(horse),abundance(corn), moon and dreams(dog), as well white horses are equated with spiritual mastery. She was the Goddess that bestowed sovereinty on Celtic kings,and old rites were performed marrying Epona to the king. She can aid you in sex magic,fertility magic, dreamwork,banishing nightmares,war,any magic meant to strengthen and empower women, and divination. Her colors are:Black and White Her stones are:Azurite ******************************************************* THE MORRIGAN ________________ She is a triple Goddess made up of Badb,Macha and Nemain, and their collective name means"the phantom queen".It was believed by the Celts that when they engaged in battle, the Morrigan would fly shrieking over head in the form of a raven or crow, scaring the enemy and choosing those that would die. Call on the Morrigan for ritualls of passing over,waning moon,banishing,overcoming enemies. Work carefully with her, always with respect,as well as a little fear. Her color is Black and Blood red. ****************************************************** We in Avalon also honor the Gods and Goddesses of Khem/Egypt. There has always been an exchange of knowledge between our cultures, and we have sister temples that are dedicated to the Dieties of Egypt. ****************************************************** ISIS __________ She is the Goddess of ten thousand names and has been worshipped in not only Egypt, but all throughout Europe including Celtic areas, where many shrines have been found. She is a Magician,Alchemist,Healer,Wife of Osiris, and many other wonderful attributes, and can be called upon to aid you in just about any endeavor. Her colors are: All colors, depending on your need. Her stones: Any, according to your need. ****************************************************** BAST ___________ The cat Goddess whose name means both "soul of Isis" and "soul of Set" and can definitely be both at times, for she has both light and dark aspects to her nature, as any cat does. One of the meanings of her name is "the tearer" or "the shreader", referring to her war like attributes, however, when one thinks of Bast, they usually think of her more benevolent qualities, such as healer. Bast is also known as the "Lady of the East" and is associated with the rising sun, and Light in general. She is known as the Goddess of Joy,love,luck,dancing, sex,fertility,festivals,abundance,children(she protects children),and as mentioned, healing, to name just some of her qualities. Her colors are: Green,Gold,Yellow,Red,Orange,Pink,Lavender,any colors associated with the sunrise. Her stones are: Tigers eye,Sunstone,Quartz,Rose quartz, Carnelian,turquoise,Topaz,Obsidian. ****************************************************** MAAT _________ Her name means 'justice', 'order', 'truth''ethics. Maat is connected to the entire existence of the universe, and was not limited to ethics for human beings alone. Understanding of how the world functioned and how it had been created, as it was presented in the many different orientations inside ancient Egyptian religion, was vital to understanding maat. Maat was the perfect order, toward which man should strive. MAAT FOR GODS The central protector of maat was the Pharaoh, and maat was a principle that even gods had to obey. Maat is here to be understood as a material element, as we hear that gods 'live on maat'. Maat is something that could be offered to a god, and is a recurring motif in Egyptian temples. This ethical principle was personified through the goddess, Maat. Maat is presented as a goddess with an ostrich feather on the head. She was defined as the world order as this had been established upon the creation of the world. There were actual cults of Maat, as early as in the 5th dynasty (25th century BC). Few cults were big, but there is much evidence for her being revered for centuries. MAAT FOR HUMANS By adhering Pharaoh, who was the incarnation of the god Horus, man was in accordance with the nature, and then also maat. What Pharaoh did and said, was theoretically beyond the understanding of normal human beings, and to be understood as revelations. By giving up freedom, man could achieve peace with the universal powers and the gods. Inhabitants not adhering the principle of maat, broke all laws of the ancient Egyptian society. Enemies in war were considered to be enemies of maat. (Quoted from the encyclopedia of the Orient, because they said it so good!) ******************************************************* NUIT ___________ ******************************************************* Goddess paintings are by Jessica Galbreath. Link to Enchanted Art

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