Top Ten Best Things
To Do With Career Criminals:

1. Murderers: Let them choose one of two 'early retirement plans' - lethal injection or the electric chair.

2. Rapists: Make them wear pink tutus for the duration of their next prison term.

3. Robbers: Make them pay for room and board.

4. Drug Dealers: Let them perform their own body cavity searches while everyone watches.

5. Drunken drivers: Decorate their cells with pictures of their victims.

6. Terrorists: Implant a homing device behind their left ear - and an explosive behind the right.

7. Arsonists: Use them for scientific experiments and medical research.

8. Child molesters: Stop them from reproducing by having them spayed or neutered by a veterinarian.

9. COP killers: Use them as live organ doners.

10. Corrupt politicians: Introduce them to Islamic law and let med students get some pratice by amputating whatever body part it was that they used to commit their crimes.

