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Now on to learning more about the Gods we follow. It is my intention to give very basic information on them, because it is truly best if you read and research the Gods yourself. You will also gain a great deal of information from meditating on the name of a particular God, you can pick up things the books don't tell you,there have been many times I've found something out in meditation that was proven later through reading some obscure text of just a television show. Also through meditation you will be able to find out which Dieties you are most attuned to. As was mentioned in our class on Goddesses, we are also including the Gods of Egypt. ******************************************************* BELI ******************************************************* The primary Welsh father God, and husband of the Goddess Don. He was originally a God of the Sun and his name has been associated with the Bealtaine Sabbat. However, his main role has since become that of the God of Death and King of the Underworld, and as such, is also associated with Samhain, and a balefire lit at either Bealtaine or Samhain, in his name will purify your temple space/personal property. Beli is also known as the God of the all-seeing eye and can aid you in astral projection and past life memory. He can help you to understand the land of the dead,and aid you in reaching loved ones who have passed over. ******************************************************* DYLAN Known as Dylan,Son of the Wave, he is linked to the Sea God Llyr. In the Mabinogion, it is told that as an infant he took off towards the sea, and that he could swim as a fish immediately and became greatly loved by these creatures. He is the son of Arionrhod and her brother Gwyddion. You can ask his aid in any water magic or to help in contacting sea faeries. ******************************************************* GWYDDION Gwyddion is son of Don and Beli,brother to Arionrhod ,he is know as the Druid of the Gods. He is a God of Wisdom, Music magic,singing his spells and is a master of Illusion. Gwyddion is know also as a helper of mankind,especially in the areas of cultural arts and learning he always fights against ignorance and small-mindedness. He can help you in any of the areas mentioned above. ******************************************************* GWYN AP NUAD His name means "white son of darkness" and he is the son of the sun/death God Llud/Nudd/Nuad, the leader of the hunt. He is the God of war,death and the hunt and is the escort of dead souls to Annwn. Gwyn can help you with spirit contact,strength,rituals of passing over, any magic dealing with otherworld contact. He rides a wild horse and has three dogs, one white,one red and one black who aid him in the wild hunt. ******************************************************* LlEW Llaw Gyffes His name means "Llew of the steady hand". He is the son of Arianrhod and her brother Gwyddion,who raised Llew. He is associated with sacred kingship,re-birth/re-incarnation,archerey,magical names/soul names,the three-fold death,seasonal rites and overcoming any obstacle. ******************************************************* LlYR A powerful God of the sea and father of the sea God Mannan. He is similar to the Gods Poseidon and Lir of Ireland. He can aid you in any water magic and contacting and gaining the aid of the sea fairies. ******************************************************* MANANN He is the son of the sea God Llyr and a God of the sea himself, who is even more famous. He has a self propelled ship named "Wind Sweeper" and a Sea horse named "Splendorous Mane" and as well has a sword named "The Retaliator" that always hit its mark,a yellow spear and a red one, armor that could not be penetrated and a mantle of invisibility. He gave a feast every 33 yrs to ensure that all those who ate, would never grow old.He can help you with water magic,protection, any kind of elemental magic,war magic,astral projection,retaining youth,weather magic. ******************************************************* MATH AP MATHONWY A master magician and teacher, as well as King of Gwynedd, he is the brother of the Goddess Don and ruler of the otherworld. His name means "money"and he is the God who brought wealth and prosperity to Wales, as well as pigs. He was known to have super hearing,and to be able to hear any thing said or any noise made. Call on him to aid you in any kind of magic,learning, prosperity/wealth magic. ******************************************************* MERLIN This mysterious man of legend, most notably from the tales of King Arthur, he is magician,seer,bard,druid,and many other things historically. Some say he never existed at all, that he is just fantasy, but I heartily disagree. My meditations have led me to believe that Merlin/Myrddin did exist as a very potent man and prophet, who later ascended, and you can call on him to aid you in just about any endeavor. It is my suggestion that you meditate on him yourself and see what you come up with. Powerful stuff here. ******************************************************* AENGUS MAC OG His name means "son of the young" and son of the Dagda and Boann,he is mainly a God of Love. He is know to be a clever harpist and the Patron of Poets and Musicians. Call on him to aid you in music magic,love magic,protection for lovers,dream magic,creativity and inspiration. ******************************************************* BRAN His name means "crow", and he is the son of Llyr as well as the brother of Branwyn. He is famous for taking an army to avenge the poor treatment of his sister by her husband King Matholwch of Ireland. When he was later mortally wounded in the battle of trees, his men took his head to their stronghold for seven years, where it offered warnings and divinations, later it taken to London and buried in order to keep watch over the city. It is still illegal to kill a raven in London, in his honor. Call on Bran to aid in protection of ones home and family,as well as self,divination,gaining knowledge. ******************************************************* CERNUNNOS The name Cernunnos is actually a Greek name, his real Celtic name is lost to us. He is the Great Horned God and is usually portrayed wearing the antlers of a stag, or the horns of a ram, and was likely the most widely worshipped God in Europe, sometimes he is shown with a bag of coins, which he is pouring out over the earth. At Bealtaine he is the fertile goat, and the master of the hunt in late summer,early fall and represents primal male fertility at its most powerful. Cernunnos is also God of the woodlands,animals,revelry,sacrifice,magic(especially fertility,natural magic) and is equated with Herne and Pan. ******************************************************* CUCHULAIN His name means"hound of cullan",the God Lugh is said to be his father and he studied under the Warrior/Goddess Scathach on the Isle of Shadow and later went on to lead the Red Branch Warriors,an order of warriors from Ulster. Call on Cuchulain to teach you how to tap into your own masculine energy, find stamina,strength,perseverance and to ward off negative energy directed towards you from others. ******************************************************* DAGDA His name means "The Good God" and he is a potent Father God,usually portrayed with a staff or club.He owned a Harp,that when played,made the seasons come and go and he is associated with the wheel of the year,especially the sabbats. He has a cauldron of abundance named the Undry which fed all according to his/her merits and no one left hungry,it is said to have also supplied spiritual nourishment, also the "Stone of Destiny and the Sword of Nuada. These represent the four elements. He is revered as a God of wisdom,knowledge and great creative power. If called on, he can help you with just about any magical or spiritual need, such as wisdom, warrior skills, fertility, protection, animal magic,fairy magic,elemental magic,increased mental prowess,sex magic. His symbol is the Sun wheel and the Elder tree. ******************************************************* DIANCECHT He is the master physician of the Tuatha De Dannan, and he along with his children, Airmid and Miach concocted healing potions,spells and charms. He can be called on to help with any type of healing, in human or animal and banishing of negativity and jealousy,envy(as he is known to have been jealous of his own children when they surpassed him. ******************************************************* LUGH His name means "the shining one"and is the master of all skills. He is a God of the Sun,light and the grain harvest and Lughnasadh is his festival. Lugh is as well a God of fire,metallurgy,crafting, weaving and protection, much like the Goddess Brid. Call on Lugh to aid you in magic for money,strength or energy,new beginnings like the start of a business, and of course protection. He will bring the power of the sun to your spells. ******************************************************* MIACH He is the gifted son of Diancecht and the brother of Airmid. When his skills in the art of healing became greater than that of his father, Diancecht grew jealous and flew into a rage, killing his son, after Miach was buried,the grass that grew over his grave was said to have the power to heal any illness, even that of the mind,heart or soul. He was also a great craftsmen,who along with his sister,he crafted the silver arm for King Nuada, when his own arm was severed. Call on Miach for help in healing matter, learning the healing secrets of herbs, learning a craft. Invoke he and his sister together for an unbeatable force. ******************************************************* OGHMA He is the God that gave the Ogham Runes to the Druids and is the patron of all writers and poets.He is also a warrior that escorts the recently dead to the otherworld. He has two other names that relate to his character,Cermait,which means"the honey mouthed"and relates to his gift of oration and charm,and the name Grianainech, which means"the sunny-faced" believed to come from his great wisdom. Call on him to aid you with writers block,creative inspiration,gaining wisdom,charm,communication skills,and of course, learning the deeper meanings of the runes. He is the opener of the throat and brow chakras, meditate on his name . ******************************************************* TARANIS His name means "thunderer",and he is God of the Wheel of Seasons and stars,weather, and in his hands he holds a lightning bolt and a solar wheel. He has been equated with the God Jupiter. His association with Fire is clear from Caesar's words., the fire of the skies, the Sun, and the fire of the air, lightening and its voice thunder, giving the God his name, Taranis. Literally, he is a God of all the elements and can be called on to bless any elemental magic/ritual, and of course any seasonal festivals. ******************************************************* OSIRIS Also known as Asar, he is the God of the underworld in the ancient land of Egypt. He is the son of Nut and Geb,and the husband of the Goddess Isis. Osiris symbolized the creative forces of nature and the imperishability of life. Called the great benefactor of humanity, he brought to the people knowledge of agriculture and civilization. ******************************************************* GEB Geb represents the earth, he is seen reclining beneath the sky goddess Nut. He was called 'the Great Cackler', and was represented as a goose. It was in this form that he was said to have laid the egg from which the sun was hatched. He was the provider of crops and a healer. He was believed to have been the third divine king of earth. The royal throne of Egypt was known as the 'throne of Geb' in honor of his great reign.As a vegetation-god he is shown with brown skin with green leaves on his body. As the earth, he is often seen lying beneath Nut, leaning on one elbow, with a knee bent toward the sky, this represents the mountains and valleys of the earth. He is literally Egypts' Green Man and he fathered Osiris,Isis,Seth and Nephthys. ******************************************************* PTAH He is the God of creation and creative arts and the patron of all craftsmen and artisans, including Architects and builders. He is a potent creator God. ******************************************************* TEHUTI/THOTH Egyptian moon god. He is a god of wisdom, and associated with magic and alchemy, music, medicine, astronomy, geometry, surveying, drawing and writing,all the great sciences. Thoth was depicted in human form with the head of an Ibis. He is known also as a the Great Arbiter and clerk in the underworld, making record of the judgements on the souls of the recently departed. ******************************************************* Seth/Set Here is a very misunderstood and much maligned Diety. A long time ago in Egypt, he was worshipped as very benevolent God, later he was made into the classic bad guy we commonly hear about today, Usually concidered a God of chaos. But you must remember, there is no growth without at least a little chaos. In the Book of the Dead Seth was referred to as the "lord of the northern sky" and held responsible for storms and cloudy weather. Seth protected Re during his night voyage through the underworld against Apophis. Even with his original good qualities, approach Set carefully because the energy around his name has changed due to the fact that so many believe him to be evil, even equated with Satan(and most web sites dedicated to him seem to be Satanic in nature), much like the swastika has been blackened by Hitler's use of it. If you read carefully the historic texts on any Diety, you will find that rarely are they totally good, they are usually fairly neutral in nature,possessing both good and bad qualities, the same is true for Set.