Guess What!
It's not October anymore!
Wow. I'm a lazy loser!!! I updated the page in August, then in October, and now on March 1st. Jesus. Someone needs to poke me with a long-range poking device when I start to get so lazy!
The reason I haven't updated since October is that I was working on a complete site redesign. Even down to the... font... I don't know. It was going to be completely different! And I didn't want to update anything until I had the entire site finished.. Just because... And guess what? I got lazy, decided that I didn't like the redesign and threw it away! Bleh. Oh well. I'm updating now, and that's all that counts.. Right...??
Anyway. Mucho thanks to Megan (mego) and Jessie for signing my guestbook, even though I haven't updated in an ungodly amount of time.
Anything new going on? We got a couple snow-days last week, so that was really fun, because I definately could have used the break... Umm.. Oh Yeah, I've started watching this great british comedy..
4 Guys...
12 Episodes
Yes folks, it's the Young Ones. Damn you DJ. You see, he first saw part of an episode quite a while ago, was confused, then forgot about it. Later on, he saw another one, and really started liking it. Same thing for me. At first I was skeptical, but now!! There's no question, The Young Ones rule. Go find a webpage about them or something. Watch some episodes. KERA.. 1am.. Sunday (technically, its Monday morning...)
Anyway. I think I've babbled enough about that, but I honestly can't think of anything else to talk about... Umm..
Now I really doubt that anyone's going to read this. Many people assumed I was MIA, which is true, but now I'm back (from the depths under my bed), and I'm updating the page again.
Wow, I just realized that
I haven't updated since before my birthday. I'm 18!!! YAY!! Wish me a (3month)
belated birthday when you see me! I got some freakin cool stuff:
-digital camera
and stuff. It's cool. So expect some new photos goin on here soon. oh yes.
I'm going to donate blood again this year, but this time it won't be so that I can get out of pre-cal.. That's really sad, when you're willing to be poked with a giant needle and have blood extracted JUST so that you don't have to see your pre-cal teacher and be confused at trigonometry! Oh well..
MMM exotic fish wine! (nevermind...)
I'll update more later, when I have more to really talk about..
Oh, and you might have noticed, that I took the Message Board link off of this page. No one went there, you can't lie to me to appease me any longer. If you *really* want it back, e-mail me. Also, I removed "comics" and "rantings" as there was nothing new/nothing at all in those sections. I'm going to add a "stuff" page that will have old comics and some rants (probably from Tara's infamous mass emails)
Click here to see proof that Josh Henegar is possessed.
Awww, aren't I cute??
I like how I cut Austin out of the picture. hahaha
CLICK HERE! hehe. You know that you want to! It takes you to a picture-by-picture explanation of 10.22.02. freakin hillarious, damn Mr. Crabs!!
Too see all those pics of me
from Megan's webcam (as well as more added from when DJ and I were both hanging out over
there and were playing with the webcam.. note: there are an assload of pictures cuz we
were bored), then click... Here. I guess. More to be added
from when Austin and I were hanging out at her house. Fun times. I want a webcam!
Oh yeah, before I forget, here's a link to the Corpus Section. (no, its not updated. No, there are no new pictures Yes, it's just for my amusement, bitch bitch bitch. It'll be updated as soon as I have the willpower to actually SCAN the photos, but until then..)
Go to my livejournal thing, here. (note: ooo I didn't update)
Wow. That's a lot of cult members.
Quote of the day/week/month/year (im lazy):
AHH! hahahahahaha he played the cello with his chin!
(followed by a fit of laughter-doug-- at Robert's playing the cello with his chin..)
The Anti-Sexy's.
...Coming soon
March 1st, 2003
What i updated:
This page
Thats it, I guess.!
What I'm thinking of updating:
Everything else.
yeah.. like the new site? well, i do, so far. It's not done yet. give it time, yay.. ummm oh yeah, I, Kate Rutherford, "the gimp" am the webmaster. This is my stuff. If it is yours and I didnt give you credit for it, email me and I shall give you credit. This site is for personal use only. No money or profit of any kind is gained from me having this webpage. Thanks.. (c)1999-2003 (kinda.)