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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS:

How to travel across the Known Universe

with properly ascending in Christian Faith.

Also given here is New Christianity technology to make it so.

JESUS Christ invites You Christian Leader to cross the Universe for JESUS Christ as from Ezekiel 45.4 RSV:

so cross the Universe in properly Faithful manner as from Matthew 18.4&3 RSV:

and cross the Known Universe technologically from Matthew 18.10 RSV:

Christ JESUS provides Holy Propheseying not only for this generation, yet also for the greater unseen including for the generations to come as shown in the Drawing below bottom right with a wave or similar system (reference jet shock waves, also the deep space travel envelope similar to the Bucky System).

Yet key to such technological advances is proper Christian Faith: and the number of steps of Faith (leaps, transfiguring, Your Flock Talents as One,...) depends on the level of proper Christian Faith, and: the lower levels though only to the extent You Plan to bring any such lower level offerings with You for giving [to and] for the greater glory of Christ JESUS [already full of Holy Heavenly Glory from above though with best Wisdom as to how to give, and/or allocate properly if applicable of free opting].

Some day a system could climb Dark Matter Thread the way a bike moves of a chain. The Baris Prophecy. Christian President Trump Christian Vice President Mike Pence Jerusalem Israel United Nations Accord how to represent Earth Physics Of God Dark Matter Black Holes new values captured in Bucky Balls and Bucky Tubes seeing unseen microwaves tractor repulsor beams properly docking in the golden cube until lifted. Barbara Maltby Rob Reiner movie The American President Andrew Shepherd Michael Douglas Lewis Rothschild J. Fox Sister Act Theres a lot we could do for them besides pray The Wizard of Oz good rather than wicked witch fully illustrated How to travel across the Known Universe Internet Church ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ 2018 AD Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS provided Some Dark Matter is slow while other often and greatly exceeds the speed and velocity of light, with some threads that move in a single direction while other threads are multidirectional (see "A Star Is Born" Drawing at Affiliated thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In God The Father.

Christ JESUS enables proper Faith In Heaven through Christ JESUS, therefore the works that people do, from the start, from their amount (level) of proper Christian Faith In Christ JESUS might freely opt to Do Heavenly Work where their vessel body is (on Earth, often typically of this generation of the population), so from the Holy Spirit In The Father In Heaven through Christ JESUS is the proper start.

From the Spirit Of Heaven ongoing, Your vessel is sent forth into the world for a moment such as to prepare for the Day maintaining Prayer(s) and making ready vessel(s).

Then with keeping the vessel pure via proper ascending in Christ JESUS to Do things [for their sakes] openly for Christ JESUS (John 11.9), so that whether a Flock Member or a person hearing Your Holy Christian Word is in a coma or in prison, they can Do as much [including even in the secular if pending proper Christian Baptism (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Accord) at least to the highest secular level]. Then if at the highest secular level, then with having full repentance toward remembering sins no more except until proper Baptism (reference the Catholic Church on exorcism hardly to remember sins yet for converting as much as pertinent, and reference LDS on the next higher level step, and reference other Christian Church(es) [as many types of talents apply (as One In The Fold Of Christ JESUS 4 Nephi 1.15-17)].

So now and normally at the start of the Day in the bright and early morning having accomplished the above Praying and vessel maintenance in having prepared for the Day, it is a Victory so give God the Glory (in Christ JESUS).

So the above is conquered with giving God the Glory which includes:

  • if to write (such as a Plan or a Sermon, then reference Christ JESUS and verses), likewise
  • if to work with the hands (and systems,...), whether Christian Spouse sex, repairing the leaky drain, texting in planning, talking on the phone to confer on the state of progress, or building picnic tables or bleachers for Your Christian Flock event,... with Your mouth give Prayerful thanks for Christ JESUS
  • so that in any aspect first give Glory to JESUS (even if alone, so to speak in the secular) and as with the "talking" example then after saying for Christ JESUS then often to speak of the progress or perhaps keep the mouth closed (such as if a contaminated water leak might otherwise splash into the mouth).

  • Then at break or job completion give thanks to God through JESUS Christ. Thank others that were involved in the name of Christ JESUS also.
  • Other criteria is often involved as with switching from emergency to emergency and from a priority level of as if partial victory to another higher priority level.

    So with the conditions of the previous sentence, the above text from here to the above caption, this is the general ascending Way of the Christ JESUS, and so pending the "conditions" the ascending process continues.

    For stating clearly for higher Holy Edifying, the secular is stated in this sentence, that this general ascending pattern motif is to be repeated.

    Though You Christian Leader are hardly in the secular, as the secular gains progress according to works. Rather the "repeated" is actually new: newly properly after giving thanks, then again with the instruction of Christ JESUS (to repeat, rather to start fresh yet with proper precept on proper precept), that is, with fresh higher Christian Faith of Holy Love, then also as much as Your Work continues Pure And Holy For One High Purpose In JESUS Christ, then to Do the Will Of The God Of Physics as the Physics are (as though yet greater than) as counted as proper knowledge (Wisdom = Love x Knowledge).

    The secular works on task after task (gaining knowledge) until their tasks injure or kill their vessel(s), or until properly becoming Christian.

    You Holy Leader Work The Will Of God Eternally (Eternal Work or ascending levels toward perfecting Eternal Work in You)

    as practice does not make perfect, rather

    in Christ JESUS practice makes perfect (1 Timothy 4.15).

    So Your Holy Work is truly from victory to victory, though the sinners count their efforts as if such. So rather to properly distinguish, Your Holy Christian Work is truly from the Will Of Christ JESUS to the Will Of Christ JESUS: in Your vessel this means nothing to do with You, not Your Will, not even Your [selfish] spirit; the victory to victory is what Christ JESUS accomplished and with Your mouth and hands enlivened via Christ JESUS then Christ JESUS gains the victories!

    So if to Work with the Hands (and/or any vessel and/or aspect) Christian Leader, then to be as naught and dust in the wind (Psalm 18.42 & James 4.14); save if Christ JESUS freely opts to lift You a level or some levels

    So if Christ JESUS is interested in lifting You, then You need be ready to agree.

    And behold Christian Leader, see the above text "Your Holy Work is truly from victory to victory", so in You it is truly agreed [agreeing] already (1 John 2.28&29)!

    (example Acts 13.24). So there is no need per se to Pray God in order to agree to something already in the past, yet even so to properly Give Thanks (as stated above) and Give Christ JESUS the Glory with inviting further instruction from God, such as go quickly now and recuperate or go now and consider this or that,...or work with the mouth and/or hands.

    Christ JESUS personally might tell You now while awake or in a dream, though also [or otherwise, see above text "distinguish"] You already have the Word(s) Christ JESUS spoke, in the Christian Bible.

    Christ JESUS can freely opt to speak clearly to a person, so that there is little or no doubt as to the source: Christ JESUS. Though similar to how the Old Testament has had many wars, so too are the spirits fighting themselves and the diligent Christian properly ascending for their sakes to properly make them worthy to safely ascend, is often attacked [or counted as though such] or a witness to the hateful destroying what goodly things and powers they thought they sinfully lusted (here is a true example of a sinner against the self: they steal from widows and children then a stranger steals from them: the sinner enables others to have what was theirs, whether by a thief or by a just judgement of a court, or whether by natural storms)(also logic luck happens to vessels rather Joel 2.32).

    Truly, truly, sinners wrongly imagine to be able to call on the Lord in order to continue to fall from grace, but see the above on "victory to victory" and on "properly ascending in Christian Faith". Even so, help guide the sinners to call on the Lord JESUS.

    You already have given Victories in the name of Christ JESUS, Christian Leader One Good And Faithful Servant, and if not to recognize the instruction of God, then You have the Word Of JESUS Christ Speaking as recorded in the Christian Bible, and if still wondering You also have Your Christian Church criteria and the other verses supportively (even Old Testament wars are given in the Christian Bible with precept info that is of redeeming social value).

    What is Your Christian Duty?, as You may already have Wisdom: humbly approach the Lord JESUS to Minister to Him even though He need none of such:

    1. if You know it is Christ JESUS, then be thankfully obeying, or

    2. if not sure if a voice is from God JESUS then seek to help the "voice" entity ascend in Christianity, which would involve the above text.

    Though the Christian Slave In Christ JESUS is free to convert others (#2) or to move away from sinfulness (example Luke 2.49, Lovingly even as a child of 12 years Christ JESUS knew this). You Christian Leader are to be over this given Universe: that's what Christ JESUS is.

    So what is Heaven, in order that You Give them [Christ JESUS] Heaven (the Hand Of The Creator Is In Each Vessel And Each Dark Matter Anomaly)?, it is per se as stated in Matthew 19.28&29 LDS:

    So Heaven is with JESUS You to sit in the throne (throne on the Highest Throne [after on "twelve thrones"], precept properly on precept)[Personally Finally or toward Final End Time] that the New Beginning be enabled, in order to be properly Authorized via Christ JESUS (see above text "agreeing") to be Charitable for all (though not every sinner might agree of their freely opting given time) with making the "agreeing" properly Worthy so as not to overwhelm to the extent of delirium which might enable in them to be tempted beyond their ability to receive properly from higher level(s). And so properly allocating is similar (Matthew 22.37-39) though this is not to say Charity is banned, rather of proper precepts the Physics Of The Creator applies.

    So a key is Charity is given (consult Your Christian Church criteria, lest for instance toward helping sinful money laundering), yet be with Faith In Christ JESUS Praying, Thanking, and Giving quickly (reference Tithing, such as that the newly recognized Israeli nation start afresh to best Harvest outwardly for instance [also secondly see "maintenance"]) that the Physics Of God be enforced to cover Your [perhaps secret] Charity (hence hardly about secular enforcement, though such might be considered if for Christ JESUS For One True High Purpose).

    Therefore a key is, the same as for a new Church Member, They Give, and then from that seed is the stalk, ear, full kernel, and then the Holy Harvest (often not in the secular experience ways they had imagined to receive, so They need be content with what [perhaps little] They have) so to be planting and yet when ascending properly then rather Harvesting; and not stealing from the Church and then planting tithes (consult Your Christian Church criteria in case details apply).

    So the key is this: (see above text on victories for Christ JESUS): Do the Holy Work that Christ JESUS explains including to Pray be Thankfully in the Physics Of God Purely that the Charity You Give be Rightly Only As You Hope In The Lord JESUS.

    In other words in secular terms, if to give cash to sinners they might repent, though if they know the cash is Christian Charity Cash and not secular cash such as to buy illegal drugs and ammo: it makes a difference.

    Give to a Christian Church, or if a Christian Church then Give Tithes toward Helping the recipients with Helping them be aware that it came from Christian resources as part of the Work Of Christ JESUS. So a key is to humbly serve others, though if High Priest, then also Work toward Helping them know the Charity is from Christians For Christ JESUS (even if You are the only Member of Your Christian Church since You entered into the Harvest that Christ JESUS accomplished for You) lest the recipients be left unawares of a key of how they should spend their received money (or other gifts, such as to receive a gift and give something else as a gift for another: example a person receives a coat that fits and gives it away but if to give to a person not the same size then to give toward in vain, so even Charity can have parameters applying, so of a new Revelation given to You is to rightly apply the Physics Of God over Charity [see above not to ban per se].

    There is a Path for You to ascend. There is another Path (same Path) concern, concerning Charity: given to the higher Christian Church, or if the High Priest (or Charitable Giving Administrator Anointed of that Christian Church [from Accounts Receivable to] Administering over Accounts Payable [including Charity] then to Do so in the proper Physics Of God as applicable with [if Christ JESUS personally instructs, or at least] through Your Christian Church criteria and with the above text Guiding any recipients of Your Charity Gifts being made aware such is from Christians For Christ JESUS. This is stated as fact, for their sakes. And if it sounds like bragging, then at least bragging on the Lord JESUS [and perhaps also bragging on Your Flock and/or Christians].

    So if to Give [them (but conditionally, see above "tempted beyond"), so rather Holy Christian Them] Heaven and subset Universe, then anew, and so with the properly ripened Holy Harvest and not overripened and fallen. Yet leave not the other left undone, hardly give into the sinfulness, yet rather leave not undone giving into the secular (free opting applies, other Christian concerns can apply).

    Feed and Comfort the imprisoned, and yet leave not the imprisoner left unnourished nor uncomforted, for instance the "imprisoner" might be the pilot of Your Colony In Your Anointed Spacecraft, and might rather be a Christian Pilot. Many might feel trapped and imprisoned perhaps unfairly, perhaps hardly realizing the colonizing responsibilities during travel and with settlement. So have Your Flock Work (see above text) on these typically lower level matters of passenger responsibilities, some with new freedoms from responsibilities, though often felt as if merely extra burdens. Have them consider how people are given extra responsibility burdens if to ride a roller coaster, including not to have coitus during the ride even if unstated on the board that lists rules for that roller coaster ride [such as minimum height requirement (similarly at times of "travel" special accounting, positioning of passengers, chores, and so on can apply; often counter to comforts).

    So if to give the Universe of the Heavens, then so to cross the Universe in properly Faithful manner with those boarding aware of future planned responsibilities. Seek that every person onboard be Christian.

    For the Glorifying of Christ JESUS, consider the above Drawing lower left. It is a simple piece of cardboard covered in aluminum wrap, with a wire attached. If to have no technical Wisdom In Faith In Christ JESUS, then hardly to let a person play God with such an electrical device, though if they are considered not under Your Authority per se and freely choose to so handle yet safely (if God allows) the electronic device, then You are free to opt to enter into their harvest (Witnessing For The Glory Of Christ JESUS). Yet rather with Holy Harvesting Wisdom You may opt to so devise if for higher purpose in Christ JESUS.

    The single wired aluminum is generally an antenna or sensor. If to a copper wire, then problematic relative to attaching to an aluminum wire. So consider Doing Perfectly in all things, for Christ JESUS.

    Extra wires makes the aluminum plate into a multi-function device (reference computer hardware). Two plates forms a capacitor, and varying the field in between can change the channel, and can change to be more toward software and/or other functions not only to flow power yet also if opted to contain power (see top left pic of person holding symbolic Bucky Ball with imprisoned mass inside). Now for Christ JESUS the Bucky Ball can symbolize electromagnetic properties, while the mass contained therein can symbolize the gravity source (from the Creator JESUS Physics source Given for You).

    A Black Hole, a Black Hole level point of gravity, is almost always with surrounding electromagnetic properties, though hardly randomly (ibid.); a not "surrounding" electromagnetism is when a Black Hole has eaten all the surrounding planets so is not as previously (the secular might undo itself).

    Since a Black Hole eats planets which have both electromagnetism and gravity, then for the High Purpose In Christ JESUS to Give the Universe, the electromagnetism (Bucky Ball Design) can control the planets and hence the Black Holes the ways donkeys and horses are led by a carrot on a string on a stick, and the ways storms approaching land tend toward warm rivers rather than cold. So if to manage a tiny Black Hole, then to manage a means to divert a stream of gravity, a stream of Dark Matter; and to influence it (convert for Christian proper utilization purpose(s)) such as to respond so that the Dark Matter field or string be as a plucked guitar string or as a springboard from which to leap higher (see Drawing above center top Faith and above center "Spring")

    Now, currently, at least predictably the above quick crossing of the Known Universe in the next generation of people is contingent upon this Accord of nations of this generation: this is hardly about a tiny prison cell capsule of an obsolete spaceship and rather of greater than cruise ship colonizing vessel [even at some of the higher speeds of travel it would take long to build, supply, prepare leadership, load and unload passengers, and do the actual traveling (with human bodies vessels and cargo "quick crossing" even such as G-force maximum [and/or G-force conquering in the world, see "Coming soon" near bottom of this page] would consume some time not counting the starting of the settlement nor similar resupply requests if the colonists find special needs [reference colonizing United States Of America, also continuing reference Easter Island]). Truly, truly, of the Physics Of God those not of Accord may soon or Will eventually need justify and account [hardly to others, rather to God (ibid.)].

    Be with Wisdom that the above "greater than cruise ship" is not for lacking responsibility [rather pitching in toward Perfectly Helping (so Christians are invited into such High Level Leadership though not a requirement)] and the paradise of the journey is hardly the point, yet rather to be Wise to the Heavenly High Purpose [Golden Cube] reality (in secular terms compare "tiny prison cell capsule" such as devoid of such things as tethered or rocket pack space walk for repairs). Rather even at high velocity (which normally takes longer than calculated maximum speed, see above "G-force" considering types of vessel materials interacting) initially many years of "quick" traveling would be involved.

    For Christians and if any others onboard, whether of Accord or not, and for the High Purpose Of God, the colonizing spaceship is to be lavish with fine functional [artwork] yet also among the greatest of vacation values (though paid of free opting of this Accord and if any others agree to fund) with low level secular logic casting of lots sampling all people rich or poor, healthy or sickly (reference Christian Marriage Vows, also related prohibiting factors of laws [such as blood types, contagions, and terrorists to the extent that some people are already isolated reasonably and it might be better to not relocate them for their own safety and that of the greater Good, for example a person with a newly discovered blood type causing strange behavior being studied and helped progressingly might be better with such helpers as for instance by far not every attempt to DNA modify has perfect results)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on DNA modifying and also on monsters coming whether from outer space or not)].

    The plush colonizing ship would be wondrous and likely make many sinners envious, though through the years the people not on the journey would have plenteous resources and abilities through the years to make even far greater "plush" things, including with having the "plush colonizing ship" as a motif for further home and vessel building.

    Behold the grand flaming fires of former lighthouses [with plush trappings (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS with Drawings, pics, and illustrations such as at]. Yet today civilization would hardly want such, and would rather have [such as money spent on] delightful food and shelter and such, and green energy rather than giant fires to guide ships. The former Seven Wonders Of The Ancient World have nearly entirely fallen into the status of [near (Genesis 2.7)] worthless dust. Even so, let civilization have wonders reasonably, for entertainment and higher value awe.

    Behold, Adam was at the start of this civilization, and now as explained from higher Faith in this ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS a New Beginning would come. Now this note is given, like how unto this Christian Faith In Christ JESUS, and like unto how many of the other faiths invited into this Accord as stipulated, this Colonizing is also a New Civilization. They Will call themselves "Our civilization", meaning that colony from initial landing to their present time(s).

    Now is given You this higher realization from Faith Of Christ JESUS.

    If the Colony is a subset of this current civilization, then understand at least genetically through generations and rather Eternally Leading With Christ JESUS As One Spiritually, this current civilization, these remaining people are symbolically as gods to them of that Colony (our colonies in deep space places), as we are in their heavens.

    Therefore worms or human shapes or plants or such be warned, to love them, to love Your Children in the Heavens among the stars.

    Love and do not improperly make them call You God, save if for their sakes and if Truly of the Highest Christian Level As One Christ JESUS In Clear Perfect Fact.

    Yet conditionally a person may allow some lower beliefs, similar to how a Pure Infant (no need of repentance) associates God with Their Parenthood,

    also how a lower level domesticated animal can hardly distinguish (even so Preach JESUS Christ to every creature and all).

    Reference Christ JESUS, have no other gods before Christ JESUS In The Father In The Holy Spirit As Heaven One (Matthew 22.45 which grew in proper Faith from Genesis 24.36).

    Rather hardly above the future Colony nor they above us, rather as Christ JESUS taught to rightly of proper precept on precept that all be One All JESUS God (and if with vessel(s) then with vessel(s) though the Holy Spirit requires no vessel(s) save: see above "a New Beginning would come" and hence with properly ascending Eternal New Beginnings.

    The above Drawing lower right shows a gear of electromagnetic Bucky Ball teeth [(encasing a Black Hole at each tooth) encasing a source of much gravity] interacting with a Black Matter Stream. The point of a tooth gravimetric mass proper (for Christ JESUS) interacting with the Black Matter Stream is according to the Faithful higher purpose reasoning, similar to how a parent responsibly drives to the store to provide for the child, and rather to how a parent drives the family to Christian Church or Together Does what Christ JESUS exemplified. So the commander of the Bucky Ball has it interact with the Stream [similarly such commanding has been known traditionally in this world] though hardly to empower the spacecraft and rather for the higher purpose.

    For the Highest One Purpose: Christ JESUS Taught And Did.

    This thing Christ JESUS Taught And Did was not only for back then, not only for now, yet for Eternal Highest Purpose. So this is hardly about to go visit on vacation or to travel on a job or for a mission as previously B.C., and rather only for One Highest Purpose. It is the Faith that has this Highest Purpose, other things are subset(s).

    It is the Christian Faith that Best Guides, it is the vessel that follows and that encounters things that the vessel calls problems, for example a computer vessel alerts with a popup message to be sure You want to allow an app or something to enter your system, or a machine sounds an alarm; though if Best then the popups and alarms function for You instead of working against You (example: free hosting so with ads, as if against You yet to provide You with the name "JESUS" so for You as much as in proper Faith).

    So a key is that if proper Holy Progress is seen, then grant time (see near bottom of page "Coming soon") and likewise as much as appropriate grant automation, resources, helps, and such, even if Holy Progress is at an acceptable though slow rate; yet seek for the most effectual [with best converting ( in Christ JESUS, that opposers also become best]. So likewise though under Firmaments enable best in all levels, so Wisely enable, proper precept on proper precept in New Christianity in Christ JESUS.

    So a secular key is quality spacecraft for Colonizing, yet also able to overcome increasingly properly and even best [not only best in fleet, yet rather anew best] including to manage the Dark Mater Fields And Streams: the webbings of the Heavens, the Fabric Of Space, the Fabric Of You One God In Christ JESUS For Christ JESUS of 2,000 years ago to properly best be of the True One Highest Purpose. The Bucky Ball and Trammel Net technologies would be eventually greater than the above gear and rather as a spider that walks very quickly over it's own web, but if another spider or bug comes it might become stuck, conditions apply over lower levels.

    The time Will come that as a spider walks from one side of their web to the other side, so too Will the Christian In The Pure Body Do in walking across the Known Universe in the same amount of time and effort (yet of Faith the Christian In Spirit can be already accomplished).

    Larger vessel systems need prepare not only for the destination, yet also as a web pulls in many directions, care needs be for other colonies, so as not to shake improperly, yet if to shake then for the Best Reason [(otherwise for examples earthquakes and Luke 22.31) though such (ibid.) are conquered in Christ JESUS too (examples Exodus 17.6 and Luke 6.38)].

    Christ JESUS would that the Accord [and rather One Christian Fold In The Name Of JESUS] Colonizing people be safely on course. So a responsible and appropriate Spaceship Christian Leadership is key with a suitably worthy (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on booksmart, on useful, and on properly utilizing most effectually)(reference Cambridge English Dictionary on real-world) Commander (Christian normally) rather than separation of Church [as] or State; for instance as written in John 7.1 NAS:

    Though not as stated in the above verse in the secular (Matthew 23.13), rather as Christ JESUS taught with appropriate precept on appropriate precept; that is, the higher value Christian Faith is not in the legalese nor case law interpretation of that verse line alone, rather Christ JESUS Did the Will Of The Father In Heaven as example for others to so be of same Holy Spirit And Do For The Father In Heaven In The Name Of Christ JESUS, so interpret in the Heart Of JESUS And Do Properly Christian Leader, so interpret carefully the former into the living anew as Christ JESUS exemplified since Wisdom Of Heaven In The Father In Heaven agrees with Christ JESUS that as written in Matthew 18.6 NAS:

    So Christ JESUS did not do as sinners coerced, rather as the Creator Plan Commanded; yet to be Perfect Christ JESUS did not sinfully break the law(s) and also did not cause any others to fall (including Lucifer to Satan).

    So the Commander should be Christian though consider a situation as in entertainment videos (whether symbolically or in fact) when a passenger needs to pilot the plane in an emergency. So per se, if no properly licensed Christian experts are available invite the non-Christian or opt to not so travel (consult Your Christian Church plans and goals)(secular people have helped many Christians, and in cases have greater worthiness per [temporary] situation).

    In either case, Christian or secular, the Colony Spaceship Commander might have no sensible value if the plan is wrong. In the above Drawing center is a fancy ball symbolizing the right tool for the job in that circumstance. If an idea does not match the plan nor design nor goal nor consider other variables, then see above text "booksmart" if the idea holds merit at all.

    Note, the Christian Follower might have love without properly best applying; the Christian New Member [hence also a Follower] might have experience applying though lack increasing love required for higher level Faith. The Christian Leader is to seek to be with both: Wise (Proverbs 4.7 Faith enabling Miracles 1 Kings 4.30 tied to unaffiliated pertinent site

    You Christian Leader, that is, normal to Christian Leadership, is to Evangelize people and then to Pastor over the Flocks (in One Holy Fold In Christ JESUS). Though Christ JESUS said to speak the Holy Word to every living creature and with this precept to not cast pearls before swine. So then consider how to properly, precept on precept, to lift animals under the Firmament, animals that are not to be Baptized because of the given Firmament of the Physics Of Christ JESUS One Creator. So the following sentence is not about enslaving people, rather precept on precept domestication of creatures lower than the human Firmament (note: rightly distinguish people born for instance with tails are people).

    If for higher purpose for their sakes monkeys were chained by the ankle in a line, and then taught to carry things (individual item per monkey, later teams carrying logs) in a desert oasis place, and only the workers were given food and water, and so the monkeys learned to work and to have manners, then better than the evolution rate the monkeys might be given increasing liberties according to their worthiness, as Christ JESUS Did lifting human sinners that the humans become New Creatures.

    Though the monkeys continue to be monkeys, they are new creatures under the Firmament, they became civilized as never before in their generations, they became human friendly, human supportive properly, as a wild horse that is [in secular terms broken spirit, though] improved in spirit and turned away from lower careless reckless wildness.

    Often on television are shown humans freely opting to be slaving (evidently for lack of faith in Christ JESUS Matthew 6.38) to move giant stone blocks in the desert to make higher advanced calculations as to how long it took to make the pyramids, while the ancients (less advanced in their secular ideas) utilized strong camels and were with the mighty African Elephant, and yet rather of Noah Technology and with God (so rather Matthew 6.38)(also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on outer space type civilizations visiting, and on other advanced entities interacting such as at the Garden Of Eden).

    Christ JESUS would that [even now here on Earth] Christians go into outer space and of proper precept on precept Faith In Christ JESUS perform Signs and Miracles that they believe, and if lower Firmament, then perhaps chain them in order to make worthy and lift and free them, the way a rider leads a horse to food and water, and the way a falconer trains for the higher domestication benefit, as the falcon provides food and the presence of the human protects the falcon from other hungry birds of prey.

    In the above Drawing center top are boxes in line with yellow in the center. The lines are straight and narrow save the purple curved line (it is the secular that actually turns, though shown as indicated for Edifying, ibid. on similar illustrations in this ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS) symbolizing young Christ JESUS as a new bud sprouting (Romans 11.16) that the people become new in Christ JESUS (Romans 11.17). Even the former timeline is become new (see toward bottom of this page).

    This is the start of the New Age, with New Christianity Faithfulness via the proper arranging of precepts given via Christ JESUS for giving through You to others, even the start of lifting materials properly from dust and plastic with such moving into the Tree Of Knowledge, unto the Miraculously higher newness though beneath the animal Firmament and beneath the plant Firmament.

    So given is this new key for this generation now: the Known Universe is no exception.

    Go in the name of Christ JESUS and domesticate this given Known Universe, for it's sake chain and domesticate it to make it worthy to be levitated and set free anew.

    Go and chain the threads of the fabric of space, the Dark Matter future highways.

    Go and cage the Black Holes toward internal combustion designs and greater in Christ JESUS.

    Christian President Don Trump has started the given times concerning the protecting of Israel, having extended the Olive Branch Of Holy Peace that worthiness and then lifting (this Accord) should be accomplished again in them for Them as written 1 Nephi 10.14 LDS:

    Behold, in these times, in these months, in this given year, this is the Season Of Miracles.

    Though Christ JESUS would that people be aware that even with the right Christian Leadership and right Commander, and equipment per plan, the plan might fail (see above "this Accord" with previous specifications, Matthew 9.29/free opting gift, and Matthew 11.20 failure to repent) and of notable importance is the severe quality gap of this generation, which many contest such as giving your monitor as an example. Christ JESUS came for higher purpose, for evidently more perfect font see site at

    Work goes into Commander selection, along with plan (see above text), and design responsibility, and quality authority,...selection(s). If to select a person as though at random, to lead then the spaceship would crash and burn save higher Miracle / Creator Physics. Similarly if to select a person to be Commander or another person over spacecraft construction quality, but to censor them (see above text and previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on PCS, on non-experts in charge of experts, and on rise and fall of Knights Templar), then similarly to plan to fail.

    Rather in Christ JESUS as with for instance redeeming social value, the "redeeming" part means one thing for entertainment, though a far different thing for spaceship quality and Commanding safely and properly. As stated above [as much as concerning the appropriate "quality" and "Commander"] the quality and the Commander are "OPPRESSED" normal to this generation. This is said for the higher purpose benefit of all, in all matters comprehensively for properly prioritizing in Christ JESUS.

    In this generation each and every person is "OPPRESSED" whether a tyrant or a slave, as much as this generation is not as Christ JESUS or at least with Accord with the Christian Creator JESUS (Matthew 3.15).

    Clearly at least in the secular understand that a person in charge, such as a mother, is in charge over their infant, but if to freely opt to carelessly ignore the infant when the infant is being eaten by hungry wolves, then to lose not only the infant but also to break the law and to sin and to waste all those longsuffered efforts, and those birth labor pains and scars and Marriage hopes (and the spouse is not excuse for this per se) and perhaps the longsuffered life of the "mother" depending on court ruling (there are many loss opportunities though only one Saving [properly ascending] Christian Faith Path Matthew 7.13).

    Christ JESUS explained it costs less to Do it right the first time, for instance the Commander and the others of key positions are to rightly be in charge (level of each position of authority applies) in advance: the Commander for instance is over the Firmament level of the computer and the other spacecraft machinery.

    Even if to hire and they are mostly on break, hire the people including start, middle, and end user representatives as authorities from the onset, if to plan to colonize as Christ JESUS explained to represent all aspects and all check points and all improvement suggestions, and so on for One Highest Victory, then from the start have the quality input.

    Otherwise, after the accidents it is too late. If hiring is too expensive, do something other than a spaceship: understanding there are many ways to succeed or fail.

    Christ JESUS Wills that people be delighted in Their Christian Work from the start. If a person explains they would work hard under certain fair conditions: Give such.

    Seek to have pertinent quality, proper Commanding, and a delightful crew and great whole, as written in Matthew 6.22 KJ ["single" is a key, also see Commentaries at]:

    If not "single" then to invite lack of value from Holy Miracles, and to invite risk and worse, as per James 1.8 NLT & KJ [also see Commentaries at on the "heart"]:

    In simple terms, the person at the top always needs to hear the person at the bottom (even if not in Your Christiant Flock), though Christian Leadership make it so (including through Your Christian Church criteria) properly systematically, and if systematic, then a priority key is over the system: each person (note, some circumstances such as coma is often with conditions that apply, though not to segregate and rather to conquer that the system be One Vertical Line [toward such as main canal] rather than divided [yet of fair and proper Grace, Mercy, Peace and such allow for natural tributaries and islands at times conditionally]).

    Note that some "PCS" (see above text) is government classified, some is proprietary, though public "PCS" as discussed above sufficeth all per se (Matthew 6.32).

    For instance a Commander might want windows, as might a passenger; a quality person might want a lot of silver and gold as has been normal for certain spacecraft parts, and a passenger might want to admire fancy gold trim such as to remind of the Holy Ark Of The Covenant.

    Extra space and extra lavish additions are important for isolated long duration flight and colonization startup. Consider how most businesses for instance fail quickly or in not so many years. So the quality and Commander and others need be in (at least representatives) over budget from the start, not leaving undone the latest more costly reliable high tech, entertainment, grand events, and so forth; at a cost up to the acceptable amount and reasonably above or below the plan success limit (see text above "do something other"): in other words hardly put the cart before the horse, when given time, check plans thoroughly in advance (Luke 14.31) though when not given time then at least Walk In Faith (see above).

    In recent decades for instances there were many bosses that bought monitors and other equipment and systems without making their employees aware, hence no input from employees, which per se resulted in no significant advantage, cost overruns, and so forth, and many caused problems instead of solving; while the bossed failed to fix low cost new design and/or maintenance concerns: similar is true in some Temples, government facilities, homes, and vehicles...(John 8.7).

    Christ JESUS gives the correct Way to Do things. Properly ascending Christian Leaders tend to Do such (reference JESUS Christ, King James [and other proper translation leaders per se], Saint John, Joseph Smith, Martin Luther King Jr., Christian President Don Trump, and so on).

    Christian Leadership planning is like unto such people, yet for instance perhaps opt to check what passersby think of Your Church, and what new Members think of their previous visits, and what strangers think when they exit (note feedback rarely does not apply [see above text following "John 7.1 NAS" for awareness over worldly matters] though is not part of this ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS Series Christian Church criteria plan [for the same "John 7.1 NAS" yet rather toward pertinent level Faithful reasoning]).

    Considering the spacecraft design for how to cross the Known Universe, with above authoritative input from each, the above Drawing lower right is hardly detailed, though many designers, engineers, students, and others can easily understand what is involved (once shown a solution it is relatively simple, as compared in the secular to trying to figure it out, trying to think of a solution [many have longsuffered in vain]).

    Among the details not simplified in the above Drawing involve speeds and velocities.

    Consider how a wave has a wavelength. In the secular in adage "Time is money", "Money buys knowledge", and "Knowledge is power". A wavelength is a time length, a frequency of duration of event. Power is this length with amplitude of wave (often including as measured from baseline, often measured from trough). So in the secular the standard of "money" is "wave". Though thanks to Christ JESUS now the secular has more thoroughly become aware [in Dark Matter, and previously somewhat in Black Holes,...] that the traditional electromagnetic wave has delimited influence concerning somewhat more free [loose cannon] Dark Matter of mass, hence gravity.

    The former ways described popularity for instance according to gravity, and yet the True Mass is found in Christian Faith In Christ JESUS.

    Creator Christ JESUS Physic(s) has provided that many Black Holes are surrounded by electromagnetic galaxies, and those that are not can (see above Drawing on Bucky tech) can be gathered anew to this civilization, the way a gear tooth can attract a hungry Black Hole.

    Yet also the Christ JESUS formed Black Holes in various sizes (also check with nations and on proprietary artificial Black Hole progress) so that You can select the appropriate size (see above text "drives to the store").

    Truly, truly, within days if (right to left):

    Far greater proper Ascending For Christ JESUS / Omnipresent Christianity / This Accord

    : then the crossing over the Known Universe would be accomplished, though of Wisdom over the secular level, it is hardly reasonable for such expectation in them of their freely opted faiths. Such is as they consider their own [often lazy ideas, often selfish ideas and] ways are better than others, since they have encountered much treachery (though some have entertained Angels). Also with the Physics Plan Of The Creator in mind, many are called though few are A Chosen.

    If true, as the secular explains, then if "treachery", consider what would happen if that "treachery" met with the Physics Of God. So rather than to dwell in that, dwell in [heart (likewise soul) in] the Loving Caring God: be about the One High Purpose For JESUS.

    The secular has had many quick and automated things, so harvest such knowledge and apply to Your Christian Faith (or at least in this Accord for progress, to enjoy great Miracles in the given timeframe, though see near bottom of this page "Coming soon").

    If a wave expands due to expansion, it is not with the same properties as previously. Now consider that a mass can expand. New Monster Systems are coming. "New" because the former world could hardly contain ( Confusion Will be full in the secular if to view the new expanding reality coming. The expanded wave is to be toward a straight line, the secular knots at the hem of the garment of Christ JESUS is undone and overcome through Christ JESUS Physics Of The Expanding Universe far beyond the straightening of the Known Universe.

    Day after day You go about Your Work, yet You travel at very high speed through outer space, even that if You throw a ball forward, it would be virtually instantly far behind You (symbolically, depending on direction). That former speed of Earth in outer space is insignificant to the quickly coming speed. Written in Revelation 2.1 NAS:

    (Ephesians 6.12 & Matthew 16.17 [greater Christian Faith], with Matthew 13.16 [with not leaving undone Your Holy Conquering of responsibilities for their sakes]).

    Light moves from the Big Pulse to the edge of the Known Universe, though (above Drawing upper right) two light beams travel with one toward the East and the other beam of waves toward the West, so that the distance is twice the speed of light(s) in that timeframe (a maximum expansion key).

    What then is the speed of Holy Enlightenment?, this morning prior to awakening from bed March 27, 2018AD, came a dream of hospital visitors though the person in charge that appeared as though a nurse and instead of tending to patient and family needs the person looked up the price if to visit while the Holy Spirit gave the viewpoint of looking over the shoulders to see the price charts but the price charts were disappearing and astonished the person turned around to see and realize the person's actions were being thoroughly witnessed and the person screamed as a person caught in the act of sin and then appeared as to be a human vessel with two (see above text "single" key) human spirits (one a great popular movie star face, and the other face toward unknown to much of the public) and then the dream was over; now You Christian Leader have the secular version word for word as accounted, so what is Your higher enlightened version in Christ JESUS?, though future interpretations would come, the current speed-of-higher-Holy-Enlightenment [level] is this: in any walk of life there are priorities of Christ JESUS, for being in Christ JESUS to help any unable to help themselves, so prepare the principalities and powers to arrange the systems so that the systems do not interfere against the One High Purpose In Christ JESUS and that rather the systems properly support the One High Purpose In Christ JESUS (see above "redeeming social value").

    So the speed of Christian Faith becoming Miraculous in this case was less than an hour, plus some extra time to write such for the One High Purpose In Christ JESUS, for edifying unto greater Holy Enlightenment.

    In spaceship colonizing travel, healthcare for instance Will have costs and/or similar safety concerns (with or without money). If a patient has a minor cut on the finger, the safety danger is of the patient's cut becoming contaminated, though if a patient carries an airborne virus then the [priority] major concern at least initially is risk of contaminating others; so "cut" patient might receive visitors immediately while the virus person might be inside a room inside additional [futtocks baffles and similar] barriers such as preparatory clean rooms so of added costs and/or safety efforts. Similar applies elsewhere such as Commander protection levels (reference Your Christian Church criteria). So of this higher Enlightening the cost, safety, and protection need each and all be under the responsible [toward One Highest Purpose] auspices of the highest expert / given talent of pertinence [including such as a child end user of food, entertainment (monitor, toys, games,...),...including toward properly overcoming unrest] from the initial planning stages and throughout [toward reduce (though see for instance above "fancy gold"), reuse (also converting such as new use or upgrading), and recycle (if cost effective for instance dust might be converted into bricks or greater); and all pertinent and "responsible" need reasonably agree in each step and stage of processing.

    You wanted Heaven for Your Flock, and now look and behold how Christ JESUS In You reveals it to You, YLT:

    so as given of the properly ascending Enlightening of Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary it is the source of Loving "Faith, not the flesh," that "is the strongest proof of that love.": Christ: JESUS.

    With properly ascending in Christ JESUS comes the enabling unto greater Holy Heavenly Enlightenment (examples, from Alter Person to Priesthood, from giving a cup of water to greater than former Christian soup kitchens). A snail at a snail pace can be lifted up to the top of a ladder where birds fly, though a reasonable person took no snail to the top level and threw it off today (exceptions can apply) since the snail is hardly worthy of flight as birds do so easily, and the snail spirit is hardly of the higher bird spirit level: typically such as if help for the snail would endanger the snail instead of help. Continue to Love Faithfully, though hardly to lift every snail on every ladder, rather properly prepare knowledge (Mark 9.50) to gain proper Wisdom that every snail as much as given for You to lift, would be rightly lifted for One High Holy Purpose.

    Have and give some knowledge, yet in Doing so properly give Love all the more!

    Knowledge is important to many in the secular world. A record of recent years states:

    "They can't see what makes up 95 percent of the universe: Dark energy, dark matter, and dark radiation" ("").

    Jesus can.

    Christ JESUS can see what He Made With His Father In The Eternal Spirit. He saw this current [Pulse] Creation (the known as "the Created", various sources) and Christ JESUS knows the end result and each increment along the Way (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on everything is alive, and on Trammel Net pertinent to this colonizing and travel Sermon for Christ JESUS)(also reference Eucharist).

    If a person is willing to be of [this Accord timeframe per se and rather with] ascending within Christianity, then not only to be saved. If to be saved, then including with dominion over all the creatures of the [Known (see above text "rather properly prepare knowledge")] Earth and likewise over the Known Universe including life on other [living including the living gamma of Black Holes (toward not to be tested in this current generation yet Malachi 3.15-17)] planets including any monsters there given for Yourself for to have dominion over them and then to unravel for others properly ascending for them to so overcome; and then greater monsters and plans, great and small.

    As is written, if there are any in authority today that be careless concerning those under them, those in current knowledge with insufficient love would hardly be able to defend themselves, though even an earless worm has a mouth and so might form the name JESUS [and if given time, to properly ascend (Isaiah 41.25) such as tied to this Accord, Ezra 1.2 ESV:

    There are safe levels [toward knowledge] and there are other levels [toward Christian Faith] that seem risky (part of the Original Plan). For instance if to heat water, the rate of change from above, from You adding heat, is counted as if changing, since the water agrees changingly, such as at the boiling point, and the water at the top of the bubble is hardly the same as the water below, as other physical properties apply. Faith has properties.

    Concerning travel into the less known, properly ascending Christian Faith becomes all the more important (see above "properly give Love all the more!"). Whether Christian or not, some people as explained above have love though might not be currently with an amount of knowledge appropriate unto that [amount, value, or similar Spiritual] love. Now the secular minimum of knowledge is to know the law (no excuse) though the infants [and others (conditions apply)] are perfect, even of a key, a perfect unawareness, and similar is another key toward perfect unawareness (Luke 12.48).

    These are Mercy keys.

    These are toward proper dominion over the Mercy Seat [colonizing aloft Christian Chapel (Ark Of The Covenant Exodus 25.19)].

    What good is a spaceship, a house, or even an ark?, nothing (as dust, though see above "everything is alive"), save for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS; if a home or a Church or a spaceship is goodly, then what is goodly?, goodly is of properly ascending (One High Purpose and whether agreed or not goodly is for Christ JESUS hence living): goodly is a step in the process, the Loving Christian Faith Process. To properly distinguish, for preparing to ascend rightly through Christian levels [toward Eternally], goodly is as a step without giving Christ JESUS the glory in the given season, generally, while Good in Holy Heaven [and for Heaven On Earth...] is with Oneness In Christ JESUS in Word and in Doing.

    In Christ JESUS it is Good to know Prophetically what is coming so as to properly prepare. The powers of Your Christian principalities are with Loving Highest Spirit though also like unto various vessels reasonably within Your Holy Bank Of Knowledge, Your experiences and learning and doings. A car for instance can go smoothly at 55 miles per hour, though can hardly go 1/10th inch per minute, so if to opt to go that rate of 1/10th inch per minute, then snail power might rather be chosen. A speed boat might go so fast that the hull hardly contacts the water surface, so if the port side contacts then perhaps to sharply and hazardously turn to port (jackknife style) though if to power up then the motor lifts the whole to safety (danger, seek professional expertise prior to any attempt; nearby first alert team awareness is recommended)(ibid. decelerating).

    So while proper Faith offers full throttle rates and speeds as some enjoy, Christ JESUS would also that people be safe and Loving with other rates and knowledge parameters all for One Best Purpose In Christ JESUS.

    Dark Matter has high speed particles often, and dangers often, so if to travel involving such then for the continuous planning and Commanding to be aware with aware-equipment-and-energies, that is, preparing in advance for Holy Lifeforms..., supplies, equipment and energies to be delightfully able to handle such reasonable (perhaps, or to change course, as part of the One Higher Purpose, that is, not only to say the Christ name "JESUS" yet also to Do in this given created.

    "Together, dark energy and dark matter make up 95% of the universe." The remaining 5% is "Energy like light, heat, and X-rays, together with matter like people, elephants, planet Earth, the sun, and all the galaxies" (

    Above Drawing center illustrations and to the right center are as if barriers, levels, such as a step from Old Testament to New, and such as steps [or a leap] from blue to red. The Old Testament for instance only spoke of "faith" twice according to the LDS Bible search engine, so there needs have been introduced a better Holy Way via Christ JESUS with rather Faith as though boundlessly increasingly mentioned. As with the increasing knowledge the Loving Faith abounds all the more as in the above Drawing of knowledge (Known Universe) expanding.

    So Loving Faith is being received and given unto others as never before as Christ JESUS Prophesied with proper ascending the last can properly be better than the first, John 15.6 BS:

    The appropriate awareness of what is out there, and what in living in materials, and what life force controls a person, and rate and enroute helps to be encountered with preparedness for such encounters and reasonable variations: these are some of the fruits toward the better Eternal Heaven.

    Preparing expertly comprehensively with prioritizing for One Perfect Way In Christ JESUS is this same Good Fruit Of The Holy Spirit.

    Prepare for the friction, the impacts, the heat, and the cold:

    "If you accelerated a trillion times greater than Earth gravity, you'd only see a thermal temperature of 40 billionths of a degree above absolute zero." (

    Prepare as much as for the Will Of God One, meaning also in subset levels prepare for the sakes of others, build and grow Your Aloft Chapels For Christ JESUS in Your colonizing spaceships, yet be aware of the higher levels. To Do Rightly In Christ JESUS, the Christian Leadership over their [preferably properly Anointed appointed (voting may apply, independent selection process may apply, see Christian Church criteria,...)] Commander should be ongoingly though hardly to pile heavy burdens and rather to agreeingly reduce burdens as the Commander over You while on board is already with the burden of responsibility over the boarded, so that the planning should include benefits both at startup and throughout even toward as if already on board at the planning stage.

    While plans may change, this raw record should hardly be left behind for the higher sake of Christ JESUS. So, to a passenger: Who is in charge?, consider the jet in the sky and the cockpit is protected against terrorism and against curious ignorant onlookers that want to touch controls to see what the controls do; though when the jet designer is on board and hears a faint engine sound that signals an emergency, shall the designer obey the remain seated sign and obey the less knowledgeable crew in this case and wait as a follower for disaster to strike the engine greatly and possibly cause human injuries: rather in Christ JESUS enable access (reference secular "Dial 911", also "Dial 411" [for info details about emergencies, ETA, food, facilities, colonizing plan(s),...]).

    Note that if there is an important thing in the opinion of a passenger (care of a child, a broken item,...), if to see a Board Member, and the Board Member schedule it to be discussed at the next convening of the Board, then theoretically to lose the "child" and to have worsening conditions due to the "broken item,...": so appropriate access to all levels (such as if there is an emergency such as fire, or vacuum,...) is key, and therefore key is properly in Christ JESUS overcoming personal identification such as proper code identification, facial recognition, or similar (Revelation 13.18) though conditionally [(Revelation 13.17) if the people be continuing as a properly "delightsome" people (4 Nephi 1.10) of higher Faith with giving Miracles (3 Nephi 26.14-21)]; though hardly toward carelessness (Revelation 13.16 see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on not self mutilating), though:

    Christian Leader In Christ JESUS be aware and yet plan now concerning this: people are now implanting monitoring devices and such can even be more important and valuable for Christians conquering outer space, so don't be left behind due to not properly conquering.

    If the dangers are True as offered in the Prophetic Book Of Revelation

    then it is up to You In Christ JESUS With Your Flock to properly conquer,

    generally, yes, yet also specifics. For instance Christ JESUS came 2,000 years ago to save the world from sin. But is the world Heaven?, hardly, there might be sinners nearby in need of You specifically saving them: hardly generally, rather each of them in "specifics". You and they have things, such as clothes, and so there are specifics concerning You In Christ JESUS and those specifics. Ask Yourself if You want a better life for Your Children than You endured: Yes. Your Flock and others deserve Your Excellence In Christ JESUS in order to assuredly have excellent specifics: housing, food, and other qualities.

    And give them greater than: fly into the sky to meet JESUS.

    Give them Hope, yes, though You can Do so much more (Luke 6.40)

    reference great movie Sister Act "There's a lot we could do for them besides pray."

    Be Wise in Christ JESUS that a new Member of Your Christian Church [(or any counted as though outsider) often] would hardly be of higher position (as much as given You from above to lead Your Flock, in this situation) such as with high level awareness as what to Do in an emergency, for instance a child might throw gas on a fire to extinguish it; the point being in this situation hardly about the fire and instead about the supplies, such as having enough fuel and other supplies as many lower levels deplete, and in another example some people on board the spacecraft might see many items of food for the long duration and for colonizing though wrongly imagine "We can't eat all that" and too much was supplied so: food fight. So planned storage and continuous automatic checking is important, as for instance an impact might tear packaging [(Mark 8.15) the leavening of lower Firmament bacteria, hence the leavening toward flip-of-coin technology].

    So not only people need be visited yet also all aspects, hardly as of former interpretations toward wars of the Old Testament and rather toward converting to One Good High Purpose In Christ JESUS for the benefiting of all.

    For example a a corporate Board Of Directors is typically not seen by employees, rather employees mainly only see those directly over them and due to chain-of-command employees can lose their positions if to go over the heads of [mid] positions, yet in Christ JESUS there is also the top freely available via proper precept on proper precept in proper ascending and yet also greater is the Christ JESUS visiting Christians (who might hardly need of such great visiting Matthew 9.12) though greatly appreciated, and this is a key; though Christ JESUS visits sinners in the lower levels, also a key.

    If the visiting is "greatly appreciated" then this is a key concerning: people ascending, as a minimum for selfish reasons to be called "Good And Faithful Servant" toward Oneness (for instance per se, as a minimum of agreeing in this Accord). This is a key concerning who to promote, and a key concerning distinguishing their fruits and a key concerning proper ascending. Though too much intervention is nerve wracking so to be avoided, also any visiting might interfere far greater than obvious to the visitor, so surprise visits should be minimized (see above representatives agreeing).

    The other key, that Christ JESUS visits sinners in the lower levels, is toward correcting situations ongoingly prior to those conditions becoming worse.

    If there might be secular on board, then input from the start representing their concerns. Perhaps they want to worship a carved wooden image of what they call their god (a false god)(children might do as much to test authority and learn, so teach rightly in advance [see above text on safety]): while hardly a concern in one aspect since it is not worshiped by You [so counted as if ignored (Luke 2.49)], for their sakes and the Kingdom Of Heaven it is a great concern so if they ignore Firmaments Of Creator Physics In JESUS, then to risk what You Work to properly prioritize as written in Jeremiah 10.8 ESV:

    So any such worshipers are much in need of Your Christian Help (similarly Christians should not worship the cross nor pics of Christ JESUS rather Truly Worship Christ JESUS, aware of Acts 19.12). So Rightly prepare in specifics, Beloved Prophet. Wood is not the save Firmament level as You Holy JESUS One. To You wood only teaches a little toward insignificant, such as to be entertained by nature that God planted for You to see; otherwise wood is toward no value unless lifted via any higher Firmament such as a bird choosing a stick and placing it as part of a nest, the secular people follow the bird.

    Though if to Rightly Anoint A Piece Of Wood For One High Purpose (not to pretend wood is any higher Firmament level otherwise) then the Anointed Wood can be, when proper in Christ JESUS, even more valuable than sinfulness, so let the Commander be Christian lest to suffer risks, that is, understand the risks beforehand.

    Do not worship the spaceship, known in the secular as if Your only means of warmth, air, and life: the spaceship is wood and/or similar far lower level. The fabric of outer space (see Drawing below, top left) is similar to the wood.

    So what high Wisdom was given into You, perhaps new to You, from the previous sentence, Beloved Christian Leader?:

    The Heavens are wood!

    Yet Christ JESUS offers not only bread, yet also properly with such the wine!

    In the secular viewpoint a giant asteroid might unexpectedly crash into Earth and destroy humanity: they say it's only a matter of time.

    You Christian Leader have the Eucharist, to properly in specifics give to cover every occasion, and every circumstance Christ JESUS Will ever have Your encounter.

    You Christian Leader have the Holy Living Fabric Of Space, including every "giant asteroid" within. And this Sermon For Christ JESUS You is here with specifics (and variables including any at Your free opting) for conquering the specifics per se.

    With these in Christ JESUS is this key, and greater than a key, You can choose and lead the lower Firmaments to where Your Dominion desires, such as to lead a Black Hole such as by precisely feeding it so that it is empowered to travel in a certain direction and so Goes At Your Holy Higher Purpose Command In Christ JESUS (perhaps by a crew member in charge of that specific Black Hole and other minor details).

    With proper counterpoint in Christ JESUS if to feed, also otherwise to un-feed the Black Hole (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on pitch catch, such as concerning the Sun to Earth solar focal point tied to Earth heat increase, and such as at, and such as on [vortices] whirlwind(s) for Chosen People in the desert).

    Here is a warning key: if the secular wants to be right, as so often has been the case in the past, then

    as the secular has predicted the Earth would be destroyed (above text "giant asteroid"),

    and as 1 Timothy 1.6&7 apply,

    then the former interpretation of the Book Of Revelation is enabled in them as they want.

    Truly, truly, in this generation, deaths might come to many (rather: Accord) while better living comes to others as written in Matthew 16.28 BS:

    and Moses (allowed divorce) was left behind upon seeing the Promised Land,

    and the guard at the tomb became stiff and as though dead (see above "everything is alive") upon seeing the Angel Of The Lord, Beloved Angel Of The Lord,

    and at the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS With His Heavenly Host, Beloved Angel Of The Lord be rather as for the One Living High Purpose In Christ JESUS with which the fabric of outer space is becoming a life giving force of the greater True Living Heaven(s).

    Now be aware the rocket of the green arrow in the Drawing below is only symbolic, and the above Drawing shapes more closely apply, for instance rocket fins are generally tied to control while in the atmosphere. So rather the actual shape of the hull with many Christian Chapel, entertainment, living quarters, and other space considerations would be very different, such as International Space Station and greater as with docking and arms, and yet this "docking" could be symbolized as with airline routine flights such as to go out regularly to manage one or more Black Holes (see above text on pitch catch and on feeding). The powerful smaller units would go out to manage Black Holes and then return to ride and recharge.

    Since the raw thread of Dark Matter is not uniform, problems would include lumps hence speed variations, lacks of thread like material so slow travel, twists and turns so as to cause needs to pull away from the gravity of the Dark Matter raw thread, and similar. Consider how a tracker in the forest follows a trail that turns to disorient and splits making some decisions problematic; though with proper Faith Christian Leader You decide for their sakes in the future, and the trail becomes a road and then a highway.

    So a key hardly for the startup though of later importance is not merely about utilization of natural fuel, yet with considering the new technologies, the planning for future fuel needs according to Higher Faith First, and then also knowledge parameters: that the knowledge be properly prioritized.

    Christ JESUS supplies all Your needs, so a fuel concern?, and any technology concern?, or concerns about things?, yet even highest position level holder Christ JESUS is the highest position level giver Christ JESUS; give fuel, so if able, carry extra supplies within Wise reasoning for helping any [perhaps they might be as if strangers unto a traveler] along the Way; be with known technologies yes though rather of proper Christian Faith For JESUS offer the new, and the greater gifts. Consider how a toddler is given blocks and an adolescent is given a technology device, though the toddler would hardly want the "device" nor the adolescent want the "blocks". To You is given the Kingdom Of God.

    New Christianity shows how to lead for their benefit the colonizing of outer space, and much was already known and understood in You: Do.

    In the Drawing below are many formulas, they are to You as as "blocks" or as "device". Even so, overcome both in One Christ JESUS. If something doesn't make sense to You And Your Flock then Write and Do in the Holy Way that continues to unto higher Wisdom In Christ JESUS, and note that many of the findings Will be as Christian(s) explained and demonstrated, yet rather in the Christian (often unseen) Help from JESUS The Christ comes into You, and You also have the precepts Christ JESUS offered in the name JESUS.

    The "often unseen" is with this Accord and rather with this higher ascending key: like unto the above the employee doesn't see what [much] the higher levels are doing in the meetings (planning things over the handling of the employee such as whether to fire, layoff, promote, sell the company, theoretically promote in others to set the field of oil wells on fire to boost value per barrel, and/or other)(conquer all forms of knowledge in advance, so as to conquer all forms of terrorism and space monsters in advance: dominion, in Christ JESUS). Because the employee is of the Physics Of God self blinded (rather properly ascend in Christ JESUS first) to the higher boss often unseen deliberations, the employee is as the lower levels though human so the employee is as the secular or the Follower or as a Leader that can be greater.

    To conquer the Moon is not the end of things, the Final End Time is a function of the Highest: JESUS. To conquer where the Golden Cube is, is similar to Heaven and Final End Time, it is a symbol of these things though a New Better Beginning according to such new-finding-worthiness. Lovingly know what Christ JESUS is Prophetically Willing.

    In the Drawing below upper right is the symbolism pic of Christ JESUS walking on the water, predictably about to step toward You, and below that pic is a representation (mass, gravity, Black Hole with Dark Matter field with sponge-like cotton toward naturally spinning thread, often). If to view a footprint in mud, often seen are ridges or in this sense the gathering of background "cotton" into linear thread-like ways, and if a work-boot for instance made for walking through mud has a carved sole accordingly, then the mud footprint not only on the surface appears influenced toward that pattern yet also is the higher purpose of the carved sole, to help the worker do the job at hand (Matthew 10.7).

    Just as work-boots come in various sizes, so too Black Holes and Dark Matter fabric areas of interest come in various sizes. Today You have already conquered some micro flight technologies at least theoretically, along with larger things such as the Space Station. Truly rightly in Christ JESUS for One High Purpose In The Heavens under the Will Of Christ JESUS enlarge the range of these to Faithfully include the much smaller and the much larger, and hardly (for instance see Your Christian Church criteria) as the former [and perhaps secular] Scribes and Pharisees have done (Matthew 23.5).

    While some size is for Your Christian Chapel and visitors, other, far more, the greater unseen is for the smaller and the larger than people (save rather Mark 9.2 in One Spirit). Note many high level conditions and rather worthiness considerations apply, examples: a person transfigured into another's identity: if not perfectly then illegal, identity theft, crime, sin; or if to transfigure into a monster more powerful than an attacking monster so as to kill the advancing thing the Holy Creator created, then against the Plan Of God For Creation hence against all people and such (though see above "redeeming social value", and see top Drawing on "Bucky" tech though hardly to contain people as if to unfairly imprison).

    Christ JESUS would have people contained, within atmosphere, within a submarine, and so on, though ascending in worthiness so as to conquer such former criteria and/or parameters (see above "much smaller and the much larger" for the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, likewise from Usher to Priest to...). Your given Spirit Is In You, though when You put Your spirit into a remote control device, it is like unto a talent of Yours, so a subset spirit, save if it be One: be careful how Ye perceive. Carefully be with Wisdom for Christ JESUS that for instance Your taste buds are members of Your vessel and hardly to in control of Your Holy Whole Vessel Spirit, lest to quickly be obese (symbolically in many, may Christ JESUS Bless those lacking food).

    In business an expert studies the parameters of a particular entry in the list, in utilities an expert stops other priorities to look at a crack, in hand-on technology the main Spirit of an expert is focused on an unmanned aerial vehicle such as to make certain it hovers in a spot in the sky without moving (even though perhaps with moving parts) even though the gusts of winds come. So the Spirit can vary in the item. A person can concentrate on bank robbery or rather on Christ JESUS, the former is toward pain, longsuffering, and death, while the latter is toward living, conquering, and giving joy (source of joy, though free opting in others applies).

    Now Christ JESUS is with this key in You, Beloved One, that Christ JESUS would that You be with the Eucharist "in remembrance of" Christ JESUS (Luke 22.19 NIV), and the mechanical lower level than Firmaments flying drone can be Anointed though is not properly fully repentant and Baptized In Christ JESUS (Matthew 20.23), though the times are with [Faithful, Beloved In You] changing, ascending, lest the secular advance as if to overcome Christianity (reference history of Israel).

    So of this key do not worship the vessel, rather Worship Christ JESUS.

    Even though a person of secular [lower mission might apply, rather higher adding] invests toward all their time and money and effort into a vessel, rather needs be the Spirit properly as Christ JESUS specified, that the proper vessel soul (or already Holy Spirit) be with the Holy Spirit (ascend if not already ascended).

    Of this key, to invest in a mission is not wrong, though the mission needs be the Proper Holy Mission Christ JESUS would have be Done.

    Makeup to look pretty is not wrong, muscles to appear strong is not wrong, poison is not wrong (Mark 16.18, also as with venom to make antibodies,...), though to worship vessel appearances or poison (whether weaponry or to make antibodies) is typically wrong and similar of functions. The potentially lethal Black Holes You gather are not wrong, they are innocent as doves, though the precepts of Christ JESUS need be properly applies, Faith first, then Wisdom (including knowledge, not knowledge alone building knowledge on flip-of-coin knowledge variables toward risks), and when they are sufficiently then give them greater guiding of Your Faith, and hardly be inclined if the careless screams for selfish attention though precepts apply.

    Oil the machine (see above text on Anoint and on maintenance), feed the Black Hole, though see above "taste buds", the Black Hole is anxious to devour You though God gave You hungry taste buds for a higher reason: a key is, Your Person Vessel is given You for to conquer the Universe. Your body is perfect. Even so, overcome sicknesses and deformations. Your Bucky System would gather the smaller, more manageable Black Holes as the example, and later generations might gather the larger.

    So a key concerning Firmaments is if a sinner is given poison water to drink, convert them so that they rather drink Your Holy Wine (Jeremiah 23.15), though carefully consider how that the lower Firmament Black Hole is currently appropriate as a trash can for toxic industrial waste (though see above "reuse" and "responsible").

    In the Drawing below, lower right, the upper galaxies as measured and then continuing to measure, the lower though virtually the same galaxies, can be with measurements indicating something else was also measured, such as Black Holes (Dark threads, or other; Black Holes in this illustration). Other methods can also reveal similar such as in the Drawing lower left. While some inferences are stronger than others, these are as to see with new eyes

    as a key, as Christ JESUS requires if to see the New Heavens as Prophetically Promised, and as new wine needs be put into new vessels, then required in You Faithful One is to see with new eyes. Spare and save the previous Holy Heavens (the levels of Heavens You already conquered in Christ JESUS, some know it not) though of the other former ways set them aside (toward counted as though cast out, though see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on cleaning, eye of the needle, and other related). And so what are these "new eyes"?, follow the secular knowledge, hardly, though in Christ JESUS instead rightly discern (ibid. on discerning [applicable to levels, and of this key also applicable to Wisdom])(Matthew 7.16, yet of this key also with Mark 16.18 [proper pertinent precept on proper pertinent precept]).

    These pertinent precepts are in the secular, though in New Christianity these are also rather Faith Keys. Freedom in Christ JESUS is to serve Christ JESUS, to type this precept or that, to give this Sermon or that, yet of Your talents and given resources to Do, counted as if your way(s), yet of Your Faith Your Way. Christ JESUS was in sandals, You might drive a car or pilot a rocket: You And Christ JESUS For Good One High Purpose. Christ JESUS gives for You to be able to fly into space where there are not even painted lines on the road, so You are toward careless freedom, though You are with the Faithful Wisdom Of Christ JESUS so as to be Wise to paint lines to help any that follow to save both sinners and Saints: so even a Christian Leader can Follow, though rather seek to properly Lead, Christ JESUS Did so 2,000 years ago, and continues to so Do, including the greater to so Do Also In You.

    Take buoys with You, warning signs and indicators of outer space Black Hole potholes (such as for them to harvest if appropriate or to avoid), take with You emergency sensing signaling phones to leave as a trail better than bread crumbs for their sakes and the greater Good. Lift Black Holes to greater than former garbage can values, to the level of propulsion vessels to cross the Known Universe [and greater (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Black Hole and fabric of outer space related communications; also on outer space natural gas stations and otherwise on way stations such as Christian Chapels and malls)].

    New Christian Faith Eyes are as to see not only the very small and the very large, yet also to see and hear the quick speeds as of Dark Matter thread hardly as static string and rather as a living net growing and with extremely fast blood flowing (Firmaments apply). So is this key given, if to conquer the Universe, and Your Personal Human Body Vessel is within, then as much as [of whole Faith per se] with dominion (see above "unmanned aerial vehicle" carefully precisely controlled) then You And The Known Universe Will Prophetically Be One In Christ JESUS.

    This indicates strongly that Christ JESUS is tiny within Your Human Body, and while True, also in All (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on everything is alive, even in the sinner though lower level sinfulness is in pertinence Luke 10.18 so of no higher usefulness though not destroyed by God pending Final End Time and Christ JESUS may freely opt).

    Your Christian Flock has Member amounts of Faith, and so You can measure Your control over Your Flock by measuring how much You control Your Flock, though be also aware of the measure amount of Your Own Faith In Christ JESUS. Also be aware to not measure for unjust purposes as You know, rather for Their sakes.

    Lift the Fabric Of Space though this does not mean remove the robe from Christ JESUS in order to cast lots as in former sinful ways. Lift the Royal Garment to place it on Christ JESUS as is written in Psalm 55.22 NAS:

    Note that "burden" is in the singular sense. Others have translated into the plural forms (, yet the singular is toward the Oneness, though the plural forms are toward the secular. In other words, if You be Pure, then only One Burden, One Holy Highest Reason (singular).

    In the below Drawing bottom center it would be delightful to simply Follow and wait for the Lord to do something for the selfish self such as to lift the self into the air so as to float and fly up to the Glorious Lord JESUS. To sin is a temporary delight, sometimes; though often it is to instantly suffer pain, for example a person starts to build a tower to meet God, or an aloft ark, but while hammering a nail is distracted such as by the opposite sex and so the hammer strikes their finger. Not the tower nor the ark nor the hammering not the opposite sex was wrong, but it was the inappropriate precepts mixed together without proper concern for the One Holy Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

    The Creation Plan, is New-In-You! You don't wait for others to serve you as so you be king and tyrant over them, so that all bow down and serve you, rather You serve Christ JESUS: so Do. Plan, be planning with Your Holy Flock, be lifting them (and find the self lifted).

    You want to fly to God, well what's stopping you.

    It is you that stops you (see above text).

    Oh, the sky is pretty big, so I guess I can't conquer it, is hardly any excuse (see Your personal Christian Church criteria on plans, goals, and such, and consider if any newness in You in Your Christian Church With Flock is worthy of being with updating).

    I make all things new, Jesus said.

    I give You the keys to the Kingdom of the Heavens (You say in Your Soul).

    What father among you, if his son asks for a fish for eating, will give him an alive poisonous snake instead?, instead put away your former sinful foolishness and rebellious childishness that tested the Mercy Of God. Go, Do.

    What Do You want?, to fly?, to dig?, to own cities and all the glories within them?, Satan offered Christ JESUS as much, rather seek the Kingdom Of Heaven, seek Wisdom Faithfully, Righteously, One Truth, One Way. Put a One Way sign in the sky, put "JESUS Christ" in the sky, write it in Black Holes and in the stars.

    Work [for All] the proper precepts given as Christ JESUS offered.

    Wait, rather seek to ascend properly now.

    Hardly is the need for pews, when all are up front as ascending Priest(s).

    Faithfully, hence Wisely, know the terrain of the Heavens:

    plan their travel route and provisions. The Baris Prophecy. Christian President Trump Christian Vice President Mike Pence Jerusalem Israel United Nations Accord how to represent Earth Physics Of God Dark Matter Black Holes new values captured in Bucky Balls and Bucky Tubes seeing unseen microwaves tractor repulsor beams properly docking in the golden cube until lifted. Barbara Maltby Rob Reiner movie The American President Andrew Shepherd Michael Douglas Lewis Rothschild J. Fox Sister Act Theres a lot we could do for them besides pray The Wizard of Oz good rather than wicked witch fully illustrated How to travel across the Known Universe Internet Church ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ 2018 AD Rob Benchoff Internet Church For Christ JESUS

    Christ JESUS invites, and would that You be aware, if to build Your Aloft Ark for ascending properly into the atmosphere and rather into the higher Heavenly realm(s) to Do the Holy Work and to meet Christ JESUS in His Golden Cube, then to know how to dock Your Golden Aloft Ark, entering into the proper Spirit and so the lowest seat above center in this Drawing.

    Christ JESUS shows how to Do higher things even in the secular such as to park in the "Visitor Parking" area. Some regions of the Known Universe are off limits, such as toward the Center Of The Known Universe where there is bombarding radiation waves, neutrons,...: Christians need first become more worthy.

    Ascending / Miraculous lifting from above (or enabling) / Worthiness / Miraculous Faith From Christ JESUS.

    So Christian Faith is Miracles according to Your Faith, "Your Worthiness".

    Worthiness = Properly ascending x Miracles from above [or enabling such as precepts and such as properly with Prophecies and Holy Work(s)].

    Above center in this Drawing is a "Range" as a "proof". In Christian aloft Chapel terms, this is tied [(correlated) to physically tie (Matthew 12.29 rather Matthew 12.28)] with Wise Christian utilization of the indicator, the "Range". This is a key toward harnessing Black Hole power and therefore the Dark Matter lattice. Other proofs (such as above Drawing lower right) in the secular are such as to see a star cross the sky and disappear (behind a Black Hole or a Dark Matter field [dim] or strand) and reappear having passed that location.

    But the Kingdom Of Heaven cometh not by [secular] observation (rather see above text "new eyes"). It is a matter of Your Faithful Worthiness that enables You to properly ascend as high as You can for each given Heavenly Realm, otherwise to ascend are higher conditions that You can hardly climb the lattice and that rather Christ JESUS lifts above the Firmament Realm (Christ JESUS lifts in both cases though more in the one case).

    Because of the Tree Of Life becoming realized in the people, especially pertinent is in the Christians, the Higher Faith per se becomes now more apparently applicable, also according to the precepts of Christ JESUS so of properly Faithful prioritizing for best effectuality.

    The True Walk Of Christian Leadership Faith is with the domestication of secular laws such as listed at, for instance the Law Of Conservation Of Energy is broken by New Christianity in secular terms, though is rather improved and properly so in Christ JESUS. The Law states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant, though Christ JESUS includes all so there is no "isolated" anything except in flip-of-coin knowledge lacking higher Faith, though even in the lower level this "Law" offers value from Christ JESUS for the greater good for all, and with such rather All be One: Benefiting.

    Holy Christian Laws do not have minorities nor levels nor curves though are stated as such at times for Edifying, for example the pure child walks and the parent yells stop because of a pit, but if the child knows no reason to remain Faithful then the child is free to opt. Christ JESUS remained Faithful and also in the Tree Of Knowledge did not travel to fall into the pit, and rather traveled properly (whether up or down or to or fro in secular terms, yet for One High Purpose In Faith In Heaven).

    God created life: physics are alive.

    Symbols are alive, ideas are alive already, whether if to form the ideas with hands, or not.

    A person for instance travels to Mecca. Another person for instance carries civilization to greater (see above text on the "Don").

    A pilot was as a god to isolated tribes. Another pilot was enabling God in every willing person in each tribe (see above text on the "Accord").

    Followers are carried, Christian Leaders kindly carry. This is a key to proper Christian Faith.

    The above text "monkeys" worked as a team, and if one was lazy, it saw others working and being fed (while itself was merely kept alive until a team player).

    A lower faith therefore is that any such team player monkeys hold to the tradition ingrained in them (similar is to maintain original data and records, reasonably, higher priorities may apply). Often, Beloved, the Followers would not change from tradition as Christ JESUS explained until properly motivated of Miracles, so such as to see others with new spaceships while they themselves have not (Matthew 25.29).

    So be keenly aware of this key so as to properly distinguish: having new spaceships does not make the higher value,

    Wisdom In Christ JESUS Does.

    With Wisdom In Christ JESUS all these things can be added unto You, yet sometimes (often) the New Greater Sermons For Christ JESUS are more important (Luke 19.47 APE) than for instance new spaceships, even though You are to go out and conquer and domesticate, though rather to Do The Will Of The Father In Heaven In The Name Of Christ JESUS.

    If to "domesticate" the laws of physics, then to walk on water. This is stated Prophetically in Christian Faith, yet for One Higher Reason for Your Sake pertinent now: if to walk on water and to swim in water, this free option in Christ JESUS is key: to be on a level of physics and/or in a level of physics. For instance You have gravity in You in One yet for Edifying also in Your individual "isolated" vessel given You from Above according to mass. So You have the mass of the Universe (or a pertinent portion You Choose In And Of Christ JESUS) and/or (this "and/or" is stated so You might formulate of "and" of "/" and/or of "or", such as to formulate later perhaps years from now) You have the mass of Your vessel (ibid. see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on lower level entities approaching Your signs to help them but they come to destroy their own helps such as at and at

    If given bird wings, would You fly away?, or would You cover Your wings over Your little ones (Your Flock Members, those under Your responsibility, your employees,...) to protect them? Cover them, Do Your Responsibility Faithfully, then if to fly, might properly be opted.

    A person planning to parachute often first checks the parachute. If to walk on the physics, first check the responsibilities and then properly prioritize for Christ JESUS One.

    If to quickly lower Your hands to catch a falling child, goodly, responsible action counted toward worthiness, though being worthy is hardly the Final End Time. Teach the physics to not fall, train the fallen to rise on their own though for instance concerning a level of worthiness so as to Edify, a worthy child able to properly babysit is not the same as being able to Command a rocket. If to be a little lower: for their sakes, if to ascend: for their sakes. Fast or slow: for their sakes.

    Some physics have let people walk on the Moon, dig into the Moon some, and leap on and above the Moon. Some physics enable Your Flock to leap from star to star, so soon as though to astound, and resting in the back pew hardly helps: Heaven cometh not by [toward secular] observations.

    Your Holiness Soul In Holy Spirit can see the signs of the times (Matthew 16.3): the sinners are with restless spirits anxious toward conflicts, though You can offer them higher purpose augment their focus, to lift their spirits with showing things in which they can partake of interest to them in the real world now to start helping Your Perfect Cause. They, the lower levels, want to work with their hands: give them great value cause, lend a hand if appropriate.

    The lower levels want to function with their bodies, and the proper Gold Cube for You doth not offend You, so invite for higher purpose in the inviting of Christ JESUS. Have them form mud and straw adobes on the sand or rather build Your Gold Cube.

    Christ JESUS would have people understand, and rather have You As One be of proper Christian Faith In Christ JESUS to understand the higher levels in Christ JESUS are more Blessed,

    so a key is You Saved Christian may not hear nor see higher level more Blessed activities [Your saved yet hungering Soul craves (Psalm 42.2)];

    so a key also a reason to give Christ JESUS credit (site His verses and precepts,..., hence One to include that You longsuffer to bear the burden of Eternal Joy) otherwise is that a vessel in this given world of high level Spiritually often hears foul language and noise from lower level spirits (distinguish properly, a proper suggestion or command from above might not immediately seem pleasant though is for the greater Good [distinguish to not follow false pretending spirits that are lower]), often witnesses lower levels, and often dreams sinful disgusting lower level things, even nightmares

    though in properly ascending in levels in Christ JESUS these too are overcome for Christ JESUS, even if only at a slow rate (a rate is given for higher Holy Purpose In Heaven.

    Now consider Your responsibility to freely opt to properly confess precepts of Christ JESUS to properly lift those in lower levels (such as open mouth voice Praying) and so the lower must obey the precepts Physics Of Their Creator Creating Them Higher For Them In You So Praying, so they can hardly oppose and rather kindly support Your Properly Ascending Spirit In Christ JESUS (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on LDS lifting spirits).

    So consider Your Own Christian Church criteria.

    Also some great and powerful sounds come from above, so distinguish Their pleasing value(s), gifts from Christ JESUS.

    Spirits have tendencies. Spirits of levels [realms and talents] have tendencies.

    Often Joyous choirs may be heard, even perhaps same level though even if such pleasing things come to You, You might be already very busy concentrating as Christ JESUS explained concerning Himself (ibid. on toward minimal maintenance) from the onset for the sakes of others (Luke 2.49). Often Christian Preachers have been interrupted by loved ones, whether Flock Family or friends, and interrupted by those bearing surprise gifts; rather have such be of the One Spirit to Do this thing which can be hard for such to interpret: have Them Help Your Current Focus For Christ JESUS with not interrupting or with Their Very Appropriate And Valuable Work In Christ JESUS (such as if They are of appropriate talent and awareness to so Help in the situation).

    For instance often lower levels want to be appreciated more than such as Your Sermon preparations, so have people properly ascend in value per se, or respect Your Work such as to let You be about the Heavenly Father's Business without interruption for the greater Good.

    An hour ago in a Dream March 31, 2018AD there was seen a dirty factory with dirty workers they said was on "Cleveland Street" and then a brief Joyous choir sound was heard per se. So if to be interested in aloft Golden Cube Work and/or similar to fly to harness the given Heavens waiting as gifts to be opened now; then have Your "factory" or Your nation or Flock or group be motivated to rightly Do: for instance with Christian signage and making aware customers (if any) and various high leaders and some would likely explain time and effort consuming processes, and yet Pray Christ JESUS for Guidance.

    So a Flock (or nation or...) key is that if toward greater Accord be toward first Praying Christ JESUS Together Aloud or at least as much as Willing in the Soul, and then with formalized processes and other as much as appropriate toward the right direction in Christ JESUS.

    If to Pray JESUS Christ, then at least to Pray Guidance From Christ and/or a Holy Prophet and/or a Holy Man In Heaven and/or to be praying with considering a wise person's record, and/or at least to be able to offer awareness of the value of the self spiritually (so at least to be of higher in the form of recognition of "value", in other words a person did not kill their self already so saw the higher "value" [a gift from the Creator])(or if a spirit without flesh then they too acknowledge "value" such as to turn for what they consider higher purpose "value" even if not for higher purpose). So a key is that all is living, all can relate to higher value, and all can properly ascend: Praise be for Christ JESUS.

    Distractions are from below or same level, while Good is from above or same level (generally save "Good is from above").

    Yet consider the calls unto You for Help are generally from below and they generally don't have Your more highly properly ascended Wisdom to ask more perfectly: so You are faced with Good from above and goodly requests from those more suffering than You since they are below and so are under Your responsibility to make worthy (such as see text above) and lift so You and they have joy opportunities.

    You can have joy now because You have "joy opportunities."

    Also for instance Your Child is one in Your Family and One as much as in Your Flock and yet toward innocence perhaps more than the self, so while lower level in terms of former Old Testament valuations also perhaps same level and also with perhaps higher level (reference talents).

    So now be Wise and careful how Ye realize that even a below Firmament dove can perfect Praise (Song of Solomon 6.9), see above on everything is alive; everything is from the Creator JESUS.

    A low level thing under the Christian Baptism level Firmament, under the human level Firmament, under the animal level Firmament, under the worm level Firmament, under the sandals level Firmament:

    Behold the rainbow God has lifted high in the sky for all to appreciate of the given glory of God!

    Yet You Beloved are of precepts of Christ JESUS, and You Beloved therefore of more value than many doves, and many rainbows, and many Known Universes.

    Stretch forth Your Hand into the sky and give invisible Holy Spirit seed that the talent to travel, even if in machines (make it so, for their sakes) into Your Known Universe and in Christ JESUS One It Will Be Done (Isaiah 55.12)(Matthew 9.29).

    The top Drawing shows You how to build such a machine to travel across the Known Universe in this generation (even truly some have such rocketry experience [and secret adaptations] with greatly detailed physics specifications already for launching not many months ahead if of this Accord; or otherwise Christianity In Christ JESUS or in flip-of-coin risk). Also values exist in some more clearly than in others concerning advanced civilization(s): ability: Christ JESUS is most advanced: Eternal Oneness Of The Highest Level Name: JESUS.

    The top Drawing showed the machinery though not as much complexity is needed, since not exactly to capture a ball electromagnetically, rather Black Hole, a donut shape [similar to a handle shape: easy to grab] and some are already moving in the direction desired.

    The top Drawing shows You the container control Physics, this lower Drawing shows subset level specifications on how to adapt top Drawing machinery to overcome lower level conquering of the Known Universe for Christ JESUS and of greater concern are not only the initial steps yet rather the proper growing of the initial steps that others are of Accord to be rightly grafted in, for being in their best interest.

    The above text explains higher liberty in "chained by the ankle in a line" (straight and narrow): this is similar to how a very long highway has gas stations, rest stops, motels, and even amusement parks and such, and in Christ JESUS hardly as confused urban sprawl, rather to help for the One High Purpose with confusion minimized and maintained (see above text on Holy "opportunities" for One "Saving" and for "joy"). After conquering the Known Universe for Christ JESUS, appropriate lateral paths of expansion can come later for One High Purpose [(first the stalk, then the ear, then the whole kernel in the ear) this Sermon is the seed of the Precepts Of Christ JESUS planted in You for You And Yours to Harvest for One]!

    Dock Your Golden Cube properly Zion. Launch from New Jerusalem to meet the Golden Cube to return to New Jerusalem Zion. Launch from this Christian Seed level over Jerusalem (in You, wherever You might opt to launch) yet properly.

    Now is this new key given: if to launch and travel properly (see above "straight and narrow"), then (see above "lower level things") others (especially Faithful Christian Leaders properly ascending) would at least naturally follow, rather lead, in You footsteps, perhaps from beacon to beacon. While the Christian Leaders properly ascending would Faithfully Follow as a minimum they would otherwise of new greater abilities in Christ JESUS more perfectly lead from the Higher Level.

    Yet a key is this, the "others" would automatically follow Your Holy Path.

    The "others" would not reasonably (though flip-of-coin [prediction,...] confusion can apply) want to injure themselves to cause pains, so would follow the historically proven survival way(s). So Your Leadership, even with giving Sermons and Ministering, is greater than both a Shepherding key and an Evangelism key.

    Christ JESUS brought others yet properly into His One Leadership, hardly [if at all] to enlarge His selfish greatness toward sin, rather that those Believe, such as Christ JESUS said "that you know me." Here is a key: for properly ascending Christians it is for greater worthiness in properly ascending in One Highest Purpose, it is enlightenment to shed for others and All One, it is Charity to Flow with maintaining responsibilities [including Christian Charity, and Christian Maintenance] yet to otherwise Flow through for others, it is toward greater free opting in the Holy Path, it is gift(s) abounding, it is Blessings overflowing, and similar;

    but to sinners it is greater help given unto them but often counted in the sinner(s) as if torture, threats, and/or excessive burdens; though it Does Help some toward fully repenting and greater Good, as found at yet note the above quote from the NIV translation (and the two Commentaries) as if the above quote is out of context

    though it is sinfulness that is out of context:

    In other words, many words can describe sinfulness and lack of proper ascending, though relatively few words are specifically and specially Chosen toward explaining higher levels, Heaven(s), and the Perfect Plan Of One In Christ JESUS.

    The people sending rockets into outer space are very specific even thoroughly in details and with backup systems: You are already armed with these things Christian Leader, as You rightly ascend You prove with specially choosing of Words (and Work).

    These are the times of the Christian Leaders Rightly Prophesying In The Holy Spirit Name JESUS One Father In Heaven: with Doing. If Christian Leaders do not the Holy Work, then

    the rocks would Do the Holy Work Of Christ JESUS:

    look at the Moon and behold the Black Holes and Dark Matter showing the Way,

    and look the stones, the very military NASA guards (Matthew 28.4) crying out, doing their Christian Job

    even if some guards be secular [reasoning (see above "Commander") / higher level Wisdom (see above "You prove with"...) toward Oneness For Christ JESUS].

    Guide them, help them, they have no way to repay (as much as You are of higher levels) so have greater Mercy on their souls, as Mercy is included in 2 Corinthians 7.15 NAS:

    (see above text "abounds")(though see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on some not following orders).

    Of the top Drawing the gear is the more advanced model, and farther advanced is the gathering and collecting the background weeds, the Dark Matter Fields, to be thrown into the fire of the Dark Matter Thread (see above spinning "cotton" into thread). After that is the farther advanced Bucky Tube tech to surround the thread like unto Blood tubes, [superfluid (] allowing some anomalies to pass through certain Bucky Tubes in certain places and others in other places of the Heavens. Yet a key is that the Bucky Tube would be such a lattice design (e.g. steps, ladder, diving type spring board,...) as to allow the gear teeth to properly agree, that the travel across the Known Universe Accord be Wise (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Trammel Net, on osmosis, on membrane tech, and on converting / worthiness).

    Also gear teeth are associated with cool (reference coolant) hardened mass, such as for Enlightenment as compared to melting ice. This guide is tied for instance to a new secular design under the above Plan level, tied to " critical mass" ( so the top Drawing is not necessarily too advanced for this generation, though much discussion continues about "Chasing dark matter" ( instead of properly Leading In Christ JESUS.

    This less complex lower Drawing shows a Dark Matter Thread change, similar to how a school child is taught to climb up a rope with the rope between overlapping feet, so there is more to it than shown, though a fairly simple idea now that is quickly increasing merit according to the increase as Prophesied and Miraculous advancing in the secular thanks to Christ JESUS.

    The Moon without wings nor gears continues a long time to travel through outer space, with a surface that shows many impacts. Gathering mass properly in Christ JESUS is with properly gathering Holy Precepts, also with awareness of the secular, in this concern the low Firmament of meteors, dust, Dark Matter, and energies hardly normal to landlubbers.

    A key in Christ JESUS is, the weeds are a lower Firmament than the flowers, unless properly opted otherwise from above [properly Faithful New Christianity tech], so as to convert encountered weeds into flowers or greater values per se. Applied to outer space, things Will be encountered so with proper preparing (somewhat higher example John 19.42) so an drone without humans might be sent toward safe travel.

    This is tied to another key, as others follow, many of the dangers would naturally become better realized from Following You and with their Witnessing and openly freely properly Attesting (rather than censorship toward pains and deaths) and with overcoming dangers increasingly: the Flock With You is greater than You. Christ JESUS is greater with You, and greater with You with Yours (including lower levels if such as appropriate, see top Drawing example Bucky tech though hardly to imprison and rather properly in Christ JESUS).

    Four Blood Moons (Christian John Hagee) yielded Prophetic results (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS with former opponents siding with Israel the first such United Nations event), and likewise (ibid. Prophetically Of The Prophets, including: see example "Arab Omega symbol" Prophetic reference at list is being written on the more atypical matters) five full moons were witnessed last night similar to the top Drawing rainbow of colors as the Moon beam refracted through the panes of glass as never seen before of the involved people at the site: tied to this previous Prophetic Truth and tied to Christian Ascending Faith toward Oneness In Christ JESUS rather than Ecclesiastical knowledge alone.

    "Everything under the sun is vanity and vexation of spirit—He who increases in knowledge increases in sorrow." (Ecclesiastes or the Preacher, Chapter 1,, so was this symbolized in the Heavens in the Physics Of Christ JESUS

    and there was a change in the calendar system so it was..."off by 10 days. So that would suggest that the upcoming circumstance of a Blue Paschal Moon immediately followed by Easter Sunday on April 1 is a truly unique occurrence!" (

    Christian [Catholic] Blaise Pascal conquered many formulas and units of pressure used to quantify internal pressure, stress, ultimate tensile strength, and Young's modulus of elasticity tied to the above refracting (reference New Christianity For Christ JESUS, and Affiliate A Check Exact, and others sources and standards), toward Christian Prophesying:

    "of the date of Easter. The name "paschal" is derived from "Pascha", a transliteration of the Aramaic word meaning Passover" (wiki).

    Christ JESUS is bringing something great and marvelous, Miraculous to Behold, and You Christian Leader can Do Your Part.

    Christ JESUS said no "sign" will be given unto this generation, though as a shining light for a traveler that was lost in the darkness, as written in the Good News Translation though hardly the original (preserve also the original) yet in this verse rather of properly applying precept on precept in the High Faith Of Christ JESUS as given in Mark 8.12:

    No "sign", and more to the point no "proof" is given for furthering sinful purposes toward unfair abuses over lower levels.

    True then as today. Christ JESUS was speaking of any "proof", as if for to justify sinful practices as they sought to kill JESUS then and Christians now and they wanted "proof" that their ways were right and they are instead under law and illegal and sinful with no "proof", no such Physics Of God.

    The Physics Of The Creator, including the physics of the Known Universe are the Law.

    This True Law Of Heaven, including the levels of the Heavens, is over sinners as the bee hive.

    This True Law Of Heaven was made for Christians and not people to be stung under the law.

    Worldly secular laws put people in prison and such. People considered innocent concerning worldly secular laws enjoy a sense of freedom rather than punishment, though the same laws apply as much as the secular fairly administers (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS for further information and on flip-of-coin logic boundary).

    Good Fruit And Holy Comes From The Christian: gifts, blessings, miracles, prophesying: yet from logic according to the Accord "boundary" and similar, yet the True Christian Leader gives according to High Faith In Christ JESUS that all people, and even beyond Firmaments that all could benefit with such giving for others (giving the Holy Name JESUS: in both Word and Deed).

    Likewise, ask and it Will be given unto You, and yet the previous sentences apply.

    Woe be unto the sinner, according to One High Purpose not to sting, rather this is how and why and such:

    Miracles Will come to the Hand Of Christians and in this given, even unto such as of proper national Accord, as many nations as so becoming openly of this Accord, including for as to see and behold and at least give in witness recordings of such for others;

    so the Holy Miracles must needs come from Christ JESUS but woe be to thief who is illegally in the building seeking to loot it when the building is about to be exploded to put in a new mall or a new road or rather a new Christian Church. Woe be to the sinful hackers (see above "without giving Christ JESUS the glory") and similar (even the secular is aware of the great old movie The Wizard of Oz and a house fell on a part of the wicked even from the Heavens, and the other part had not repented and so ended).

    Now since the non-Christian can be "ended", this Prayerful Accord was offered, at least to witness and inform others properly that the greater Good might come quickly.

    Truthfully, Miracles abound already. Thanks be for Christ JESUS making this so (Matthew 16.17). Though with convincing others is progress and greater growing, beyond steps and leaping, even truly beyond the "boundary" of this Known Universe. Even since all is alive, then to Miraculously greater New Christianity from above and even including from a dead language such as concerning the following:

    "The proper name Jesus /ˈdʒiːzəs/ used in the English language originates from the Latin form of the Greek name Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous), a rendition of the Hebrew Yeshua (ישוע), also having the variants Joshua or Jeshua. In a religious context the name refers to Jesus, the central figure of Christianity." (from often great but secular source:

    Though such "progress" is according to the ability to receive (lest to be overwhelmed as if temptation was dead and extinct, though precept on precept currently applies)(the Spirit to make things so as this is read can apply instantly automatically though for readers to enter properly into the higher glory One Glorious Work).

    A positron for instance can travel a tenth the speed of light. Department stores have sold such devices for decades and are in multitudes of homes. These are devices to move gravities. People already have these, people already know the physics of how to build these, but people have the self imposed secular "boundary" which also is associated with the lack of proper ascending for Christ JESUS.

    In the sinner, things deteriorate, so of the Physics Of God the sinners are left with nothing or things at increasing costs.

    In the properly ascending Christian, weathering similarly comes with time, though in Christ JESUS the former words and former ways can be turned straight anew and lively (Genesis 2.7) to include helping to support others as much as Their Christian Proper Ascending Faith agrees (also reference these given Accord months).

    Of the above concerning positrons, they are made to shoot out and ionize to move matter: either to cast out and away, or to collect matter (see above Drawing "Tractor" "Repulsor"). Dark Matter is matter, it's right in the name of it. But missing is: JESUS Christ Dark JESUS Matter Christ JESUS. Missing is properly ascending New Christianity Faith to be with One Christ JESUS throughout. So this new key is given, of new wine vessels precept tech, "New Christianity" is for holding new Christian technology properly for Christ JESUS One Holy Spirit In One Father In Heaven including the Earth subset (domain) and the Known Universe subset (ibid.).

    With this, is this new Accord subset per se (as specified).

    While the next ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS Will cover more on Black Holes (see below "time"), now is given to consider the above "boundary" with the following secular site (recommended viewing conditionally of Precepts Of Christ JESUS: lower interpretational risks might apply) with many great pertinent style illustrations [note the years, a decade or more ago (][(also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on design motifs such as the Trammel Net) so as to indicate a great key to come Colossians 2.17&18)].

    What do these things of this Sermon mean now for this generation, in lay language?, in the above Drawing toward the right are three arrows curved according to Dark Matter tied to Black Holes, so if to go straight then then to cut the travel time dramatically, and if to control Dark Matter as shown in the above Drawings then to cut that time nearly entirely along the length of the route; though the center of the Black Hole is with radiation not covered in this Sermon and similarly radiation is involved with the surroundings of large Black Holes, and with the "handle shape" mentioned above, also the Bucky Ball spherical shape hardly allows for controlling the donut central radiation so is dangerous so another shape is appropriate for handling and with such safety of the precepts of Christ JESUS then to overcome such warped fabric and not only aware of the straight and narrow yet with the Davidic slingshot effect [key that Christ JESUS gives (John 8.58)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on sensors, on Internet, on communications, on beam spread and on focus)(also reference secular car rear view mirror)], in more recent New Christianity terms to convert most effectually for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS.

    Christ JESUS now gives / Physics Of God, this key, this "Davidic slingshot effect". This is a tremendous value now in this generation for Accord (similar to the United Nations, yet of this now, this Accord at least witnessing for themselves) is a great Faith value: Miracle tool, for crossing the Known Universe.

    Why is it such a great value?, because properly ascending Christian Faith For Christ JESUS is sufficient reasoning per se, yet also for the sakes of any others is this:

    the slingshot effect in the past has been [as on television sci-fi, and in actual published practice] largely as to approach a body in outer space, gaining speed to travel faster while conserving fuel.

    Yet with this key concerning unseen Black Holes and Dark Matter, "unseen", un-sensor sensed, means [dangers, though also values] largely devoid of meteorites and other objects that might harm or destroy if per collisions. Dark Matter is as a Known Universe broom.

    Control as per Bucky tech is as though to attract dust and meteorites, though if properly utilized then for higher purpose in Christ JESUS.

    Properly feeding the machines is important (see above text on "to travel in a certain direction")

    (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Manna outpoured and on the "vacuumed" and the deposited via the Whirlwind of the Exodus at search google for: "iccdbb" "moment of ")(reference "point of tangent" physics)(reference torque, moment, or moment of force is rotational force" often applied to engine drive trains though also pertinent with coriolis [or counter] effect flow(s)).

    So of the top Drawing some gear teeth might be guided to be gathering while other teeth are guided to fast.

    So these are as to carry a keys within keys, though not about subsets and rather Oneness (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS top Drawing at

    Newness within newness: new Holy New: New creating is being formed in these months according to "the new creation" formed of Christ JESUS (2 Corinthians 5.17) Also consider rather than merely innovations are the new greater values of new discoveries, even the New Properly Faithful Way to form, create, generate, and make New High Purpose so New Holy Discoveries (see above text "Miracles" from proper Christian "Faith": the One Path Of New Christianity).

    In lay terms, consider how a person can go straight and break through the wall of their house to go help a neighbor, through rather the person goes through the door. The wall symbolizes a key (see above "key within a key") and the door symbolizes a key (ibid.). The straight and narrow is new in Christ JESUS: in this situation of "key within a key" this "straight and narrow" is in Christ JESUS (key) "to go help a neighbor" from Christ JESUS to bringing Miraculous Value to the "neighbor" for Christ JESUS (key, with referencing Christ JESUS for the neighbor to be aware of Christ JESUS and hardly if at all secular, for the sake of the "neighbor" and the greater Good).

    For 2,000 years Christian Faith has been with Spirit, while the secular followed moving from works of hands to works of energies moving other energies automatically, beyond software alone. The secular needs be learning the Christian Faith Path in order to do so lest risking (their own "barrier" including "logic" limitation: thinking secular limitation: even former IQ standard guesswork efforts) as stated above (see above text "house fell").

    Christ JESUS New Physics Will Prophetically continue to let naysayers cast out themselves for a time, and for Eternity Will Continue To Do The New Christianity Work: a New Miracle Level Of The Heavens Is Become Open, Beloved One, for You to properly newly guide them across the way, up the straight and narrow, a new section of the Holy Path.

    This New Path Section is with both the straight and narrow and the to and fro (Genesis 8.7 KJ & Job 7.4 KJ) Anew In Christ JESUS.

    That is, the secular continues to be faced with Christian Prophecies coming True of the Holy Precepts Of Christ JESUS as much as Faithfully, and accordingly therefore as a subset as much as properly applied; and with such increasingly less connected to secularly applying. The unknown hardly plans rightly for themselves nor others to follow their plans, the unknowing fail increasingly at risk to themselves and others, the secular failed in the Old Testament and even more to let the secular know in Proof that God lives and if to stray then toward inviting worsening conditions.

    The secular is to become at an increasing rate of awareness that these things are True And Holy and the themselves need be such too.

    The great feast provided in New Christianity For Christ JESUS awaits (so is a need to quickly make ready thyself Revelation 22.20) and this New Feast is the Known Universe Exploration Yet Properly For All Goodness.

    People Will no longer (virtually) be able to be selfish unto themselves and their corporations and such as previously (see above "beacon to beacon") as people Will increasingly need to be interacting properly including signalling lest to be run over or lest to be eaten by coming Black Hole virus tech or such (advance Word to hackers to repent).

    JESUS Christ is bringing at least via Faithfully ascending Christians (Living Eternal Word), yet also accordingly Miraculously via such Prophetic Faith (Doing), and as much as freely opted His Holy Personal Self (be the Miracle One)(Matthew 3.16 NIV)(pure personified Holy Spirit alighting in the form of a [You]), new Black Hole and Dark Matter technologies (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on automating on perpetual machines toward Eternal, and on "How to build a Manna Machine" at 9.19&20) tied to the above text also see below text on "time" coming soon.

    For the sakes of other, Christ JESUS pondered openly in public and aloud what Heaven was like and how [in the secular] to compare it [for proper Edifying, for One Highest Purpose].

    Likewise for proper travel and dominion over this given Known Universe and greater is offered what True Faith is. Faith is Living Good Work(s) (James 2.26). Faith is as written in 2 Thessalonians 1.3 NIV:

    Faith is Victory In Christ JESUS over the Known Universe.

    Faith is right when giving worthiness and strengthening others beyond their abilities to measure (2 Corinthians 10.15).

    Proper Christian Faith In Christ JESUS is with Good Report (Romans 1.8).

    Faith is rightly allowing free opting (Romans 14.2, instead of [or at least rather than] flip of coin tech)(though has revealed many through many translations [rather greater Oneness is coming]).

    Your properly Righteous Work In Christ JESUS proves Your Faith (1 Peter 1.7). Your [previously unseen to lower levels] Christian Work becomes known (e.g. Known Universe) revealing Your Good Work(s) as Your [previously unseen to lower levels] precepts of Faith keys become unraveled and seen for Good for any in pertinence properly ascending (Hebrews 11.1 [though note that in a secular mob or secular court of law often not even evidence nor proofs have been accepted previously 2 Chronicles 29.6, though see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Christian Faith change coming at an increasing rate: changing to victories for Christ JESUS One Zion and changing to conquering secular souls with some ascending out of confusion as of Accord and greater while others of their free opting]).

    So given the above Faith For Christ JESUS option(s), interest(s) of God, parameter(s) (measuring from higher, see next sentence), now You Christian Leader may have a much better idea of what Miracles You Will Be Producing for giving, as You already know to Heal, Comfort, be Charitable, and such; now You have gained keys over the means (New In You One).

    So from One Christian Faith, the new sprout buds and grows from the Vine Christ JESUS; from One sprouts Your New Branch (for One), as One becomes Two (correspondingly numerically see Affiliated Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ page 10 mid page as two series of numbers become one series)(the original "" site is no longer available); so from Your Level (One Level, a level) You produce two things (that are actually One), and after being with proper Christian Faith In Christ JESUS so as to produce a Miracle, then the first is toward the higher for the Higher Heaven including if any is unseen (all is seen and heard and known and loved at the Highest Level) though not toward the higher measurably, so is counted secularly that the first is toward the lower levels that can be measured hence as known Biblically toward measurable efforts toward the weeds to convert or burn in the fire, and then also in the secular Miracle for the Good or goodly measurable: with these two (such as weeds and wheat, such as weeds and Good fruits,...) is the measurable in this world to the extent of the Known Measurable Universe, yet for One Higher Unseen Purpose (counted as if second) as a Victory in lifting souls up levels (so that Haggai 2.9 applies [from "the first is toward the higher for the Higher Heaven" and the last is "for One Higher Unseen Purpose" so for One Higher Purpose the One becomes Two and the Two become One yet all in properly Faithful Christian Righteousness For Christ JESUS agree in One: For One Higher Greater Better Purpose]).

    Bucky tech becomes as the new sticky areas of space, the hard places, the high pressure regions (including Whirlwinds and cavitations interfacing between various pressures [and Flowing(s)]). Dark Matter is as a caravan of boats, structure(s) where previously was in the secular unseen.

    Similarly Christians are of various talents, some toward Saying or Doing the Eternal more than others, some measuring the past (Good) and rather properly ascending in Christ JESUS level(s) that all lower be measurably added though as much as appropriate (1 Corinthians 12.12-18). Some, other than free opting, is as Planned from the Beginning: consider how a heart pulses, the rate of the pulses can be measured though are as if independent from Blood Pressure, and the thickness of Blood, the type of Blood, the number of Blood Cells per pulse.

    The Blood Cells are contained within a measured pulse though the cell count is not. Even inside the Bucky Ball, the "count" per se is not measured. A jail cell with prisoners are said to be accounted as no breach in the cell is noted, though if each person is not counted, then in the secular is the estimate: prediction. So even of the measured is the guess according to the secular.

    The Creator counted all as is written of the past evidence, of the Current Christian Truth, and also Prophetically as for instance at

    Weep for the secular, for they have no such gift (but have freely opted to reject it).

    How shall the Holy One In Christ JESUS You, describe the secular loved ones?: as a driver of a car on railroad tracks that is at ease and might not even have to steer, though if a train approaches then perhaps with difficulty and luck (flip of coin) the driver might be able to steer and move the car off the tracks to safety though likely at least with damages to the vehicle, along with perhaps terrorizing the train engineer and others.

    So from this previous sentence is this key given yet for Wise considering: even if a person (or people) illegally commit a crime that is so called a "victimless crime", it is a crime. This given world is as a training ground. Heaven is for Those Who Have Overcome The World. Moses for instance gave divorce, though Christ JESUS prefers proper continuing Holy Marriage. Some worldly laws are wrong, sinful, and/or illegal. If to turn, then when appropriate to turn lower to lift to higher, rather than to turn lower for error.

    "A victimless crime is an illegal act that typically either directly involves only the perpetrator, or occurs between consenting adults; because it is consensual in nature, there is arguably no true victim. Examples of these types of crimes include possession of illegal contraband, and atypical sexual behavior." (wiki).

    With "redeeming social value" as stated above the former secular ways of "victimless crime" (often as though to be a defense) might rather be more appropriately planned in Christian Faith as Truly "victimless" and not crime nor sin nor turning away from the best course of action for Christ JESUS.

    But "redeeming social value" loses meaning in the secular levels. In that great Barbara Maltby, Rob Reiner, movie The American President character Andrew Shepherd (Michael Douglas) [responding to character Lewis Rothschild (Michael J. Fox)] affirmed:

    Lewis, we've had Presidents who were

    beloved, who couldn't find a coherent

    sentence with two hands and a

    flashlight. People don't drink the

    sand, 'cause they're thirsty, Lewis.

    They drink it 'cause they don't know

    the difference.

    For the sakes of any in the secular, for secular awareness: the secular doesn't "know the difference."

    The secular does many goodly things, the secular works hard (including for selfish gains), the secular makes sure roads don't have potholes (including for selfish gains), the secular makes sure seeds are planted in fields so food results (including for selfish gains),

    yet Christians Do these things also, and for Highest Purpose.

    The Christian Does this thing for Holiness In Christ JESUS In The Father In Heaven: the Spirit Of The Holy Comforter: to repair pot holes, to plant seeds, and to Command Starships. What is a Black Hole if without the food that makes it shine even with a light so bright as of a multitude of stars, though there are some Black Holes unutilized, powers in need of caring nurturing and guidance from above. There are Starships unbuilt. There is much that has been known as if the: emptiness of space. It has been called a waste of space: no more, rather in Christ JESUS the Righteous harvesting of energies, even the Way a greenhouse can replace a field, even the Way skyscrapers contain indoor gardens as yields per square foot increase.

    Prior to conquering the Center Of The Known Universe (save as much as properly Spiritually In Christ JESUS), things can be done in the Christian Churches, starting with the Word: properly cited appropriate precepts of Christ JESUS, often with specific verses cited (Christian Church criteria can properly grow).

    Because "they don't know the difference", Help the secular, yet Help Properly: Allocate Properly: Allocate according to their proper ascending. In secular terms, tax credits (which often have been helpful) and tax matters have often guided people in the proper direction: such things have helped, though rather help before-the-fact, before things are depleted, before it's too late; proactive, yet comprehensively in Christ JESUS in order to properly prioritize.

    The census [from (Exodus 30.11&12) to rather (Psalm 111.9&10) in Christ JESUS] is the Comprehensive Victory: hence Victory already over the Known Universe and greater.

    Christ JESUS spoke in a dream this morning 4/4/2018AD as awakening before 5AM as quoted below at the end of this Sermon. Immediately Prayers went unto Christ JESUS for Christ JESUS and for further clarifying, and pleading for their sakes and the sakes of all lest any created efforts have been less than greatest though hardly to question God, rather the Will Of The Holy Spirit Of God be Done, as Christ JESUS explained in the Christian Bible: for One True Highest Purpose.

    Former ways of destructions are not sought, similarly this is not to panic anyone rather to tell the Truth to the best of ability for the greatest Good. Proof that it was Christ JESUS that spoke is only Christian Faith yet with having heard the same voice previously as much as to the limits of so able to hear and interpret, though other similar voices have been heard even with some indicating the highest though toward coarseness so perhaps high level though not highest. And many other different voices and sounds have been heard, whether awake or asleep, as explained in the Christian Bible.

    Thanks be for Christian Vice President Mike Pence and Christian President Don Trump for having shown much proper Christian Leadership even among the nations seeking greater Goodness. There are many interpretations in many people on this planet and beyond. Praying goes for this Christian Presidency and this nation and other nations and the people, and of Firmaments for all creatures and all.

    While this ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS came to mind, being the current Sermon in progress per se, so too this Accord of these months came to mind. Considerations were whether the word (from: see below quote) "Baris" was misheard and was "Paris", or perhaps "Barris". These remarks were not presented now to stir commotion nor terror in hearts nor to motivate armies, rather as Christ JESUS taught and Did, for Peace and greater Good. Also Christ JESUS gave His Life Once, for all, that all be Saved, and that none stray. Let none be toward the pistols, incarcerations, nor wars, on this account; and rather let all be of Peaceful Accord, even if only to save the self (from addictions to pistols, rifles, armies, and other snares and problems).

    In this life "Baris" (or similarly spelled "Barris") is something not recalled in memory, and "Paris" brings to mind much goodness such as a great place to visit as for Honeymooners and others, respectable and friendly. If the quote below is other than interpreted, then so be it. Though the quote seems to be for a reason of Good, giving the showing of an option in order to properly Prophetically save or find, rather than be of any loss. Even God has given life for people to live, and even the secular people believe faithfully to live, in the far greater part of civilization.

    If only a dream, then no concern in the historic legal sense. Though if Prophetic From Christ JESUS then to lay down weapons and questions, and rather take up each their cross to bear for higher Good rather than other.

    Now before 6AM a search was made on Google. The first listed was "Baris is an absolutely charming family-owned restaurant in an excellent location in Waco." [( with restaurant parking and other details]. The next listed was "Baris can refer to : Places and jurisdictions[edit]. in Turkey. Baris in Hellesponto, Ancient city and bishopric, now a Catholic titular see; Baris in Pisidia, Ancient Lydian city and Roman bishopric, now Isparta and a Catholic titular see. elsewhere. Baris, Egypt, an oasis in Egypt; Hasmonean Baris, a citadel located in Jerusalem" (wiki)(some of that does not even come to memory other than stated) so this definitely promotes Accord, even Christian Accord.

    Now before 9AM a Google search (trump israel paris) showed this:

    To lose a people is not the Way Of Christ JESUS nor this Sermon, nor is censorship nor matters of Faith or faiths; normal to law is the greater value for each and all including to be aware so as not to lose value. So this is given for this awareness, this Helpful purpose and not contrary. So this is given for the Highest Heavenly Purpose to the best of given talent, for the benefit of each and every legally abiding person, place, system, thing, and energy.

    In like manner it is hoped each and all be for the increasing good (3 Nephi 12).

    The words, with nothing more nor less heard per se, as much as understood were [inaudible, and then]:

    ..."or Baris Will be completely lost."

    ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS, April 4, 2018AD.

    ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS: Sermons for Christian Leaders.

    Coming soon in the weeks ahead in this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS:

    How to precisely control and safely travel through time

    for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS.

    Main site: ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS Affiliated with Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ.

    Tags: The Baris Prophecy. Christian President Trump Christian Vice President Mike Pence Jerusalem Israel United Nations Accord how to represent Earth Physics Of God Dark Matter Black Holes new values captured in Bucky Balls and Bucky Tubes seeing unseen microwaves tractor repulsor beams properly docking in the golden cube until lifted. Barbara Maltby Rob Reiner movie The American President Andrew Shepherd Michael Douglas Lewis Rothschild J. Fox Sister Act Theres a lot we could do for them besides pray The Wizard of Oz good rather than wicked witch fully illustrated How to travel across the Known Universe Internet Church ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ.


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