TAKE THE FOLLOWING TEST. Look at this word. ~NINJA~ What do you see? Perhaps people covered in black? With slick swords? Ones that can do amazing flips? Ones that can be so quick you blink then miss them? (Or if you are too much influenced with the 3 ninjas. Perhaps you'd see Rocky/Colt/Tum smiling at you). THe common misconception (well, sorta) is that Ninjas are bad. Even the Dictionary thinks so... Main Entry: nin·ja Pronunciation: 'nin-j&, -(")jä Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural ninja also ninjas Etymology: Japanese, from nin- persevere + -ja person Date: 1975 : a person trained in ancient Japanese martial arts and employed especially for espionage and assassinations. But the truth is, the ancient Japanese martial art, called Ninjutsu, or Bujinkan, or Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, or Budo Taijustsu is like any other martial arts. It's fun to learn and a great experience. It is also probaly the most sufficient self defense art (serious). And the tales you hear are true. Ninjas can be very powerful. Because this art is a combination of 9 martial arts. A ninja can have more than a thousand ways of killing his/her enemy. Actually, believe it or not, FEMALE ninjas tend to be the more scarier ninja...(go us!) In 3 ninjas, they did a nice job of portraying the art. Especially in the first one. In the movie, they demonstrated some basic skills such as rolling(kaiten), and some pretty hard onces such as...uh...Rocky on the beam fighting granpa. I think they did a nice job w/ the chorography, and we gotta give a ROUND of appalause for the stunt people, dontcha thinK?? (I mean, did u see HOW LONG that list was???????) If you are interested in taking any kind of martial arts. I'd say, go 4 it! It's a lot of fun, it builds your confidence. ANd if anybody wanna mess with you, you can kick their ass! Um...excuse me...a ninja will not use the skill unless he's in severe danger...a ninja will not use the skill unless he's in severe danger...a ninja will not use the skill unless he's in severe danger...a ninja will not use the skill unless he's in severe danger...LOL. Thanks to my Ninjutsu teach Keith W. for the above info and his booklet thingy too...
Email: acluva@chickmail.com