Aaron Carter
Many of you know this lil' kid (12) as Nick Carter's little teddy bear cute brother.
And he is, but besides that,
this cutie is talented, hyper and fun, full of energy.
This is one kid with a bright future. Watch out for
his new album! Jane Carter(A.C.'s mom) wrote a book about him due to release
in June,'00. You may PRE-order it at Amazon.com.
Little Prince of Pop
I dunno what it's about and probaly won't. But if you like
Aaron A LOT. It's a must have, i think.
Do notice that she will be bias(I mean, she is the mother).
But like Nick's
book(yes, I admit it, I have
'the heart and soul of nick carter' -_-). It probaly will
provide some in depth information.