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[Students arrive at the airport. Two female students walk by. As Alex, Tod, and George watch]
Tod: Hey Christa. Hi Blake.
[The girls pay no attention to what Tod is saying to them]
Alex: You the man! You the man!
[The three guys start laughing]
Mr Waggner: You guys got everything?
Tod - Yeah, yeah dad we're all set.
[Larry, one of the French teachers walks to met the students and says something French]
Mr. Waggner: Does that mean ... go?
Tod: Don't know.
Mr. Waggner: Look this is for both of you. [he places some money into George's pocket]
George: Thanks dad.
Tod (to George): Both of us. Both of us.
Mr. Waggner: Alex take care of them.
Alex: I will.
[The three of walk into the airport.]
Tod (looking at his passport): You know I didn't think anything could look worse than my yearbook photo.
George: How do you think I feel having to look at you all the time.

Scene 2 - Waiting to Board the plane -

[Alex looks out the airport window. Tod comes up from behind him]
Tod: Alex, let's got take a shit.
Alex: Why don't you go take a shit by yourself...
Tod: No, no, no dude. Listen. Ok? Listen, take some knowledge. We're about to board a seven hour flight. The toilets in coach are ... barely ventilated closets. Alright, if that. Now lets say halfway through the flight right? Your body wants that airplane food out. You go to toque a wicked cable, and then right after you, like directly after you in walks [makes a clicking sound] Christa or Blake. Do you want them to associate you with that watery sting in their eye, that reflective gag at the back of their throat?
[The scene cuts to a shot of the two of them sitting on the toilets.]

Scene Three

[On the way onto the plane, Alex stops to look at his boarding pass.]
Tod: Go. Go.
Tod: Go! [pushes Alex, Alex pushes him back into George. Tod replies jokingly] Oww, that hurt.
[They walk onto the plane. Tod gets to his seat to see that he's seated next to Blake, one of the girls he was trying to get the attention of in the first scene.]
Blake: Hey Tod.
Tod: Hello.
Blake: Wanna switch seats with Christa?
Tod: Oh god. You know I would but I've got ... ah ... ah blatter thing. It's a urinary track infection.
[The girls go back to Alex to see if he'd switch seats]
Christa: Alex, could you trade seats with Blake, so she and I could sit next to each other? She asked Tod but he said he had some sort of medical thing.
[Cuts to Tod giving Alex threatening gestures.]
Christa: Please?
Alex: Yeah.
Christa: So sweet. Thank you.
Alex: Your welcome, your welcome, your welcome.
[Alex gets up and sits next to Tod, who mouths fag to him.]
Alex: Would you ... [? Lost what he was saying here will add it in later]
Tod: You know, because of you I've got to sit here and watch... fucking Stuart Little. Thank you. Thanks man.
[The plane takes off. The French Teacher yells let the voyage begin. tod is one of the people that says All right. The plans blows up and Alex wakes up on the plane.]
Christa: Alex? Could you trade seats with Blake so she and I can sit together? She asked Tod but he said he had some medical thing. Please?
[Alex gets up covered with sweat. Jumps over Tod to get to where he was sitting in the dream. Check to see if the tray that was broken in his dream is now broken. And it is.]
Tod: Whats up man?
Flight Attendant: Is there a problem sir?
Carter: Whats your fucking problem?
The French Teacher asks in french what's wrong. Alex repeats it and says -
Alex: This fucking planes gonna explode!
Carter: Shut up Browning.
Terry: You're so not funny.
Flight Attendant says something like Alex is scaring the passengers, and if he's joking to stop it.
Alex: It's not a joke! It's not a joke!
Tod: Alex take it easy.
[Fighting begins, and Carter, Terry, Billy, and Alex are tossed off the plane.]
George: [to Tod] Go see how he's doing.
Tod: Ok.
[Tod gets off the plane and soon after Clear follows.]