Law Enforcement Index Page

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Policing.comIf you want the lastest information and advice on Community Policing, try this site.

COPSUnited States Dept. of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, 1100 Vermont Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20530.

National Center for Community PolicingOver two dozen articles related to community policing are provided by the folks at Michigan State University.

Community Policing Reading BoardA practical guide for police officers. Thanks to Atlanta Police Department for this site!

Community Policing ConsortiumA partnership of 5 leading police organizations: International association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBEL), National Sheriff's Association (NSA), Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), and the Police Foundation.

The concept of Community Oriented Policing has been embraced by virtually all law enforcement agencies in the United States.

Community Policing is not a new idea. Community policing is a strategy that builds on fundamental policing practices and emphasis on crime prevention and lasting solutions to problems. It requires citizen participation and new thinking from police officers. Community policing reduces crime and fear while restoring a sense of order. But it also can rebuild the bond between citizens and government.

Who should read this info?

  • Community police officers, any law enforcement officer, civilian employees, probation officers, campus police
  • Community leaders and citizens, including youth
  • Chiefs and Sheriffs who are interested in starting and maintaining community policing in their communitites
  • Business managers, executives and employees
  • Mayors, City Managers, council members, trustees and government leaders
  • Anyone who has an interest in Community Policing