Hey! Welcome to Ethreal!

Hey! Like i said this is my first attempt at...well...a lot. so please bear with me here! News and Updates! 6/27/02- Whoa! Yea, I know, I'm just as shocked as you. I'm actually updating. When did I get bad about this? Anyways, I'm gonna try to get better about it. I actually had an idea. I'm thinking about turning this site into more of a personal site than it already is, maybe making it strickly a personal site for my writing, and maybe even some of my photgraphy. Let me know what you think. I just figured that I haven't done anything Hanson related in forever...not that I don't like them anymore, cause I do, I'm just not crazed anymore. Well, let me know and I'm gonna make some small updates for now and change a lot more tomorrow when I have more time.

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Email: melsethreal@hotmail.com