Suggestions for
- Study
a little every day; don’t put it off until the night before a test.
- Memorize
new terms, formulas, and definitions the day they are introduced---that
way future use will reinforce what you have learned and not confuse you.
- Take
complete notes. Fill-in more notes with
more complete explanations when you study every day.
Compare your notes with a friend and add anything they have
that you don’t have. Explain any
additional notes that you have to your friend and have them explain
what they have to you.
- Re-do
all example and practice problems under test conditions.
Then compare your results with the notes.
Make corrections, and later, try it again and again, until
you are successful under test conditions.
- Try
to explain major concepts to a parent or friend. If
you can explain something, you comprehend it---if you can’t explain it,
you need to study more or ask questions.
- Study
with friends or classmates. This is more
productive if you study with someone who is having the same amount of
success and/or frustration as you are. Then
you will both help each other, you will be more likely to have the same
amount of patience with each other, and you both will feel good about
each gain that you make. Make up your own
problems and compare your results.
- Use
other resources: There are other physics
books in libraries. There are Internet
resources. There are other students that
are taking physics and others who have already completed this course. You may have relatives or neighbors that have
studied physics. A math teacher may
be able to help you with math parts of problems.
- See
your teacher for additional help.
- Look
for help at the Hayes Physics website: