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Top 60 Chad Attributes for Hungry

1. "You are your own man, and you control everything you do."
2. His cute lucky boy hat
3. The way he put such passion into his dialogue!
4. Fit very well into Rob Roberts and was quite convincing
5. The certain charisma he had when playing Rob (made you feel that the evil things he was doing,werent evil at all)
6. His character knew that he was committing a crime by killing people for brains for food, but tried his best to change himself (the "bad" guys in stories usually take pride in doing bad things) Very unusual!
7. The "fresh" feeling you get after watching him.
8. His great acting skills!
9. The way he can make you cry over the death of a monster.
10. Sexy little corners of his mouth that turn up when he smiles.
11. The sexy little "squeak" in his voice throughout the episode
12. "Welcome to Lucky Boy, may I take your order?"
13. "...for "Free Fer" Fridays." sounds soo cute
14. The way his face looks soo different in certain types of light but still remains a cutie!
15. How he gets a hopeful/happy face when he finds out that other civilizations eat brains too.
16. Those tight black and white shirts.. whooo baby!
17. The scar on the right corner of his eye is very prominent and adds to each scene. Showing that he is a realistic guy.
18. His facial expression when he is scrubbing the bloody shirt in his apartment.
19. "Manly yet oh-so-gentle" hands
20. When he rubs his hands on his butt like four times before getting the door when Mulder comes to his house for the 1st time. (Oh to be those hands!)
21. His sweet, random smiles at odd times.
22. How his eyes scan people up and down.
23. Surprised looks on his face like when he finds out the victims' brains were missing from their skulls.
24. How he says "yes" or "no" by a simple "hmm" or "Hmm-mm."
25. "I bit my lip."
26. Eye rolling motions at dumb things that he gets annoyed with. also proves he is not just a sexy movie star.
27. Watch closely and you will see him trip down the stairs when he goes to throw away the bloody shirt.. :) aww.. just makes u wanna ask him. "Are you okay?" like in D.B.
28. FINGER SUCKING!!! ENOUGH SAID! and his giddy look while doing it
29. Very passionate person
30. Cannot scream for his life! :) Not that much of a yelly-screamy guy I guess. Cuz he sounds odd when he does it.
31. When he speaks with the self-help tape
32. When waking up... ooh the sweet innocent face with his hand on his forehead.. angel Chad
33. How he always slouches when he is sitting. posture boy! but i have a bad back as well so i shouldn't talk!
34. When he rubs his head against the door when Derwood leaves after confronting him. Looks like a little puppy. :)
35. Sweet smiles during his 1st visit with Rinehart
36. When his tongue starting rolling around and sticking out.. whoo!.. looking at Rinehart's forehead during their 1st session.
37. Speaking of.. he has a thing where his tongue is forever moving around in his mouth! :)
38. When he's about to tell the psych. about his problems. the struggling faces he makes.
39. Every single time he tries to fight off one of his cravings.. the faces he makes as well. it's all about that boy's expressions!
40. Even stays sexy when "biologically impaired" monster..
41. "low self-esteem" reactions to psych.
42. AND OF COURSE.. "nice smile" and "Soulful brown eyes."
43. "I really am trying to do right."
44. The entire Derwood left town speech with Mulder and Scully and his face.. just watch that scene and I guarantee you will laugh at his voice and his faces. :)
45. "::laughs:: I'm sorry but this is like good cop..insane cop."
46. When he gets into his whole "juicy cloud" speech.. so ecstasious.
47. Cute giggling when talking with Sylvia after meeting
48. Cute bedhead throughout the whole episode
49. How he goes from gentle to violent/passionate in seconds when he trashes his house. (flash of his tummy is nice too:) )
50. "Oh my god. Call the police!" his little U.V. sounding voice creeped into there.
51. His nods and head movements
52. Big section: whole ending scene! Big speech parts: "to a friend's house" (sounds like he has no friends :( ) " that was yesterday" "I quit" "What did you just say?" (sounds like a psycho killer) "Now do you believe in monsters?"
53. Whole biologically impaired speech with stuttering and all :)
54. "That is biology. You can't fight biology. You can't." had to have own #. that was the cutest he looked in the whole episode.. his little face all pouty.. mmm..
55. "You poor man." and his shocked reaction when rinehart says this and then touches his face.
56. Before he gets monstery, his tongue is once again rolling around :) mmm..
57. Dies well. :)
58. Watch very carefully, and after he gets shot, his hands and arms do a little wave shaking motion thing that looks like a messed-up dance. it is sooo hysterical!
59. "I can't be something I'm not."
60. a little thing.. notice his facial tics and eye tics he has on occasion that makes it look like he is out of it! :) but still sexy.
60 1/2. almost forgot!! Chad in general.. the most talented, sweet, enthusiastic, passionate, sexy, awesome actor of all times! :) whew knew I could do it!

THANK YOU'S TO: Laura, Nicolette, Jessica, "Thisbesmunlite", Kelli

This site is an unofficial web site for Chad Donella created and maintained by Lyndsay. It is in no way affiliated with Chad Donella himself, his agent, nor management. This site is strictly a fan-run site. Original material on this site is copyright © 1999-2001 Lyndsay. All rights reserved.