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Off of the plane

Airport Guy: No one gets back on the plane. Thats my call
Lewton: Wait! Please! I've got 40 students going to Paris please!
Airport Guy: Understand my position.
Lewton: I do. I understand your position, and I apologize for Alex. But one of us needs to be on that plane. I can't let all those students go to Paris for three days without...
Larry: Carter! No!
[Carter tries to attack Alex]
Tod: Sit the fuck down Carter!
Airport Guy: One of you can go on the plane. And thats it.
Lewton: Larry! The airplanes not taking this very well. They'll let one of us back on. The rest of us can take an 11:10 flight. It gets in three hours later...
Larry: I'll stay
Lewton: No. No, you know the whole french thing. Get on the plane, it's fine. It's fine.
Billy [to the Airport Guy]: Hi. I was in the bathroom and the lock it was stuck, and ... [the Airport Guy shuts the terminal door in his face] ... but wait I didn't fight with anyone! Damn!
[Cut to Tod picking up something at the counter. Walks back to Alex and Ms. Leuden.]
Tod: I called your parents, their on their way.
Lewdon: Alex talk to me tell me what happened.
Alex: I saw it. I saw it on the runway. I saw it take off. I saw out my window, I saw the ground, and .. and... the bacin it starts to shake and the left side blows up and then the whole plane just explodes. And it was so real, just like how everything happens. You know?
Tod: You've been on alot of planes that blew up?
Lewton: You must have fallen asleep.
Carter: Woah! We get thrown off the plane, we lose what? A half a day in Paris. All because Browning has a bad fucking dream. [inpersonating Alex] Oh but wait the plane its gonna blow up, its gonna blow up.
Tod: Hey! Hey! Fuck you Hordon! Ok? Fuck you!
Lewdon: Tod!
Alex [charges at Carter]: The rest of your day is in the fucking hospital.
Terry: Hey! Hey Alex! Stop it!
[Billy watches the plane take off through the window in the terminal]
Billy: There they go, here we stay.
Carter: You're paying for my trip Browning.
Alex: I wish you were on that plane.
[Out the window you see the plane explode. The force breaks the window. Glass flies everywhere.]