Pictures Pictures, Pictures..


 You'd think that I'd put these in the photos/pictures/friends section as it needs updating, but ah HA! I did not. I'm not sure why, yet.. but here are pictures taken from Megan's webcam! woo webcams! Note: THere are a lot of pictures, and they may take some time to load. but they're fun!



Weird pic of DJ

I don't know, either..

DJ and me, freaking out megan


lookin like dorks

I wanted an actual nice picture, but DJ didnt. grr

Boy, we look amused

Probably the best one out of all of them

Geee. thanks

Wow, we're having fun

I swear, I don't have crabs.


AAAANd the other pics of me (the one from the main page)'ll be up here soon, as soon as I can remember the file-names...