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ice cream

" that the *last* of my ice cream?" Roger's eyebrow quirked as he spoke, a sign Jason knew all too well. Even so, Jason's mischief button had gotten pushed. He couldn't resist teasing his friend.

Jason licked his spoon, well aware of Roger's eyes on him the whole time. "Sorry, mate," he grinned. "That's the last of it! You can lick the bowl if you want." And he laughed at Roger's scowl.

"No thanks, man. Maybe next time you could save some for me."

Jason grinned. "I always do," he said, his husky tone leaving no doubts as to what he meant. Then he bounced up from his chair, picked up the bowl and spoon, and sauntered out of the dining room.

Roger watched him with narrowed eyes, a wicked smile on his lips. 'You want ice cream, Jay? Fine...I'll give you ice cream.' Still smiling, Roger got up from the table to find his car keys.

In the kitchen, Jason swirled a finger through the melted traces of chocolate in the now empty bowl. 'Whatever punishment Roger cares to give me would be worth it,' Jason thought with a smile. He licked his finger slowly, savouring the chocolate-rasperry taste.

The drummer hummed softly as he washed the bowl and spoon. He loved Roger, but he couldn't resist pushing his buttons. Jason dried the dishes and put them away. "Roger will be put out for a bit, but he'll get over it. I'll make it up to him."


Roger returned from the store a short time later. The bag he carried held a quart of his favourite premium french vanilla ice cream. He'd considered how best to work his revenge, and now he was ready. He took a spoon from the kitchen drawer.

"I see you bought more ice cream." Perry noticed with a smile. He put the teakettle on to boil. Roger grinned.

"I did. Where's Jason?"

"Taking a shower." Perry gave his bandmate a wicked smile. "Do you have something in mind for him? He's been rather smug about eating your ice cream."

Roger smiled. "Oh trust me--I have something in mind, all right."

Perry chuckled. "Have fun teaching Blondie a lesson. He's been a brat lately!"

Roger grinned at Perry, then went to wait for Jason.


Jason walked out of the shower, towel drying his blond locks. A similar towel encircled his lean hips. Jason rubbed briskly at his hair, causing it to stand up in a golden version of Robert's own wild mane. He paused a moment to run a hand through it, taming it only somewhat.

"Hello, Jay."

Startled witless, Jason dropped the towel in his hands. "Roger! I didn't expect to see you here...I mean..."

"Whyever not, Jason? Don't you want to play with me?"

"Well, umm...I hadn't planned on it just yet. I mean, I was about to go to the library, pick up this bird book I've got on hold, and--" Realising he was babbling, Jason made himself stop. He made no move to approach Roger.

Roger looked especially good--too good. He sat propped up idolently amongst the pillows on Jason's bed, wearing black shorts and a snug green t-shirt. The slight bluish tinge in the shirt brought out a bit of amber in Roger's eyes. Jason swallowed.

Still smiling, Roger patted the bed. "Come sit down next to me, Jay. I won't bite." Roger's velvet-brown eyes told a different story. They looked...hungry.

"Ummm...Roger, I'm going to get dressed, okay?" Jason edged his way towards his wardrobe. The predatory look in Roger's eyes made him very nervous, like a fawn being eyed by a hungry wolf.

"Come on, Jay. Let's have some ice cream, eh?" He reached into the bag and pulled out a container of his favourite french vanilla.

"Um, sure, just let me get dressed."

"*Now*, Jason. " The sharp steel in Roger's voice told Jason that this was no time to refuse. He sat on the edge of the bed, fidgeting. "Won't we need bowls?'

Roger smiled slyly. "Not at all."

"Oh! Makes sense." His brows knit in puzzlement. "It's not like you to eat from the carton, Roger. And there's only one spoon."

Roger smiled. "That's right, Jay. No ice cream for you." He opened the carton, then handed it and the spoon to Jason.

"But you said--" Roger's expectant look made him understand. "Oh! Right. I'm going to feed it to you." He dug the spoon into the ice cream, then fed it to Roger.

"Mmm," the brunette purred. He licked as lips as though it were ambrosia.

"More?" Jason inquired, his voice just a little shaky at the sight. Roger nodded. "It's very good, Jay."

Jason spooned up more ice cream, then fed it to his friend. Each time, Roger's tongue would slide out, licking away the traces on the spoon with deliberate slowness. The sight made Jason shiver as he thought of *other* ways Roger used his tongue, often to devastating effect.

This thought combined with watching Roger's obvious pleasure sent a tremor of arousal through Jason. Heat coiled itself in his loins, making his cock stiffen, making Jason wonder if Roger would *see* the effect he was having on him.

"You do that *so* nicely, Jason," Roger complimented. For one crazy moment, Jason wondered if Roger *had* seen his growing arousal. But from Roger's tone, he might have been commenting on Jason's cooking, he was so casual.

Jason smiled. "Thanks...I think. More?"

"Yes." Roger grabbed the younger man's hand just as Jason was about to dip the spoon in once more. "Not that way."

Jason's blue eyes spoke a question. They widened in surprise as Roger tugged the towel open. "Lie down."

"Roger, you said you wanted more ice cream--"

"Oh, I do, love. *You're* going to be my dish!" He chuckled as Jason's gorgeous blue eyes grew big as saucers. "You--you want...I mean, you're going to--"

Roger only smiled.

Jason gulped, then shivered. Already he could imagine the cold, sticky sweetness on his skin. His groin ached all the more at the thought of Roger's hot, hungry mouth devouring it...

Roger smirked as Jason's eyes darkened to deepest cobalt blue. He intended to punish Jason, yes, but it would be an exquisite suffering. "Lie down, Jason. You're in enough trouble already."

Roger was right, and Jason was wise enough to heed his order. Perhaps he would even find a way to make Roger *his* toy today. Hell, it had worked before...

"Comfy?" Roger inquired. Jason nodded, suppressing a smile. 'It won't be so bad,' he thought. 'He won't be able to resist sucking me off, and he knows it.' He closed his eyes.

Roger smiled, eyes darkening as they swept over the length of Jason's beautiful body. They lingered on Jason's half-hard cock for a moment. A small smirk twisted his face as he dipped his spoon into the softening ice cream.

Jason gasped as the frozen treat touched one hard nipple, the gasped again as Roger covered the other as well. "Jesus! That's *cold*!"

"Well, of course it is! It *is* ice cream, you know." Before Jason, could answer, Roger bent down to slowly lick it away.

Jason groaned: the juxtaposition of Roger's hot tongue and the cold ice cream was *so* delicious. The other dab of ice cream was melting now, the resulting trickle down his chest drove him mad.

Roger scopped the ice cream into his mouth then followed the sweet trail with his tongue down Jason's ribs. "Ahhh...Roger..."

His bandmate looked up, licking his lips. "Don't worry, love. It only gets worse." He spooned out more, this time placing creamy dabs on Jason's chest just below his ribs.

'We're missing the whipped cream,' Jason thought crazily. 'And the chocolate sauce. Nuts we have.' He had to bite his lips hard against the snicker that surfaced at the thought.

"Mmmm. Delicious," Roger purred. "You make the ice cream even tastier, Jay." He planted a soft, sticky kiss just below the breastbone. He looked up at Jason, a spot of creamy white clinging to his upper lip like--

Before Jason could finish the thought, Roger smeared a long trail of icy dessert down his smooth abdomen. He winked up at Jason, then piled a spoonful into his victim's navel.

"Ahhh! C-cold! That's--ohhh..." Jason's protests became a whimper as Roger lazily licked his way downward. Cold or not, the sensations were incredible. Roger had never teased him with such delicious attention to detail before. Every nerve in his cock was alive and screaming for release.

Roger's tongue swirled lasciviously through the ice cream, lapping it up a little at a time. Once it darted perilously close to the tip of Jason's cock, causing the younger man to arch sharply upward.

Roger chuckled at his friend's frustrated cry. "Don't worry, Jason. Your cock will get all the attention it deserves." He slowly stirred the softening ice cream. "This is my favourite, you know." He licked the spoon lewdly, as though he were licking Jason's inflamed organ. Jason groaned.

"Very naughty of you to eat all my ice cream, love." Roger miled wickedly. He spooned some into his mouth, his eyes on Jason's the whole time.


"No you aren't, boy. Not in the least. And I know it." He swirled the spoon through the ice cream again.

"Umm, Roger? You aren't going to put that where I--ohh, god! Ahhh!"

"Cold, Jason? I'll warm it up."

Jason whimpered as Roger's tongue licked the ice cream-slick tip of his cock. His erection had begun to falter from the cold, but Roger's hot mouth brought it back to life. He lifted his head only to spoon more into his mouth. He gave Jason an evil smile before slowly devouring him.

"God...oh god oh god," Jason sobbed. Fire and ice enveloped his loins as Roger went down on him with devilish glee. Slowly, oh so slowly, up and down, tongue lavishing silken strokes upon the head.

Roger's mouth...oh god...warm and slick, slippery with melted ice cream. Jason writhed, hips moving to meet his friend's incredible mouth.

Then it was gone.

Jason cried out in wordless frustration. He'd been so close! "Not *one* word," Roger warned him, taking more ice cream into his mouth.

Jason arched up, groaning shamelessly. Fire and ice, oh yesss, then just the creamy warmth of Roger's mouth. The keyboardist brought him to the edge this way, only to pull back at the last second, over and over.

"Bastard!" Jason snarled. "Finish it!"

Roger laughed. He took a bite of ice cream, savoured it, swallowed. His eyes promised ecstasy, his words gave the price.

"Beg me."

Jason whimpered.

Roger ate another spoonful. "Beg me for it, Jason. You do want my mouth, don't you?"

"Please, Roger. Finish it."

Roger's brows arched over mischievous brown eyes. "The ice cream?"

"Me!" Jason sobbed. "Finish me!" "Yesss," Roger purred, then took another bite of ice cream before lavishing his mouth on Jason's cock again.

"God, Roger...please...please don't stop! I'm--ohhh...ohhh, yessss!" Jason shamelessly shrieked his pleasure as he came, hands holding tight to Roger's short cropped hair, blood roaring in his ears.

Before he could recover fully, Roger moved up to kiss him deeply, thrusting his tongue against his. Jason tasted himself mixed with ice cream and shivered.

Roger smiled at him. "You make it taste even better." Jason blushed, smiling a little.


"So..." Roger murmurred. "Would *you* like some ice cream, Jay?"

"I thought you'd never ask!"

"And this time," Roger continued as Jason yanked impatiently at his shirt, "you can have all the ice cream you want!"

