
Approved Training

Under OCGA 35-8-20, GACP can approve training for all heads of law enforcement agencies. The GACP’s Executive Board, Training Committee and Staff have all agreed that the following training programs will be approved upon submission of the attached form.

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • National Academy (NA)
  • Southern Police Institute (SPI)
  • Institute of Police Technology and Management (IPTM)
  • North Western Traffic Institute, North Western University, IL
  • Georgia Municipal Association (GMA)
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
  • America for Effective Law Enforcement (AELE)
  • Commission on Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA)
  • Georgia Law Enforcement Command College
  • Institute of Government, University of Georgia
  • Executive Development Training Program, Georgia Public Safety Training Center, Forsyth
  • National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE)
  • Georgia Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (GACLEA)

Any other training will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Additionally, GACP Training Coordinator Hedy McDowell is in the process of contacting each academy to determine if they have executive/management training programs that fit GACP’s criteria for approval. If executive/management programs are identified as meeting our criteria, each academy will be able to declare our approval.

All requests for training approval should be submitted to the Training Coordinator, where it will be reviewed and forwarded to the Executive Director with a recommendation for approval or disapproval. The Executive Director will approve/disapprove, and the chief will have the option of having the request reviewed by the Training Committee if disapproved at the GACP staff level.

The following information should be submitted with all requests:

  • A descriptive brochure/flier that includes:
  • Data supporting the training as management level
  • Information on the presenter
  • Number of training hours


  • Documentation that includes the above information

Upon completion of the training, a certificate or record of course completion should be submitted to the Training Coordinator.

Training Approval Form