~*~ Tragically Beautiful ~*~

I've heard them ask about your solitude
And bitch about your lack of gratitude
Who cares if they think you're out of tune
I know better....
I've held my breath just to hear your voice
A bitter angel's only chosen noise
My broken heart for your broken toys
What's better?....
You never let one second pass you by
But those seconds became minutes & miles
And memories & wonder whys; Remember?
I've held my breath just to hear your dreams
Full of crowns & casualties
All the doubts & wait & see's
I know better....
If there's such a thing as the tragically beautiful
Such a thing as passion & wishful thinking
And when I see the tragically beautiful
I close my eyes & drown like crystal sinking
I'd leave everything behind
If your tragedy was mine.....

~*~ The Magi ~*~

He dripped silent like a candle
But torched me like a fire on the coldest day
I stare, the cat has got my tongue
a 5 foot 6 heroine with nothing to say…
I’ve been lost in your reflection
Aimless of direction from your bottle of rain
Maybe your life is like a window
but you avoid transparency like the plague…
And he’s watching me, but he’s watching himself
Never keeps from being heard
I’m right here for as long as it takes
but you never say a word (so listen)
You’re a dream of consciousness
Reality & gorgeousness
You could be my magi star
Complicated, ballroom, bar
So give me more than just a glance
And save yourself for one last dance
I’ve been meaning to tell you all
But my heart is not ready for the fall…
Maybe the boy has such an ego
And thinks that I’m not good enough to march his parade
It’s easy trying to forget
Trying to tell myself it’s just a charade…
But I’m still lost in your reflection
Dodging all deception while saving face
Are you alone for the fashion
Cuz someone like you is a sad thing to waste
And I’m watching him but I’m watching myself
An acid bath of conflicts
I feel a chain reaction; it’s a chain on my neck
My passion; my conviction (so listen)
You’re a dream I happened upon
Royalty and vagabond
You could be my magi crown
My celebrated barroom clown
I live inside my aching head
And sink inside this empty bed
Someday I hope to tell you all
But now my heart’s not ready for the fall…… -C. 2/27/96

~*~ Season ~*~

Tear drops fall down the mirror to the floor
Where I see myself much clearer
The dark is a friend & holds the key to the door
To the room where I’ve locked all my fears…
Sometimes I can’t see tomorrow
Sometimes I forget yesterday
Sometimes memories are better faded
Sometimes I wish they’d only stay…
Cloudless skies rarely graze my window
My curtains keep the rainbows black
Starry eyes rarely gaze into mine
The hardest lesson’s never looking back…
Sometimes I can’t see the future
Sometimes I forget the past
Sometimes memories are better jaded
Sometimes I wish they’d only last…
If it rains forever
where will I be?
Seems like it’s raining forever
Did the fairytale end unhappily……. –C. 3/96

~*~ Halter ~*~

Dear someone, can you torch my house so I can’t live there anymore
So I can never look back
So I can learn from all the words I wished I’d never heard
and live with all the pain I wished I’d never learned
Dear someone, dear anyone…
I’m still a child sometimes
Playing with matches & paper dolls
You crowned me with your sickness, silence & shallow heart…
Dear someone, can you tell me that the black sheep isn’t always so bad
So I can breath again
So I can keep all the scars I hold as trophies
And destroy a world that helped betray me
Dear someone, dear anyone…
I’m still a child sometimes
Wishing on fainting stars
You killed me with your perfume, punches & prison bars…..
my memory is my halter….. –C. 11/15/96

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