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Chapter 4(3 Ninjas to Alaska)

chapter 5
fanfic page

"Oh . . . man . . . " TumTum clutched his knuckles as 
his eyes grew big.
"I thought polar bears were suppose to be in the cold 
 or something" Colt whispered.
"I guess not." Rocky fearfully reached toward TumTum,
 "gimme your hand Tum . . . "
TumTum grabbed Rocky's hand. The white bear growled.
"AHHHHH!"Tum screamed.
The bear growled louder.
"Tum! Hush!" Colt hissed.
TumTum retreats his way back to his brothers as the 
bear stood up to its full height. About 8ft tall.
"Oh shit." Colt picks up a pebble from the ground then 
threw it out to distract the bear.  The polar bear's 
reaction was yet another growl.
Suddenly, a voice came out of no where.
"Snow?" A feminine voice called out. She was petite, 
with strawberry blond hair and honey brown eyes. She 
staggered toward the bear, without a hint of fright, 
but of geniue happiness as she pets the bear. "If you
 run off like that AGAIN." She said in a scolding yet 
playful voice. The giant bear looked myraid comparing 
to the girl. Yet it settled like a trained dog as she 
strokes his fur. 
Colt rose an eyebrow as he watches the girl. Rocky and 
TumTum strained to keep their jaw away from the ground.
 The girl brought her eyes to 3 pairs of fascinated eyes. 
"Uh...hi." She said, sounding a bit tense. 
"Hi." Rocky was the first to reply. With a height of 
5'9, he towered over the girl by 4 or 5 inches.  
"Sorry about snow." She said, gesturing at the bear, 
which was licking its fur.
"Do you, are you? Is this polar bear yours? TumTum 
finally grasped the right words.
"Oh  no." The girl shooked her head, then quietly added
, "I found her when she was a baby. Her mom got killed." 
"Oh..." Tum said, then thought, ‘how sad.'
"What's your name? Do you live here?" Colt asked, but 
instead of meeting the girl's eyes. He was intrigued by
 the bear as he stares. 
"I'm Michelle, Michelle Calebs, you can call me Mic
(mee-k) if you want. And yeah, I live right around the
 cornor." She looked at the boys, "What about you??" 
"I'm Rocky."
"I'm TumTum and that's Colt." Tum pointed to Colt who 
was petting the bear with a curved smile. 
"He likes you." Michelle kneeled beside Colt. "You like 
Colt shurgged the got up. "They're neat...: 
"Hey do you know where an old brown cabin is?" 
TumTum popped the question.
"Uh, there's a lotta ol' brown cabins." She paused,
 "you're lost aren't you?"
Rocky started nodding, "yeah..." 
Colt, with his stubborn atitude glared at Rocky. "No 
we're not."
"Where you trying to get to? Any roads? Highways? 
Lakes?" Michelle, trying to locate a key place. 
The Three exchanged glances then laughed, "um...brown
 ol' cabin."
Michelle pushed her bangs away from her eyes, "something
 tells me you guys aren't from Alaska." 
"Nah, we came from California." Rocky said.
"Warm, sunny, fun California." TumTum added.
"Yeah? I came from Cali too, but Alaska's a lot more 
interesting if you ask me." Michelle said, "I grew up 
"Which part of California?" Colt asked.
"UCLA?!?" Rocky was shocked, the girl looked no older 
than 16...
"How old are you?" Tum asked.
"18." She grinned, "but yeah, I pass for a 15 year old
 huh?" She winked. "What are you guys doing in Alaska 
"Um, our grandpa kinda dragged us." Colt said.
"Tell you what, why don't you guys come over to my 
house and give your granpa a call? And get something
 to eat? You all look tired." Michelle offered.
"Will you!? That'd be great." TumTum exclaimed. 
"The food part anyway." Colt nudged Rocky. 
Rocky grinned.
"Shut up Spaz." Tum gave Colt a evil glare.
"Bigger Spaz."
"Biggerest times infinity."
Rocky shook his head then mouthed to Michelle, 
‘they don't grow up.'
Michelle laughs. 
The 3 boys and Michelle were walking. A pair of eyes 
were following the ‘teenagers'.
"Your really Ninjas?" Michelle was amazed.
TumTum nodded, "yeah and Alaska was suppose to be a 
test for us."
"It sure worked..." Rocky said.
Colt interrupted as he pointed to a glob of white fur, "what is that??"
"Oh my..." Michelle rushes to the fur which appeared 
to be a polar bears. She carefully examined it. 
"It's dead..." She said in a faint voice. "Another one."
 This time with a sign of despair.
"What do you mean another one?" Colt asked.
Michelle sighs, "it was on the ‘Alaskan Journal'. 
They say polar bear hunting have increased by 30% 
within this year. And the ironic thing is, most of 
them aren't killed by bullets."
"Huh?" Rocky touched the dead bear's smooth fur, 
" do they kill it?"
Michelle shruggs, "no one knows, except for the killer 
I guess." She took a closer look at the bear. "Hey, 
this one isn't shot either." 
Colt squinted his eyes, "wait a sec...the killer, I 
mean, the bear, he wants it...and..."
"He's still out here!" Rocky finished the sentence.
The four shot up then examined their surroundings.
"HEY!" Colt yelled, he saw a glimpse of movement behind
 some pine trees, he ran toward the mist but the
 glimpse was...gone...
"He's gone." Colt said.
"Come on, help me with this." Michelle dragged the bear up.
"What are you doing with it?" Tum asked.
"I wanna find out what they did, without a gun ya know.
 At least my sister can...but I mean, it's not that 
easy to kill a bear with a gun. So how do they do it 
without it?" Michelle with a puzzled by the cryptic 
"You have a sister?" Tum asked.
Michelle nodded, "younger sis, she can be annoying, 
no, she is annoying but she's also a genius...pisses
 me off really."
Scene show Michelle ringing the doorbell again and again.
"Urg I swear." She murmured, then started banging on 
the window.
"Rainy!!!" She yells, "open the door!"
Colt exchanged glances with Rocky and Tum. About 2 
minutes later, the door cracked open. A girl with long
 dark brown hair and sapphire eyes stood in the doorway
 with headphones on her head. ‘This is the genius?' 
Colt thought as he glanced at the girl, he was expecting
a little girl with thick glasses and a geometry book.
'Rainy' didn't look a bit...genius to him with her cut
 off jeans and bandanaed hair.
"Rainy! Where were you?" Michelle yelled.
"Well, good afternoon to you too, dear sister. But see, 
I had my walkman on and if you had any brain cells, 
you would've noticed that the door's not locked." The 
girl said in a sarcastic tone. "Who are you all?" She 
glanced at the 3 boys then at the polar bear, "and 
urg...what the heck is a dead polar bear doing on the porch?"
Michelle shook her head, "This is Rocky, TumTum and 
Colt. And guys, this is my sister Rain."
"Half sister." Rainy corrected, "so which one of you's
 the girls's next victim?"
Michelle turned red the Colt wondered, ‘huh?'
Rain chuckled.
"Ignore her, come on in the phone's in the kitchen." 
Michelle said.
The guys stepped in.
"Are you bringing THAT in here?" Rainy winced.
"Yes, and believe it or not, you get to examine it and 
tell me how the heck it got killed."
Rainy gave Michelle a ‘your nuts' look. 
"Whatever, oh, dad said for you to cook dinner today. 
Just so you know." 
"What am I? The slave?" Michelle dragged the bear. 
"If you want me to examine the thing, bring it down to my lab." 
Rainy said. "Wait, maybe you should spray some air freshner
 on the thing, it smells nasty."
"Rainy, a bear's dead and all you can say is it smell's 
bad?" Michelle said in disgust.
"Alright fine, what would please you? Oh I know, 
Michelle your majasty, please bring the cute little
 bear that got killed down to the basement." Rainy said.
"That's not funny, the bear's just a poor victim of 
human nature." Michelle said sharply.
"Ok, fine, whatever. One question. What are you guys 
doing here?" Rainy questioned, staring at Rocky, then
 locked eyes with Colt, the TumTum.
"We're kinda lost..."
Rainy touched her forehead dramaticaly, then turned to 
Michelle, "victims of mother nature." 
TumTum chuckled. 
Rain noticed all the people staring at her as if she 
was insane.
"Alright, fine, I'll leave..." then she turned around,
 "it's  rude to stare by the way."
Colt chuckled, what an...odd girl...
Rocky reached for the phone as he dialed granpa's cell
"Hello? Yes, it is. Yeah we're fine granpa. Yeah we 
spent the night. That was fine too, ‘cept for the 
mosquitos. No we didn't get eaten alive...well yes we 
did WE'RE FINE!!!" Rocky yelled at the receiver.
Colt had a mocking ‘Rocky just yelled?' look.
"Uh-huh. Hold on. Wanna talk to Colt??" Rocky handed 
the receiver to Colt. 
"Konnichiwa(hi in Japanese)." Colt said to the 
receiver. "Hey granpa."
"Colt are you O.K.?" Colt heard granpa's voice, full of 
"Totally." He lied, he had a million bruises and his 
kneecap felt misplaced. 
"Where are you guys? I'm sorry about this test, it 
didn't work out as I planned."
‘We couldn't handle it.' Sounded like what granpa 
really said to Colt. 
"No, we're fine granpa and we're gonna make it back 
to the cabin in a whole peice too." He paused, "well, 
in three whole peices."
"Tell me where you are." granpa urged. 
Colt shook his hand. "Nope." He was determined to prove
 to granpa that they are strong enough to pass the test
. "Look, we're be back at the cabin by the end of the 
day, don't worry."
"Colt, no. Let me talk to your brother."
"No way." Colt said, "we'll be fine granpa, good bye."
 With that he hung up the phone.
"Colt whatever you did, undo it." Rocky said.
"I told granpa we'll make it back to the cabin by 
"WHAT??!?!?!" TumTum yelled, dropping the oatmeal 
cookie on the ground.
"Do you even know where your cabin is?" Michelle asked.
"I can't believe you Colt!" Rocky exclaimed. "You are 
so stubborn!"
Colt shrugged with a grin, "hey, born that way, can't 
mess with dat."	
Rocky and TumTum groan.
"Well well, great...this is just great..." Rocky started,
 but couldn't finish as they heard a peircing scream 
down the basement. 
Michelle looked alerted. The four hurtled down stairs.
"Rainy??" Michelle cried. Then noticed a man, covered 
in complete black dragging the polar bear fur. Rainy 
was lying on the ground moaning or rather swearing. 
"Shit... get the bastard." The lab was destoryed, 
millions of peices of debree were scattered on the 
The 3 boys soon got into their act. Colt leaped into a
 high kicked only to found his other leg trapped in the 
man's hand and got flipped over. Rocky sliced him with
 one of his fists and stabbed him in a pressure point. 
"Ow.." The guy moaned. The guys stood up and teamed
 against the tall guy and finally he gave up and escaped.
"Who the hell was that?" Colt mumbled, rubbing his 
kneecap and sore shoulder. He was in serious pain. 
"He knows martial arts man."
Rainy glared around her lab. Said a million words not 
printable here.
"Rainy calm down." Michelle asked.
"Um...we can help you to clean it up." Tum suggested.
"Look, big guy, this is not something you can just 
clean out and be okay...this is
oh..." Rainy stared at the chemical seezing on the 
ground. "Dad's gonna kill me." 
"No he won't. I mean, once we explain there is some 
strange guy attcking you." Michelle crossed her arms.
Rainy tossed her long dark hair behind her shoulders.
 "Thanks guys, for um, attacking the guy." 
"No problem." Rocky said.
"Do you know why he attcked?" Colt asked.
"Actually, I think I do. He came to get the fur." 
Rainy pointed to the polar bear fur. "And um, I find
 out how they kill it. The polar bear that is."
"How???" Michelle asked.
Rainy got up gingerly, trying her best not to step on
 any glass then walked to the bear.
"There's this chemical inserted in him. It triggers the
 cells to die and defects heart."
"Oh...gosh...these people are desparate." Rocky said. 
"Well, those furs are a lot of money." Michelle said.
Rainy nodded, "Bullets are be detected and can also 
deface the fur. I guess the chemical just kills the 
bear slowly..."
"Is there a cure?" Tum asked.
Rainy shrugged. "Probaly" 
"Can you make one Rain?" Michelle asked.
"No, " Rain said, "my equipment's all gone and destroyed
 in case you haven't notice." She started cleaning the
 peices of glass. 
"Here I'll help." Colt said
Rain glanced up at Colt, "okay, grab a pair of rubber
 glove and goggles."
"Well, we can't just do nothing about this!" Michelle
 said as she and everyone else grabbed a pair of gloves.
"Can't we tell the police people or something?" Tum said.
"I doubt they can do anything." Colt said, "they know
 as much as we do." 
Michelle was mopping the floor with a mop,
 a chemical reaction occured as the strands of the mop 
get eaten..."Um...Rain???" Michelle hold the now bald mop.
Rainy laughed. "Great..." She picked some non-injured 
jars that contained different colored liquids in each.
"Hey you still got some left." Rocky said.
"Better than none, maybe I can find a cure, just maybe."
 Rain said.
"How do you get these cehmistryl stuff? I get like Cs 
in that class." Colt stared at the jars.
Rain set the jars on a table. "Well, we got something 
in common then, I get Cs in that class too." 
"You do?" Rocky look amazed.
Michelle chuckled, "yeah, she doesn't listen to the 
teacher at all, they ask her to do a simple solution,
 she does a complex one."
"I figure screw the system. What do they know, I'm 
never gonna learn anything at that pace"
"Don't be like her though, she exploded the school 
once." Michelle chuckled.	
"I did not!" Rainy said with a grin, "just the class. 
And nobody was hurt."
Michelle shook her head, "so tell us about you guys. 
Where did you learn those awesome moves?" 
"Our granpa, he taught us martial us since we were 
little." Colt said.
"That's too cool. I wish I know something like that." 
Rainy sweep up the glass.
"Yeah, it comes in handy sometimes."
"No kidding."
"We really should go now, IF WE WANT TO MAKE IT BACK 
BY TONIGHT." Rocky glared at Colt.	"Heh-heh..." 
Colt did a small wave.
"You do? Well, why don't you stay for dinner then 
maybe daddy can drive you home
"Michelle suggested, "he knows this area really well, 
so maybe he'll even know the lil' brown cabin."
Before the boys said anything, Rainy cut in, 
"Little brown cabin???Hey wait, I know where that is, 
I went jogging today and saw it."
"There many brown cabins you know." Michelle said.	
"But wait, there was an old man, he asked me if
 I've seen three boys."
"YEAH? Does he look Asian?" Tum asked
Rainy nodded.
"YEAH!" The three did a high five.
"Is it far from here?" Rocky asked.
"Not at all, just past the woods."Rainy said.
"Well then, why don't you stay over dinner, then Rainy
 can walk you over to your house? We gotta repay you."
"Okay!" TumTum said.
"Tum..." Rocky scolded, "we're too much trouble..."
"No way," Michelle said, "stay. I don't wanna be stuck
 with her for an entire evening." Michelle glanced at
 Rainy with a smile.
"Tell me about it." Rainy murmured.
It's evening at the Calebs's. Michelle watched in awe 
as Tum cooks with a giant pan, with steam and bursting
 oil. Tum had learned traditional Japanese cooking from 
granpa. Rocky, Colt and Rainy were playin' ‘Sorry', 
the board game. 
"4, backwards." Rainy smiled, "ha...sorry Colt." She 
knocked Colt's yellow peice down with her blue one.
"Jeez!!! What is this? Three time in a roll, are you
 out to get me or what?" Colt frowned as he place his 
yellow peice back to ‘HOME'.
Rainy giggled, "your so funny when your frustrated."
"Gee, thank a lot." Colt rested his chin on his hand.
Just then the doorlock turned. A man about 6'3 with 
messy beard and hair steps in to the house. "Michelle,
 Rain!" He called.
"That's daddy." Rainy shot up, "don't move my peices."
"Of course not..." Colt said with a mischievous grin.
"Dad!" Rain rushed to give the man a hug. Mr.Calebs 
was Rain's true father. He was Michelle's step-dad as 
Mrs.Calebs died of an heart attck 3 years ago. He 
supported the whole family of 3 and even paid Michelle's
 tuition for school, and Rainy's chemical experients. 
He works as an Alaskan guide.
"Hey there Rain." Mr.Calebs messed Rain's hair, "how 
is it going?"
"Oh you won't believe what happened!" Rain told the 
story to Mr.Calebs, who kept a constant frown. 
"Are you two okay?"
"Yes." Rainy lead him to the living room where Colt, 
Tum, Rocky and Michelle were watching T.V. "And that's 
the 3 guys that saved us."
" Really." Mr.Calebs remained his calm tone as he
 thanked the boys.
The 6 had dinner then the 5 kids(well, sorta) started
 their journey to the cabin.
"Granpa's probaly worrying his head off by now." Rocky
"The weather's nice." Colt commented
"So what are we gonna do about the polar bear thing?"
Tum Asked
"I'll find a cure, if I can, then..." Rainy started.
"Then we injected in to the bears...if possible."
 Michelle said.
"Meanwhile, wanna have a race?" Rainy asked.
"What do you mean?" colt asked.
In front of the guys(and girls) was 2 routes. 
"Once group goes left, one goes right, they lead to 
the same place 
and are about the same place, let's see which group
gets to the cabin first." Rainy challenged.
"Why?" Michelle asked.
"Why not? Let's have some fun." Rainy grinned.
"Fine," Rocky agreed, "What are the groups?"
The 5 did scissor paper rock to get the groups and 
up with Michelle and Rocky, TumTum, Colt and Rainy.
"Awww...we gotta a slow one here." Colt whined.
"shut up Colt." TumTum said, "we'll see who gets 
"You ready?" Rainy said, "watch out for rocks! GO!!!!"
The 5 started running. Rocky and Michelle decided to jog
in a constant pace.
"Wow, it must be not have a father or mother."
Rocky said softly.
Michelle sighed," I guess, but Roger(step-dad) is not
bad. He's nice. Rainy is really close to him."
"Rainy, how old is she?" 
"15, I hate to admit it but I love the kid. She's very
likable. I'm jealous of her you know. She's not afraid
of anything and so outgoing. Unlike me..."
"Hey, I bet she looks up to you." Rocky said. 
"yeah right." Michelle chuckled. "I mean why?"
"why? well, your...nice, and care about stuff
normal people don't care, and cool, and pretty,
and fun, and you should give yourself some credit."
Michelle grinned, "thanks Rocky, your pretty cool yourself."
"Who's idea was this again?!?!" Colt yelled as he ran.
"I dunno, somebody brillant." Rainy yelled back. 
"Are we almost there???" TumTum yelled.
"Probaly not!"
"Ah!!!" Colt screamed, Thud, Thuk, Thud, crash.
"Colt!!!???" Tum adn Rainy yelled worried.
Colt tripped on a hill, steep hill.
"Colt are you okay?" TumTum asked, Colt was
lying on the rocky ground, moaning. 
"Oh man, me and my stupid ideas...he's hurt." Rainy said.
"I'm okay..." Colt tried to play it tough but his elbow 
was scratched back and he was bleeding. 
"Gosh dang it." Rainy groan. 

*Um, okay, so this Chapter was messed up. No it was pathetic...*