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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS:

Now revealed for helping all people:

the levels of spirits and various faiths.

Christ JESUS would rather that people properly ascend in Heavenly Wisdom to understand the even higher aspects of this Sermon: Good Blessings In One High Purpose.

These new Good Blessings In One High Purpose given today are in and from Christ JESUS, and these are hardly of former ways such as constructing devices to kill people,

rather each manufactured device must have clear "redeeming social value": it's the law.

Christ JESUS taught that whosoever broke part of the law, broke all laws, having broken the whole of the law and legal system [of God, also] of the Righteous in Heaven On Earth (Matthew 5.19);

also anybody that practiced sin practiced lawlessness also (1 John 3.4).

Sin = Lawlessness.

Each idea, word, thing, energy, created, and each unseen void region, and the Eternal: each has at least one spirit. Measured levels of spirits and various faiths: hence it's the law. How to properly oversee redeeming social value, to help guide children, spouses, and others. The proper forming of nations into one in JESUS Christ In Christianity. President Donald Trump conquering Israel: new Christian Peace Accord. How to beat terrorism. How to gain respect. Islamic Muslims working together with Christians to do what's right. HIV is the fastest mutating organism 1,000,000 times faster than bacteria Virut.ce is the fastest-mutating computer virus known kaspersky polymorphic influenza virus is the fastest virus a population can double in size every 20 or 30 minutes. Oliver Stone movie Wall Street Gekko Michael Douglas rarest pistol in the world The Godfather pistol horse in his bed, Harold Ramis Judd Apatow movie Year One Chosen People. Neil Armstrong as if the first person on the Moon prefers Christ JESUS. ICCDBB I see Christian word Blessing 2018 Robert Benchoff Internet Church For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS provided the Physics Of God, so that the more a person ascends properly, the more clear the proper Path is (for to help others likewise to properly ascend). Whether Christ JESUS is on the Royal Throne or serving washing feet, alway think of Christ JESUS as Highest. As shown in the levels above, worms are lower, so we can agree: rather start at the top, agree first with the Top (the worms can hardly teach anything).

Christ JESUS would that each person be at the top, therefore of the same Holy Spirit as One, even if not the same vessel. Water for instance can be in two cups yet: one water, and reasonably a person can have talent to drink out of either vessel. If to put the two waters into a larger vessel and it is more clearly one water. Though the water is not more valuable than the Holy Person(s) (pending Final End Time condition).

Some riots end when squirted with fire hoses. Fire hoses are hardly built for to be weapons, yet as technology proper rapidly advances via Christians so "where sin increased, grace increased all the more," and "even more powerful" ( Note that in the past some righteous people through the generations became less thankful for Christ JESUS and so the Physics Of God hardly found those Christians (or other, through "generations" free options) high enough so instead other faiths of no particular significance except in the secular levels ascending (see above Drawing) overtook those Christians, and later with ascending the Christians became in charge again.

1. Full repentance, properly become Baptized as Christian for the glorifying of Heaven and for the sakes of other people and all (be One).

2. Maintain Christianity, Pray, Follow Christian Leadership, even if nothing seems to happen at first (help others, and the self somewhat also).

3. With power from on High become a Christian Leader, aware to be helping others with what talents, resources, and situations are already available (New Christianity).

The "redeeming social value" is a higher aspect about as far as the secular civilization goes under the law and logic (though there are higher levels over greater [future] secular things, and even greater is mustering faith for true full repentance, then onto the higher greatness to agree humbly to alway serve God JESUS Of Above [to enter the proper Christian Immersion Baptism ritual for Christ JESUS]).

Proper ascending levels are also of a person, a generation(s) family, a business, a nation, a civilization for Christ JESUS, though Christ JESUS made it clear to try to help others ascend but hardly wait for the other group(s) if such turns away, rather immediately follow Christ JESUS (Matthew 4.20 & 22) distinguishing the One Holy High Purpose pertaining to the [ascending into the level, the] so agreeing per se (if conditionally, not recommended, ibid., also Final End Time can arrive unexpectedly and similar to it the life of a person or group can pass away to their surprise).

Let the nations (and the greater civilizations to be more greatly encountered) be in the name of Christ JESUS (properly toward Oneness), so as to better ascend and help others [of limited values]. Then when the nations are with all people properly Baptized as Christian (, then Will the new value emerge.

At least for now follow the law's legal part requiring higher level "redeeming social value". For instance many animals have learned some lower level laws such as do not eat family members (benefits include alerting each other to dangers [colony heart helps all live longer], and functioning as a greater value team [toward higher value systems as organs in higher level more evolved species as with advancing talents, brains, communication systems, toward utilizing tools, leader specialists, and so on]).

It is from such lower levels (also including ancestry, and evolving from lower (Haggai 2.9), [tracing to the higher Creator JESUS]) that greater can come though toward risk and at the slower rate toward evolving rate [though of value such as toward the Wisdom Of Solomon ( Treasury of Scripture)] that creatures progressed though now already come is the faster than adapting and better than other rates that through Christ JESUS comes the highest value rate Path Of New Christianity.

Toward tool making, though for their sakes, and what does this tell a person?, to a person not ascending it is to feed the potential attackers against the self group; though rather to the ascending the "tool making", "for their sakes" enables the making of greater and greater value tools. So for instance Beloved Ascending One In Christ JESUS if to invent a catapult then to give it to the enemy (if any, than sinners)(Luke 6.32-35) then the "enemy" might replicate and mass produce so as to perhaps attack and bite the hand that feeds; though if to have invented the "catapult" and to be properly "ascending" then to be with proper Christian Faith In Word And Work such as to build jets and pulse energy devices while the "enemy" works hard to make catapults.

Pulse energy devices for instance (see below Drawing "Q" [very likely symbolic] in a television show Zoey 101 at PCA Academy) have been around at least for decades such as in welding, cutting / electrode, and even as the ancient Baghdad Batteries projected sparks, and soldier shields focused and send forth more than flickers of lights (ibid. rather "JHS" pic above "Q" pic).

Truly this is a matter of proper Faith Ascending. Agree to properly Faithfully Ascend in order to learn how to rightly agree to let higher level Faith lift You unto higher values (including multi-value(s) results, and even higher unattained Faith that overcomes on Your behalf). To lie in bed and ask God to do things such as make breakfast, is hardly proper faith path nor proper ascending. Even so seek to Do as Christ JESUS has shown once for all. Proper Christian Baptism is the symbolic pain and death, while Good values can be given for others.

A key point is, the secular has been in disarray, as with flip-of-coin technologies in predictions when the actual levels in the secular unnoticed by the secular

(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on flip-of-coin / casting of lots often toward retardation so rather on appropriate utilization in New Christianity [similarly what has been secularly termed "predictology" such as by secular site is of a Truth In Christ JESUS now rather under and traceable to the Christian Bible]).

The above text states for Edifying the secular "it's the law" (ibid. previous Sermon) and since owned by the Creator JESUS, then a reason for Christians to put Their One House [level(s)] in proper order, with rather being according to the One High Purpose In Christ JESUS. As written in Mark 7.7 NAS:

So now of this "key point" given into the hearts of men (even all given into all spirits) now as these things of Christ JESUS come to pass as more Marvelously From Heaven Above, is tied to another great key

How to bring Heaven on Earth, with what is involved with clarifying the Holy Spirit Word for Truly Preparing The Way Of The Lord JESUS, for accepting Heaven on Earth

even of the ["Known" (secular sense)] Universe as if [approximately] 2,000 years [ago] of time amount repeats; though the latter is greater than the former as Christians and others properly ascend.

Awareness of one's surroundings has value, therefore the properly arranging of the secular levels has value (from the higher Purpose In Christ JESUS, to the helping any stuck in lower levels to properly ascend for the higher Purpose as much as the lower freely agrees with the higher [of Christ JESUS]). Note that Christians ascend in Christ JESUS, though while some in the secular might repent and be properly Baptized as Christian(s), others in the secular might freely agree to only ascending a step for instance, to see if the Christian Path is true (though too much delay might be resistance, hence increasing risk).

In the above Drawing lower left the religions are as brothers and sisters to each other in the sense of some overlapping information, overlapping DNA, overlapping types of governments, overlapping even in the "Agnostic" and "Other" categories as creatures at lower levels at least respect their own bodies to an extent and while alive, and things such as overlapping info, DNA, and government are bodies. Yet the higher levels are not about self mutilation nor destroying the Created (save with higher purpose, such as harvesting souls and such as harvesting food though proper precept on proper precept as the Firmaments and precepts of Christ JESUS Creator apply (also see text below on "star dust").

Be aware that to be Christian is a free option from Christ JESUS: the Christian debt is already paid, via Christ JESUS (Romans 6.18). You don't have to tithe to become Christian, though if truly of full repentance then to freely opt to Charitably tithe (and solutions unraveled though hardly told [see Christian Bible "precepts"] are to be revealed though Christ JESUS would that certain things be in a certain order example: new wine into newly made new wine skins, meaning the new Peace Accord is the new [wine skin] body).

Living Christians died under the worldly laws in Christ JESUS so now live more righteously, more graciously, more delightfully for others. Christians are under the grace of Christ JESUS The Seat Of Power, interpreted in the secular as if laws (such as Command Of God), yet it is the Faith from JESUS above, in the Christian that properly Faithfully Agrees And So Does (if not to freely opt to Do then not to properly ascend).

Non-Christian Jews are not finding Christ come as previously had Israelis expected, and tithing does not save them per se. Though for all people, even if the secular want to tithe (stealing from a person to give to the Christian Priest is not tithing, though see Christian Church criteria details), some Christian Churches accept tithes and offerings not only for the Christian Church (Mission Work, Church building repairs, broadcasting,...1 Corinthians 9.9) yet also or moreso for the person or group doing the giving.

God needs no money, though for proper Mercy in the world God created Charity. In other words, on the other hand if to love money and/or broadcasting more than God JESUS, then hardly to ascend properly in higher Faith.

The Christian slave to Christ JESUS is a customer of Christ JESUS with all bills already paid in full, and so entirely free with living according to the Christian Faith Path (proper precept utilization in and with the Word And Will Of Christ JESUS, also living updating see Christian Church criteria for instance concerning new excavations revealing ancient manuscripts and translations). Yet the living Christian is greater than a manuscript: if to perfect then non-Christians are under stings (Romans 5.20) and in the secular relatively the Christian is under higher Grace, higher than law alone. Rather absolutely worldly laws often hurt the sinners, while laws are often pleasing to the Christian(s) and not because of "hurt" rather for the Good that all be convinced toward doing good and higher proper faith, even Christian Faith,

but if immoral laws are made in the world then society is toward similar to a computer that crashes and toward none profiting [including Christians hardly able to Heal others due to the lack of faith among the others (Mark 6.5): Word to this generation in cases].

A child obeys the parent, lest the fire burn them or lest some other problems happens, yet the child learns to obey for not merely to avoid pains, rather for personal happiness such as to receive a sweet treat, and yet a child learns a higher level, to share, and that enables another level though of greater Wisdom to give Charitably (1 John 3.7 NLT) and greater are in Christ JESUS such as found via New Christianity.

Of the above Drawing lower left the "Muslims" quarter for instance believes many values similar to Christianity (as typical among most religions, though some get angry instead of overcoming certain issues for others).

Muslims believe JESUS gave a new revelation, but also rejected what the "Muslims believe". Christ JESUS gave body and blood (such as Eucharist symbolically), and Muslims believe it and also do not believe it. So rather than dwell in confusion, and already with so many values, Muslims (Islam) should build on the values and grow into higher level Christianity.

"According to Islam, all Muslims must have faith in every prophet" but in the past believed "Jesus' legal perspective did not involve a New Covenant concerning works" (though they did, see previous sentence)(quotes from wiki). Either the Muslims should come out of their "confusion" or the Muslims should believe the Prophet Christ JESUS and the New Covenant With Heaven (in either case to benefit Muslims, as Prophet JESUS often explained, see cross references at

The "Agnostic" is often of the tangible, or predictive formulas for instance, so they believe according to what they have seen and more often true predictively, so while it is called faithless, it is of a faith though a lower level faith. It has a value(s) (even Christ JESUS was not Baptized until His human form flesh from birth was around 30 years old). Atheists also have faiths, even cells of plants have faiths such as to turn toward the sunlight.

The lower faiths are toward the self, the higher faiths are more for the sakes of others (as Christ JESUS said) and less for the selfish maintenance though not to be left undone (self, family [such as 1 Timothy 5.8, group, community, city,...) as high level of Faithful Leaders can spare a city (Genesis 18.26).

Not shown in the above Drawing religious leaders are often in and leading the secular levels (ibid. and greater). Law obeying private and public leaders similarly are often in and leading the secular levels. People leading are often in the higher secular levels and also serving at any lower level needful.

A faith key for any person or entity, is that a properly righteous leader is able to serve at their level and as needful for the high purpose of their level, to be able and involved in serving at any lower level; even so to seek to solve the higher level system to permanently overcome the need to continue in the lower (example: to serve as a foot when serving as the heart is more needful).

A responsible CEO for instance is the gofer when no servants are available, and the gofer also normally chews their own food, cleans the self, and does more chores though is aware also of the higher level CEO responsibilities that cover not only the self yet perhaps order thousands of lives.

The religious leaders are of great value over cities, and even billions of souls. Thanks, and now it is time to give greater responsibility: New Christianity. It first requires some steps, and not steps as from the "Agnostic", rather from above.

As the normal responsible religious leader knows, the ancient manuscripts are of value. Even so, those same manuscripts speak of doings. So do greater. In Egypt for instance wizards threw snakes though the Jew unto "greater" Christianity threw a snake that ate the wizards' snakes: it is goodly that the wizards found need to repent that the "greater" had come (1 Corinthians 16.9) as is true today as Christ JESUS enables more Wisdom to enable in a Christian Leader more levels yet to solve toward Oneness With Heaven Agreeing.

Some levels are as if toward temporary though are as toward minimizing, similar to how the tire replaces the horseshoe somewhat though not entirely.

In Christ JESUS is a key, that the secular levels can have people with great intelligence storage, today people even plug brains into computers; but much is as trivia data, not properly arranged though great progress is being made, similar to how people used to ride horses until the wheel.

Yet religious leaders know there is greater than secular! Rejoice!

Even so, let all rejoice more perfectly, hardly to rejoice in the selfishness, and rather more as the higher would have people rejoice.

If to give charity, knowing the above text, would it be to give God a horseshoe or a horse and a car and spaceships with loving souls?, yes the answer is already known if God wants anything, and God is hardly in need, though would appreciate friendship.

Gather the loving souls for God. And if God opts to be pleased then God might grant joy in the souls, for to give much joy from those souls to others souls, and them to others. So this is about pleasing people, yet from the Righteousness Of God, rather than from the concerns of the self even though the self is not to be left undone since God gave the vessel that a person calls the self. The person can also be in the spirit realm such as with reading this and seeing the Drawings.

So since the self is in the spirit and the self (the self at least as long as in this world in the flesh, usually) then charity includes other things such as cash, idols, chairs, and so forth though not to worship cash nor other things, rather to worship only God. Some people destroy things, so if to give charity, then after that, if they destroyed the charity given, then allocate less of same to them for their freedom to be with or without, though note that from above let reasoning be, rather from others. Later if they want more, perhaps negotiate lest possibly to waste (Christ JESUS said Matthew 7.6 and rather of proper precepts 1 Thessalonians 5.12: that is, agree with people agreeing with God).

Proper support and rejoicing is found in Christ JESUS For The Father And All Spiritually Likewise Including If In The Flesh (3 Nephi 17.18). Idols and pics can bring to mind joyful memories, though also rigors; rather rejoice for Christ JESUS!

Christ JESUS overturned money-changers' tables yet with teaching people how to handle money properly such as to pay taxes, if any, and such as charity (similar to the higher purpose is also not to leave the other left undone: Mark 16.1 and similar is a lower level step Matthew 14.15 toward and/or in secular faith).

Note that at the end of the previous sentence the Christians are able to be higher with Christ JESUS or away in lower level concerns for to rightly return for One Higher Purpose (1 John 4.4) as Christ JESUS is free to perform Miracles, often through others: sometimes through the lowest levels (Genesis 2.7) and more often for the higher levels in One High Purpose from the Highest Christ JESUS.

If to give a low level worm a flower, the worm has hardly wisdom to be able to so appreciate as to give a flower to another creature: charity. So while not illegal to give a flower to a worm, rather of this key: give a flower for the [if dating] romantic interest, for the spouse, for the celebration, and rather for the Christ JESUS

(also be considerate that some levels may not want a flower, and in some situations it is inappropriate,...even so is this key given within respectful parameters). If to give a bullet, it does not mean to shoot. Though in the secular it is confusing. The proper religious leader gives the bullet the same way the flower is given (parameters can apply, see above text). So higher proper living is with proper precept on proper precept from above (such as 1 John 3.8: Christ JESUS).

Below in the Drawing is Christian President Don Trump as He enters ancient Holy City Jerusalem (Spiritually, in this generation, for the sakes of all, for One Good Highest Purpose Christ JESUS). He has an antique curiosity rifle in His hands of value (to many) though He hardly plans to shoot down the above illustrated Soviet Union satellite (1957 AD)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on time travel).

Because He is Christian He is toward living for the One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. But others in the world are toward sin and fear rifles more than God. God created them, but sinners opted to be in sins.

It is normal that a King or other leader show some powers though not all powers, and in higher Christian levels it is because of high things such as proper Charity, and sinners tend to flee from such. Charitable Work explains higher levels. Charity helps unravel the higher mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven. And charity in order to get rifles to protect the self or to kill others, is lower level and is toward sins. The higher can convert sins, though levels, talents, and similar higher parameters apply.

For One High Purpose Christian President Don Trump entered Jerusalem (not only to free Israelis, yet to help all people live in higher level Peace). President Donald Trump is over a military power. The following verse is hardly about "military power", religious leader, and rather of the higher, Luke 24:49 APE:

Christ JESUS came "from on high" to help each person, and hardly to vanquish mine enemies as many have requested: rather religious leaders proper lead the group into Christian Peace Accord and enjoy the Holy Feast of "power from on high".

The secular already knows how to hurt others, though what the secular does not know is the higher, levels, the greater unseen above and comprehensively: best for all.

Some in the secular would not much help the people in the Drawing below to the right that cannot help themselves, but if the secular found out that those people were their bosses, the secular would immediately help lest to lose their jobs: so at best the secular is selfish save if to repent (other than Christians, see above text on "gofer" and on "Charity").

So a key is to repent for the right higher reason: Peace Accord, Compassion for any unable to help themselves, when appropriate from above then Mercy, also Love, Kindness, Wisdom, and like things as Spirit(s) from above.

Jerusalem is conquered in a Way hardly known to Jerusalem: Jerusalem was taken by a force of Peace (and also as stated above in the text in the "rifle" discussion):

great power is coming forth from on high:

be properly ready to extend the Charity for others. Be ready in proper full repentance, and in Christ JESUS as a Christian. Lest to receive a lesser amount of benefit and gifts, and/or the Old Testament even explained other concerning any lack of proper planning.

The Soviet Union made satellites, and friendlies can all enter into the benefits of those pics, and satellite technology, and so forth. It is the higher purpose of friendliness that even former enemies can properly participate and benefit. Instead of horseshoes and tires, people can be with satellites, even as toys (entertainment industry for instance), the great things properly conquered are as children's toys, and yet are serious and for loving Christ JESUS The Creator so enabling.

Yet the Peace Of Nations In The Holy Name Of Christ JESUS is unraveling a higher purpose (in the secular sense for instance for Edifying as the human race ventures out into outer space to encounter others). Of a surety the secular would claim credit for the parts they had building rocket parts and such, but Christ JESUS explained their ways are less enduring (Matthew 26.5 & John 11.47).

The Innocent Child comes to Bless all, unless to enter the stain of the world of sin truly found under the top secular level.

A new encounter of the Blessed kind. Weapons of Peace or war, measured faiths. How to properly end wars in JESUS. The New UN United Nations. President Donald Trump on Israeli new Peace Accord to stop terrorism with rifle in his hands. Soviet Union satellite system. Immaculate Pregnant Mother Mary Islam Muslims and Christians HIV is the fastest mutating organism 1,000,000 times faster than bacteria Virut.ce is the fastest-mutating computer virus known kaspersky polymorphic influenza virus is the fastest virus a population can double in size every 20 or 30 minutes. Oliver Stone movie Wall Street Gekko Michael Douglas rarest pistol in the world The Godfather pistol horse in his bed, Harold Ramis Judd Apatow movie Year One Chosen People. Neil Armstrong as if the first person on the Moon prefers Christ JESUS. Robot wars Quinn Pensky Erin Sanders Zoey 101 Brooks Jamie Lynn Spears Britney television series plasma exploded huge barges riverboat captain christendom ICCDBB Benchoff Internet Church For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS wore a crown of thorns yet as One thorn as given in flesh as [leaves in] Christian Bible books as One in the Old Testament though then four and yet now perhaps 50 and more of the Truly Living Bible Of Prophets And With Christian Leaders as announced on television, and "As you can see, there are thousands more New Testament Greek manuscripts than any other ancient writing." ( and tens of thousands ( These are crowns and the leaves are for the healing of nations, and the people are to be One Crowned JESUS (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on properly ascending, and on levels), some translations refer to these Holy Words and rather this Holy Word as diadems (a jeweled crown or headband worn as a symbol of sovereignty / Google) as shown in the above Drawing center top as One Crown Personage, His Eye flaming and His New Name ( New JESUS (new to the secular for Jerusalem and greater), that is, even from the name of Christ JESUS In One God The Father, to New JESUS With The Properly Ascended Into The Eternal Father In Heaven.

Christ JESUS would that people properly advance in proper precepts and One High Purpose. Then other values Will be added though not secularly, not randomly by flip-of-a-coin (Christian Bible casting of lots had a higher purpose), and certainly not for advancing sin wrongly (see above text on "if to perfect then"...Romans 5.20). So the following general indicators are provided to help describe future proper guiding:

A. Start with Christ JESUS and Christian Leaders ascending in Oneness in the Living God JESUS while bringing Their Flocks that there be One Holy Fold With JESUS.

B. Recruit (Evangelize) the largest known entities to become Christian, as the largest have the most to gain while bringing individuals and even helping creatures ascend.

C. Recruit likewise the nearly largest entities, especially if the larger refuses repeatedly, the larger may rather opt to believe the "nearly largest" Convert opinion.

Here is a possible opposite example:

Z. Horrible cleanup and restructuring immediate responsibility after a work to destroy the world (historic sinner pattern: cliche: "If I can't have it nobody can").

Y. Horrible cleanup and restructuring immediate responsibility after a sinful nation or religion destroys itself (ibid. example: see next quote, rather see above "proper").

X. Horrible cleanup and restructuring immediate responsibility after a fairly large entity work to destroy itself (to destroy the self is to sinfully turn from Christ JESUS).

The following quote may be true, though it is interpreted now as full of confusion and a confused people (similarly note often people in general in poverty lack helps and time for such helps such as found at Biblehub and LDS):

"The Peoples Temple was formed in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1955. Its roots and teachings shared with biblical church and Christian revival movements, it purported to practice what it called 'apostolic socialism'. In doing so, the Temple preached that 'those who remained drugged with the opiate of religion had to be brought to enlightenment — socialism.' In the early 1960s, Jones visited Guyana – then still a British colony – while on his way to establishing a short-lived Temple mission in Brazil."

The confused people had a value.

In the above Drawing lower right there is a clear need concerning the person on the floor while others ignore: the others remain ignorant: Word concerning IQ.

Sins are obstacles to the sinners, such as so they cannot of the Physics Of God "confess on their deathbeds" (cliche, for instance) which confession doesn't save them anyhow.

To the left of that pic, the riverboat captain looks to steer, and whether a clear day or foggy, with wavy water or ice covered, has to maneuver between unseen sandbars that change shapes and locations. They put to memories their experiences, and watch floating branches to understand currents. To increase value in a secular way they might add sensors to each barge vessel as for instance if to pass near land as shown then to perhaps see if rats board from trees or waves, in addition to sensors measuring water depths at all reasonable points of each linked vessel. These are signs of growing peaceful civilization, and these have redeeming social value. And it is hardly about the sensors, and rather the higher purpose.

In the above Drawing Christian President Trump is shown with a [dangerous] weapon. Part 1 of 2: it is great to be with the original ancient Holy Manuscript, Part 2 of 2 it is of value to see and know how things were done in previous situations, such as concerning a weapon. Part 1 is greater than Part 2 depending on Part 2 which can be greater than Part 1: the Holy Word is given though if not properly Followed at least (rather properly magnified in Christ JESUS [as of proper precepts]) then Part 2 fails, though if properly Following Part 1 (ibid.) then Part 2 is greater as Christ JESUS taught as written, from Luke 11:42 NIV:

(also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS). It is better to focus on Christianity such as to help those who cannot help themselves, though for instance maintenance of buildings, tools, files, and reorganizing, with many other concerns cost time, labor, expertise, and so on for helping Christians helping others (all). Also the Christian Bible is not everything: written records are not the same as actual artifacts, and artifacts are hardly the same as the laboring with the artifacts at the times of the events: values come in multitudes of forms that with properly ascending in Christ JESUS a greater clarity in Wisdom for responsibility organizing properly.

So a collection of things whether a high value Eucharist, or a lower value weapon, has value, though the lowest values might be discarded (such as otherwise put to new usage, reused by others in need, or recycled), though even an item for the trash is as though important such as if to transport it to the wastebasket and the truck to transport properly to the site, so along each step in the proper Faith Path is the responsible handling until the step is completed or until a higher more important step (higher priority) would have otherwise (such as to interrupt to put out a fire). Dust has value, waste has value, a soul has value. Dust might be formed into a stone record of long enduring value, and a soul might become a High Priest.

In the Oliver Stone movie Wall Street 1987AD, Gekko (Michael Douglas) showed an item from his weapons collection explaining "The rarest pistol in the world" (, so if that secular movie part was in secular movie The Godfather instead of the horse, then Gekko would have woken one morning with the broken pistol in his bed. In other words, it's what sinners do. See the above text, Christian preserve values, reasonably; while non-properly-ascending people lose great values, including things precious to sinners and that sinners want.

A sinner, generally, wants the fastest horse, the most valuable pistol, and so forth. The Christian wants that person (wants the sinner to properly convert) to have those things and more and greater.

Quinn in the above Drawing has an idea, but rather than to destroy, in New Christianity the device might perhaps be for instance as to clear sandbars out of the way for the the riverboat captains: for all captains!

This is a great set of two keys: a key is the leading entity needs be of faith, and a key is the faith needs be Christian Faith.

Christians need be over the proper advancing of technologies, and likewise over systems, guiding greater Peace Accords with transparent victories for all as much as all freely opt to agree in Christ JESUS.

In such freely agreeing is as enslavement to the contract, yet it is enslavement to Blessings Of JESUS Christ Of Greater Peace Accords.

One of the highest levels of technologies known in the secular world is as indicated in the above Drawing center bottom: the coming Miracle Of Birth.

Yet as stated in the previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS, Miracles come from the Creator, the substance of things unseen, the proper Christian Faith In The Holy Name In Heaven JESUS.

Various faiths (groups) have values such as ancient texts that agree on some points, and often more importantly ancient texts that might not agree at all though help to explain the actual situation for understanding the real truth of the story, for True Peace. Yet ascending properly in Precepts In Love From Christ JESUS for the greater Good for all (though hardly by force, here is a goodly force example: parent stops a child that otherwise was to do the child self harm) often (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on rates and on properly guiding, and John 7.6 hence New Christianity Personal End Time) enables proper distinguishing for all (ibid. such as concerning timing of True Prophetic events and while "True" yet with honing refining and perfecting toward Mark 10.25 of the criteria and precepts of higher levels Matthew 20.23)(also see value(s) below with various faiths each with "system in place" already, for instance Latter Day Saints have The Book of Mormon:Another Testament of Jesus Christ with "Nimrod, known in Egypt as Osiris, was the founder of the first world empire at Babel, later known as Babylon (Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1-9)" so this is a help for Christians and others to consider, that more than one ancient source is cited though while not making such true, it is reason for properly ascending in Christ JESUS for higher distinguishing (along with Widsom Of Noah): many helps are given of the Physics Of God for agreeing yet rather of the Physics Of God for for properly agreeing.

Now is a lower level key given concerning John 8.17 LDS:

Though now if with this higher level key Matthew 18.20 GNT:

For instance the above "law" is true, except higher laws such as conspiracy charges: and higher and secular checks and balances in the circular: secular law [alone] does not perfect.

At this time New Christianity is hardly here for the purpose of establishing a new government per se, rather such as that with people freely agreeing as in the Accord of the previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS, the people would already be from their own so moving toward each person and each such Accord group be toward expecting nothing less [than Peace for instance], yet the key here is that each would be believing their own words (yet for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS). If that's what they want and Christ JESUS would not disagree, then Good or at least goodly (toward Good).

As mentioned in the text above for instance Muslims have some value already with some faith in JESUS, and JESUS is even written into the heart of each person so has some of such value (hence the Human-Firmament-animal): yet more importantly each person is from One the Holy Creator and the Heaven, such as portrayed of the Garden Of Eden, though now if to restore the Garden Of Eden and the The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, then to have been enlightened into greater JESUS Wisdom now, then to to no longer restore the Temple, the Wonders, the Tower Of Babel, Atlantis, and far greater, to then overcome the past sinful ways and to rather in proper New Christianity for Christ JESUS only erect such Faith and government and such things and greater for the sake of other than the self

in the name of Christ: JESUS!

The 7 Wonders Of The World were:
  • the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt,
  • the Hanging Gardens of Babylon,
  • the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Greece,
  • the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus,
  • the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus,
  • the Colossus of Rhodes, and
  • the Lighthouse at Alexandria, Egypt
  • (Seven Wonders / Google); so as not to be in the names of lesser, rather in the name of One Highest Purpose: Christ JESUS.

    Christ JESUS explained that with proper Faith all these things Will be added: truly even the maintenance and tedious recordkeeping are being added automatically already and New Christianity Faith In Christ JESUS is already entering into this Holy Harvest for you as much as properly ascending in Christianity, or at least for some even the first new step entering into this new Accord (stated in the previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS). The next "new step" per se is full repentance, then proper Christian Baptism, and so on, proper precept on proper precept.

    Hardly are the 7 Wonders and other things of value, save Your Wisdom Is Properly Growing In New Christianity to not be under such rather to be like minded owners as One Holy Owner of these and greater in Creator JESUS: the Inviter.

    In the top Drawing the levels are shown again below to the left with many arrows pointing left to help guide people when having atypical encounters (with the greater unseen until so unraveled in this Word Of JESUS Christ and until encountered (an encounter is an agreement in this sense of Christian Faith along the Holy Path until the name JESUS becomes manifest). This help applies for New Christianity pertinent to possibly fully repentant people (reference levels), transplants, DNA modified vessels, spirits if lower level, and such as applicable to UFO aliens perhaps not of Earthly origin in the secular sense though even as the secular has said we are all star dust, though in True Faith all are from the Eternal Christ JESUS (Matthew 1.21,23,25...)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Big Pulse, on transfiguring, and on blood cells).

    Yet understand for instance "HIV is the fastest mutating organism on the planet, mutating 1,000,000 times faster than bacteria." (

    But that is as if insignificant in the secular compared to "Virut.ce is the fastest-mutating virus known" (

    which digital virus can at least theoretically teach living cells to change faster as never before known of the given generation of people.

    Now consider "The influenza virus is the fastest-mutating virus known, capable of rapidly changing the outer protein coat through succeeding generations of the flu. People"..."Under optimal conditions, a population can double in size every 20 or 30 minutes." ( Biology: A Self-Teaching Guide 1989AD...)(no legal affiliations per se with "edsel", "kaspersky", nor "sman78").

    The secular three are nearly insignificant ( The rate of Heaven is waiting for your group properly sufficiently ascending, level to higher level, rate to appropriate rate even more abounding for the greater Good.

    Now leader(s) consider the above three (ibid.) are people of various talents, offering secular level information, they are regular very smart people: it is better to be with information from the Eternal Creator, though as can be read the secular offers values also.

    Christ JESUS for instance would have people be Wise to comprehend and prioritize value(s), such as the above text that living virus can double in about 20 minutes, yet for instance a Christian can have a car that can pump 7,000 RPM so "can double" in relatively nearly zero time (see recent ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on related steam road vehicle "1,400" value, on Big Pulse, and on Flow), and a Christian can broadcast to the stars, and greater. In such line of Wise thinking therefore if to broadcast to a star where a Christian Colony would be broadcasting (perhaps UFO aliens) then negative minutes, negative time (Eternal Wisdom In Christ JESUS, for example person A: "We'll broadcast the message tomorrow", person B: "We received the broadcast yesterday")(though as in this case a secular person might claim the temporary secular can do as much and greater: so prepare Mark 1.2 for approaching your group properly unto higher Eternal level Accord(s)).

    Miracles from Christian Faith On JESUS have greater than merely entertainment value(s)! The true levels of Faith. UFO Aliens discovered technologies predicted by ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics human DNA DNAS area 52 Ark Of The Covenant Oak Isle Holy Grail Palm Sunday. New Weapons of Peace over measured faiths. How to best end terrorism. The New UN United Nations. President Donald Trump with a rifle in his hands shooting at a Russian Soviet satellite on Israeli new Peace Accord. The first satellite was made by the Soviet Union North Korea. Ancient pic shows Mother Mary Pregnant before JESUS Christ was born. Islamic Nation help for Muslims by Christians. HIV is the fastest mutating organism 1,000,000 times faster than bacteria Virut.ce is the fastest-mutating computer virus known kaspersky polymorphic influenza virus is the fastest virus a population can double in size every 20 or 30 minutes. Oliver Stone movie Wall Street Gordon Gekko Michael Douglas rarest pistol in the world The Godfather pistol horse in his bed, Harold Ramis Judd Apatow movie Year One Chosen People. Neil Armstrong as if the first person on the Moon prefers Christ JESUS. Robot battles conflict in the mideast. ICCDBB R Benchoff Internet Church Of Christ JESUS

    Christ JESUS provides functional beauty, from the typical unashamedness to Walk In Christian Faith with sandals and garment(s), or to freely opt to ride or fly. Yet if to so freely opt, let the opting be with proper Faith though not only the Word [instead of a promise unfulfilled, with] the Will of God (see verse James 2.26 NLT below on proper "works"): (New Christianity).

    Christ JESUS is protecting this planet from UFO entities of lower levels (because of Christians here), while inviting some UFO entities to witness, and the high levels may help, reasonable at least in the secular sense. As similar is being Done now on Earth amidst people, as written in James 1.26 & 27 BS:

    Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

    Concerning only this generation of humans, hardly can anyone say that a person in the secular sense was much greater than [devout Christian] Neil Armstrong as many said "the first person on the Moon" and yet as great as that, such as devout level Christian prefers Christ JESUS rather than to own the Moon and the stars. So as many have similarly indicated in the secular and higher level, they named outer space anomalies after loved ones.

    Love is very important to Christ JESUS. So Christ JESUS Does The Work Of Creating Love.

    Christ JESUS taught His Holy Family, His Disciples per se, such as given in James 2.26 NLT:

    This agrees with the Word and Will of the earlier Prophets, and likewise with the multitudes of Holy Heavenly True Prophets since.

    In the above Drawing center is a symbol of a flying saucer UFO with energies surrounding and with two aliens (not of Earthly origin) or humaniods (of Earthly origin) portrayed as outer space traveling pilots; note the pic is not verified as of actual ancient archaeological findings though such findings are on the increase.

    The nations need be Christian as One to properly handle and process such input as never before, to Peacefully properly guide the "aliens" or "humanoids". Just as children might be on a school bus and the drive pass out so that the children be in need of proper help, so too an interstellar contact may be in need of Holy help from the Christian-nations-as-One (similar to the story [a precept] of the Good Samaritan in Luke 30-35, note many unawares have helped Kings and entertained Angels).

    Beside the "aliens" or "humanoids" are symbols evidently of lights. As the Holy Name JESUS has many descriptive names such as Emmanuel, Allah, One, Christ, Christian, and so on; likewise symbols and precepts have many descriptions with lower-than-self-levels measurable, and with the lowest levels under laws (innocent or guilty)(under worldly prediction digital logic 0 or 1)(some Holy Of Holy things are not detailed here now). Above and below on the right are DNA people symbols: a new Christian key, new to people now seeing this pic in this artifact symbol hence secular context yet under New Christianity properly (rightly, including if over sinfulness to properly guide to convert for One High Purpose) even though this "new" key is purportedly ancient: the Eternal One has older artifacts that make even the "ancient" be relatively brand new.

    DNA in in people, and in other creatures, atoms are in people and in other things: New Christianity is here in Christ JESUS in the heart of each created value for the greater Good. Such is similar to how a dead seed becomes valuable plants and greater. Human sperm is dead after it enters the egg. The Word Of Christian Faith In JESUS becomes dead in order to give You Miracles: the One becomes many. And a key is that if the many become One In JESUS, then the greater Heavenly Faith and the greater Miracles that convert others: exponential growth and greater.

    Ascending properly in Christ JESUS In New Christianity is with conquering former fears such as conquering embarrassment properly, conquering Evangelism fears, conquering preparation fears [rightly (prepare the Way Of The Lord, Followers; rather agree In One Christian that Christ JESUS already prepared and conquered and invites to the Harvest Feast)], and properly overcome scary unawareness of "new" "greater" technologies via Christ JESUS for their sakes to guide the newly found.

    The Christian is saved, though the Christian Leadership One saves others [such as from the pit, and such as from the lightning bolt (as in great but secular Harold Ramis and Judd Apatow movie Year One) as the movie did a splendid job as it showed Jack Black as the Chosen One, [with] "plus 1" (Michael Cera) moving through levels of civilization(s) with many faiths' concerns, finally toward the hearts for One Chosen People].

    In the above Drawing to the right are some pics of Jerusalem, with an illustration of Christ JESUS arriving at Jerusalem (Palm Sunday March 25, 2018AD, the beginning of the Holy Week, the 7 days prior to Easter) on a foal (young) of [and untamed animal such as] a donkey (ass, or [similar beast colt] young [wild, not yet broken in] horse) never before ridden.

    The person cared for the beast and raised it properly. Likewise if Christ JESUS freely opts to transfigure to arrive today or otherwise appear today, let your jet (see above Drawing) be under New Christianity, of properly ascending Faith and Miracle quality in case Christ JESUS opts to ride, or as least if any cargo opts to ride it. Seek that your jet and all you have be superb and Holy, especially concerning JESUS and Tithing.

    If your nation was for instance known as a Muslim / Islam nation, and then to become Christian, then Your Tithing could be internal to help the new Christianity though Christianity is mainly toward outreach and less of the self nation though not left undone. And You may invite other Christians outside Your realm to contribute to Your new Christianity value, and of Christian Faith You would gain much support increasingly. There are naysayers concerning changes (or even if not changing) yet with properly ascending for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS comes the greater Good.

    In the previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS (at, special requirements were imposed over the Israelis, yet this special imposing against the Israelis is for special purpose(s), to show true Christian Tithing outwardly (in secular terms as opposed to sending out bombs) and for their properly leading the Holy Land Faithfully As Christians United As One. If You are already entered as One, then Israelis As Christians enter into Your Harvest, similar to how those in poverty beg of those with money, yet as stated in the text above let the Accord from New Christianity give the Holy Inheritance to any properly of this Accord.

    If a faith (person or group) be of a higher level already than another faith, it alone is certainly not a reason to interrogate, contest, attack, nor bomb them simply because they are of a lower level (only as much as noticed by the higher level, yet understand there are talents and moments and a slightly higher level might not have as much talent in a given field of study as the so called "lower level")(vessels are not each counted as if equal in the secular, also Christ JESUS gives the more excellent Way (1 Corinthians 12.31 with giving such properly, first giving loving caring Charity to [the Christian Church, and the Christian Church to] each and every person, and next is likewise, not merely secular allocating to self profit, rather to likewise allocate to people that they profit to do likewise, if trickle-down then need first be Christian for unselfishness; next is not leaving undone lower levels, maintenance responsibilities, helping non-Christians, overseeing lower creatures, overseeing things such as computers and tools, and caring for the land.

    The previous sentence is hardly to say non-Christians are not charitable, rather proper reliability is in Prophet Christ JESUS (and with John 10.38, the previous Sermon in this Series Prophetically explained within a year, within months, much greatness is coming so many need be already onboard). Hardly be counted among the secular since the secular might freely opt to count you as though secular hence toward profiting from them or stealing from them without benefit to them.

    Lower level Christian Missionary Work is being accomplished, thanks, especially if Voluntary Work Clearly In The Name Of Christ JESUS, though of precepts a Christian in the secular can be spared after all secular hopes expired (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on ascending that such be added unto You, and on Nuns in military humanoid type machines lifting million ton blocks for the Pope).

    As stated above and as stated in the previous Sermon in this Series, if there are any things that are powerful (such as historic interpretation of offensive weaponry, be caring for Christ JESUS concerning how ye hear and interpret) then any and all are to be (Planned and Done) with "redeeming social value".

    Look at some of the goodly parts of wars and bombs and such, such as toward secular teaching not to oppress, enslave, offend, and such. Though also behold some of the items such as bombs: it used to be for a general symbolic example (though in this instance see above text "not verified") that a group made some nice value(s) such as energy and/or products and also yielded some waste products such as many nice products though producing a small amount of poison; and they hardly knew (at their top decision maker level, Beloved as are all yet properly in precepts in the Lord JESUS) what to do with the "poison" so they put it in bombs, perhaps while referencing parts of the Christian Bible, the Quran, Torah, the philosophy of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddhism), the Vedas and the Upanishads" (Hinduism), secular schools, proprietary concerns, governmental concerns, some have worshipped multiple gods (see above text on "Nimrod" and "Osiris") and/or multiple schools-of-though, some religions worshipped stars and/or trees, and some studied the I Ching (Taoism), and/or other.

    Christ JESUS would rather that your group be upright and beyond reproach (even rather Christian), so that others are less likely to misrepresent your group. If with poison it is goodly to protect your group (actually the group belongs to God) so to put excessive poison in the bombs [counted in the secular as though goodly, except] rather than in turn be poisoned by those you bomb or their friends, to instead put the poison into the legally proper and morally proper waste system for handling such, and rather not make poison at all though some has seemed to help in the world at times, such as to poison (or rather undo) a virus that has been eating a person or growing on a person. Also perhaps make a converting business, converting certain types of poisons into beneficial materials.

    Concerning those that would not listen to God "says the LORD of hosts"..."I scattered them with a storm wind among all the nations whom they have not known. Thus the land is desolated behind them so that no one went back and forth, for they made the pleasant land desolate." (Zechariah 7.13 & 14). Christ JESUS God would rather properly make right and reclaim the land and set the oppressed free (Luke 4.18) to till the land for rich harvests and greater.

    So Beloved understand a tree has value, clay has value, important values have value, though trees, clay, and values are hardly to be worshipped, rather the person is over such with dominion (a firmament level Genesis 1.26, with: the law is made for man and not man for the law Matthew 1.19, there is a higher Christian Faith Path).

    Understand old records have values, though those records discuss things such as chariots and not cars, wine to purify (often relating to microbes in water that distress stomachs) instead of [contaminated] water, yet "wine" for instance has reality value(s) and JESUS name Holy Value; yet with these and greater "wine" has properties that secular scientists have not yet discovered nor innovated, truly there are things trillions of years from now that are not the same as today.

    So a key is the reality of the past situation and past perceptions concerning records of those time, and yet to properly ascend in New Christianity typically (this time, this generation) including some forward advance along the traditional timeline. A secular leader once said build the Tower of Babel, with "Babel" defined by Google as "a confused noise, typically that made by a number of voices". Excellent [known in the secular as secular, and as accomplished by the secular for secular self righteousness and other secular reasons](though such as with devout Christian and superb adventurer Neil Armstrong not legally affiliated with this site) science such as to land a person on the Moon, likewise the "Tower of Babel" type structure can be built yet properly for Christ JESUS.

    This "Tower of Babel" thing is already accomplished in Christ JESUS many times over with many structures much higher than the Great Pyramid of Giza (example including the new hardly measurable within former parameters (Job 32.19 rather Matthew 9.17 in agreeing with old level 1 Samuel 21.6 yet a greater higher level is come in Christ JESUS). But because things are greater it does not guarantee enduring (reference secular insurance).

    Because of this "reference" saying a new key is given, a key the Christian Leader knows along with being known in the secular, as if all too well known:

    the Christian Preacher hardly offers insurance per se (for example Mark 11.17) even though the True Prophet is able (though hardly to so opt: ibid.).

    So truly, truly, with this previous sentence key given is now this greater key given, although some might freely opt to think it hard yet similar to not having a diet of merely candy, rather with vegetables, in this same Christian Faith Path this proper precept key now fits on the former, with the latter as written in Galatians 6.2-4 LDS:

    lest to judge the self greater according to their enslavement, save Christ JESUS One Highest (and a key already given in proper Christian Baptism is accepting Christ JESUS as Highest, as Their Lord And Savior; likewise consider how a parent might carry an infant to a destination though the infant hardly asks the parent to thank the infant for the work accomplished by the parent to have [already (Omega Christ JESUS, and Alpha)] arrived together (True Holy Purity: Matthew 18.11). Christ JESUS is the destination of the Path Of Peace, yet with approaching, with proper ascending through New Christianity levels [with lower level measurable relative to a level of a vessel] while Christ JESUS ascends properly, Christ JESUS can also be present in any vessel (heart, soul / proper Christian Baptism and other precepts and Firmaments apply) and/or opt to be beside any vessel (as another person, identical twins as shown at, and/or as identical few or many people) of free opting yet for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS [(2 Samuel 23.3 NAS) the living rock, the rock of the Eucharist bread given yet with the wine (John 1.13 & 14)].

    If to profit from the works of other(s)-than-One-Highest-Christ-JESUS, then perhaps toward secular and lower levels: rather remove the confusion of ideas of others and of other works (Matthew 7.5, friend). Only the light of Christ JESUS shows the True Way (John 1.5), and the secular can find this same True Way in Christians, even new Members, though often higher level Christian Ushers, Christian Bishops, and Christian Popes have explained it better.

    All ye nations and groups, it is recommended ye enter into this Accord quickly for One High Christ JESUS Purpose, yet not to leave the benefit(s) left undone [(as much as time passes without, rather with benefits free from Christ JESUS) others are free to opt to enter in, and are so encouraged to properly ascend].

    For instance, Israel might opt to pay a tithe as per the Accord, while other nations may or may not opt to be on the receiving end once United States receives (if so opted to accept per se), though with such sign by Israel (even also including that proper Christian Baptism is not required though extremely recommended to the maximum though not law in the world [though able to so order Acts 10.45-48: yet of precepts normally offer Grace rather than worldly laws and worldly slavery]) Israel might overcome the tithing requirement via having fulfilled, that is if Israel tithes [as recommended (peaceful encouraging via other nations of this Accord would be appropriate] and then also Israel gives of itself (Proverbs 6.3 but not amiss, rather with Luke 10.27) rather than focusing on cattle, money, nor other worldly things, so if having "fulfilled" then free from the tithing restraint of this Accord.

    This Accord is hardly for pay, restitution, investment (save to invest in the Christian Work for helping all, according to proper precepts of Christ JESUS) even if gained per vessel, rather this Accord is for helping each nation and group vessel and person with properly advancing while losing nothing other than sin (including illegal: worldly interpretations may apply though only to those subset lower levels).

    This Accord formed from the Holy Precepts Of The Holy Prophet JESUS is a light unto this world and this generation, along the proper [New (step, or leap,...)] Christianity Faith Path for enabling the light of Heaven more greatly among the people (Psalm 119.105), that you may give this free [or toward free] light unto (3 Nephi 12.14) [your people (is secular) so rather] this people (of the group you enlighten) like unto how Christ JESUS Did (Acts 26.23 APE & NAS).

    If a nation heads toward wars, seek Christ JESUS properly that the wayward sins of that nation be properly overcome with Good In Christ JESUS. The secular often retorts, "What if"..., "But they may not listen"..., "Experience shows that won't solve"..., and/or similar other, and it may be true that the secular might continue some in it's confusion of "What if", and might assume "But they may not listen", and the secular is fond of former worldly predictions that worked in some situations so as to proudly announce "Experience shows that won't solve"; yet proper Faith is over such lower subsets.

    The past ways including of sinners are not the proper Holy Way, rather the Good guides from above (see above Drawing "Levels").

    In the past it was often the individual person that entered into a religion, and such is often goodly.

    Yet if a person already has a system in place ready to convert to the newer better (such as toward proper automating, and such as with newer technologies; if such are better), then hardly to add work to dismantle only to redo similar, rather to adjust merely the needful part for the greater value (tithe of the increase value 2 Chronicles 31.5).

    Similar is "And appoint for me a minister from my family -" ( with "Increase through him my strength" (

    So to not only agree and Accord, yet with to also properly ascend in New Christianity is with the coming of the greater "value" and "strength" (Matthew 21.42). While others might freely opt to delay and resist, rather ascend properly, from right to left:

    Greater / Miracles / Faith.

    Give greater [, ability to, rather Do] / Miracles [, ability to, rather Do] / Convert greater systems [, ability to, rather Do].

    Greater Leadership Guidance / Greater Miracles In This Generation As Example For Future / New Christianity (Miracles / Faith)(One Holy Work / One Holy Word).

    Proper Faith for Proper Best Higher Level Work.

    Islam for instance has Mosques, and governments and corporations have beautiful buildings and art structures and new technologies, though if most or many of a group's people are ignorant and/or in poverty, then as a noisy resounding gong or a clanging (1 Corinthians 13.1).

    Look at the above Drawing pics of Jerusalem: it looks disorganized (Colossians 2.8). Solve with New Christianity distinguishing faiths and spirits (1 Corinthians 12.10) including not ignoring proper maintenance that Your People and the goodly part of Your System not fail (Joshua 21.45). A beautiful Mosque without proper Faith is temporary. First that the faiths properly agree (see above text on the first step the "new Accord"), then the work.

    Christ JESUS said many would come in My name, therefore be aware, be of properly ascending Christian Faith, at least starting with great Accord.

    ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS March 4, 2018AD.

    A Sermon from the ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS: Sermons for Christian Leaders.

    Coming soon in the weeks ahead in this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS:

    Great New Revelations

    Main site: ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS Affiliated with Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ.

    Here is a note for search engine style language and code: people interested in the following generally might also be interested in this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS, especially Christian Leaders, and in the case of this current Sermons of this Series especially leaders including government, proprietary, and even all for helping followers: Weapons of Peace or war, measured faiths. How to properly end wars in JESUS. The New UN United Nations. President Donald Trump on Israeli new Peace Accord to stop terrorism with rifle in his hands. Soviet Union satellite system. Immaculate Pregnant Mother Mary Islam Muslims and Christians Oliver Stone movie Wall Street Gekko Michael Douglas rarest pistol in the world The Godfather pistol horse in his bed, Harold Ramis Judd Apatow movie Year One Chosen People. Neil Armstrong as if the first person on the Moon prefers Christ JESUS. Robot wars Quinn Pensky Erin Sanders Zoey 101 Brooks Jamie Lynn Spears Britney television series plasma exploded HIV is the fastest mutating organism on the planet, mutating 1,000,000 times faster than bacteria Virut.ce is the fastest-mutating computer virus known kaspersky polymorphic influenza virus is the fastest-mutating virus known a population can double in size every 20 or 30 minutes huge barges riverboat captain christendom convert.png ICCDBB Benchoff Internet Church For Christ JESUS.

    No copyright on this Sermon, feel free to copy. It to add info to the copy or to edit, please maintain the original integrity and intent as Christ JESUS explained.


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