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ArtistDirect: Hey Guys! So nice of you all to drop in to Korn's Sick and Twisted Chat. The band's here and ready for yer questions. So ask away!
Jonathan: Hello!
Munky: Hello from Munky!

ASKArtistDirect: KoRnFaN says: Recently you mentioned that you're going to pick the 20th song rather than play "All In The Family"; Is this going to be a different song at each show or is it going to be a 'permanent' replacement song.
Jonathan: We won't be able to do "All In The Family" because it's done with Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit, and we won't do it without him, so we took it out of the set.

ASKArtistDirect: sugary says: Will be any new signees to Elementree in the near future?
Munky: Yes, we are working with artists right now, artists by the name of Deadsy. And also, we're looking also to hip-hop artists by the name of RBX.

ASKArtistDirect: rokme says: What's the status of Jonathan and Fieldy's solo projects?
Jonathan: We haven't been doing any solo projects right now. I'm doing a movie, a score for the new Ann Rice movie "Queen of the Damned". I'll be singing on it, and Munky and Head will be playing guitar, Sam Rivers from Limp Bizkit playing bass, and that's what we are doing right now.

ASKArtistDirect: Belvedere says: How's the sequel to 'Who Then Now' progressing?
Munky: We're still trying to find the tapes, trying to recover all of the tapes, so we can edit it together.

ASKArtistDirect: Curious1 says: What's the *real* reason why there's white noise at the end of Issues rather than a secret track?
Jonathan: We put the white noise there because it was like at the end of the album, it's like when a TV station goes off the air, and makes that noise, that static noise.

ASKArtistDirect: NIKI says: Jon, are you considering posting song meanings for Issues to the mailing list (much like you did with Follow The Leader)?
Jonathan: I haven't thought about it yet, I probably will.

ASKArtistDirect: xiannie says: Are you looking to tour any other parts of the world after the European tour?
Munky: Possibly Australia and Japan, we've never been there. Or Mexico.

ASKArtistDirect: sfcarl says: What do you think of the DJ remixes of your tracks that come out on singles?
Jonathan: Some of them are good, and some of them suck!

ASKArtistDirect: Sharla says: What's your stance on bootlegging your shows? Apparently Limp Bizkit don't mind their fans doing it.
Jonathan: I don't care.
Munky: I don't care either.

ASKArtistDirect: CharmingGirl says: Do you have any other tracks from the "Issues" sessions that will be on soundtracks or singles?
Jonathan: No. The other ones sucked too bad.

ASKArtistDirect: REXX says: Where does the band see itself in five years time?
Munky: Making our last record with Epic Records. We have three more records with Epic Records, so probably around then, we'll be making our sixth record and doing a tour.

ASKArtistDirect: terrah says: What's been the highest point in your career since Follow the Leader shot the band to mainstream fame?
Jonathan: Woodstock.

ASKArtistDirect: Mark says: Have you started throwing ideas around for the fifth album and are there any themes you foresee yourselves following?
Jonathan: We just finished Issues, and that's been out, so basically right now we're concentrating on our tour, and when we're done with the tour, we'll start concentrating on other ideas. Basically nothing's been done yet.

ASKArtistDirect: KoRnFaN says: What are your thoughts on up and coming bands trashing established bands to gain attention for themselves?
Jonathan: I think it's stupid.
Munky: It's a sign of jealousy, also. I feel.
Jonathan: I agree with you.

ASKArtistDirect: mmusic says: With so many people labelling MTV rock bands as "sell outs" how do you react to those who say Korn and Bizkit have lost touch with their fans?
Jonathan: I think those people are high. We've always kept our fans in the loop.
Munky: We had our fans pick our songs that we played on this tour. Last year we had a KoRn Cage, where we had fans on stage with us.

ASKArtistDirect: ChrisisKoRny says: when will the 5th CD be out ?
Jonathan: Don't know yet.
Munky: We usually put out a record one and a half to two years apart. So probably in another two years.

ASKArtistDirect: Trainer123 says: what is your favourite part of of tour
Jonathan: Playing.
Munky: The hour and a half we are on stage every night.

ASKArtistDirect: spot88 says: What sports are the two of you into if any?
Jonathan: I'm not a sports fan, but I like to go to the batting range and hit baseballs when I am pissed off.
Munky: I love to watch women's tennis, especially Anna Kournikova, I'm a BIG fan.

ASKArtistDirect: KoRn_Freak says: Did you enjoy working with Udo Kier and Brigitte Nielsen when making the video for "Make Me Bad"?
Jonathan: Hell yeah!
Munky: Hell yeah, those people are crazy and fun!

ASKArtistDirect: PheOnyx says: are you guys gonna play cleveland this tour, or what?? talk to me
Jonathan: No, we're not playing there this time.

I think we're playing somewhere close, though.

ASKArtistDirect: Dawn says: why did u decide to put on a secret show at the whisky??? it was great thanks!!!!!
Jonathan: We wanted to try out our new set and do something cool for our fans. We started out at the Whiskey, and wanted to play there again.
Munky: It was also warm up shows for us, for Woodstock.

ASKArtistDirect: peachy says: hey , with all the commericial success , do u think korn will eventually mellow out like alot of other bands do?
Jonathan: I think we're gonna be the same.
Munky: We'll probably be heavier.

ASKArtistDirect: Manda52781 says: What do you guys do on your downtime to stay grounded?
Munky: Sit in front of my TV and watch the news.
Jonathan: Me? Work on music.

ASKArtistDirect: HERMANATOR says: Are you guys going to do a smaller club tour in the near future(europe)?
Jonathan: No.
Munky: Not sooner, later.

ASKArtistDirect: Osiris8083 says: I was wondering how you decide what cities it is that you are gonna perform in? And if you feel bad for all those cities that get screwed and don't get to see you!!
Jonathan: Yes we do, but we go through all the cities, and it depends on a zillion different things. Like there's a city we want to play, but we have to see if there's hockey, or basketball, or any other functions going on in the arenas, the venues aren't available to us, so we have to pass them up. So it makes us feel bad, so we try to hit the cities the next tour.

ASKArtistDirect: littlegordy194 says: How did You Hook Up with Spike And Mike?
Munky: They're our managers.

ASKArtistDirect: Allen498 says: On the cover of self titled, what exactly is the figure holding in his hand?
Jonathan: Horseshoes!
Munky: I think they call it a Kaiser blade, and some people call it a slingblade.

ASKArtistDirect: kornkid9285 says: Is there any chance for any of you guys to direct an upcoming video?
Munky: No, I have no interest in the film industry.
Jonathan: Me neither, I like doing the music for the film industry, that's about it.

ASKArtistDirect: MarkM says: there's a studio version of the song layla. was this intended for the first album?
Jonathan: Yes.
Munky: Can I please hear it, because I haven't heard it in a long time, I don't even think I have a copy!

ASKArtistDirect: TeamSLEEP says: Feildy, I've heard your doing a solo ablum which is going to have more of a hip-hop/rap sound. Whats the deal with that? When can we expect to hear it?
Jonathan: We don't know, he wants to do the music, and get a whole bunch of hip-hop artists on to sing with him.

ASKArtistDirect: HERMANATOR says: To fieldy: who is/was your biggest influence on becoming a bass-player?
Jonathan and Munky: Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

ASKArtistDirect: MarkM says: when and where did you record your first demo?
Jonathan: At Sound Chamber, in North Hollywood. And that was in '94. No, '93.

ASKArtistDirect: amanda says: Are you guys planning on collaberating with anyone when you guys go back into the studio for album #5?
Munky: Who knows? You never know until you come across a track that you just know at the time.... you don't really plan something like that.

ASKArtistDirect: Dread says: What do you think about the war between old Korn fans and the new Korn fans?
Munky: Can't we all just get along? There's like this little war going on.
Jonathan: But just to each their own. I love them all.
Munky: Me too, I love them all. They are all different.

ASKArtistDirect: TheShaner says: Jon: As big as you guys have become, and as many shows as you have played over the years now, do you find it more difficult to sing your older songs with as much conviction and feeling as it was when they were still newer?
Jonathan: Depends on my mood that night. Just the gig, itself. But I still give it my all, that's the main thing, I just belt it out as hard as I possibly can, and I feel it all every night.

ASKArtistDirect: adrenaline says: hey, you guys are just awsome with us fans, and now we have the chance to ask you guys stuff, but is there anything you guys ever wander or want to ask your fans?
Jonathan: Why do you like us so much???

ASKArtistDirect: Pinkcrayola says: Jonathan, which band member have you known longest?
Jonathan: That would be Fieldy. I know him since I was about nine years old, or ten. My dad and his dad jammed in bands together, and I hated him then, he was such a long haired "dummy" (what I really want to say I can't!)

ASKArtistDirect: Kuky says: Would you guys ever consider doing a "Fanatic" show on MTV?
Jonathan: We did!
Munky: We've done one. It was when we were in the studio doing our "Follow The Leader" record. Also, we let the Fanatic sing on one of our tracks.

ASKArtistDirect: Angielyn says: With everyone comparing your past cd's to 'Issues', is it tough being expected to live up to your past reputations?
Jonathan: We don't think about trying to live up to nothing, we just put out the music that we enjoy playing.
Munky: Whatever comes out of our creative thoughts comes out into music, and then gets transferred to tape. It's a simple equation.

ASKArtistDirect: Pinkcrayola says: I've heard that you guys are going to do some sort of thing onstage at the concerts to interact with the fans.... like a club or something......can you guys tell us any more than that?
Jonathan: Come check it out and see!

ASKArtistDirect: EricC says: If you all could thank one person each for all your success, who would it be and why?
Munky: I would have to thank each member in our band, because we couldn't have had success without each other. Each one of us completes the link in the chain.
Jonathan: The same thing.

ASKArtistDirect: 2Deathchics says: What album was the most time consuming to make?
Munky: Follow The Leader, by far. We were all messed up.

ASKArtistDirect: Cherry says: What are some of the most astounding things your fans have done just to get your attention?
Jonathan: Tattoo our names on their body.
Munky: There is someone in Columbus, Ohio that tattooed my face on his back, on his shoulder blade, and I freaked out. I thought it was cool, but I was like "Whoah, I gotta go now, LATER!"

ASKArtistDirect: KoRn4eva says: to the band: wich song of issues do you think is more difficult to play live?
Munky: It may be different for both of us. For me, it would have to be the song "Dirty" because there are so many different guitar sounds throught it, it would be difficult to play live, although I have done it at the Apollo.
Jonathan: Nothing's difficult for me because I'm a rock God! (Just kidding!)

ASKArtistDirect: chldrnofkrn says: are you guys gonna web cast any of the concerts?
Jonathan: I think so.

ASKArtistDirect: GoodGodKoRn says: Jonathan, who makes your outfits for the concerts?
Jonathan: A girl named Debra, and her clothing company is called Taint, and I design them and she makes them all up.

ASKArtistDirect: ArtistDirect says: Thank You both for a GREAT Show tonight, is there anything else you'd like to say before we close?
Munky: Thanks for tuning in to ask some questions, and see you at the show!
Jonathan: Thank you very much for being interested, and see you in the show. Sorry we have to run, but we have a sound check, and have to get the show together.

ArtistDirect: Well, that's it for now. Thanks for all the kool questions and for hanging with Korn today. Head on over to if you wanna continue chatting. And don't forget we're giving away FREE tix to Korn's entire tour at!