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Welcome to Scotland

This is our bus with Skills Travel

I have to say it has always been a dream of mine
since I was a little girl to see Scotland.
I can tell you that it was not a disappointment.
We left at 9am on a Monday for 5 days. The
further north we went the more amazed I was.
Around ever single corner was something more
beautiful to see. Scotland is one place
I hope to return to.

The first stop was a place called Moffat.
A lovely little town to rest.

We had stopped a number of times along the way. Every
corner led to the most beautiful scenery I had
ever laid eyes on. We stopped in a village store with lots
of souveniers. I bought a real Scottish
kilt with beige and brown plaid and
a beige sweater. At this village was a flag.
To my amazement look what I saw.
Our hotel was located on the coast
across from the Isle of Skye in a village
called Mallaig.

And this is the harbor at Mallaig. It is terrific.

Welcome to Fort William

Fort William was a beautiful little town.

While there we had a day to choose what we wanted
to do. My daughter wanted to go on a water
adventure to see dolphins which we decided against
as the weather wasn't all that good that day. Instead
we went on a train ride to Fort William and
spent more time there.

While in Fort William, guess what we found. You guess it
another McDonald's.

On to Glencoe

The day we visited Glencoe it was foggy and drizzly.
Not a nice day to see such beautiful mountains.

At Last - The Isle of Skye

The Isle of Skye is across from Mallaig so we had to
take the tour bus across on a ferry.

More American things found in Scotland???? Yep. A Bridge.
The American Bridge. The driver told us of an
interesting story about the bridge. The builders of
this bridge were American. As most know, our
measures are not metric as they are here. When they
built the bridge they used our measure and the bridge
wasn't the right height for their vessels. The bridge
had to be ammended to that.