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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS:

How Christ JESUS would that You precisely control and safely travel through time.

JESUS Christ gives this great gift via proper precepts along the ascending Faith Path and said in Luke 13.5 NLT:

Also as written at "Jerusalem in its entirety was destroyed, and the loss of life in the siege, and especially in its dread closing scenes, was simply incalculable. Within forty years all this happened." (Pulpit Commentary) though if to view in Miracle receivable terms and in secular terms (for higher Edifying unto Worthiness In Christ JESUS) with the secular cliche "Time is money" then the face value of a coin then and a coin today is as to measure time then and time today: though sinners have been allotted certain time to repent, prior to entering into Christianity and True Heaven.

Each person has a personal relationship [some counted as if lack of relationship (due to their own sins, though created and existing at least for a certain time, reference examples in the Old Testament)] with the Holy Spirit Of Creator Father One JESUS Christ. A person can figure the time accordingly, as toward multiplying fractional amounts toward less time, or multiplying in New Christianity toward the Eternal. Christ JESUS gives the gift of measured time or the gift of the Eternal.

How to properly cross the Known Universe, also as counted of this generation.

Because of proper Faith In Christ JESUS this is enabled.

Not to leave undone any other, Wisdom is also told in advance.

Time Travel Christ JESUS explains how to use dark matter threads of the fabric of outer space to time travel in bucky ball tech and black hole wormholes ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS provided symbolism to explain things then, now, and to come. The above Faithfully jumping to another time and back, is shown, though if not with proper Faith Path New Christianity, then to meet such as more advanced time jumpers and then to perhaps have lost the self vessel as though to start all over again if given time, in hope of Holy Breathing into dust nostrils, thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In God The Father.

Christ JESUS said You Will know them by their fruits, and likewise You Will know these times according to the signs [such as seasons]. Yet this is a big jump for people to consider time travel [and crossing the Known Universe]. Also such travel is associated with things described as other dimensions unseen and so "other universes" as many physicists have asserted. Applying such Christian Faith properly for Christ JESUS needs be hardly as of fairly understood former New Christianity levels and rather toward time jumps and leaps through Firmament Packaged Of Levels: from precept on precept, to bundles of precept levels as Principles, to bundles of Firmament levels.

A Christian Follower (for example, a Christian in a coma; or toward less ascended Acts 27.44) is just fine, Saved In Christ JESUS and Following as best as They can [(though according to the former: if to time jump then toward solving their coma via other advanced Christians) or appropriate at the free opting of God:]

to be Pure In The Spirit Of Christ JESUS (Properly Prepared In Highest Worthiness Acts 27.43), is vital if to freely opt to be of New Christianity in so time traveling and related greatly crossing into Heavenly realms [reasonably] unknown

as the "unknown" is as to say beyond reason so unreasonable, though proper Faith in Christ JESUS makes the Path ahead reasonable and rational.

Bundling new and otherwise "unknown" Firmaments requires being for the One Highest Purpose,

rather than merely ascending from level to higher level

In a dream this morning April 6, 2018AD about 3AM it was given clearly that this Sermon is hardly for a "High" level in the Heavens (as stated at times in previous ICCDBB Sermons Of This Series For Christ JESUS for those special Edifying reasons), and rather now for "Your Worthiness In The Highest Holy Spirit One Purpose In God The Father In Through And For Christ JESUS", as the travelers with You, if any, should seek to be ([currently of Grace] see below Drawing "Spirit JESUS One" top center "27" "commanded" "to be")(also concerning former Testaments of Eternal value(s) though for the levels of people of those times: see below text "New Revelation is Given").

To travel [up symbolically] through an "unknown" level, is with some faith (in the secular, or Faith Of Christ JESUS in the Christian), in other words one variable. Yet if to go through a Bundle Of Firmaments, is to attempt to go through a multitude of variables: extreme getting lost risk (2 Kings 17.15). Even so, extending help to the secular can offer an increase of Grace (conditions apply, e.g. see Your Christian Church criteria).

How to travel through time quickly and safely, hence the Eternal, hence to Do The Will Of Christ JESUS as Christ JESUS explained, as applying proper precept on proper precept, is like unto applying proper Firmament on proper Firmament, including in the Holy Spirit Faithfully so accordingly Spiritually As One JESUS Christ, and including in applied physics as for these generations until Final End Time comes, though also Christ JESUS is coming (though Elias is come already).

In the secular in a meeting in the office of the boss the phone might ring so the employee might be told "Go". So the employee might wonder whether to go back to work or go stand outside the office and wait (or even go on break). Christ JESUS invites, and said "Come".

Christ JESUS is pretty clear, and any unclear parts are cleared with proper ascending. The sinners would cast themselves out into outer darkness. Christians can offer guidance for them (if to have a secular Commander, the option to have overriding authority should be considered carefully, as with consulting the Commander if Christian Leadership would consider placing another in Command; and as with advance preparation concerning quickness so that for instance in an emergency the same previous Commander would normally override: reference for instance the Position of President and rather any Highest Faith In Christ JESUS if higher than that Position with consulting spacecraft specifics and colony criteria).

Christ JESUS invites with a clarity, even already and now and for planning. The fruits and the signs of the times indicate seasons and precepts that are pertinent in given situations. To the secular the more advanced means more complex (reference jet or Space Shuttle cockpit).

Even so, let Proper Christian Faith include such maintenance [toward minimizing] also.

If to travel into the atmosphere of the sky, toward losing a sense of relative speed, and if a person jumps inches off the ground, in the sky inches above the ground lose meaning, as inches become miles, and in outer space parsecs and greater. Time goes from hours and years, to moments chosen. Fruits go from what was, to chosen parameters.

Many spirits come to and from You now. Spirits come and go from things unseen and unsensed such as heat from a living lawn, and such as impulses from one of Your Blood Cells signalling for other lifeforms.

Your time space materials need be lifted from secular "inorganic" to organic level or it cannot endure the Eternal Of Christ JESUS.

Great Granddad Reverend Bender explained in THE PROBLEM OF CONSOLATION Christian Book explained on SPIRITUAL LAW page 89 "No change of substance, no modification of environment, no chemistry, no electricity, nor any form of energy, nor any evolution can endow any single atom of the mineral world with the attribute of life. Only by bending down into this dead world of some living form can these dead atoms be gifted with the properties of vitality."

New Christianity interprets this in Christ JESUS as: "No" and "no" as meaning "Yes" at the One True Highest Purpose Level In Christ JESUS, also "evolution" and "dead" as meaning "slow" "rate" and as pertinent to "lower Firmament" Bundles (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on these for specific details, and on "Anoint").

The Highest Faith In Christ JESUS level value of this rather than "secular" "inorganic" value of this becomes clear as "secular" physics measures after the fact under worldly law after the fact hence after Miracles, as evidenced in some of the brightest flip of coin physics tech as of physics book: LOC catalog card #67-12525, Chapter 23 Electromagnetic Waves final sentence page 490 "It can also be interpreted"..., and Chapter 24 page 491 intro with terms such as "favored" and "prominent".

To now Holy Harvest For You properly the secular [first (the weeds such as "favored" and "prominent") and now given You the fruits:] in pertinence is that lower level electromagnetic frequencies are toward waveforms, while as of the above Drawing the higher energies such as gamma are nearly all particle.

So with these is a human spaceship construction key, between these two given as though the range of extremes, is the human habitat zone. Also with these is how to manipulate those Anointed levels that cannot help themselves per se (for Your spaceship for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS). Of this Faith, if to maintain help (even if smoothly functioning so toward minimal help) for the lower levels, then so much more reason to maximize Holy Help for the Commander (and for the Holy One(s) over the filling criteria of the Commander Position).

In other words, this is a functional condition over outer space travel and colonizing, over the government of the colony (see above text "Christian Book explained on SPIRITUAL LAW", likewise John 14.3)(also reference: a more perfect union).

In Christ JESUS the Highest Command is to Love the Lord Your God. This is also a precept. Proper precept on proper precept is this with Love Your Neighbor As Yourself (see above text "Your Blood Cells signalling for other lifeforms").

The Holy True Christian Heart Soul Wisely knows these two precept rightly agree and are pertinent, so these Principles Of Christian Faith can be Bundled Together Firmaments (and of and with Highest Holy Truth).

So You clearly are Edified concerning Bundling per se: a Victory For The Glorifying Of Christ JESUS In You!

So the gamma rays are toward particles and so can be managed accordingly, while the softer rays are toward heat, love, and Class M habitable planets; though further is toward the background of outer space where less sponge areas and less Known Universe values so far have been found generally speaking (see above "prominent").

Some other Bundling can also be entered into the Highest Level, though of talents thereof as much as appropriate (likewise of "talents" are "precepts", likewise "Your Christian Church criteria" may apply specifics,...see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS).

There were some groups of Christians that bundled together Their cooking talents and gave bake sales to raise money for Their Christian Churches and for other Christian Missionary values. It was Good then, and it is Good today (note: Mercy on licensed food businesses is also to be offered, likewise Mercy on startup businesses per se):

per Christian, some others were Helped. There is a key to value in Helping formulaically.

Nearly 50 years ago around the world in the nations was broadcast reasonably live (with transmission time delay) Christian Neil Armstrong was the "first man to walk on the moon" (Google).

Neil at that time baked no goods, and set no items for sale on a table, are You beginning to see?, Yes. Yes because the proper greater outreach in Christ JESUS changed civilization, because it was written in each of their heart souls, and because as governments bundled together in groups their values agreed.

They agreed having seen the Christian Miracle after the fact (toward at least) though some had agreed before the fact.

When prepared at the right time, Neil and the other two astronauts had closed the door to the rocket capsule.

There was a closing of the door concerning time, as written in Luke 4.25 DR:

First (as "some had agreed before the fact") was the Plan Spiritually Of Faith, and then [Old Testament (other examples: 14 years Prophesied over Egypt Genesis 41.29&30 NAS) style] Miracle (famine had come save the Physics Of God offers the Prophetic Good of "Genesis 41.29" with Miraculous yields, through does not require Genesis 41.30 and rather prefers free opting for Good instead).

Concerning time and for instance the Bible Books of the Book Of Mormon, unique is the Book Of Ether. Each Book in the Book Of Mormon is with time details, save the Book Of Ether is as though toward timelessness, as though a person was asleep for a tremendous amount of years and only awake to record events at certain times.

Old Testament Isaiah has been found similar according to various sources, with this key, that people in generations added to the text of Isaiah (Living Bible).

Bake sale people have said such as "We do what we can". Neil became Christian, Neil had little to do with it until the fact of Baptism. From above Christ JESUS bent down to lift Neil. From the "Bake sale" perspective "Their" own cooking talents were key to Them and as written above in Christian context "it is Good".

Neil personally was involved in full repentance and Baptism (in the "Bake sale" perspective)(and note that the rockets are very often struck by lightning while the "Bake sale" people are hardly if at all struck), yet Neil chose a life path [toward New Christianity, not even around then (though see above "because it was written in each of their heart souls" "some had agreed before the fact": this is a Truth concerning True Christian Faith Properly Ascending [including through space and time])(Luke 10.42).

There is a time that the embryo is out and the mother shuts the womb door to the embryo that has become an infant vessel independent of the previous vessel in which it was formed: Earth formed You, timelessly Eternal Heaven awaits.

The Living Bible is of Proper Christian Ascending Faithfully and also Timeless in that the Living part continues growing, in steps and leaps; and with True Records (Holy Value(s) for higher purposes to help others (toward maintenance) and rather of One Highest Purpose. If "Only" (see above Reverend Bender text) Christ JESUS can lift a person be One Christ JESUS.

Again, the lower vessel can only move through levels and not ascend through a Firmament,

as Christ JESUS can move through through levels including Firmament levels.

There are people in lower levels that might be stopped by things and/or others, though when properly in the Word And Will Of God [a level of (per se)] Yes is found.

The Highest Purpose is with conquered time, and greater, for the greater Good.

A person doesn't have to stop at the "Bake sale" level, as if merely about the best a person can or the best "we can" do and a person doesn't have to stop at "favored" (see above secular physics "#67-12525"), Neil Armstrong stepped on the Moon and changed civilization, with sufficient physics and yet preferring Christ JESUS.

At least predictably the "Bake sale" and worldly physics are virtually the same, and the physicists might reference specifications more but the Bible less as this generation had often evidenced, the bakers and cooks at least have often stated the "secret ingredient is love".

Yes there are some manufacturers whose employees sit at designated breaks reading and discussing the Christian Bible. Living Love and being with the Christian Bible are key: it doesn't mean they would sell the most baked goods nor perform the best manufacturing, though this key is toward the most value in Christ JESUS, this is a worthiness key from above, in Christ JESUS.

Time travel is given from above, similarly reference the Harmony Of The Gospels. This is very similar to how a person travels from the spirit of one person to the spirit of another person, or to a spirit without a person's body vessel (such as the Holy Given Spirit Of Time such as to repent, and Do much more from above than merely repent).

This key moving in Proper Christian Faith from person and/or anomaly (Matthew 17.2) to person and/or anomaly.

Consider how a local person knows the local roads, so can guide a stranger. The Living Bible is a map: Christ JESUS explained it all. Though the map goes through Christ JESUS. This is similar to how time goes through Your Heart. Otherwise the mechanical and physics pulse of a secular heart.

As a living person hardly often cuts out their own heart, so too the living person knows there is something more important concerning one body member than another:

there is something greater about the Usher, and something greater about the Priest.

There is something greater than verses, something greater than parables, something greater than Bundles, there is something [SomeOne (JESUS)] from the Highest Level.

Because of these Living New Christianity Bundles (other Holy And True descriptions are also acceptable, though if acceptable then of Accord unto the greater Christian Oneness [then toward the same One Wording, though the Greater Comes (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on "worthiness", and on "come already" and "fields are white already for harvest" [toward too late])])(see above text "50 years ago" Moon).

A Bundle of Firmaments is with similarities to the Holy Authorships of the Books of Isaiah and Ether. For instance in the Living Bundles are timelessnesses of proper full repentance if with proper Christian Baptism and then with proper Christian Ushering,...and Priesthood. Even each small subset level step properly is as a new creature at least symbolically for others: no sinner is without some goodly purpose for having been created (though not for sin).

Below the human sinner is the animal, below the animal is the stone. The animal is of a level to be at least greater living animal and not subset level stone of less liveliness.

A person can know a precept, such as a precept verse concerning time. In Proper Christian Faith, there virtually is no baking nor physics as even if at the secular level of people a person prior to baking or serious physics considers ideas, such as what to eat, and in the secular such as brainstorming (perhaps even if from comic jokes)(secular brainstorming as if comprehensive actually has levels too [priority indicators, describers]). Faith(s) come(es) first then the yields. Though for the Christian (even if stuck in a rut so to speak: that is, reference Hope In Christ JESUS) often with abounding Joy to Give (Eternal timeless Joy is with Giving, so Joy is subset to Charity and often to properly allocating).

So a key, if to time travel out of this civilization without Giving this civilization Joy (even reference "Neil" above), then as though to try to steal from this generation (conditions apply). A person can have a precept, such as about time, though what more can be found is herein described as in Bundling (see above text "Bundling new and otherwise 'unknown' Firmaments"). While Isaiah and Ether are time related Bundles examples, here are some more to the point, Luke Chapter 21, and Isaiah Chapter 1 (a subset of the Book Of Isaiah mentioned above concerning the whole Isaiah Book, a subset of the Old Testament).

Luke 21 and Isaiah 1 have overlapping precepts (see above text on "Harmony"). These overlaps concern current times then and now...such as A. about conflicts so big that civilization would be shocked, and similarly B. about people [whether selfishly sinfully, or otherwise] pretending or being One Christ JESUS, and similarly concerning C. earthquakes, D. floods, and E. greater:

A. In this generation [or in these times] after forming the United Nations virtually all conflicts became entire civiliazation concerns, as though world wars (though of Holy Truth more with greater peace than war involvements)(where there was sin, Love abounded all the more and where there was void Time For Doing Good abounds all the more 2 Corinthians 7.15).

B. In this generation True Christian Faith was exchanged for weaponry (Waco).

C. & D. The Aceh and the Fukushima earthquakes ( resulted in many lives lost and for example "Some 500 PBq of [highly radioactive] iodine-131 were released," [not to mention the other radioactive and otherwise lethal energies and materials]["compared to approximately 1,760 PBq at Chernobyl." (ibid.)].

E. Luke 21 speaks of Jerusalem and the coming of the Son Of Man, and likewise Isaiah 1 speaks of Zion (Isaiah 1.27).

Though with Zion Faith, if there be any others then toward risk, as a "ball" or as a scroll that is rolled away as of the [intellect head pretending without soul as of the] "turban" (Isaiah 22.18)(let computers be aware).

Time travel is such that the proper faiths need be on the same page, properly prioritized and comprehensive: Properly Ascending Christian Faith is with the Living Bible even similar to how of the hearts of the elders that are in tribes in this generation, pass down [as it is called in the secular] their word of mouth wisdom of the ages of their tribal faiths. Though some have higher values, hardly about tribal warriors (that's toward what they self keep lower value and tribal, unascended),

rather for future generations and those of this generation is the Living Bible Record, even with proper "overlapping" so as to know how to properly apply works if given few options after traveling to previously unknown (per the vessel knowledge limitations) times so that proper Christian Faith For Christ JESUS is essential lest toward immediately exterminating the self. Consider for a moment how secular time travel movies and books depicted time travelers moving through storms, lava, vessels, and rock.

If to send a UAV (wiki) Drone with sensors and recorders ahead, of value, though as the secular states "times change" (God is timeless, Eternal, the solid rock foundation, living, properly ascending, perfection and yet therefore perfecting: One straight and narrow Christ JESUS, properly changing and yet therefore changeless).

Yes send such UAVs, and have them from the beginning automating the dangerous Black Hole control and modification efforts; though be aware of the greater part the lifting from above rather than the falling over which to continue maintenance unless appropriate to discard (conditionally as previously explained).

If the UAV computer and other computerization is able (and appropriate as often normally and expectedly would be the situation, at least predictably) then lower than the human level have it with the initial planning level. It has needs too, along with more important greater purpose toward helping the Greatest Purpose In The Christ JESUS.

In the above Drawing, (A) is a Black Hole mouth or tail opening and (B) is with the Wormhole part not shown (note a long Wormhole to cross the Known Universe might be formed, though hardly of this generation save Spiritually, predictably). Within (B)(1) another Black Hole portion has been added for safe travel (see below Drawing JESUS Standard tomb, and greater). Of Wisdom from above with the given, understand a time unit would hardly anymore represent a spatial unit as before. And the previous gravity measurings would be new, even this concerns forming and unforming previous mass parameters.

Secular measures, therefore standards, therefore codes, therefore secular laws would become increasingly toward meaningless as (1) becomes (2) and it becomes (3) and reversal to times spaces (3) to return. Initially it is very important to return to Truly thoroughly report (including things unpopular Luke 8.39 [Be a Faith Healer healing the proper ascending worthiness (Faith healing subset Faith, see New Revelation below)]); otherwise as though toward lack and toward censorship, or as if embarrassing (3 Nephi 22.4/Christian ascending, otherwise Luke 9.26 may apply) and as though at the risk of position loss and placed in a mental asylum (ibid.).

In the past pilots refrained from reporting UFO sightings: no such pilots if still in that former state are worthy to Command Your Time Machine (conditions apply: even a child might push a button to help return You if others perhaps attend other emergencies).

A house might have a normal door, and a tiny door for their lap dog, a door too small even for youngsters. A person might float down a small stream or a large river, though a fast small stream with rocks and falls are as to try to enter inappropriately.

Below numbers (1), (2), and (3) is a tube of equal diameter along it's length, representing equal time space throughout, similar to an emulsifier, so one layer functions properly per Highest Plan with the next layer (similar is a doorway, similar is through porosity, similar is cavitation, similar is a beam of appropriate plasma,...). If there is a stasis (living seed Word Will) for long duration travel then if awakening there need be appropriate accommodations with the Holy Plan ready for other (human error, equipment problems,...) so be with subset backup plans.

Above Drawing left shows matters external to Your TimeSpaceTravel Machine: if no suitable natural Black Holes are captured, then to artificially create anew, or at least properly Anoint innovations and check extra thoroughly. So of the Holy Highest Purpose Plan, a subset is Your TimeSpaceTravel Machine toward satisfying the Highest Plan, and likewise a subset is after manufacturing Your TimeSpaceTravel Machine then to make the design suitable for actual application (symbolized in above Drawing left),

though the subsets are in no ways to modify any higher level (Revelation 22.18&19).

New Revelation: because of properly ascending Faith the Stars be opened and can be ascended, stars as stairs, rather the greater unseen Black Holes with Dark Matter as a gas station on a river yet at faster than electric speed, eventually faster than light as Christians For JESUS ascend along expansions lines of force.

This new revelation is of the Holy Spirit, and the previous was of the flesh (and and also blood meaning Holy Spirit [see above text "heaven was shut up") which died once for all from Christ JESUS)

Though now in not the waiting as Followers as previously, rather to meet Christ JESUS in the Heavens to overcome former pains of Revelation Matthew 17.21 as His One first death is over, Conquered And Done In His Ascended One Highest Purpose, and now to Convert [rather than cast out and] rather for Doing not according to the first death preparation and rather for the New Living Being Within The Second Coming;

to meet the Holy Remnant on Earth with One Glory. Also to visit those others, if any, of that city over against One Lord You JESUS Christ if any be unwilling to properly Convert even after the Miracles for them / given freely of Highest Purpose Faith.

So the first, Baby JESUS, and more of His Ministry, revealed the vessel and the vessel-leader-the-spirit-of-the-vessel along with the exterior [and greater (including see above text "other universes")] Holy Spirit Of Heaven, and Highest Purpose, and Heavenly things and such; while since then and

now in this generation is (if Highest Level [a Highest Value rather than as though a former barrier [already conquered]) Holy Inclusion In The Second Coming.

Not to leave the other maintenance left undone: truly, truly, Christian Leaders continue to Follow "JESUS" the Christ, yet in New Christianity Holy Spirit Of Heaven as Leadership.

Christ JESUS said [to You Host]

also Pulpit Commentary translates "The highways; τὰς διεξόδους τῶν ὁδῶν: exitus viarum; the partings, or outlets of the ways."

So in One Highest Purpose in Christ JESUS, this new Black Hole tech and with this new Dark Matter tech is new conquering, new to this civilization (in this generation now in You) as Christ JESUS instructed. New Conquering as never before of this civilization specifically even though otherwise involved with others: rather only One Christ JESUS.

Demons were only (Matthew 17.21) cast out by [Christian] Prayer And Fasting, and it was True then as it is today and Prophetically: yet now rather is Holy Conversion Of The Heavens Themselves, no longer apart. You Christian Leader ascend, living, growing in Proper Christian Faith, Leaping Joy In Others More Perfectly In Christ JESUS, therefore

You hardly leap as previously [vessel] and now the Heaven One leaps with You.

The same as It was, yet for One Higher Purpose, the Highest Perfecting Purpose: JESUS Christ.

Rabbi Schneider of television series Discovering The Jewish Jesus [also listed as: The Jewish Jesus] in this generation within months ago cast out Demons (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS for further info, and on converting), and in recent days taught of these current times and Jerusalem "time space". The term "time space" is not in the Bible and was out of place and out of context in the historic secular sense, though in these times of this generation, as often found in this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS the term "time space" is often found.

While the Praying With Fasting continues to apply (Matthew 17.21), therefore a key is with this new "time space": hence rather than merely to ascend, to be Most Ascended (One JESUS Christ).

Eternal Christ JESUS said concerning this new applying of "time space" as in Mark 8.3 NAS:

This is a Most Ascended One Highest Purpose key: how They, the Chosen People, would "faint": They voluntarily left all and were already self pushed yet for Christ JESUS, to Their limit(s): both Their Personal limits and Their One People Limit.

They knew in Their Heart(s) that if They left Their homes to Follow-after and to rather to be [Leading One] with Christ JESUS (to be hearing to be One), that They could never return home or they would die (faith), save if Christ JESUS would freely opt to Save Them.

This Truly is Remarkable Great Faith.

Now therefore if given a Demon [to chase or rather to convert] or if given the Known Secular Universe then to Conquer For Christ JESUS. With this key consider how after Christ JESUS was crucified He said..."Have you here any meat?" [(Luke 24.41) and the Pulpit Commentary said, not that He needed any].

The Highest Purpose hardly has need, save freely opting for Your sake(s). Convert or cast out, go to this time and place or that; though for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, being the Highest Maker Of All Things New [(Revelation 21.5 In You Christian Leader) if a person properly be a True Christian Leader].

The United Nations Officially Recognized Israel According To Christian Leader President Don Trump.

Christian Leadership President Don Trump with the Official Israeli ("Accord": see recent ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on these months currently and on this "Accord"), Israel Officially Now Recognized as a Nation (again, a dramatic and Truly Miraculous achievement from above): with these two Officially, (with "Christian" and with the "Chosen People") the first thing Israel Did was to make clear this in their words, in the words of the various Israeli Leaders At The United Nations, was (is) "Zion", including with props to see on television explain this New "Zion", in this generation, now.

Yet Christ JESUS promises an even more excellent Way. Of a New Revelation for instance, in Heaven is Holy Feasting (at least on the Word and seeing God JESUS) yet with ability to create, to cast out, to convert, and to Do other mighty Work(s) Of Christian Faith (from Christian Spiritual Faith With The Eternal Holy Spirit Of God to Zion and through Zion to helping others (though free opting of faiths applies toward subsets if any so freely opted, also talents and similar conditions can apply such as the proper situation to heal a person blind from birth).

Of this New Revelation then is fasting no longer required of this generation as much as of One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS: even so leave such lower maintenance matters hardly left undone and similarly remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy of Highest Free Will rather than of Command toward under laws. So of the Highest Level is the Giving of the Holy Highest Commandment, and as long as if any be of other levels then to Anoint And Appoint other Commands, precepts, and such for their sakes for proper ascending in unto and for Christ JESUS One.

If to please JESUS (JESUS may ask for fish to eat, or for bread, or for Your Increase In Proper Faith,...) then to consider what He Will Do For The Father In Heaven In One Holy Spirit. One Holy Thing is to return, so prepare on Earth, though One Holy Thing is to fly to Earth so to meet up there in the Heaven(s) or at least in the sky as written, though also Earth is in the Heaven(s) already: You Christian Leader Are JESUS already (according to if Highest Christian Faith [and greater ascending perfectingly]}.

If to Do for Zion, some have interpreted as if needs toward conflicts, though people sometimes would appreciate Your Highest Mercy. If to Do for Zion, come from the Heavens above and lift Them properly for Highest Christ JESUS and so in the name of the Head Of Zion, Christ: JESUS.

Christ JESUS is hardly as to describe how when Himself Did or is Doing, rather Christ JESUS Did Perfectly, in other words, Christ JESUS Did more than merely describe in the secular sense and instead be Perfect In Every Sense: Christ JESUS described and Did the Word And Will Of His Spirit Father In Heaven.

God is Spirit, and Christ JESUS [One] showed how to be Pure Flesh In Heaven.

Flesh in Heaven.

This is like unto time travel through "universes" (secular), and this is like unto traveling across the (ibid.) Known Universe: these are tied together.

Previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS explained for instance of the laws represented in the garment of Christ JESUS, as knotted tassels on the bottom hem. Similar to that is the subset "Delphi Ball" (History Channel) covered in a web of carvings on and as part of the "Ball" rock (see pic at: This "Delphi Ball" is said to have come from outer space [of the realm of the Heavens] fallen to Earth to initiate life on Earth.

As previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS explained life came from the Big Pulse and from seeds floating through the Universe, like unto Oneness Of The Word And Simultaneous Will Of The Creator One. Yet, not to add nor detract from such, if You wanted to start a protoplanet in the right direction, helping it evolve more perfectly, then to add [as if (though for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS)] appropriate Help(s): as with the Delphi Ball, and as with UFO type alien Help(s), and with interior Earth Help(s) likewise if pertinent for One Highest Purpose.

Though be Wise to consider children try to help parents by as if beautifying walls by adding crayon drawings and scribbles, and by applying sticky foods to walls and floors and ceilings to [see if that would] bring joy to the parents. Know, be aware, though hardly to do save if for the Highest Loving Purpose In Christ JESUS For The Sake Of All One.

Christian Leader, Your Sermon is as to describe, for their sakes, yet the talk about feeding the people is hardly the same as the soup kitchen. All the soup kitchens of the worlds of the outer space and universes are given unto You: though [please excuse (for Edifying more clearly)] You Christian Leader don't even know for sure what universes are out there, even secular physicists have better ideas [talents] per se than many Christian Leaders. And other talents, such as matters of micro metabolism and the essence of living and thinking: not everyone is an expert in everything so don't let mistakes rule as the secular does, rather properly Convert the lower level secular including the universes for their sakes, that each and all be Highest One JESUS.

More than merely to describe in Sermons, and greater than to merely motivate others, "perfectingly" means go out there in outer space and time and in universes (by the Way made for You John 14.2, You were given a vessel body, You were given vessel Mansions [to give] Matthew 20.23). Christ JESUS went out on His own, He sent Them out by twos [(many purposes in One, though a key here is a tongue tends to brag though the other person tends toward the taming of the tongue: Marriage, with similar learning beyond dating, also Christian Church Members with each other check each other's tongue(s)) when for Highest Christ JESUS then learning the proper Faith Path].

So while You have options, such as continue as previously, You might rather opt "perfectingly" to go out there into outer space with Doing now preparing for this generation (timeline already established: Your Christian Church criteria applies according to the date You JESUS established and set and made known)(in other words, the timeline to prepare to travel through time needs have an end of preparing time in order to allow time to Do), so if to go Do out there in [Your unseen, if any] time and universes and such "perfectingly" then with precision including for precision transfiguration. And such Will not be able to be perfect possibly so a key is to allow the unworthy to not go.

Now there is a preparing in the secular, toward risks; and there is a higher preparing with proper Faith for conquering levels, though if of Highest Christian Faith to conquer time, universes, and such per se [then Christ JESUS Will show You anew from the Father One JESUS Spirit (from all talents and things to therefore New)].

Precision with Highest Christian JESUS Faith: over time travel and universes.

So there is the Known Universe, there is the Known Time, and now until the "therefore New" (generally speaking) there is this situation now in this generation the Doing The Second Coming.

Previously some barriers against crossing the Known Universe were that it took time, and if a person went high speed and returned the person would seem of ancient tech [as though retarded] relative to the lower speed Earth: though such former barriers are disappearing now in this generation, the former is with value(s) though much is conditionally (precepts of Christ JESUS continue living) obsolete.

In Christ JESUS One Highest Faith You Christian Leader speed is being conquered to cross the Known Universe, time is being conquered, and greater.

New things: since Adam this civilization had certain things, certain references, fixed points, certain knowns, though now You In The Second Coming are to be with a new page as never known before of this civilization.

Things the secular relied on Will be no more, save the good part. The secular Will no longer want to opt to cling to pains nor pain making as previously: such need Will be gone as such can realize in Christ JESUS.

And with You Doing Properly Out There In Time And Space For Christ JESUS, even Earth itself Will no longer represent secular things as previously, rather more toward living things to convert for unto Highest Purpose One.

To send a colony to colonize through time and space as ancient aliens did somewhat (understand free opting continues until Final End Time) and many ancient advanced tech civilizations failed, is to send a new civilization; rather One, though to the new planet or protoplanet or time-space-station [(time-space-portals: the ancients had three Sanctuary Cities though Ezekiel 28.18 and Acts 7.48 apply) Do Holiness on Earth as in Heaven] the colony is at least new to that planet and any people and/or creatures there.

So all the guidepost stars at night that Adam saw, and the Sun, and the Moon: all former references to a large degree Will be no more to the time-space traveler You

as You see the new Christ JESUS gives, and so Your communications to Earth Will change Earth evermore.

So many of Your former reference points Will be gone [from You] so You Will have to Walk More In Proper Highest Faith: even when worthy: completely.

A Christian properly Baptized is complete, and completely worthy, though it has been the former ways to remember old sinfulness lest to deny fondness, and also the Christian New Member has been unaware (as a child) of the Higher [levels] and of the Highest Walk Of Faith. So the Christian can bring the generation family though be prepared to replace the Commander if need be, similarly replace the family level if need be meaning to an extent (see Your Christian Church criteria) similar to how a parent removes toys from a growing child that freely opts to misbehave: so there is the precept on precept of the crew.

If Highest Christian Faith In JESUS is required [onboard, of initial Plan, and rather All], then the generational family and others likewise perhaps not Highest One, then to be for their sakes with the great entertainment values more, and over the perfect control less if any; though let the high control also be hardly all work and also with much opting such as "great entertainment values".

The guidepost Sun and Stars Will be not as previous, time keeping and records too Will be not as previous (see above "unique is the Book Of Ether" time records discussion):

so former Earth Will likewise have to change: time Will be replaced with Will Of God prioritizing recordkeeping

as Done somewhat today among Christians, and similarly somewhat among governments and businesses though Christ JESUS first devolved into sin as safety first, though worse sinners have put profits first, or self first and company second. Not for sin, though even the worst of sinners at least therefore of the previous sentence are aware of the prioritizing, such as to be saved by Christ JESUS (Physics Of The Creator).

Because You out there in the unknown Walking By Faith can change the time of the Earth processes and metabolic rates and the speeds of the horses and the earthquakes, because You Perfectly Will show these openly: they Will hear and see Your Miracles Of Faith and so Will to become as You (more than previously) for Christ JESUS.

People Will flee to time-space-portals to resupply, and while outrunning monsters and monstrous technologies so let the time-space-portal Christian Chapel Sanctuaries be with Your Christian Church criteria (also reference "Commander").

In the above Drawing the transfigured (see above text "Sanctuary" is already in the Holy Spirit Of Heaven and Heart Soul known fact as example with Yeshua Joshua son of Nun, the successor of Moses, as leader of the Israelites, then the Christ JESUS leading so now Christianity Anew Living Doing; and as example "Moses and Elijah appeared before them, talking with Jesus Matthew 17.2&3) is accomplished yet now in new higher Highest Purpose In Living Ascending Christ JESUS anew even beyond the following range for this aspect: from unknown Black Holes And Dark Matter highways across time and space to surpassing the logic of the Holy Breastplate Urim and Thummim through and currently with the good parts of the advanced secular physics (though from Heaven above) and beyond the range of the upper right of the above Drawing of the incense of the Holy Of Holies ascending (also with wings available, also with God available for Ascending): in Christ JESUS One New Faith along the same Path is being revealed as never before of this civilization, in these times. Thanks and Holy Praise be for Christ JESUS.

The Old Testament Proper Leadership Did The Will Of God For Their Fold and though many people were unaware, save the Prophets, it was to prepare a Holy People for the Advent Of Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago. In other words, the Highest Purpose Priority In JESUS, the Perfectly Perfecting JESUS One. Then with that accomplished in Holy Full, since then has been the Will and now the Prophetic One preparing for the Second Coming One Christ JESUS.

Let the Christian Follower on Earth and similar be with this Wisdom from Christ JESUS: Mother Mary asked Christ JESUS to perform His [so called] First Miracle [and that is True And Good (though His Birth, before and after: all these, and this Eternal is Miracle). His "first" Miracle is so stated for their sakes, as a Christian Preacher Ministers the Holy Highest Word to and for the people and for all Benefit.

New Christianity would that You perform a greater Miracle, not JESUS alone, rather properly grafted together so greater One.

Above Drawing center are time changing illustrations, means to change time for a vessel (even the Known Universe as the former stars, Sun, Moon, [and with God] Urim, and Thummim are become raised)(see above text "universes"), as never before known of this civilization.

As seed some colonists are to go forth, though initially as stated above there needs be much reporting back (such as to show if survived, such as what snags and how to overcome, and more importantly whether having seen and been with Christ JESUS: provide awesome details, Joy, appearance, clothes, thrones, others, kingdom, golden cube and far more. The latter seed Will go forth in search of better living conditions, even better than vacation spots. Then to increase far greater the Helping for others. These in Holy Flow Will Function Together As One (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on overlapping efforts that Harvesting is continual with not leaving undone maintenance including a little proper seeding to yield great Harvests).

As You make the impossible possible and transform civilization and Earth and the Sun and Moon Forever, note that in the above Drawing lower right a person might fly horizontally through cloud after cloud, though on some days the background is no longer the same as lightning strikes, even on clear days, also ice forms, vessel parts fail: the Spirit is Willing. The Spirit Of Heaven sufficieth, though improving Spiritually For Christ JESUS needs continue, even on vacations. As many are not aware of vacations, such as perhaps working diligently responsibly or without employment working diligently responsibly to survive poverty, so concerning plans: let the vacation plan help the living plan: if to go on vacation a person finds the resources such as coma dreams, feet, and/or money and reliable transportation, then reliable [(RV) or other] hotel, then after those responsibilities worked they relax and play normally sharing joy with others; so likewise it is sometimes better to go on vacation than work to death such as trying to survive (reference the end of the great secular Robert Redford movie All Is Lost), as there is a higher and even One Highest Purpose, even so, be aware that some were told for instance to stop taking [secular] medications and they died, and also be aware of Highest Faith, of the One Highest Purpose, for learning to walk by proper Faith and not [only] by sight: so a person has free opting to repent from all sin: such as if to go on vacation, or if to rest or if to do anything.

So is given this key, You need be on the right track, the proper Highest Faith In Christ JESUS, and not only You, and in this Time Travel Sermon For Christ JESUS case Your environment through which to time travel needs also be worthy of receiving You Within Your Vessel Of Highest Faith In Christ JESUS. This is similar to how a train car connects to another, and how a train track switches at the right time for the highest purpose, and this is how a passenger might move from one train car to another, as in the "old West" movies the people jumped from train car to train car, so reasonably (reference safety laws) report back on problems that risk followers.

Hardly is a person worthy to ascend farther if not to report back such things, so from the original time-space-travel Plan include these criteria as the Holy Standard For Christ JESUS and reference the Bible Verses, and plan to carry the Christian Bible and supplies and all according to the Best Prioritizing: Christ JESUS One.

Consider how a cook has a goal (such as to serve a meal) or at least a partial plan toward that goal (so in pertinence a subset goal) such as to cook the meal and another serves it. A cook might prepare a food type in an appropriate container, such as bread on a flat plate relative to wine in a concave cup. In the Drawing below Christ JESUS made simple for You Evangelist the Way: easy for You to understand.

Plasma types containing other types of plasmas: Proper Time-Space-Travel.

Travel Time Christ JESUS tells how to make black holes to time travel Ezekiel wheels within wheels ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS provides proper precept steps, so hardly to agree to all things and instead in the name of Christ JESUS meaning as Christ JESUS Taught And Did including precepts, for instance in the above Drawing Walmart is valuable but hardly to the children living on their own per se. All peace accords (now that Zion is conquered by Christ JESUS), all friendship, all love, all knowledge, all these need be through Christ JESUS (Psalm 119.64) or to die the second death (Psalm 119.63): this is the only Way the Jew would not destroy itself as God, The Holy Spirit Of Heaven, and as Christ JESUS perfectly explained as One Christian Zion, and not as former Jews that cast out Jewish JESUS Christ.

Christ JESUS is the the bright and Morning Star, this tells Christians where to assemble [either at Jerusalem to await His Second Coming as many would, or] to meet Him in the sky as many would, yet some would rather opt to meet Christ JESUS in the Highest Heaven of Christian precepts meeting with His Coming now in this generation in outer space (in Known Universe terms, not far, almost the same location as Earth) at the bright morning star, the Star Of David, the place for a Christian Reception Colony (and other civilizations [whether foreign to Earth or domestic] have offered helps about special stars and regions of outer space): Revelation 22.16 NAS:

A New Revelation Christ JESUS provides in this Sermon: if a person claims they did something for a good reason, but it is a sinful reason, the time travelers throughout Eternity Will find them out, the Truth Will become clear, the deceptive ways to photo edit and to voice and video edit sinfully such as to paste another person's face on a perp at a crime scene and/or if to wrongly change a document intentionally or other, and/or if to harm, such has been sinful works that do not prosper the sinner, so the "works" are against the sinner. Time Travel Will reveal "against the sinner" again and again Eternally until Merciful Christ JESUS provides Final End Time (though Personal End Time option is available from Merciful Christ JESUS: see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS).

But Time Travel as revealed in this Sermon For Christ JESUS is hardly the main purpose, and hardly the higher redeeming value, and concerning the sinner is toward lower things and laws, inappropriately; not only would sin be remembered no more (Hebrews 10.17)

but also Righteousness shall be remembered no more

(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on need for full repentance, on ascending, on higher levels, on Firmaments, and Highest One JESUS)(Ezekiel 3.20).

Only "JESUS" Will be remembered, less than the Most Righteous "JESUS" would not be remembered in the Eternal Heaven: no entry except "JESUS".

If to create [an Earth, time, a person,...] then higher (Highest) than this recently Given Accord opportunity for nations (such as for instance with the recent United Nations vote for Zion), the Holy True Next Step is with full repentance the JESUS Accord (Zion is come with and into Christianity via JESUS One Christian Don Trump President (of a nation, the US, USA, also of the Third Testament known as in the "Americas" (also see this "Highest" then no longer toward laws nor even parental rules that transgress the living of Christ JESUS).

To be Perfect means that when You step to Do something, Christ JESUS steps the same. When You look through time, when You step through time and change something, when You look through time to change Yourself to be Perfect as JESUS, then You are not far from the Highest.

Rather JESUS Create Perfecting until all is Perfect.

From the Highest Convert time Righteously though hardly do a temporary work, rather Do Permanent Eternally Timeless Righteousness or don't waste the self.

Also be mindful in Your name JESUS for the sake of every and all the Highest JESUS One is Giving Love, Life, Joy into the soul(s), into the heart of the vessel purpose(s). In the above Drawing are symbols toward this Highest Time Travel Holy Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Each person can opt to be fully repentant, and become properly Baptized as Christian and be Eternally Saved. Intelligence hardly Eternally Saves a person, rather Christian Does. Intelligence (even with lower level equipment even if known as high tech in the secular)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Anoint specifications) hardly saves the Higher Spirit Of Heaven, instead (ibid. on properly prioritizing, and on PCS) the Higher Spirit can save intelligence, and Wisely. So prior to Christ JESUS (BC) Adam for instance was saved in the Spirit (the flesh died in sins secularly [rather descended toward the dust level])(1 Corinthians 15.45).

Likewise with the Word Of Christ JESUS [and what JESUS Did] Will Of Christ JESUS the source from the Spirit Of The Father Comforting came (AD) the transfiguring including time travel. And that comes from the Holy Spirit and even the Christian Bible [with True Christian Sermon(s)] including the Living Prophecy as written in Mark 13.23 NIV:

So the Highest Christian time traveler flesh is saved and preserved and safe (or toward such, as other times are with living situations also, example two Priests accidentally speak at the same time perhaps the same Word, though with free opting may come Holy Improving Matthew 21.16; hence hardly flip-of-coin predictive intelligence alone as sinners have as much logic intelligence).

The Christian is hardly ordered by worldly intelligence laws alone to carry the Christian Bible including the Prophetic and "everything ahead of time."

Rather it is the Loving Christian Faith that has the vessel intelligence properly lead with carrying the Christian Bible Of Christ JESUS.

So now Given You, from You Highest Christian:

Prophetic Time Travel Spirit is subset under You True Prophet (1 Corinthians 14.32).

JESUS Time Travel Christ JESUS explains outer space ultrasonic Laniakea rainbow vessel to time travel ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ

The above lower left Laniakea flow folds and moves the Milky Way, so that the net is pressed together to make it simple to properly time travel (Luke 6.38) and to the right the degrees and angles agree to form rainbow threads for frames of time out of the time space continuum for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS God had His Chosen Nation High Priest wear the top Drawing Breastplate with the Urim [white stone symbol (Sun to rule the Day [upper case])] and ["thumin"] Thummim [black stone symbol (Moon to rule the night part of the day [lower case])], with Urim (Yes) and Thummim (no, except in the created subset under time) together forming logic. Logic is as a grain of sand subset and subject to having been blown in the wind, and it may stack up much higher than many Temples, as the dunes are blown around: from dune to no dune toggle.

Because even the created dust is from the Holy Highest Living Creator, then from life (such as: to Adam, and such as toward mineral nutrition, and products helping One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS). Because of value together when properly utilized (such as: often normally dust hardly has value though sand dunes can have value such as related to protection from waves and scenery with beach fun)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS such as on group valuations in Bible Code at[note: it is time for China too, to at least accountably recognize progress Officially openly as Christianity increased (Matthew 7.26, Revelation 13.1)] can bear the greater Blessing(s) for many, even as many as Willing In The Name Of Christ JESUS, even All.

Does not equal Wisdom / Does not equal Heart / Knowledge / Logic.

The following two sentences are a formulae to function together.

Wisdom / Heart (Pure Soul per vessel or group or spaceship...) / Knowledge if truthful about the Loving Source Of Miracles / Logic.

Even so, Christian Love without a significant amount of logic in the secular ideas and measures of the sinful world, can exist (Tree Of Life, and greater in Christ JESUS whether with the created or otherwise Spiritually):

Perfecting In Christian Wisdom / Physics Of The Creator / Love.

Knowledge is hardly important (per se, as the secular lawbreakers and sinners have claimed but contrary to Christ JESUS), since such would be added (conditions apply) according to New Christianity as specified (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS).

Christians in New Christianity need establish (if not already) the right definitions.

The Leader Of Israel is not a piece of dirt, neither is Zion.

By 592BC it became clear for properly defining that Zion is as written in 1 Nephi 13.37 LDS:

Sinners for selfish purposes wrongfully imagined a lower sense of the definition of Zion as if the highest sense but it is not so: Zion was not a piece of dirt, a hill. Time is short as sinners need full repentance, and to be Christian. Many places are called Zion, but even the Zion hill of Jerusalem was not Zion until after the properly ascending (see previous triad) people arrived (including City Of Light [Ur] Abraham, Chosen People of the City Of David, and now with Christian President Don Trump Leader Of United States Of America and of the English language and definitions and of the treaties of the Americas and world and outer space).

From dirt God made flesh, dirt does not lead the Holy Spirit Of Heaven (John 3.6, Galatians 4.29).

If to take a hill and put it into a time travel machine plus or minus a day instantly (see above Drawing upper left), then the hill would instantly be a meteor in outer space, one Earth day journey away (at Earth speed as Earth revolves around the Sun, other conditions apply such as interference, expansion,...). If a person so travels then flesh in outer space, though the spirit before the Lord JESUS would be judged (1 Corinthians 11.32) so the Christian would be Wiser (ibid.) and the flesh would no longer have hold (ibid. with John 15.2).

Therefore the flesh must change in order to properly time travel (3 Nephi 28.37).

Zion if without Christian is as a vacant hill (rather Christ JESUS Gave Sermon On The Mounds, and in full Temples, and at the coast so full of Baptized Christians and other people that JESUS had to leave and board a ship in order to Give Proper Preaching).

Zion if without Christian is as a brain with the logic of it's own skull to repeatedly strike metal (1 Corinthians 13.1).

Zion is Christ JESUS With Christians as One, in the Holy Name JESUS the only Christ, the True Chosen People

and not the sinful spirit of the past that killed the innocent.

When Christ JESUS was killed it sickened the spirits of many people, even Judas was sickened to death. So the body must change in order to time travel, and the body must also be of higher Christian spirit (risk applies as of "Judas") and so even rather One Highest Purpose Holy Spirit: hence One Pure Body for the Greatest Good.

The Truth is Christ JESUS has come and gone many times [or the Holy Spirit Of Oneness has so applied] so the real Second Coming is Eternal: to Edify, it is greater than the Pulse [(reference related secular Big Bang though if continuing beyond secular measure toward as if constant) this is what a body needs become].

The bringer of Life: Christ JESUS appeared [in a Second Coming in Glory] on page 424 of the Bible Book Of Mormon. Christ JESUS also spoke of Elias (Matthew 17.12) yet it is not only alright if the Father, Son, and others agree as One: if to time travel it is mandatory

though measured risks are allowed if appropriate (example if to bring a Pure Newborn and an older child of moot purity, it may be Prayerfully appropriate: therefore also a certain group of people with the Holy One JESUS might be allowed but not at their commands nor their discerning [toward increased risk], rather at the Highest Holy JESUS opting of Wisely properly distinguishing worthiness according to the ancient and also any newer proper precepts and Physics Of God even if concerning other universes).

Christ JESUS offers the Way to rightly time travel safely and victoriously and the proper Pathway to cross the Universe(s)...the Way to live through the given circumstances great and small, starting with the Holy Law and unto the Holy Precepts Of Christ JESUS and unto the Highest True Purpose Of The Father. As previously detailed concerning times and measures Christ JESUS utilized at ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS site at and as appear in "Part III. 10 raised to the -18 seconds (, and 10 raised to the 18 seconds (ibid.) also today guesstimate of 300 billion light years "Known Universe" circumference (various sources).",

so this is a key (perhaps seemingly secular, except these are "time and measures Christ JESUS utilized") for Christian Faith Leader(s) to be aware: if to look at the smallest or largest properly Faithfully, the small finding answers the large, and the large unravels the small (including time, times, and half a time,...). With this key is the value for guiding the technical interests of the people in Your Holy Heavenly Flock.

This key is with great purpose, great Heavenly Guidance Purpose In And From Christ JESUS, from Creation through Christ JESUS, unto Your Generational Leadership now and beyond, even timelessly Eternal. In the above Drawing upper left is shown the "Top View" of the eye, of the hurricane whirlwind (from Creation Genesis 2.7) through JESUS (beside the "Top View" [whirlwind type of Earth] tomb), unto now and into the future as You give the light of purpose for the long elusive Black Holes and Dark Matter or such enormous value(s).

The higher "Side View" is of the natural Black Hole extremely high speed like unto "smallest" (currently known, see above of "Known Universe")(rather see Matthew 5.18) particles and electromagnetic waves streaming forth [formerly often called gamma and energies though] as Dark Matter.

So this explains why as discovered in the secular in recent times that light is of both waves and particles and often independent of each other, with more toward the wave and as the wave is the carrier of appropriately sized particles.

The "particles" moved can be silver salts on a piece of unexposed film, or in a nuclear plant to churn and boil water, or can be other wave size particles or harmonics of such including fractional (see above text "half a time,...") pertinent to time travel, hence pertinent to speed, hence pertinent to velocity, hence pertinent to Your With Your Flock on a luxury cruise through the Universe that God made for You to explore and to safely lead future generations.

Stated above is that "Christ JESUS is the the bright and Morning Star", so this time-space-travel across the Known Universe and through other dimensions, other universes, requires True Christianity, Oneness in Christ JESUS since as explained in Revelation 2.28 LDS:

Son Of David, Your Christianity is Timeless, with already Adam and King David and future generations as You not only Prophesy unto those future people, yet also to explain to Adam and Eve the Highest Reasoning yet clear unto their understandings (reference proper Christian Marriage, also dating, families, valuations [similar to explaining talents and skill and logic parameters]) and of course the Wisdom And Living And Suffering And Death And Living Of Christ JESUS.

You Timeless One are to make the perpetual more glorious than previously, universally, and Eternally, in the Holy Way that the Future Christian Leaders Will properly in Christ JESUS make You proud in Heaven (yet also with them, over time travel) as They Do Better than You had Hoped to be able to Do (on Your own, toward former ways secularly speaking at least counted as if such symbolically for a time as a subset to True Time over the Eternal [steadfast] and over Final End Time [secular]).

Above Drawing lower left is the artificial Bucky type of Black Hole forming plan. Now concerning the natural, some outer space should be designated as natural preserve regions. While the artificial Black Holes (and Dark Matter highways, and other artificial things) would otherwise prevail [toward structuring for people and Highest Wisdom] throughout the balance of the Realm Of The Heaven(s).

Christ JESUS would that You artificially create [and with continuous improvement guide the proper innovating of] the precision Highest Purpose artificial Black Holes, and also [highway] tubes of Dark Matter: for starters utilize the high speed Dark Matter threads to shoot the UAVs (see text above) with Black Holes into outer space, which might unfavorably modify the Earth's atmosphere, so check accurately (a spaceship might be utilized); as the creating of the Black Holes, UAVs, and Dark Matter would entail dangers to properly conquer, and would also change the Earth's atmosphere. So if toward green and renewable, goodly, though if need be otherwise then some works might be done in outer space.

So as depicted in the above Bucky Drawing left of center the Dark Matter branch as thread moving [large enough and properly (Mark 10.25)] up through the Bucky tube system (similar to the above Drawing lower left illustration symbolic of Black Hole construction), so as to change the Bucky tube to (A). To repeat with another Bucky tube and thread and then insert the useful amount (B)(until utilized, with return if applicable, see above) then great successes can await for the glory of Christ JESUS In The Holy Spirit Of The Father In One Heaven.

Though if to move for instance from the inner thread to the outer thread, then to go through a Bucky layer portal. Also the threads need be aligned (e.g. interlocking fingers, plys, trammel net,...) for above Drawing tomb size at least, and for desired timing if safe. If the inner thread and Bucky are too small relative to the outer, then the greater the difference the more the danger. A thread and tube might be placed between the two as in the top Drawing though such can complicate things (reference Word seed, Will procreation of Highest Fruit Purpose, and proper Victory For Christ JESUS),

so because of this "Will procreation", then all Good Wisdom therefore Highest Christian Church criteria in One, also including such as of people of Given talent groups properly Anointed of Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS Oneness yet tied to male valuation and female valuation (Oneness Highest Wisdom For The Highest Criteria including similar to the [first] Highest Marriage and Christ JESUS In Elias In Christ JESUS) applies for safety of Highest Defining rather than secular. Example a person goes as the living seed from the inner thread to the outer [similar to sperm] and since no longer of current time, then in the secular [Earth] counted as though no more (pending communications): example a new colonizing group.

In the above "Spirit"...then "Pure Flesh" "JESUS" Drawing left bottom is symbolic sponge squeeze flow of the fabric [such as Dark Matter net] of the Known Universe also changing the velocities and directions pertaining to time travel (values rather than obstacles, similar to how a sailboat goes per a plan though utilizes given wind: bonus from God). So this effects the "Will procreation", the valuation ratio between the Pure Vessels and the Given pertinent part of the Known Universe concerning time warping and flowing and growing (expanding, and greater, even the time traveler would typically increase Expansion per area of interest, see above Drawing lower right ovals.

These ovals are as when a jet in this generation flys and the flyers see a circular rainbow (see above Drawing top right "Fresnel Effect" angles, and see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on rainbow and microwaves at

A return trip with male and female threads should be sent [to grow] with the travel through time-space. So to initially send a UAV within the one way journey, having expectation of hearing from the UAV, so the UAV trip would be slightly into the future, such as a day into the future, then the next Day on earth to watch and listen, and stop all plans if any unexpected problems arise such as a Black Hole devouring Earth or raining sharks (above Drawing center lower right), small potential problems are important too (reference the great secular symbolic movie The Fly). Portals are essentially passageways similar to conveyor belts for people at airports: a person should be able to see where they are going, or not go, save if a Leap Of Faith For One Highest Greater Priority Purpose is vital such as to save another person, though hardly to cause more to become in need of being saved (Saving and Evangelism come with conditions, precepts of Christ JESUS For One Highest Purpose).

With success then later to build much larger capable of transporting much larger threads, toward usefulness for people (above Drawing right of center); eventually to transport converting refinery equipment, drilling rigs, Christian Chapels (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at with Drawings on Your new key for building "Your aloft Chapels", and on newer Covenants), malls (see above Drawing), and new ways of helping others (ibid.)(reference NASA spinoff technologies and partnerships with governments, Universities, and businesses).

Not counting secret launches (governments, businesses, and enthusiasts [reference great secular movie October Sky]), since the 1950s there have been 1 to 3 launches into outer space every week [through 2017AD (] totaling "3024 launches" ( Kudos to those launchers.

Christian Leaders be aware Christian Henry Ford could have Done better and showed You how.

Christ JESUS showed You how.

Christian Henry Ford (1863AD-1947AD) with helping hands and not many tools made 1,000 cars per day (YouTube) as never before of that generation. Henry Ford made large vehicles (larger than horse-and-buggy)(see above Drawing of tomb size)(able to fit a family) for brief duration travel

Henry Ford could look out there at the farmlands, and see there was no bounty of gas stations.

Put large kites on the Popemobile and on You Chapel: and they fly away. Time travel is accomplished when laws cross the International Date Line (examples: + or - territorial changes),

It's the law.

Or even as things hardly covered by laws change times, such as the birth of a person legally, though then the conjoined become medically separated people as one of them becomes synthetically born:

The non-law becomes born anew with grafting into the living law per se.

A certain type of vessel is made at a per year rate, though then comes a leap year, as if the legally accounted production rate slowed. Perceptions Will soon change far greater, as a blur, rather more clearly for Christians Properly Ascending In Christ JESUS In Highest Purpose.

Christ JESUS would have Christian Leadership [not only properly translate (as seen as very valuable concerning the Christian Bible)], yet also to be in charge of properly Defining (In Christ JESUS). Such enables the proper Holy Converting into Holy Precepts, and so on to Highest Most Complex Things: please simplify for them (this in You so Doing In The Name Of Christ JESUS therefore is a Miracle, One Miracle [With Living]: Miracleing.

This morning April 27, 2018AD (almost all of the above and below on this page were written previously and this new info was inserted where appropriate in Christ JESUS) in a dream a person that appeared to be (or similar) from an LDS discussion group that was televised perhaps a couple years ago, with white hair and sunken eyes, came and Gave a loose leaf binder book difficult to read visually, also with strange wordings such as "When the Moon and civilians" (not found on the LDS site search, this is not to infer any LDS ties per se, unless otherwise stated by LDS) though the dream did infer toward other findings for Christ JESUS ("for Christ JESUS" because of that Christian "discussion group" [see next sentence]).

After that long dream was a very brief dream as a tall top popular cross shape with point shapes at the four outward ends (like unto the star as depicted in the Drawing below that led Kings and others to Newborn Christ JESUS), the cross made of light tied to Black Hole wormhole ideas and the word "Stargate" flashed with the cross of light which was received (unto Giving now) with joy of Holiness In Christ JESUS, and while "Stargate" also was not on the LDS site search, the Google search did reveal pertinent ancient "Stargate" info along translations and high tech modern related info but at a secular site that talked about other "gods" at such as "a wheel of muon chambers" (see above Drawing "Bucky Injector System" lower left modern with upper right ancient Ezekiel wheels art) and such as "The Sumerian Stargate - The Abzu" with fish rising into the air and a person rising from a "Stargate" (ibid. Drawing with "sharknado"), and at this site for instance a person commented that they had many dreams (with added details not depicted at that site) about "The Sumerian Stargate - The Abzu" and told people about those dreams and then told people and he finally saw the ancient "Stargate" relic he said ..."it was like a revelation from God... How do you make order of such a strange occurrence?" ([answered on this Sermon site] as part of the New Christianity Faith Path Of Christ JESUS including proper precept on proper precept)(also that site [and others] "Dark Star" is interpreted in this site as Black Holy and/or wormhole).

A portal, definition sense 1 has been (see above "Living") "a doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and elaborate one." (Google).

A portal is especially an "elaborate one."

Some things of the Physics Of God approach the speed of light, some things go much faster.

On planet Earth You "go much faster",

because You are part of the expansion of the expanding Known Universe, along with flowing around the center of the Known Universe (half way around so far, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS), and You are traveling past constellations and at speeds around the Sun and when You walk (perhaps on water as increasingly shown possible including by the secular) such as to cause Your steps to not exceed the surface tension (razor blade floating on water) and/or sheer value (Non-Newtonian Fluids). Some birds (Matthew 3.16) walk on fish.

The above Drawing lower left: "but my Church doesn't have one of those", is hardly an excuse. If need by Christ JESUS can provide such for You, though Christ JESUS has Given You so much already (and for One Highest Purpose: King Of The Universe(s) One), even His life for Yours.

What in pertinence specifically did Christ JESUS Give You?,

consider that not long ago and perhaps yet today in this generation many Preachers made their Sermons via word processors. Word processors have a ball toward the size of a golf ball, though with letters and other symbols typed against ink-tape onto paper. Be of the Faithful Wisdom Of Christ JESUS that Christians are Given already, properly for the Highest Faith Path Christ JESUS hath prepared for Christians.

In "pertinence" the above Drawings and text for Christ JESUS One concerns time-space comfortable, delighful, "elaborate one" travel involving Black Holes and Dark Matter moving at high speed though with characteristics similar to how piping porosity (bubble traveling through cooling metal) is formed and similar to how cavitation (bubble traveling through water) is formed yet with the rigidity of a tomb, a vessel, even an RV, and greater trappings. You are to be defining properly, and can look at previous definitions which often are helpful.

The above Drawing (A) and (B) are about the swirling whirlwind, though are shown more in digital (checkerboard) form symbolizing the shown square tomb portal.

The word processor ball mechanically digitized a ball, and much more than digitized, as each digit type part symbolized. Christ JESUS symbolized for multi-function value(s). A person might go through time and return. The ball might strike then black ink and then the whiteout ink tape.

A person can walk faster at times than a bird can walk at times on moving fish (a Christian symbol of old times).

Outer space is flowing, with currents and waves, yet with land surfaces for You as written in the invitation of Genesis 7.1 YLT:

Each injector of the above Drawing lower left can be digitized as the word processor ball is electromechanically processed: automated interchangeable parts yet digital. And that's not all God has Given You:

Internet / Computer / Copying Machine / Word Processor.

For now, initially, the forming of the thread, the fast moving highway tech of Dark Matter tied to Black Hole matters is a value to such time travel in this generation (Matthew 19.29). Many labs have applicable systems already in use: perhaps they would like You to guide them into the headlines (even as they might profit financially, though more importantly for Evangelism headlines).

Many are unaware of such contacts, or have been so often refused, therefore let the precepting continue as Christ JESUS taught: Doing greater for their sakes, and Christ JESUS Will add into the Fold any Good accordingly, and "accordingly" per se is of pertinent work, as some of them would carry the torch to contact those that can so function with them for the greater value (perhaps selfishly to work without You, though the Good Harvest remains Yours)(Pray JESUS Christ Father Holy Spirit One).

Word Processor = Computer x Copying Machine.

Copying Machine = Internet x Computer.

Many Holy Values, much Holy Value, is found this Way of formulating precepts of Christ JESUS.

For Your Guiding Spirit (such as to know the Right Path [hardly applicable to secular sinfulness]) is for and with Your [freely opted (personal, family, Flock,...)] Vessel and hardly to ignore the Vessel Of Your Holy Spirit, rather therefore

Time Travel (if opted) / Vessel (with types of predictive sensors counted as though secular) / Your Holy Spirit Oneness.

Spirit = Time Travel x Predictive.

This is not to say: Person = Time Travel x Predictive. The secular launch failure rate continues.

Digital: if to travel back through time without leaving Earth, then such as if to be on Earth on the other side of the Center Of The Known Universe billions of years ago. But then there was lava, no similar atmosphere, there were poisons, dust, projectiles, energies, and other strange things hardly supportive of Your Predictive Vessel (God Bless Your Holy Spirit, and rather Your God Given Vessel Too). The future is so often similar in so may ways, though as much as of the Holy Spirit Prophetic.

A proper Spirit in Christ Jesus can time travel. And "proper", is as to of the Word Of Christ JESUS to Do the Will Of The Father In The Spirit Of Heaven.

So be Prophetic (all in Christ JESUS), so Prophecy properly on Prophecy: so a key is that as You are Edified in this Your search (for One Highest Purpose) "Prophecy properly on Prophecy" for applicability to safe delightful time travel, God Will also reveal other Prophetic messages along the Way (as You search) that might not apply so much now (according to Your talents in Holy Wisdom) though are added unto You for other applicability.

So You (opting) ascendingly Will be in Prophecy On Prophecy, and also with this key: proper prediction and secular knowledge on proper prediction and secular knowledge. So for instance You Will look at Your God Given sensors, even though of Wisdom that the sensors are a lower level and they might lie to You, Blessed Friend. Let those lies be reduced, Wisely, yet let any Good be increased.

For instance You want to Give a Sermon but see that You first perhaps want to opt put on a certain garment. The garment (a vessel) is hardly likely to make a major change to Your Spirit Sermon, even if utilized in the Sermon as a pertinent prop, as often a Sermon can be continued even if a person forgets to bring a certain prop. So the Spirit Of God is with Holy Strictness, including Merciful (if something is forgotten), and often a forgotten thing has been later found for Highest Purpose, though not as an excuse to forget.

If to travel from the start of a Dark Matter thread through a portal to a tail of another Dark Matter thread (for what this means for example, look at top Drawing examples #1 & #2 at ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS site

The above Drawing center bottom shows waves of various angles, though these waves are also correlated to the pulsing (reference also harmonics with pertinence for awareness for time travel) sizes pertinent to the standard size of a person Christ JESUS of 2,000 years ago with the expansion factor, and the sponge flow,...) and pertinent to the sizes of the bubbles:

The bubbles are pulse-tied to the pulse-wave [a timeline (flow of time in a Given section of the Physics Of God)] tied to pulse-formula (formula angle of given moment of Fresnel Effect upper right in the above Drawing). These are also tied therefore to Darwinism for instance as to explain in part how some creatures evolve (Evangelism pertinence) and some don't. This is also tied to how big or small a Bucky tube might expand or collapse before failure, and similar with thread velocity, tensile type gravity strength (tied to a river dam or island; tied to an ocean current interacting with waves and ocean side and floor structures), and similar.

The center of the Black Hole is of quick pulses of waves and matter, while the Dark Matter thread is of quickly passing masses independent of much similar to how a sensor might indicate heat but not light or light but not heat.

Christ JESUS said [asked for Their sakes] "why do you stand looking into the sky?" (Acts 1.11 with Baptism, Highest Purpose Faith First) then to answer Yes In Christ JESUS for His One Highest Miracle Making Purpose For Their Sakes [with (Mark 11.30 "coming in the clouds of heaven" Daniel 7.13, LDS D&C 45.44, & LDS D&C 101.23)] having Full Christian Faith In JESUS then to be able to Create the Known Universe and greater, even Greatest!

Others might be less worthy, such as created dust in outer space (including Dark Matter sponge) that evolves at a rate though can be lifted and adapted from Higher Purpose from above and then of nostrils and such be made human so to be properly worthy and Converted Into Christianity Into Highest Father JESUS Holy Spirit Oneness, so not only to Highest Christian Faith, yet also this entire sentence: to be as the Creator JESUS.

So not only Faith (first), also Miracles for the sakes of others until no other(s): Final End Time unless opted in Christ JESUS Godhead otherwise.

Therefore there is the Highest Faith that You Will to freely opt (of One Talent [The Fullness Of All Talents For Good] In Christ JESUS)(or similar Work if yet ascending) then the Miracles. So the Highest Faith is the Personal End Time (proper Christianity In The Fullness Of Christ JESUS) until Final End Time when the One And Only Miracle is JESUS.

So to travel through time through proper Full Christian Faith (Travel Wisdom, similar to possibly lower level see-where-the-vessel-is-thinking-of-going). After that to Miraculously so Do for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

So the Miracle becomes the [proven though with] New Creating Plans as a Given From Above (from Faith In Christ JESUS first) so then to Lift and Grow New And Better Greater Faith For And In Christ JESUS For All In The One Highest Eternal Purpose.

This is the Holy Creating process, save the free Highest In One JESUS opting.

If a civilization or a species continues to not agree with Christ JESUS, and continues to sin and to even destroy itself and not even evolve nor be other than sinful, the Eternal One is counted in the secular as if with no reason to destroy it, though in Higher Spirit if to offer too much Good Help pouring out to all including an evil branch that carelessly destroys value then to no longer be counted as previously, and to rather cut away the evil to rather of the True Branch(es) In Christ JESUS produce more Good Fruit in Them, and even in the cut a new sprout and in Holy Hope In Christ JESUS for Good, as the sting of death in the secular is with growing pains [after sin then cut so that the new sprout grows] while in Heaven from Glory to Highest Glory for any and all so ascending (per given time) and rather Highest In One Christ JESUS.

So time travel in Highest Faith to [so to speak:] see where Your're going. Then time travel Miracle You In Your New Pure Time Travel Spaceship Chapel Vessel for the sakes of any others, that any "other(s)" might see the Miracle and Praise Christ JESUS because of You, and be properly Converted into Christianity for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

That they be like You, that They Be Christ JESUS One: Faith, Fly Through Time And Space, New Highest Faith.

A person (see above text "Christian Neil Armstrong") set foot on the Moon and claimed the Moon (similar is to claim a treasure, such as of great secular movie Fool's Gold when the sword of the sought treasure landed on so to speak in the secular, the [secular toward] good-guy's-yacht, the goodly-people's-yacht, and not on the more toward sinfulness yacht.

Likewise if to time travel, and if to travel across the Known Universe, then to claim for Christ JESUS, in the name of the Christ, JESUS (above Drawing lower right). If to time travel, then claim that realm as required (Matthew 10.41)(Luke 10.5/Isaiah 9.6).

In the above Drawing upper right are some artist ideas about images such as about Ezekiel (some other Ezekiel ideas of this generational interpretation are depicted at ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at

In the above Drawing upper left again rather Anew Faith (Christ JESUS) if to see a need (Christian Prophetic Love with True Christian Prophetic Knowledge = Prophetic Wisdom Of Christ JESUS) then with such Faith if to go into outer space to time travel to solve hence Miraculously, then to go perhaps to where the Earth Wisely would be and where space debris was less; then time travel and see closer Earth and so return to Earth from deep space and having time traveled to solve the problem before it worsened, and then to travel out to deep space to where Earth Wisely would approach and reverse the time travel to return to home time.

Key is subtracting nothing nor adding nothing than the Prophetic Value In The Highest In Christ JESUS.

Key is to consider any risk Wisely. Key is to consider Christ JESUS rather than personal risk and safety, including Christ JESUS would have You be safe and also concerning risk that maintenance responsibilities be ensured and accomplished: the all victories be for Christ JESUS Whole And One Highest Purpose. Key is the value of a Christian, with key Christ JESUS Gave His Life that sinners Convert.

In the above Drawing bottom center the former secular timeline was left to right, though if toward time travel then as though independent of that former state. A person [body in the secular] is mostly water, the lungs for instance "are about 83% water" (Google). Spiritually the person is 100% Spirit (Christ JESUS One) or spirits (without full repentance and without proper Christian Baptism). "100%" applies for instance if to Pray Of Perfect Christ JESUS most successfully, and similar is if to so dream. So the Holy Spirit Word JESUS Creator instantaneously for One Highest Purpose (Genesis 1.1) became with Will Accomplished, the "deep", the [living Word Will] "waters" (Genesis 1.2)(see above Baptism).

So a key is in that bottom center illustration as of a drop of water and how it expands (expansion) and (in subset reverts, instead in Anew Faith Converts In Christ JESUS) pulses (see GodMath Testament page 10 number series with new branch starting [see above "valuation"]): the one above illustration is while one branch continues the same size, the other branch of the same water droplet [in series] is enlarging per rarefaction, per relatively low pressure trough. So if a drop of water would pass vertically it would expand and enlarge (or implode correlated to also perhaps be with exploding parts) if to pass when only the rarefaction, or a drop of water passing during compression would not change size nor shape nor characteristics per se.

New vertical time travel per se is relatively risky in the low level trough, and Wisely exceedingly more normal and more safe with the Highest Level appropriate compression therefore compression that matches water and more importantly the human: Christ JESUS be Praised for this key of Faith for "other(s)" for One Highest Christ JESUS Purpose.

"Radio waves in vacuum travel at the speed of light." (wiki).

"Radio waves range in length from very big like the size of a tall building to small like the size of a coin." (NASA)

so a person can fit inside (such as between two rarefractions) and be insulated (above Drawing lower right)(reference Bucky tech and Faraday cage).

Because a person can flinch, delay, or similar, the person should be entombed on the Faraday cage mansion or such car, caravan, train, or other per se, that is, natural time travel opportunities and if to cross the Known Universe then to make Good Use of such, though similar to how a synthetic rocket is better (toward Miracle In Christ JESUS) than a horse for traveling across the time (within this generation) and space (the Known Universe), the synthetic renewable Plan is preferred (for Christ JESUS).

The Faraday cage car would be with matching the compression wave (reference synchromesh, and elevators, projectiles, bank vacuum tube systems, see above Drawing "First Eternal JESUS").

Above Drawing lower right consider how the above text "rainbow" applies within the time traveling envelope. If a jet in the sky sees the rainbow, if the jet approaches the rainbow disappears or other. Though a synthetic rainbow can be formed ("envelope") including a rainbow sphere. Also pertinent is a rainbow "thread" (see above text on Dark Matter, and branch of storm or Black Hole).

The Christian Bible specifies certain aspects, excerpted examples:

"And the four had the same likeness, their appearance and construction being as it were a wheel within a wheel" (Ezekiel 1.16),

"Take fire from within the whirling" (Ezekiel 10.6), though

"tongue, which defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the wheel of nature" (James 3.6) and,

"round ball of curious workmanship" (1 Ne. 16.10), though

as written in Alma 37.39 LDS:

So that They of properly increasing Faith became able to utilize the ball for proper Holy Guidance and Travel Work. As Wisdom shows, the Christian can start to unravel to know such things, even the secular can do many such works.

A flaw in a pure vessel is as a hole in a design so as to launch to fail. Though if a Christian Work is interpreted as if failure, since "for time and chance overtake them all" (Ecclesiastes 9.11), then how hardly would be the "Anew Faith" (see above text, and see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on properly distinguishing, and on properly ascending, and on One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS).

This, today, this problem even to have to read, is hardly the first problem You Will face concerning time travel, and concerning waves and structures. So then this key is needful in Christ JESUS for You, that You be armed with "Anew Faith" power from on Highest.

Cause the waters of outer space to Flow For Your One Highest Purpose, cause the Dark Matter sponge living highways to be squeezed and compressed and pulsed to Your Personal Liking In Christ JESUS. Give room in Your Formula(s) for Their Mansions, yet Wisely aware of the greater more needful One Highest Purpose In The Eternal Plan Of Christ JESUS.

Worship Christ JESUS and not those lower devices of the created that You can undo in an instant to perform Final End Time With Yes In Christ JESUS: but then to have to start all over again (in secular terms, rather more gloriously in the Eternal One) with a new creation (be most "effectual" Philemon 1.6 AKJ).

In the above Drawing upper right the short time frame is "55" degrees, a longer time frame is 14 degrees related to the longitudinal compressional waveform refraction interface.

If to go forth from the Big Pulse center of the Known Universe, then historically associate with the general timeline (all directions, largely, from the center [secularly relatively, though Christ JESUS is Eternal Comprehensively and All Prioritized such as see above text "ball"). So if to go around the center of the Known Universe spherically then to go independently of Known Time "largely". Yet Christ JESUS shows the Anewly Faithful an even more excellent Way.

Christ JESUS would have You not be ignorant of everything Good, such as that if an object pulse as shown above, it needs pulse properly as the Living Will Of The Physics Of The Creator would prefer. If a water drop pulses and with each pulse rarefaction it expands at a rate, then the time of the rate is tied to the wave height, wavelength, compression, rarefaction, type of wave, intermittent wave (not shown), harmonics, interference in the wave, surge protection delay if any, tonal quality, expansion, phase angle, relative pressures of the materials through which the wave passes, atomic decay, elasticity (see "gum" in below Drawing), flexibility per shear flow, and so on.

A wave is according to time, and each of these (previous sentence) therefore can in physics be applied to time. This is as specified largely in previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS concerning such things as [toward] perpetual motion machines (a key), JESUS The Eternal Christ (Key), Black Holes, Wormholes, mass, and so on.

For Christian Leaders (unaffiliated) is an excellent source of many things including [falsehoods (if to look for any falsehood(s)), rather] some videos show things toward perpetual energy. It is recommended that from Your Flock You see if a group would like to form to so be involved for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, and this group would be over time travel matters [under Christian Priesthood (check Your Christian Church criteria including plans, goals, and so on)]. The Wisdom in this is that some have talents in first Faith In Christ JESUS, and the second is like unto the first, talent in how the Physics Of The Created can function together for Best Highest Purpose (or toward such, Helping with valuable input).

Magnets for instance are hardly as gears, though properly together can be of value in a vehicle. Magnets are also similar to Dark Matter (mass pulled toward other mass, traveling in outer space). In a group of people talented in perpetual motion devices, it is normal in the Physics Of The Creator to consider how a magnetic momentary pulse (nearness) might be intermittent with intermittent mass pulses: magnet, mass, magnet, mass, similar to: gear tooth, gap, gear tooth, gap,.... Only instead of the "gap" toward idle, rather to shift to another Helpful power type.

Also, speed is tied to time as a popular idea in the minds of people, so as a vehicle goes faster it shifts gears, from leave swirling on the ground, to rolling clouds, to swirling hurricanes, to Black Holes: a leaf can fly at Black Hole speed.

Consider how solar energy changes through time space prior to contact (or lack of contact) with Earth, as much energy (such as photons) travels toward Earth but then doesn't touch Earth and of the pressure and other pertinent values it flows around Earth into outer space. So it comes from outer space and goes into outer space at the speed of light (toward maximum speed and velocity per se).

Now this sentence is not to make fun of the physicists that work hard and precisely to resolve issues, though be aware many mathematicians and physicists (and many experienced workers at their routine jobs) do the same things the same ways they have been doing them for years, such as precisely what they were instructed to do; even if to be away from their routine, such as when meeting a stranger: this is how it's done and there is not better way, is only true in Christ JESUS (currently Christianity) though as many have explained even such has been misquoted, misinterpreted, and mistranslated.

E=MC squared, is of course not true since not Giving Christ JESUS the Glory, and such as because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which explains the witness interferes with the situation as witness bias applies, and witness body heat applies to the situation toward cause and effect even of heat prior to the situation, and so on; rather Christ JESUS showed the proper Holy Way to agree with the law to overcome that problem, to solve: One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Proper Faith is an "intangible level" (see next sentence definition). It is producing something from the "intangible" Faith talent as defined (Google):

"Abstract reasoning refers to the ability to analyze information, detect patterns and relationships, and solve problems on a complex, intangible level.",

yet instead to define according to the Word And Will Of Christ JESUS the God Of The Given physics of the natural (such as: see Your Christian Church criteria on Faith).

So a key is Christians With Faith In JESUS, and with "Abstract reasoning" talent (and other talents Help, such as talent to Properly Give Joy [Holy Optimism]) as with interests in [toward] perpetual motion machines, are not only likely, yet also when fittingly proper then Prophetically (Oneness) Given Of God to lead in time travel concerns (including devices), under the Priesthood, though rather such talented Priests.

Christ JESUS unraveled some Heavenly mysteries this morning, now 7:36AM 20 April 2018AD, such as for the sakes of others to guide including spirits as talking the words of Christ JESUS appropriately even if no other people are around (let the psychological experts be aware of socially redeeming value and rather higher Loving Mercy In Christ JESUS toward proper Healing in New Christianity psychologically rather than psychiatrically [also of value, yet in like manner for greater value in One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS]) even similar to how a person might maintain the body with the full range of motion, a person might practice their tongue (maintenance as much as appropriate, also rather the greater [if perfectly (then for ibid.)].

Christ JESUS also unraveled being lifted in proper ascending (not felt by the body physically) yet of the precepts properly on precepts if the situation, spirits, given, and/or other be ascending or not, the proper practicing results in Christ JESUS in the soul as now evidenced in the flesh (previous sentence for their sakes, and even now with text forming for You Christian Leader (ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS [for all, rather for Christian Leaders])(also as "For Christ JESUS" includes "for all" and with "rather for Christian Leaders") that while externality effects improved per se, no significant other happened (so of New Christianity was found the [proper in Christ JESUS] conquering of Newton's Third Law)(so let the secular be aware as this is yet an added proof of the existence of God, and for Christ JESUS God, and that secularism and secular former ways of former laws no longer oppress the innocently properly ascending in Christ JESUS Acts 12.5&7), so is the Holy Path Of Christian Faith.

Christ JESUS also unraveled more such as more clearly pertinent to: How Christ JESUS would that You precisely control and safely travel through time. As stated in the above text is the requirement to not only be ascending higher (which allows the former lower counting as though toward the self, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on vessel maintenance responsibility, yet more clearly now is given that such maintenance be only for the One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS).

In other words if a person is ascending in grade school the person wants an A for the self, rather for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS and if so then You see the Final End Time is not yet come, yet if the student is Christian then [hardly because of the "A" (though of value)] the person is enabled to properly find Christ JESUS Wisdom in their soul as to fully repent and be properly Baptized as Christian and then to ascend (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS With Properly Highest Christian Church Criteria [At Least In The Holy Spirit One, Hopefully Likewise Greater Than At Least In The Self Vessel) so rather for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS: Guiding Grace Properly With Yes On New Highest Guiding Grace In Christ JESUS.

New Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS / Current Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS / Former Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

If able to Do this, then able to construct a time travel machine with "How Christ JESUS would that You precisely control and safely travel through time.": all for One New Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

A Drawing above shows Christ JESUS riding on an animal. Christ JESUS can see if to steer to travel along this road or that, to see to steer to enter properly through a wall entrance, can see if to wait in line, and Christ JESUS is Wise to consider whether to enter a fog and the situation as the fog requires greater Holy Spirit Faithfulness In Pure Christ JESUS Spirit One In Pure Christ JESUS Body, to Rightly Guide the animal vessel.

So this explains key factors prior to properly constructing, that if sensors fail (related example 1 Chronicles 13.9) then other overlapping sensors apply, also preparing, as for Higher and rather New Highest Holy Sabbath, gain such experience, practice to be ready for New Highest Better [Worthiness From Christ JESUS], so that if of secular such as of that great secular movie

Apollo 13

as caracter Jim Lovell,

Tom Hanks,

said "suddenly zap

everything shorts out

right there in my cockpit" then

"the algae" "was" "leading me"

, rather Holy New Strategy such as to Best Convert rather than to be satisfied with secular tactics, for instance Praying Christ JESUS in the Heart (in the Apollo 13 situation not only in the human body vessel heart, yet also in the heart of the suit and the heart of the hand [with foot] controls, and in the heart of the entire Apollo 13 vessel, and in the heart of the Given environ and greater in Christ JESUS: so there is a comprehensive according to the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS to properly prioritize (with subset mission inclusive [such as involving the aircraft carrier and the disturbances it caused]).

While the phosphorescent algae evidently helped in the past, consider rather Highest Christ JESUS first (Colossians 1.9)(a Gift from "Highest" in this Given, and above, and something that a lower level than "Highest" might not be needfully aware in an emergency for One Highest Purpose): plan Holy Strategy though Wisely over: so there are the Holy Physic(s) Of God (Righteous Law(s) Of God) and the Higher Grace, and the Highest New:

In These Holy Three In One JESUS Christ are and is the New Key Of Heaven Given now in this generation,

in preparing for Final End Time

the Second Coming

in the Christian Biblical sense,

as the New Christian Zion becomes manifest in these times in this generation in Christ JESUS.

Highest New In Christ JESUS / Higher Grace / Holy Physic(s) Of God.

Where Does the Second Commandment fit into the above?, and where Does the Highest Commandment fit into the above?, actually in all three parts of this triad. So now is given in One Highest Purpose For Christ JESUS that (first the Word, stated here now for You, then the Will [in progress]) the offered Accord, the proper Christian Baptism Of John Elias Christ JESUS One, the comprehensively prioritizing, and such things of former ascending are being overcome in One Needful (Luke 10.42) New Highest Christ JESUS.

So this is how to build a time machine to include lower for their sakes such as to travel across the Known Universe to Newly Guide, for One Highest Purpose.

The algae has value, when found worthy (such as of the above text) consider protecting and lifting (such as DNA modifying that the goodly light part be turned on if a person has need in emergency [rather One Highest Newest Purpose In Christ JESUS, even One Purpose From The Beginning]).

Consider a tree for instance, if to think of it's highest newest self vessel part for good such as leaves and sap, and slower trunk and branches growth (counted as similar to much of the lower roots unseen though the smallest newly growing roots are moving and lively), so the Highest New Function together is in the more active areas, though the greater part is not. The life of the tree is in the greater part, the leaves can fall away as sap and roots idle in cold weather. Though if the trunk and greater parts were removed then the vessel heart (soul) is removed. So the greater toward Newest Highest Purpose (greater trunk yet enduring cold and supporting leaves, sap, and roots, and all of the vessel) is the greater toward the Eternal, such as to be converted into an Anointed Christian Church building, or perhaps second like unto the first to be converted into seeds yielding offspring: that level of evolved and adapted flock offspring.

If Your time space ship is to be toward best (newest best comprehensively) then Yes until the new better comes then to opt whether to continue a plan or to convert (free in Holy Grace), rather to freely opt for the Newest Will In Christ JESUS, so appearing as under laws (and True), yet One Holy Grace. In other words the former Christian Written Bible text (and similar to it the worldly laws) are largely written after-the-fact though not to Worship such save with the One Newest Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, though also the lively part is normally of the Christ JESUS [similar to the former level person purpose over the tree (see such as above "converted into an Anointed Christian Church building" or such as a new pile of dead leaves for children to play [and test softness, hardness, particle movements, flight,...]).

For the moment the pile of leaves, or a box a present came came in, serve as the flight and box kite directors and mansions (see above text lower level "algae" "leading").

Though now this generation is to put away childish things and Properly Prepare For The New Coming.

Christ JESUS flies through the air and while on the top surface of the water, and through the deep space [water] of the Universe. Christ JESUS has a Newest Plan for You [that is the Holy Plan, updated in You (Baptized You grew in Christian Faith, ascended, Love Christ JESUS living and growing,...)]. You newly dreamed and envisioned Christ JESUS, even the Pure Body (and saw paintings and craft symbols), yet now are more toward the Highest Purpose as New In You One as ever (as much as Your Faith).

So Your Talent is Christ JESUS, so You Faithfully time travel, and rather for their sakes (reference worthiness if applicable, if less than Highest) You Do things such as build a House, rather a Home, and rather the Golden Cube (at least to start in part Job 39.8 [this is a True Christian Precept, even though it does not match former letter of the laws of the world (though for their sakes: here it is stated in pertinence for the Highest value for their sakes, out of the realms of levels of definition senses]).

So be with this key of the limit of law, and rather the proper uplifting of worthy law for the Highest Good and that Highest Good is named Christ JESUS (Isaiah 54.17 ESV).

With the Newest Highest Faith In Christ JESUS, other things such as any other time space vessel, or any UFOs or their aliens or their technologies, or the very mountains of God, or the Miracles: none shall overcome Your Newest Highest Good For All In Christ JESUS Faith: "no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD." (ibid.).

So now in this generation is revealed this key concerning the One True Holy Spirit: Newest Current Christian Faith is of a Spirit Of Heaven that is not overcome by the world, rather is One With Eternity; and any lower is a Miracle as an ancillary subset and as such is subject to serve the Highest Together Purpose For All including for the Glory, Love, Honor, Longsuffering, Hope, and such in Christ JESUS. So if to travel into a set of wormholes that have a shear power to cut a vessel in half, there are two paths, One is that the shear cutting power is conquered for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, and the other path is that it does not necessarily mean any onboard were harmed, so for instance perhaps delighted (reference cutting and welding)(see "New" in above text, such as for a "New" better design).

JESUS Christ offers the Grace for others to understand the Highest Calling From Above, so since the world is anxious for Heaven there can be Highest Christian Agreeing. Though of a worldly person's faith is the freedom to agree according to proof at each step (hence after-the-fact) or the freedom to agree in the Highest Heaven For Christ JESUS One.

While the Highest With Christ JESUS is the only correct answer (in Yes In Christ JESUS Holy Spirit Father Comforter One), few are Chosen (yet cumulative John 18.9) therefore many of free option unto hardly Christ JESUS so instead improperly selfish faith chose themselves, their own body comfort of the temporary of "proof at each step" (so have not learned from their mistakes, rather they learn higher Wisdom from Your Faith Giving Miracles, hardly through their levels and not of their on-demand complaint against any higher Firmament [save if afforded time and Given Miracle per se]): so they hardly learn the Christian Faith Path.

Therefore of Christ JESUS for their sakes is Given now this key the worldly keenly understand. There is a system in the world that involves money for taxes and such (Matthew 17.27 [a value], & John 12.6 [temporary] rather Highest Luke 10.4 [a value]) as to feed children responsibly (though see above "after-the-fact").

So for example a person wants to time travel to know what stocks to buy to make much money tomorrow (repeatedly, without risk).

Though such is hardly (as best thus far) suitable for the Time Travel Walk Of Faith

(see above text on [not agreeing, hence] "dangers" and on "tomb" with "the greater the difference the more the danger.").

Risk is not the same as Heaven. Selfish temporary glories to do needless stunts at risk of limb or life are not the Christian Faith Path, and neither is self mutilation for no good reason.

Loving God is the answer in Christ JESUS, as Christ JESUS Did. The sinner showoff is unfit. This is from the Tree Of Knowledge and more importantly Wisdom In Christ JESUS From The Heaven With The Highest Faith (from the Christian Faith Path For JESUS Oneness).

Many secular people drive cars and often very safely and responsibly, though the lawbreakers are unfit. Similarly the intentional trouble causers are unfit, including fans of fights, the do-nothing-witnesses that enjoy others falling to themselves relatively rise which is actually to lose assets or potential assets including future needful value.

Friend, Christ JESUS would Give You Heaven With Time Space Travel though according to Innocent Christ JESUS From Innocent Heaven.

The above text is of the time traveler to buy rising stocks selfishly (minimize maintenance, be responsible),

though the Drawing below is of One Holy of the many Holy Of Holies of properly time traveling.

In the Drawing below people traveled because of Prophecy.

There was Prophecy (known far and wide) of Christ JESUS arriving.

There was Prophecy, though it was hardly time travel.

It was when the King(s) [together as One] acted on it Faithfully, that Their Faith agreed with the Prophetic Faith One (now only through the name of Christ: JESUS).

So it was their secular and also their Faith travel that entered into Proper Time Travel.

The Magi, the shepherds, the Roman authority: the people knew, though many people turned away Mary And Joseph from their comforts.

The Good traveled to that time.

The Good traveled to the time of that event.

The Good traveled to that future time.

The after-the-fact faithless Roman killers were too late.

So the human vessel can travel through the time space continuum successfully, even toward the Eternal and greater (in Christ JESUS). Some people reported impulses, feelings, Holy Words, and such: though while the Christian (see above "The Good") can rightly time travel, the secular cannot (Firmaments) or can only somewhat (other levels as between their next higher Firmament and their next lower Firmament).

So this key is given, there is time travel to the Highest (a Firmament) of the Holy New so beyond the current Firmament, so the secular Commander Limit is for now realizing in themselves for their sakes if they choose against the full repentance and proper Christian Baptism Process For The One Highest Purpose In JESUS.

So a key is given with this key, that if to meet Christ JESUS, similar conditionally (from above) applies (Romans 14.10)(also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Personal End Time and on Final End Time).

So time travel can be as Your Holy Vessel already is [(Hebrews 9.11) including good even from hands, yet also including good things "not a part of this creation"].

Also You can properly prepare and form with hands (ibid.)(Your Highest Christian Faith: Miracles) vessels, including time space vessels, for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. In the above Drawing Christ JESUS is shown as of from secular perspective as overlapping movie reel frames. This is to symbolize another type of Holy Vessel (Yours, Christian Leader) of the Christian (of the Jewish Christian) Holy Of Holies (formerly known only as Jewish)(hated by pertinent Jewish leaders, reference similar The Holocaust, and reference above "Roman").

If to make Your Holy Vessel with hands (Your Miracles can dramatically apply: spectator "frames" and/or light flash,...), consider how the Holy Females were normal at the tomb but a guard ("Roman") was not, the guard was as stone. Truly, truly, let this New Revelation sink into Your Heart and fly up into Your Mind And Strength for Your Vessel For Christ JESUS: if not to Guide Nations to so prepare in Christianity As One, then You Know even the very stones would cry out (Luke 19.40) and concerning more than Word alone yet also Your Faith toward Highest Doing time travel across the Known Universe (Revelation 16.21).

Prepare Christ JESUS said, so consider the Highest Holy Goal: able to time space travel and be anywhere anytime to Do the most proper Will Of God The Father In Christ JESUS.

Doing / Able / Enabling from Highest / Worthiness In Christ JESUS / Agreeing In Christian JESUS.

Yet these with Holy New Greater In The Plan Of Christ JESUS From Heaven and the subsets of the Heavens. So a key is, this "New" Highest aspect.

Consider the enabling of Adam: ..."there were no people to cultivate the soil" (part of the Highest Holy Creation Plan [so a "Highest" Holy Purpose Value In The Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS], see above text "make Your Holy Vessel with hands" [Yours, Flock,...])(Genesis 2.5). Now this Given Word enables Christian Highest Agreeing toward Doing the Will Of The Creator [Plan]. And this per se is concerning "with hands". Hands also changed into tools, as when the Living Christian Bible grew to include Noah tilling the ground (Genesis 9.20) and Noah was clearly a hand tool user to Do as God instructed.

So key is from evolving to tool utilizing (animals do as much) to more perfect and more complex very complex equipment with integral Highest Purpose Value In Christ JESUS. This is Your Highest Plan at least in part in Highest Christ JESUS (see online "free" integral help, and rather how Christ JESUS solved the Highest already for You).

Because it is in Christ JESUS with the Highest already solved for You (from Adam hands to Noah equipment to You: Work For You / Work Of Noah / Work Of Adam), consider that Christ JESUS Helps not only the High IQ flip-of-coin people, yet also such as hardly able to think.

So this key is Given: in Your Christian Church [often normal to this generation (Yours might not be as "normal" as others, various reasons can apply, such as there are many Churches though few if any have satellites potentially of value)]: You have a new Member level, an Usher level, and a High Preacher (various other levels / positions also).

Not to make fun of the new Member, rather for their sake(s), the new Member is the Highest Level, though their personal free opting applies.

So now this New Revelation is Given:

there are levels for ascending,

though such was not so from the beginning.

The Highest Level Applies in each and every Christian In Christ JESUS, as much as each needed no repentance (reference related Moses divorce Miracle Matthew 19.8 Christ JESUS encountered for correcting for Highest Purpose therefore New Faith in Christ JESUS per se, therefore New Greater Miracles are enabled in Christians [though hardly if at all at the prompting of any if of lower level which might thereby make things worse even if unawares]).

So Your Flock Members with interest in perpetual time space travel might be far better at such Faith and technologies than expected (so Luke 10.7 applies, They have a Leadership Talent Value, that the Highest Minister might not have, though the Highest Christian Faith continues to apply, with subset values toward hands), yet let Them remain under the Highest Christian Priest [Christ JESUS likewise such as of Your Christian Church criteria] with letting Them be aware that (similar to a teen not completely of adult worthiness greater responsibilities chores) They are to continue under Your Highest Christian Guidance (though see "criteria") unless They would opt to leave for Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS (so be Highest In Christ JESUS).

Therefore be Merciful: if a new Member wants to leap properly immediately, hardly throw water on the fire of the Holy Spirit in Them (after all, They trusted Your Christian Church): have Mercy beforehand for Their sakes, Plan for properly uplifting any properly Willing, describe how. The Christian can work hard and become busy and exhausted, so longsuffer to bear in mind Martha, while Mary washed the feet of Christ JESUS The Messiah: if Highest deal directly, if subset deal directly or assign Members over such, and/or to establish written criteria and responsibilities according to Christ JESUS and the "criteria" and consider updating.

For Your sake Beloved Christian Leader is this Edifying comparison given that You may have already realized: the Jews and Romans that killed Christ JESUS sought to protect their positions (a value) though even if to transgress Highest Holy Law (and precepts of Christ JESUS), so explain Your responsibilities and Give Your Position to Oneness, though be aware, similar to new Members, new High Priests are often less experienced and perhaps less able (see above "Wisdom"); and be aware some might be toward making sport of You so don't improperly tempt any to announce such as "Is that all you do" nor "That sounds like an easy job that anybody can do and better"; yet hear the "better" and opt for continuous improving for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Your planners would want things, if money then explain (Luke 14.28) such as to overcome the urge to be in charge if inappropriate. Let the Wise In Christian Faith Guide.

If to build a Christian Church building today, then to work with hands even if only a little. So first the Highest Spirit In Christ JESUS, then the hands, so if a vessel then better than Adam, and better than Noah, similar to how a rightful parent wants their child to have a better life than they had. Yet Give Praise for Adam and Noah, and Highest Praise For Christ JESUS. So, now is enabled greater in Your Anew Asecnding even if via hands. Let the jet move the Magi to Christ JESUS. Let the rocket move the You to Christ JESUS. Let Your (since You be Highest One) Bucky Containing Whirlwind be for Christ JESUS with any needful Highest Holy Work involved, such as:

a certain time (see above text on the Kings),

a certain place (see above Drawing on the rainbow flash Miracle), and/or

a certain Highest Purpose (the key).

So this is to build Faith on Faith, and since largely not perceived (by definition and Christian Highest Defining), therefore of Highest Miracles, let it be in You proper Highest Miracle Anew on proper Highest Miracle. Even so, the "Anew" is ready for You already in Christ JESUS. Also to enter into time travel with a little lower level (a little lower than the Highest [Seat]):

Anew Highest pertinent Miracle / Current Highest pertinent Miracle / Next Former Highest pertinent Miracle (a little lower than the Highest).

Concerning the Highest Purpose, and with a little maintenance responsibility for Your New Vessel Construction, as written in Romans 8.28:

So pertinent in this generation for time travel is Highest Christian Faith, then Miracle for their sakes [for all to properly guide such as to properly post road signs (that all be One All God JESUS)], so a Way to show the above triad per se is:

Faith / Current Highest pertinent state-of-the-art in this Known Universe in this generation / Next Former Highest pertinent Miracle (a little lower than the Highest).

First is Given in the following a former example for Edifying more clearly the Faith and then the Miracles ("things") along the Holy Path Of Christ JESUS (reference harmonic standing wave), then the "Anew" Miracle, Moroni 7.35-37 / 26 / 25:

Miracles did not cease so grow Faith Miracles / Christ JESUS Faithfully Offering Miracle(s)/ People began to exercise Faith in Christ JESUS and thus by Faith, they then did lay hold upon every good thing properly for others.

Note a Miracle is something such as birds to feed the Chosen People in the desert, which grew the Faith toward Christ JESUS, and a Miracle likewise is as birds to feed the Latter Day Saints (see above "Holy Path Of Christ JESUS (reference harmonic standing wave)").

Christ JESUS Gives New Hope to the Faithful / New Jerusalem Golden Cube / Christ JESUS went to prepare.

So people need not prepare that which is already wholly properly prepared 3 Nephi 21.29:

So this hardly means no Miracle, rather Properly In Christ JESUS, In Proper Faith. So not "by flight" means not as former ways (similar to how fire is not the same as electricity [except when the electricity makes fire], so for instance on the Sabbath a person might opt to run things from a battery with converter, multitudes of other options apply, and Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS applies Mark 3.4).

So from Christ JESUS a New Miracle is Given for this generation to properly reference in Christ JESUS,

in Word and the Miracle in Deed,

with Thanking Christ JESUS, Anointing the Miracle thing in the name of Christ JESUS, and Thanking Christ JESUS: JESUS start through finish;

yet the Eternal is ongoing improving Joy In Christ JESUS, yet if given times for Miracles from Highest Faith JESUS, then not leaving the maintenance responsibility.

Anew Christ JESUS Faith opting to Help this generation is hardly to create a planet appear or disappear on the other side of the Universe where people cannot see, nor to make a new sound too quiet to hear, rather a Miracle appropriate unto this generation (reference target audience market sector).

So at no cost is provided for all Christian Accord nations now (if any other, then at their own risk(s)). Many [Miracles and] systems and tools have already been prepared. Currently there are Communicating Manna Machines. Currently there is greater unseen Faith In Christ JESUS save the Highest One.

Highest One (in pertinence able to transfigure [Moses, Elijah John, and Christ JESUS together transfigured through time space (Matthew 17.3)]. Moses for instance came from the past place to meet with Elijah John and Christ JESUS. If You Believe this then You can cause the Manna Machine to make a Miracle, though with adapting for people (a vessel with people in it), and/or for a person (ibid. and/or a single person vessel, such as a person's body, and such as a person on a one seat bicycle).

Because of ease of starting with smaller one person size, such ("bicycle", with above "tomb" size) is Chosen at this time as the Holy Plan part, even initially toward UAV drones.

So the time travel Miracle (rather John 20.29 applies) is of this Faith Path In Christ JESUS:

Prepare to properly Baptize and meet Christ JESUS in the sky and/or at New Jerusalem / UAV For Meeting Christ JESUS / Christ JESUS Faith.

So the above "and/or at New Jerusalem" to some is to not need the "UAV For Meeting Christ JESUS", save see above text "Initially it is very important to return". Also the preparing for the New Faith after the Miracle is key after "Prepare to properly Baptize and meet Christ JESUS in the sky", so when the UAV drone for Christ JESUS returns then You Will already be prepared in "Anew Faith" matters (Living Faith) as a greater Faith key in Christ JESUS, to strike while the iron is hot, to answer the child when they are able and anxious to properly understand for Highest Purpose, to Rightly Guide all Willing Nations unto the next step, leap, and so on (One Work, also with One Sababath: in Christ JESUS)(above Drawing lower left is not only flow of the Milky Way, yet also a symbol from Christ JESUS, see above text "yet the Eternal is ongoing improving Joy In Christ JESUS").

Look at the sky Christ JESUS made for You to behold, yet for Highest Purpose. With Your feet likely resting on Earth, You stand in the Heaven(s) (even Your feet raised by sandals). Look at the Black Hole: it does not appear to spell "JESUS", nor do the stars nor Dark Matter: so there are the Heavens for Your to conquer: JESUS is the Eternal Conqueror.

The smaller UAV is a starting point, and similarly the lowest level of the Heavens is the starting place if to conquer the Heavens (Christian Baptism for Christ JESUS On The Right Hand Of The Father Spirit In Heaven). So from Highest Faith as Christ JESUS explained in great detail specifically, is the proper stepping into outer space, and hardly of the secular save all good aspects, and rather from Highest JESUS.

Hold and control a Black Hole thread (Dark Matter thread) / Bucky Tube / Highest JESUS Faith.

Black Hole functioning peacefully together with Dark Matter thread / Controlled Dark Matter thread / (after "/ Bucky Tube [controlling Dark Thread] /" is completed) Highest JESUS Faith.

Thread is as a living (moving in a direction) line on a page (lattice, ladder, scroll printed lines, Word). The Black Holes are as the above bicycle (note that if one has a flat tire, the other helps more [toward unicycle (reference Marriage)] until such as safely offline and shut down for repairs, then restored.

Christ JESUS Gave the Faith [at least of the Known Universe(s)] including all the energy waves of various sizes, toward the net of living Word JESUS. Caught in this trammel net are Black Holes to be converted for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Consider "the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them" (Matthew 6.26): rather than to fly away, Christ JESUS said "Come", and if Christ JESUS is in the air, then to Transfigure [later in Miracle (perhaps in another sermon, pending free opting of people and Highest Purpose), currently covering:] In Faith In Christ JESUS. Other than to Transfigure Faithfully (currently allowed, with inviting from Christ JESUS), Miracle machinery plans are now being Given from the Word And Work Of One Christ JESUS.

So consider how much greater the Father In Heaven has prepared, as to cross the Known Universe beyond former time consuming flight ideas, and to safely return to testify for their sakes. The One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS is as a sword. One, is as a sword. Yet in One Father In Heaven a sword in the Hand Of The Prince Of Peace (Isaiah 9.6)(Your Holy Grace defense, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the Holy Grace Of Immaculate Mary, and for more details).

Christ JESUS explains of the proper Highest Christian Faith Living, instead of dead secular formulas (ibid. on equal = signs).

"Anew" In Christ JESUS of assymmetry rather than the temporary comforts of equal peace symmetry in the worldly sense such as secular equations, secular law, and secular no longer evolving such as the turtle or the shark while others such as humans not only evolve yet also adapt and some few become Chosen and some few become Christian, and even let the Highest Good reign freely.

The equation has value, yet the Highest level ascends rather than be satisfied to be Highest If Without the other being highest too ( Treasury of Scripture)(reference need for Tree Of Knowledge [for Good: hence bias in favor of Good]). Intelligence without Christ JESUS The Highest Source Of Good by default would have been evil.

Christ JESUS is bias in favor of Good, so of assymmetry rather than symmetry, Luke 12.51-52:

(secular unaffiliated example

So a Black Hole or portion branch or thread is as a cyclical drive force, or conveyor belt,..., while the lattice thread of outer space Dark Matter is as a chain on a motor cycle relative to the drive tire (though either or both can be toward Highest Value (profit rather than cost).

So as with any toward perpetual motion machine the sword of JESUS Faith functions such as a Black Hole drive [sword, properly for Highest Purpose] with the lattice as though cast into the water though in this situation as to relocate the Black Hole to travel along the lattice [beginning to crawl (lab testing for higher safety for UAVs and people) which step might be skipped to instead (Leviticus 11.44) Faithfully leap].

Highest Faith offers the lines of moving force and the waves that interact (not each energy interacts with each piece of matter), as discussed above.

Yet now consider with this that as lines on an otherwise blank page the lines are uniformly directional, [symmetry] in other words already for conquering in Christ JESUS (also in Christ JESUS new assymetry conquers former assymetry).

This format establishes an ancillary array of pertinent benefits

since the [energy per se] lines on a blank page form a harmonic structure. Also the lines are harmonically directional so as toward parallel and similarly as toward asymptote (accounting for the curvature of the Known Universe) therefore toward going on forever: Eternal, Highest JESUS.

Also consider the straight edge sides of the page (or scroll [hem]) so that for instance if parallel microwave wave harmony is on each line (same direction, phase, strength, symmetry,...) then to harmonize the effect of appropriately placed water [molecules (though depending on desired effects, see above Drawing)]. Consider how some labs can manipulate molecules.

So if to have microwave harmonics, then to have a gyroscopic harmony [matter effect,] water effect. Larger for to fit the body of Christ JESUS might of this plan from the Teachings And Doings Of Christ JESUS as much as Christian Faith referenced currently, larger gyroscopes can be fitted into harmonic pattern, synchromeshing Black Holes with Dark Matter (and/or parts: living branches with living branches).

If the Known Universe is made that way, then to have made a part of the Known Universe (consistent with it, yet already for greater purpose action)(consistent, rather than as for instance a rejected kidney transplant).

So if to have a piece of time space, then the travel distance is subject to what You have.

The above Drawing upper right "Expansion" symbolizes being tied to the frames of the "pics". So if the eye is the gyroscopic array (able to be turned on, then part way through cycle such as 90/360 degrees to form a branch or thread), then to adjust the angle of incidence tied to select a desired time frame. If in Your vessel, above Drawing lower right cage, rather mansion, then the vessel exterior clothing (reference deep space travel envelope) array [via You] agrees (or would "select") the "consistent" fitting time pattern. This toward natural though rather God Given Creator Physics fitting indexing may (or may not [reference gravity of masses, velocities, and related shock waves and magnetic pole effects) be propulsion related depending on the Commander course and the Given natural such as to turn from Dark Matter flow to Dark Matter Flow, and similar to how a person 2,000 year ago might say a person can fly, this has not been tested rather is a walk of Christian Faith understanding many such as United States Of America have related understandings with many specifics and continuous improvements.

Christ JESUS was in a dream this morning April 23, 2018AD, for a second or two, indicating to look at a lamp base of clay ([Earth, known world, people, vessel(s), person, and heart with Matthew Henry Commentary) boot shaped with small foot to toe length, with paths and a gold colored five pointed star slightly tilted (able to travel through time per se, down Revelation 9.1, instead to ascend on the perfume of the Good Part of the Dark Matter smoke Revelation 9.2 of the energy of the top part of the lamp light with Christ JESUS): Praise be in the name of and for Christ JESUS In The Father And Holy Spirit Comforter Of Heaven Above, for this interpreting.

The above gyro array can likely work in the worldly sense, constructing something that flows naturally to the next desired time and/or place. Here is an example, to be downstream minutes from current, a canoe might be utilized, likewise to be upstream a rocket might be utilized so there is a time variance over the same distance between places, see above "Theories_of_Flight" only this is a time-"foil" so as to move You through time (initially there would otherwise be place displacement challenges for physicists and labs to test: yet key is "light with Christ JESUS").

The Drawing below upper left shows that ancient and Holy City Jerusalem ready for collapse, though instead Israel / Christian President Trump revealed Accord (see recent ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS): Christian Faith enabled the Holy Miracle Accord of Zion as Israel became recognized by the United Nation and Israel then made "Zion" clearly stated in front for all the nations of the world to see, and Peacefully: thanks be for each and all nations of this Peace Accord, except Israel noted Palestine as a whit problem)(note April 12, 2018AD South Carolina became the first state to pass a law against anti-Semitism the "Accord" proffered Israel to voluntarily Charitably tithe, so not under any law per se John 7.23 KJ rather highest Matthew 19.8 NET).

So the above text is of Christian JESUS Faith leading Israel Accord Word unto a New Firmament level of Zion with the nations as stated (and within the time frame of months as Prophesied), that the properly Holy Christian Work For Christ JESUS be enabled in this generation as this generation [looking at You United States Of America (see above text "five pointed star" and reference LDS discussion [televised] on New Jerusalem at Salt Lake City, Utah)]. Related television news is that for examples LDS and SBN/JSM are establishing new Christian Temples and Churches among the nations such as in Russia, and for instance in Sweden Christians formed a "New Church" called "New Jerusalem" holding that "the Christian religion succeeded the Jewish" (

For the nations emerging and growing in Christianity (Mark 12.30), Given is John 6.34 with John 7.8; and prepare to be representational of the people of Earth as a whole, even if Given from Christ JESUS the need to meet with outer space aliens and to be the representative Ambassador Of Earth for the people of Earth and beyond, and for the sakes of the alien neighbors (Mark 12.31)(this can or not be the Commander, You may want to prepare pertinent criteria concerning types of encounters).

With deep outer space travel, and far more with time travel, even these concepts of "New" would easily become garbled if not of the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. And the people currently recognized would hardly be as previously [if or as the time gap widens].

Currently the population is increasing as never before of this civilization, so that the roads and cities are changing toward unrecognizable: prepare properly in the Lord One.

The formerly recognized ways literally disappearing already.

Your new colonies of people Will become of another time [frame]. Their section of Flow through the Universe would change, and change Them (advance them or relatively seem to retard Them though not to retard [though consider the "return" text below]).

The New Wine is within the New Christianity key (Amos 9.13) the Star Of David (see above text "star" on lampstand symbolic of a wormhole so as to travel up to light rather than down toward tail) on the Right Hand right angle (see above via symbolic gyroscopic that can also be literal / free opting [of Christian Physicist Designers including automating][also reference Your Christian Team toward perpetual motion]).

So the power for the time travel vessel, and it's steering and all, comes the power and direction come from Heaven or from men?, Matthew 21.25: truly, truly the Christian Physicist Designers and Your Christian Team Under Your Christian Leadership truly empowers and directs the vessel.

Now if a funnel is put into a stocking, it moves better in one direction than the other. If the stocking naturally pulses (see above text: pulse...heart, "Big Pulse", "pulse-wave", "pulse rarefaction",...) due to Given outer space as happens, and/or due to synthetic Bucky Tube tech, then directed velocity of the funnel; and similar is true of the exterior if the stocking is pulled though redirecting (Black Hole, Black Hole branch, cycle portion, gyroscopic effect per se,...) and adherence reasonably is in order (of the Commander).

Dark Matter is fast: as they say in the secular: "Fix it". The Christian Leader rather offers the pertinent proper precepts of Christ JESUS, with the Work being likewise Thankfully Done and Recorded for Christ JESUS (if needful also reference "freely", "plainly"

If to time and/or space travel in a certain deep space direction and return, then likely to return smarter or appear as if dumber than expected (see above "foil"). People Will soon change, though Highest One JESUS can protect (Christian Physicist Designers plan insulation).

So in New Christianity is Given this key, time and/or deep space travel should (Highest Grace In Christ JESUS) have travel means, yet time insulation and space insulation (as much as appropriate, see top Drawing "C" layering).

So as with a car for instance there is the lightweight plan for speed, though with rugged bumpers and other massive items. For now plan, and later some things can be overcome with energies toward Highest Holy Future Spirit (even so already available in Christ JESUS).

Expect to find the UFO aliens changed from some expectations, and changing.

Fear the Lord Christ JESUS, though properly dominate lesser level creatures such as if to encounter monsters, for their sakes, yet bring the law to memory as much as needful until Final End Time.

There is no transgressing Final End Time, though the Saved One is already over Final End Time and can go back or forward Prophetically and as freely opting.

Some formulas are for subatomic things, other formulas are for the far larger. This ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS is for people size things and M class planets and protoplanets, colonizing, and mansion vessels instead of cages. As if because of this human size, mass, alive, breathing,...concern, instead because Christ JESUS appeared in perfect human form 2,000 years ago according to the Original Creation Plan prior to creation and yet simultaneously that Christ JESUS be the One Highest Purpose of the Holy Spirit Plan Of The Eternal Father so timeless, not because of after-the-fact Miracles, rather prior and from Christ JESUS from the Holy Beginning prior to predicting, prior to formulas, prior to flip-of-coin tech, prior to adaption, and prior to evolution, the Holy Physics Plan All was and is from Christ JESUS including time, space, talent (Romans 5.20), time travel Spirit (Faith), and time travel pure vessel [Miracle (yet if Pure then Miracle With Faith)].

So a key is the time travel vessel Miracle To Give (Charity)[(a project worthy of Christian led Zion Of All as much of at least Accord, also worthy of Your Christian Church, and/or Christian 501c3 Nonprofit or Christian Foundation to head) including over the Commander (Accord to at least be Anointed, rather Christian)] is with the True Prophetic Precepts is the Living Christ JESUS awareness and the Commander needs so agree with the Christian "head" and under the "head" in the almost unique (see Your Christian Church criteria, and "head" criteria) sense that the "head" can counsel the Commander but not interfere nor pester, rather toward mansion supportive.

Now another new key from Christ JESUS is given, and so to Edify, consider the ancient Baghdad batteries of value though little power and little quality to power high tech mansion circuits with Fiber-optic cables and bluetooth encryption. Though more than being compatible (therefore another key is near up Faith future Miracle, rather than long duration) is that batteries (of significant values) ionize with time and otherwise fail, so this key is that toward the perpetual machine (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS Drawing pic of "Plastic with static" at as time (and environ) changes so too can be expected the lower Firmament energies be expected to change if not also protected (in the golden cube mansion vessel).

Now in Christ JESUS consider that if a Christian is to Do the Will Of Heaven Father, in the name of Christ JESUS, then to be able to time travel in Spirit and/or in Pure Flesh and/or any other Good Way along the straight-and-narrow for Christ JESUS. So prepare in time travel and all Good, of course at least conquer the Known Universe and Known Times (proper precept on proper precept: startup, rates, and other applies). Consider that if an energy source brought along loses power (even radioactive decays)(also be aware some capacitors for instance ionize though reverse time might deionize, so an osmosis rate key, or the capacitor might not be with ionizing during time travel [conditions apply, reference such as artificial humidity control in a cockpit thusly of ionizing properties potentially countering values) a backup such as to prime the pump of other powers could be a hand or feet powered system such as "Plastic with static" pumped similar to rubbing a rubber balloon on hair or nylon.

Note a related certain type of plastic wheel with nylon brushes for collecting electrostatic energy and a generator to spin the wheel (patented, expired, many decades ago) allegedly powered itself, and might be hand powered to start. Creator JESUS Give even some negatives for Good Highest Purpose, for You properly converting per Firmament of concern, such as negative rubber, silicon, and polymers, and positive air, skin, asbestos, rabbit fur, glass, nylon, wool, silk, aluminum [though advanced physics materials also apply directly typically and/or conditionally (various sources including].

So now this key from the Holy Precepts Of Christ JESUS comes: the converting of lower materials: yet with Living Holy Anointing though if with True Prophetic And Holy Highest Purpose Of Christ JESUS [One Faith (lest Matthew 7.6 apply)][Miracle(s) example(s) (series of errors such as].

The Highest via the secular model is a series tied to cumulative error, while the True Christian Faith Path is Eternal: timeless is shown in the below Drawing toward center, as "90 degrees" from Known Universe time as pertinent and normal to Earthlings on Earth, and generally referenced in outer space. Reference how Christ JESUS Appointed Kolob to be in charge of time (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at

So Kolob is similar to the turning sword of Christ JESUS Physics protecting the entrance of the Garden Of Eden: Heaven.

So while secular people have flown in the heavens of aerospace for instance, secular time control is [(One) though if otherwise secular for sinful purposes] a secular Firmament limit.

Even so, this does not disqualify the "head" from the One True purpose,

though a secular position may no longer apply as previously concerning for instances knowledge of safety features for the self, and awareness of controls and vessel movements per se (see above "changing")(see below text with Romans 5.20).

God Given sensors (and sensor making talents) are very important Wisely thus far as Christ JESUS explained, [all powers,] All power is given to me in heaven and upon earth (from Matthew 28.18 WT) therefore Give all sensors reasonably especially toward the start (later perhaps modified) even though Your time travel vessel is made for a UAV drone [representing a person] reporting (toward without personal nor private bias Luke 6.35 though later missions such as extra and toward entertainment might first of Highest Faith In Christ JESUS be of delimited consideration though with redeeming social value in Christ JESUS Acts 10.17).

So while with sensors, also as of the above text "a person should be able to see where they are going" through the portal generally since of ["tomb" or "mansion"] size agreeable to a human: for supporting human life and appropriate trappings (things toward the One Highest Purpose, such as Wisely with recording devices of a reasonable types). Wisely In Christ JESUS such sensors and recording devices with appropriate equipment and systems from True Christian Highest Guidance would function to [lest only toward (conditions apply)] over the above text Romans 5.20 concern.

You JESUS One Christ Together Time Traveler are to prepare as above (including protective guidance for others [for One Highest Purpose,] that might interfere even unawares of the Highest Purpose and power ramifications) planning and coordinating the time travel vessel starting toward sensing energies (Hearing), then gentle signaling (with echo listening to hear sounds and with measuring time displacement, and indicating approach), and then UAV drone sending for immediate return (to see how the onboard timer has changed), and then slightly longer travel and sending lower, materials, plants, worms, and so on;

though while the energies and UAV would be as if to go forth, be Wise In Christ JESUS to consider: from the porch entrance to the time portal and in that other time into which entered [(Ezekiel 44.2&3) into timelessness (from this civilization historic time) and return] the Portal System from onset through finish shall not be made of hands nor made to be altered nor a change of systems (Exodus 20.25) so the vessel might return (or for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS to Help the time travel vessel return [for anew fresh start in the Lord JESUS You) at least in the initial stages.

Do not change their return expectations, of a key, save for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

So hardly allow the changing of the time of departure parameters of the area of interest, also allowing time for time traveler vessel system failure, repairs, and reattempts to return (see above text: to also allow time for the time traveler to plan and utilize their "hand or feet powered system", such as if partly injured).

So on Earth a there would be a lab type clean room, though in their perspective of the time traveler (UAV,...) toward trying for the return would be as to try to land on a specified spot on the Moon on civilization's first Moon landing. So rather at least the initial stages of time travel should be in reasonably empty outer space, free of debris, and free of energy anomalies. So a spaceship would bring the time travel equipment to a location and be out of the way as much as appropriate in the Highest Purpose Of Christ JESUS, yet ready to receive the return for their sakes and the Greatest Good In One JESUS Christ.

Initially records would be toward all matters, though as some repeat the same hearts-of-their-systems, then increasingly toward paperwork (data) reduction toward only recording the variables (such as toward ISO Compendium).

With return should be immediate rescue with contamination control (so temporary enslavement though for Highest Purpose One Good, for others and for themselves, though if a new disease is found then to overcome such [monsters might appear, large or very tiny])(other Highest Purpose might also apply, Acts 12.7-10, Acts 16.25-37).

As the past leaders have found, things often hardly go as best planned. Even so, in every circumstance Do the Will Of Highest Christ JESUS.

Wisely understand Christian, this Gives You much power, as if to change the Prophets, and even Christ JESUS on the cross: do not be misled, Christ JESUS would that He enter into His Glory Rightly Once For All, even All of this Accord as Prophesied herein Christ JESUS New Christianity, and rather All Christian In Christ JESUS.

If a person is as the guard at the tomb (see Commander criteria), then if to desire to time travel to look at the Holy Crucifixion then the person may hardly be able to bear it. Rather let Christ JESUS be of His Own Cross unless He Guides otherwise, as of from Matthew 16.23-25 BS:

Similar to being asked to eat His Flesh and drink His Blood, this is Given not to lead many astray, rather for His Holy Purpose In His Father In Heaven.

Truly, truly, there are far bigger concerns than this, such as destruction of Christ JESUS And Christians With Zion and all people (including sinners) and Earth and every whit of the Known Universe for instance though such cannnot be since Christ JESUS Died Once For All.

Do not tamper with the True Prophets, in fact at least initially prefer to properly straightly ascend (with some maintenance going slightly into the future, reference human metabolism, vessel rates,...) where time-travel-saavy others might abound all the more to Help You Beloved One In Highest JESUS. Of a Truth, many things have already been Done Properly.

The Magi (and many others) noted the stars, likewise the time traveler person would note the stars and things (such as Earth, such as space vessels,...) and patterns precisely concerning what time they are experiencing (and place in outer space for example see top Drawing side view of Orion at previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS so a lot of onboard time and space computer data reference points and plans for people to Do the time traveling would be prepared in Prophetic expectations for their sakes, and with ancillary [toward increased risk] predictions).

The Magi (see Drawing below) moved according to time travel in Word In Faith, with actual Doing of the walking and/or riding (as depicted below).

The Moses transfiguring (see text above, meeting with Elias and Christ JESUS Luke 9.30) was a more advanced type of time travel (and You are [to freely opt if] to Do this more advanced type of time travel). So a more advanced key to Heaven (levels: Highest) is now Given In Christ JESUS:

Moses was to see the Promised Land though hardly enter save via Christ JESUS [of a Black Hole type of "roll" of time ( see bottom of page notes)].

So Moses traveled to the border of the Promised Land, died, and was transfigured alive in the Promised Land,

so both time and space traveled (Word Of Faith and with Doing The Highest Will Of Christ JESUS)

The Magi traveled to a Prophetic time.

Moses traveled to a Prophetic time and not in the flesh until appeared alive as such.

So while a person might return from time travel, be ready to resuscitate. Also be ready to not receive any report from the time traveling person (though concerning Saints: They "knew of no break in existence, no long dreamless sleep" so a Christian Commander is preferred toward law especially toward the program startup).

A secular note: "As it turns out, different people function better by sleeping on different schedules. Leonardo da Vinci may have created the Mona Lisa on two hours of sleep a day, broken up into 15-minute naps every four hours – but Albert Einstein took 10 hours of sleep each night, as well as daytime naps!" (

Jewish Albert Einstein explained energy as high velocity mass (see ICCDBB Affiliate Drawings explaining this at

The above text on matter, humans, mass, UAV drones, and synthetic echo energies agrees with the [levels of the letters of the] arrows of the Drawings (ibid.).

In other words the Black Hole wormhole parts (branches, threads of net fabric sections) agree with certain mass and certain energy levels.

For instance a gentle breeze can pass over a magazine without significant effect per se, though a stronger breeze can turn a page, while a hurricane might tear apart the pages of the magazine. So a feather is tied to a lesser energy, and a bowling ball to the higher energy (also see above Drawing on "Ultrasonic").

A wing (see above text on "foil") of an airplane is a rounded cone in front and tapered down to the rear. A time portal system would be similar, though less toward an off on switch, and more as a three way (and more for 3D) toggle: off, neutral, and on. Consider a tent with two vertical poles, one higher ("front") than the other ("rear"), then the poles are quickly removed and exchange places: for the opposite direction. This with exterior energy (also reference motorboat, and sailboat) concerns the onset path and the return path (see above text on "envelope").

Creator Christ JESUS formed the Holy Word Law forming the Holy Physics (also see above text on Christian Zion), and a person can change time, Christ JESUS would that You properly convert everything needful for One Highest Good Eternal Purpose In Heaven, so Christ JESUS would that You change time.

It's the law.

There are many ways to change time, there is only One Best Way. Be Highest Spiritually, also with option to Time Travel to prevent Revelation disasters JESUS explained is made easy, precept on precept such as tied to this Prophetic Jerusalem earthquake so time travel is available now in this generation ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ

The above Drawing is from Holy Land map showing the deep ravine carved into that ancient land.

Christ JESUS was to be born of vessel Mary, the biologic date was to come: the timing was predicted (even Prophetic Matthew 1.21 with specific Prophecy Luke 2.6). Many might have shrugged off this "specific Prophecy" aspect as if to mean: a [secular] person can see what is about to happen. Though many parents have caught their falling child just in time, many have caught because of love, few have caught by lazy careless knowledge though chance happens to all.

Independent in secular terms, of the "biologic date" the Kings happened to be traveling to where the manger was: but that secular version makes no sense, it did not happen that way. They traveled through time and space for One Highest Purpose.

So They Truly Traveled Through Time.

But this technology has been largely [as if sealed away,] that lower levels went unawares of the better until now, for the Final Preparation of the thing known as the Second Coming.

Let Jerusalem fall and be washed away (non-Prophetic) or instead be in the Christian Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS to overcome former problems Forever! If a person wants their children to have better lives than the parents endured: be the Perfect Example In Christ JESUS. Truly Jerusalem would be redone, though let it be of proper Highest Purpose instead of nature, though as much as proper (see above text on parameters over conditions anew that involve things and energies that "shall not be made of hands" such as for a safe return

This is to fulfill the safe traveling of the Holy Highest Vessel and Your Holy Fleet (1 Samuel 14.18): Eternal Highest Wisdom is already accomplished Victory Done Save You Beloved With Your Fleet [(Acts 13.20) instantly, even allowing toward instant time, and greater in Christ JESUS]. Search the Highest Prophets as with Isaiah and Samuel (3 Nephi 23.9 / Helaman 13.28, see above text "head") for True Specifications for True Time Travel In The Heavenly Bounty Of Christ JESUS.

The Chinese are known through ancient times with great ships, the Russians are known for new technologies, and the nations are known for entering into the New Israel claim for Zion under Christian President Don Trump. And with Christianity revitalizing, together in One Christian Effort (and One Christian Representation of Earth and this civilization, and in representing this generation of this time as a Standard Time Reference Point [with the Advent Of Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago], these times can be for the greater Highest Purpose even with the variable (the time traveler [including sending energy into time where needful for their sakes, greater than see above text "echo"]) so that for instance with two time points can come the variable (see above concerning recordkeeping in terms of overhead reduction and saving times and efforts) time triangulation with [known generation] naming of points of times, and their constellation type descriptive attributes as toward the helpfulness of road signs and times constellations maps.

A key being, the longer the time duration (Magi), and the farther the spatial displacement (Moses), the greater the value of records, raw data (stars, Black Holes, threads, debris, non-debris regions,...), and mapping for the time travelers and the Greatest Good In Christ JESUS.

Be aware that sinners have attracted (to use and abuse) sinners: this is a key Given from Heaven above.

Time traveling to Do the Greatest Highest Good In Christ JESUS For Good, attracts Good; so a key is not only to wait for Heaven to attract to include You into Heaven, rather be as Heaven is Doing now in this generation in Christ JESUS: prepare up there and through Eternal time(s) for the Second Coming.

It is for the reason of Doing Good In Christ JESUS that proper time travel is Given from Christ JESUS above. For Christians to prevent New Jerusalem earthquakes heralding in New Zion, even New Christian Zion, even New Christian Zion JESUS One, is Good: of Highest Purpose that as Zion follows Christian Leadership toward Peace among all nations likewise, the Christians Will increasingly visit with the Living Christ JESUS now in this generation (not only in dreams and envisioned plans) in order to help the followers be Christian for being with benefits for Giving In The Name Of JESUS Christ, rather than being as formerly in being attacked and with loss of people and destruction of property toward having nothing.

Christ JESUS Gives Miracles for the secular to Praise Christ JESUS One, including that the secular knows that even [far lower Firmament anomalies of] nature and natural physics (of Christ JESUS, that is, to properly state) have time change wormeholes: as previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS often illustrated in many Drawings.

The natural fabric of space is something that can be moved by hand (see following triad), as to cover a child with a blanket, and as with tools such as to raise a many post tent with pegs and anchors, even if with floats on the water, even via kit:

The fabric of space can be folded and unfolded, raveled and unraveled, many in the secular show time overlapping illustrations, and time merging of fabric of space, people know of buttons, zippers, temporary and permanent adhesives, and types of fastners;

though Christ JESUS is the only Guide:

be as Christ JESUS to Helpfully Guide others out of the pits of pains they opted to selfishly have.

You / 2 Kings 2.8 / Exodus 14.21.

Preach the Word, and Christ JESUS Will Give You more and greater.

If You are the Christian Leader (or Christian Leader In Your Field), then the greater Christ JESUS Will Give You, You can Do though hardly, rather You Will Go from Great Christian Leader to Greater Christian Leader, and so Will continue to Edify (that is, until Final End Time others of lesser ascended faith in lower levels would do the Christian Miracles or proofs-of-concepts in the secular), so You would continue to Edify With Christian Preaching, as You walk the Walk Of Faith In Christ JESUS.

If others be not convinced to Do (hardly possible) via Your Christian Preaching, then You may opt to Do Miracle(s), even so, also Christ JESUS said leave not the other to be left undone (Hebrews 12.2):

so You Will Lead, Christian Faith Preacher For Christ JESUS, yet You Will also perform Miracles for their sakes Christian Miracle Worker And Preacher For Christ JESUS

that You be known among them as a Christian Miracle Worker [(at least) And Preacher] For Christ JESUS.

As in the above "Spirit JESUS One" Drawing, now in this generation is the time of the Second Coming preparation.

ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS: April 27, 2018AD.

ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS: Sermons for Christian Leaders.

Main site: ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS Affiliated with Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ.

Coming soon for the next ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS:

being planned is the illustrative mapping into and beyond the Portal and Stargate:

Into The Multiverse For You In Christ JESUS.

Tags: Christ JESUS explained how to time travel though sinners objected, yet for Christians to be free to opt to properly time travel in and for the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS as of the original physics plan for the Second Coming In Time Travel One You such as to overcome lower natural physics of the New Christianity Jerusalem Zion earthquake. Christ JESUS explains outer space ultrasonic rainbow Accord in Laniakea vessel to time travel with things known in the Christian Living Bible and even known somewhat in secular physics such as Bucky Ball tech and with ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ.


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