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the wager

The lovers writhed together amid the sex-tangled sheets, their mingled gasps and cries echoing in the elegant room. A soft breeze carried the scent of night-blooming jasmine through the partially open window, raising goosebumps on fevered flesh.

Moonlight caressed their skin like a jealous third lover, illuminating their bodies: one creamy pale, the other lightly tanned. The brunette ran possessive hands over the blond's taut golden body; he smiled wickedly as the younger man moaned.

"*Please*", Jason pleaded, looking up at his tormentor, beseeching with sky-blue eyes.

"Please *what*?" Roger's hands explored Jason's smooth skin with gentle strokes, smiling at his captives pleas.

In desperation, the drummer pulled hard against the fur-lined cuffs binding him to the huge four-poster bed. "Damn you, Roger! You know what I want!"

Roger sat back on his haunches between Jason's legs, his brown eyes betraying no emotions as his hands slowly stroked lower. "Suppose you tell me, love," he taunted.

"F-fuck you!" Jason snarled, suddenly furious with Roger for torturing him like this, and at himself for enjoying it.

Roger gazed down at the younger man, clucking his tongue. "Now is that any way to talk to me, Jason? You're hardly in a position for sassing me, you know." He leaned down to slide his tongue in lewd, wet circles around Jason's--


"You wanted to see me, Jason?"

Arrgh. What timing. I'd waited all night to speak to *him*, and he shows up just as my mind is giving me an encore of the other night. 'Don't let him see what's on your mind,' I told myself.

I smiled sweetly up at Roger. "Yeah, I did. Have a seat, man."

Roger took the seat opposite mine. On the table before us I had a small repast laid out--bagels with cream cheese and fruit, coffee, cream. Roger gave it the barest glance before smirking up at me, his catlike features smug as usual. Even so, there was a certain glint in his eye, betraying his suspicion...and curiousity.

'I'm glad there's not a show tonight, nor tomorrow,' I thought. 'It gives me time to play my hand and win...or suffer for losing.' I tried not to shudder at both thoughts.

"Coffee?" I inquired. Roger nodded, so I poured for us both. As I did, I gave him a casual once-over with a cool I was far from feeling. I had to admit that he looked good: teal blue looked very good on him, not to mention those snug denims.

I picked up a bagel and slathered it with cream cheese, slowly, in no hurry at all. By now Roger was growing visibly impatient. I would not be rushed; I held the upper hand and I intended to keep it. I took a bite of my bagel and chewed slowly, savouring both the taste and my friend's increasing annoyance.

"Well?" he demanded, eyes dark with promise of sweet suffering to come.

"Hmm? Oh! Sorry, Roger. " 'You'd better hope you win, Jay. If not, he'll have you paying for weeks to come.' I put the bagel down on the plate. "You wouldn't want me to talk with my mouth full now, would you, Rog?" I asked, the picture of innocence. Careful, Jay...

His smile sent a knife-cold shiver through me. "Whyever not? You *scream* with your mouth full. Very nicely, might I say. " And he laughed when I blushed, remembering my shameless cries of pleasure as we'd--*no*.

'Almost got you there, man,' I told myself sternly. 'Get back on track.' "The other night...was amazing." And to be honest, it had been.

He rewarded me with a predatory smile. "Really? I would never have guessed, not even when you cried out "Harder, Roger!" or made such sweet whimpering noises when I went down on you finally." He chuckled at the cold stare I gave him. "All that aside, I must agree."

"I'm glad to hear it." I took a deep breath, forcing myself to regain my equilibrium. Bastard shook me up, and he knew it. I sipped at my coffee before continuing. "How'd you like a little wager with me, Roger?"

His brows rose. "A wager, eh?" He spread a bagel with cream cheese as he pondered this idea. All the same, I could tell he was intrigued. "What sort of wager?"

"Well..." I paused and sipped at my coffee again. The hotel tea shop made an excellent brew. "If I win, there will be no more of this mastery bullshit, Roger. For good. We all go back to being equals again. We play as equals."

Roger's velvet-brown eyes narrowed dangerously. "And if *I* win?"

"Then things continue as they are."

"*Wrong* answer, Jay. I don't accept your terms."

I wasn't overly dismayed--I'd expected him to refuse. A skilled wagerer never made the stakes as high as he was willing to go on the first try. "Then what do you want?" I demanded. I was glad Robert wasn't here to see this. He would probably have tried to stop me. Not because he wanted this to continue, but because he would have insisted on taking this risk himself.

"If *I* win," Roger purred. He leaned forward, eyes dark with secret evil. "If *I* win, you are *mine*, to do with what I want, when I want, forever."

I swallowed hard. This went beyond even what I'd guessed he would demand.

Maybe it was overconfidence. Maybe I knew in my heart that I could win this. Or maybe I just knew that there was no turning back.

"I accept."

Roger grinned evilly. The smile I gave in return was no less unholy.

He leaned back in his chair, smirking. " that we have the stakes...what are the terms, hmmm?"

I gave him my sweetest smile. "You always seem to enjoy prolonging things, Roger. Let's put your talents to the test. First one to come...loses."

"Interesting. What are the conditions?" That smile never left his face; I did my best to not be put out by his cool.

I leaned back in my chair, pondering. "It has to be through mutual..." I blushed to the roots of my hair. "You know."

"Stimulation?" Roger purred. His tongue darted out to lick away a bit of cream cheese clinging to his lip. I tried not to enjoy the sight.

"Yeah, that," I mumbled. "It can't just going down on me or something." I stared into my coffee cup with great interest. "Otherwise, anything goes."

He chuckled. "So coming through foreplay is right out, then."

"Yeah, something like that. Can't have you trying to win the easy way."

He snorted. "You do realise, of course, that anything mutual puts you at risk as well."

I grinned evilly. "I'll take that chance, Roger."

"Indeed? We'll see about that, Jay." His smile twitched the tiniest amount, then I saw his tongue lick at the corner of his mouth again. "You've a spot of cream cheese on your mouth, Jason."

Lightning quick he leaned across the table to grasp me by my collar. Before I knew what was happening he'd hauled me up and over the table. Plates, cups, and the coffee pot crashed to the floor in a heap.

'Have to clean that up later,' I thought foggily. Then Roger's mouth was on mine, and I couldn't think at all.

Finally I tore my mouth from his. "W-what are you doing?" I panted up at him. He had me pinned to the table, his long, lean body pressing me down, holding me fast.

Roger smirked. "Let the wager begin."

"The door--" My eyes darted to it.

"Locked." He kissed me again, tongue licking and darting, seeking entry, his hands in my hair.

I struggled madly beneath him even as desire melted my will. I couldn't let this happen, not now! I needed time to plot strategy, to--

The feel of Roger's hands roaming my chest pushed the thoughts away again. I groaned softly, parting my lips for his tongue.

He chuckled against my mouth, hands caressing. I was falling, falling, my resolve faltering. I reached up to push him away, instead my arms wrapped around him, holding him close. I writhed beneath him, hungry to feel his hands under my silk shirt.

"Eager, aren't we?" he taunted. His fingers grasped my shirt, then softly dragged it back and forth across my sensitive nipples. I gasped--I couldn't help it. He laughed again, then dipped his head to lick at the nub through the silk.

"Ahh...*god*, Roger..." Visions of what he'd done to me the other night with silk scarves came back to haunt me, make me shudder.

"You remember," he purred. He bit down on my nipple, teeth grinding softly, his fingers teasing the other nipple in maddening counter-rythm.

Pull yourself out of it, Jay! With incredible effort I seized Roger's broad shoulders and gave him a good hard shove.

Surprised, the older man toppled to the floor with a thud. He sat there in a stunned heap, an expression of almost comical surprise on his face. I wasted no time in pressing the advantage.

I straddled his hips before he could stand again, then pushed him back onto the soft rug. My hands pinned his to the floor as I kissed him savagely, licking and biting hard at his lips and tongue. He rewarded my efforts with a soft cry, the thrust up hard and sudden against my groin. I groaned as our cocks rubbed together, it took all my effort not to grind back against him.

Roger tore his mouth from mine, panting harshly. "You can't fight me forever, Jay," he whispered, his breath hot and fast in my ear. His tongue danced along the outer edge of my ear before he bit sharply at the lobe.

I choked back a gasp. "May--may the best man win," I growled down at him.

That slow, sinister smile. "Indeed."

In the next moment, his legs wrapped hard and tight around me. Roger twisted, throwing us over so that he was atop me. "Good thing I brought this," He told me, reaching into his pocket. It was a silk scarf--he held it before me like he'd just won a prize.

Jay, *move*! I ordered myself, but I was too slow. Roger easily caught my hands and wound the scarf around them. I struggled fiercely but it was too late: he now had me tied firmly to one of the bed's heavy legs.

I glared viciously up at him. He smiled sweetly, saying, "Anything goes, remember?" He stroked my cheek gently, as if to soothe my savage temper. "Next time, consider your wagers more carefully."

"Bastard! God, I hate you, Roger!"

He smiled again. "No, you don't. And you know it."

He was right, damn him. Roger chuckled at my fuming, then, still astride my hips, sat back to look at me with hungry, dark eyes.

"Well, get on with it, man!"

"I don't think so. I intend to savour this."

He lightly teased my lips with a finger, laughing when I snapped my teeth at him. "Behave, pretty." Slowly the finger trailed across my jaw, down my throat. I wished yet feared he would follow the path with lips and tongue.

Instead, he kept his eyes on mine, watching my reactions, a 'cat just drank the cream' expression on his face the whole time.

"Jason," he said, his voice low and husky, sending a shiver through me. His fingers stroked their way to my shirt collar, then flicked open the top button with practiced ease. One after the other, until my chest was bared to him.

I gasped as his hands stroked and caressed my skin, lightly grazing my nipples. A delicious ache stole through me...his hands were good, so good...

Ohhhh....Jay, snap *out* of it! I closed my eyes, not wanting to give the bastard the satisfaction of seeing the lust in my eyes.

"Go ahead, Jason. Close your eyes. Makes it all the more sweet, no?"

Roger's words made my eyes fly open again. "Would that I'd brought a blindfold with me," he continued, smirking. "But no matter. Before long, I won't exactly be looking into your pretty blue eyes."

The implication sent a twisting stab of angry lust through me "Bastard! Just have me and get it over with!"

Roger looked up from where he'd been nuzzling my throat, eyes all innocence. "Are you saying that you *want* to lose, then?" He laughed at my wordless cry of anger, then moved to kiss my chest, moving lower, lower still...

I bit my lip, determined not to cry out as Roger planted a kiss against my fly. His fingers worked the button as he looked smugly up at me.

"Roger...remember. You can't make me come. Or you *lose*."

"I know." His fingers slowly drew my zipper down, his eyes on mine the whole time. "I don't intend to make you come." His fingers undid my belt, then opened my fly fully, exposing my bare cock.

"I intend to make you beg."

"Oh god...Roger...yessss..." After that, I could only moan in incoherent pleasure. He chuckled, but I didn't care. All I cared about was the slick fire of his mouth on my cock.

I writhed, hands twisting in their bonds over my head, hips lifting to meet that lush, wet mouth.

Good, so good. I wanted to throw it all away, if it would mean I would be his. If it meant he would tie me down and lavish attention on my cock for hours...

Roger chuckled darkly around his mouthful of me. He was so seductive, so...


The idea jerked me back to reality. 'The wager!' I couldn't let Roger win. Though I was distracted by his efforts, eventually I formed a plan.

Suddenly, Roger looked up at me with dark, knowing eyes. "Something wrong, Jay?"

I smiled sweetly down at him. "Not at all...I just drifted into thought."

He gave the underside of my cock a slow, sensuous lick that made me bite my lip against a cry. "Really? And what might that be?"

"I--I was thinking...of how good it will feel when you fuck me, Roger."

A malicious smile spread across his handsome face. "Really? I'll take that as a hint then."

I hid my grin, barely. I'd appealed to his ego, and I wasn't about to remind him of his earlier threat. Let him think he was winning: it was all according to plan.

Without another word, Roger stripped out of his denims and underwear. As I watched, he slowly rolled a condom on, that evil smile never leaving his face. "Normally, I detest these things. But this time, it gives me an advantage over you, Jason. They do tend to deaden the sensations, you know."

'He's outwitted me--' My thought was cut dead by the feel of long, gel slicked fingers invading my body. I cried out, arching to meet him. Roger laughed, then replaced his fingers with his cock.

I groaned, unable to stop myself. "So good, eh, Jason?" he taunted, pulling back for another stroke. I tried to answer, but the words became a cry as he slammed back in.

Roger leaned forward to murmur against my ear. "You thought you had it all planned out, didn't you? Get me to fuck you, make me come." He chuckled cruelly. "Clever, very clever, Jay. But remember, *I'm* wearing the condom!"

He thrust in and out, slowly, leisurely, for several minutes, each thrust driving me higher. "You lose, dear."

Even in the throes of lust, an idea came to me. " you remember the other night? It was soooo good."

"Y-yes...I remember."

I smiled inwardly. Having to speak to him took a lot of concentration, and it took the edge off my growing lust. Roger *loved* hearing dirty talk. And I was going to give it to him.

"Good," I went on. "I especially loved it when you tied me to the bed with those fur-lined cuffs, then stroked my cock with the silk scarf...maybe later, you could do it again..."

"Yes...maybe...if you're good."

He still felt maddeningly good inside me, but my plan was working. "Remember that time you watched Teddy and I play together? We really enjoyed it, especially when I teased him...made him beg me to suck him..."

Roger groaned, shuddering a little. He moved faster now, panting harshly against my ear. "Yeah...ohh..."

"Mmmm," I purred, squiriming beneath him in a way I knew he loved. "You're so hard inside me, feels sooo good...I love it when you fuck me hard and fast, when you make me scream for you..."

I said more to him, each thing more lascivious and graphic than the one before it. Roger groaned, thrusting harder, faster, mad with lust. He seemed desperate to come, yet so desperate not to.

Before long, I ran out of things to say to him, my own lust taking over as he rammed himself deep inside me, over and over. All that mattered was our mutual hunger, our mutual need to drive the other to ecstasy first all but forgotten.

I'll never know how it happened, but an idea occured to me just then. A dreadfully reckless idea of my desperate subconcious. There was every chance that it would send me over first, but I had to try.

Groaning, I lifted my legs and wrapped them around Roger's hips. At the same time, I tightened my inner muscles around Roger's pounding cock.

"No, Roger. *You* lose."

"Ohhh...oh god...Jay! Nooo!" Roger wailed his ecstasy as he came, shuddering and pounding against me, nails digging into my shoulders. I followed seconds later, my own cry more like triumphant laughter.

When we'd recovered, Roger pulled out of me then untied my hands. We cleaned up in silence--Roger sullen and quite put out, myself smug and cheerful.

"Buck up, roger," I teased. "It's not the end of the world." I picked up the mess we'd made earlier, delighted to see that there was still coffee left after all.

"Hah. Yeah. You know, Jay..." The malicious tone made me turn to look at him. "It's your word against mine. There's no proof that you won, or that this even happened."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that." I walked over and fetched my digital video camera from a potted rhododendron sitting on the dresser. "These do a very fine job, you know."

Roger's face went a whiter shade of pale Before he could answer, a key turned in the lock. The door swung open, admitting our bandmates, led by Robert.

"You won! Good work, man!" Robert congratulated me. Simon grinned, slapping me on the back. Perry gave me a slow, deep kiss that would've turned my knees to water if I hadn't just finished with Roger.

"As for you..." Robert purred to Roger, "it's time we had *our* revenge for the past six months."

"With interest," Simon added, giving Roger a little push towrds the still--pristine bed.

" bastard!" Roger hissed, glaring up at me as Robert and the others joined him on the big bed. "You said we would be equals again!"

I sat down in the pretty white wicker chair next to the bed. Hotel furniture could be quite lovely at times. I took a sip of my coffee, oblivious to Roger's protests and curses as my bandmates tore at his clothes.

Buttering a bagel, I said, "Oh yes, we will be. You and *I* will be. As for the others, I suspect all will be well after they've exacted their revenge." I smiled with sugared malice. "Next time, I suggest that you choose your terms more carefully, love. Cheers!"

Roger's cries of protest gradually faded to something more pleasant as my bandmates worked their wicked wills upon him. After a while, I joined them.

