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Accessory To War: The Unspoken Alliance Between Astrophysics and the Military by Neil deGrasse Tyson (Sept 11 2018)

Deep Black: Space Espionage and National Security by William E. Burrows

[FCC Appliance + Building Renovation] EMF Light Speed emit reactions as a MEDIUM: -


Cellular Phone & Mobile Internet Emissions (extreme pain- intermittent Nov 2017 to present day)

Dr Oz guest 21 yr old Tiffany Frantz cell phone caused her breast cancer- YouTube VIDEO - Dec 15, 2013

Electromagnetic Attack

Electromagnetic Frequency Guidelines

Electromagnetic HyperSensitivity (EHS Disease)

ElectroMAGNETic Tokamak fusion reactors

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EMF)

Electromagnetic Sensitivity (known to magnify on activists)

Electronic Harassment -

EMF Exposure - install radiant barrier (housing & neighbourhood mall barrier-free renovations did reverse!!)

EMF Protection

EMF Radiation Can Cause Cancer (Dr. Axe remedies)

EMF: Secret Toxic Killer (eBook)

EMF transmits with Insulation Radiant Barrriers

EMFs in the Home (when space is too small)

EMF Protection for Targeted Individuals

ENERGY: Scientific Experiment ~ "Let There Be Light" (CBC Documentary Trailer 2017)

ENERGY: SOLAR ~ In the European Union [This all has to be reduced to minimums or we are going to burn up to a Big Bang!]

ENERGY: SOLAR ~ NEXT ERA ENERGY INC. [(Article) Race is On for World's Largest Solar Plant 2019-03-28]

ENERGY: SOLAR Thermal Power Solar dish/engine systems use a mirrored dish similar to a very large satellite dish

[Spirit Guidance warns the mirrors cause serious reversals on the planet + the engines pull their energy in + they get stuck -

it needs big push from spirit networks to get them out - the propulsions suspend and separate spirit family networks]

Environmental Causes for Disease (ie. 'barrier-free' renovates!)


Generac Power Grids (CIA Director Video, Langley, VA)

Global Nuclear Power Database

Great Big Thing: The World's Largest Fully Steerable Telescope (see SETI: ExoLife Finder below) W.VA. ~ x

HAARP - AK (Geopolitics/Magnetosphere)

HAARP Weather MachineMind-Control Lab

Harvard RADIATION Scale (Cancer Risk)

HAVANA SYNDROME (Cuba Sonic Boom Emits)

Hospital News ~ Canadian Astronaut Takes Part in Study of Bone Marrow Health in Space (April 2019)

HYPERLOOP One (Virgin) ~ x see bottom

*International Appeal: Stop 5G on Earth and In Space [PETITION: Dec. 2019]

THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW by Arthur Firstenberg [book]

College of Laboratory Technologists of Ontario Complaints (re Radiation Emissions in Medical Imaging)

Laser Beam in Target area (green line in photo)

*[THE] LOOMING THREAT OF 5G – and the Devastating Effects of Radiation (Vitality ~ December 9, 2019)

Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency (Mk-ultra)

Niagara Wind Turbines Generate Power [suspends guidance!]

Nuclear Fusion ~ "Let There Be Light" (Documentary 2017) - watch online

Radiation ~ Cell Phones, Cell Phone Towers (Canada)

Radiation/Emits ~ Consumer and Clinical Radiation Protection Bureau, Health Canada

Radiation ~ Missouri: Atomic Homefront - HBO Doc abt Nuclear Waste Dump (spread to Canadian phone system via ex Senator FCC Monitors)

Radiation ~ Nevada Nuclear Testing Site (psychic guidance says it's spreading fast!)

Radiation Side Effects (Mouth Sores ~ 06/19)


SETI: ExoLife Finder (sixteen 5-meter mirrors - cause serious reversal of earth activity & threat to afterlife)

Space Radiation and Astronaut Safety

Space Radiation and Bone Loss Article (

Space Radiation & Bone Loss Study {see BONE DENSITY REPORT Nov 8 2019 below)

Symptoms of a STROKE

ULCER ~ Serious gastric ulcer event after stereotactic body radiotherapy (May, 2018)

UNSTABLE ANGINA DIAGNOSIS (May 28, 2018) (chest pain due to EMF emits/magnets)

New Supercomputer to Extend NOAA's Weather Predictions by Six Days (gives worst propulsions, is big threat to guidance protects)

What Happens to Bones in Space?

What is EMF? (Travels at the speed of light)

WHO EMF Hypersensitivity Report (June 2006)

World Health Organization ~ (WHO) on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)

World’s fastest supercomputer will be built by AMD and Cray for US government

* * * * * * * *

Active SETI (Wikipedia) ~ x

Activists* Inform Canadian Journalists of Ongoing Neuro-Experimentation & Mind Control Projects

Anti-Concorde Project

AR MUFON (Arkansas Mutual UFO Network - refer to 'It's Dangerous to Buck the System' link)

Ground vibration Boom

Oklahoma City Sonic Boom Tests

Canada CIA Brainwashing Payout

Cherenkov Radiation

CIA Activities in Canada (Project MK Ultra)

CIA Doctors (Dr. Colin Ross / excerpts - 4 pages)

CIA Manchurian Mind Cult MK Ultra (yt a victim since 80s)

CIA "Psychic Spy" Program

Dr. Fred Bell (Bio) - ex air force

Dying with Dignity

Supershear Earthquake

Electronic Harassment & Warfare (major intermittent pain Nov 2017 to present)

End of Life Law & Policy in Canada

ex WIFE (moi) of CIA DOCTOR (Reagan hotline ~ neurosurgeon):

[ex (above) prescribed Tagamet for abdomen(see below)/ULCER PAINS (magnet tests?) in 80s which ended with breakup mid 80s & restarted with U.S. monitors August 2017]


'Get Out' (2017 Wikipedia film review)

Hypersonic Speed

Inner Peace Movement CANADA (Old Man Mulroney MKUltra Project spinoff)

Inner Peace Movement International (Washington, D.C.)

Inner Peace Movement U.S. (TX HQ)

International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS)

It's Dangerous* to Buck the System ~ APFN

Mind Control

Mind Control and the New World Order (an attempt, but the New Age rules!)

Mind Control Towers (Locations of Gwen Towers in the U.S.)

MK Ultra : CIA mind control program in Canada (1980) - the fifth estate (October 29, 2017)

MK Ultra - Health & Science Devices

MKULTRA in Canada (drugs, torture, mind control)


Neuroscience: Brain Images - Memory and Logic


Edmund John Pankau (Cancer, Virgo rising, moon in Taurus/PLEIADES), P.I. RIP ~ (Pardon This!)

Pleiadian Andromedan Technology (Dr Fred Bell Books & Nuclear Receptor)

Policy on Medical Assistance in Dying

Preparing for Armageddon (CBC Documentary)

Psychedelics used in illegal CIA Project MKUltra

Psychic Mind Cult ~ Inner Peace Movement (from early 80s, still does Ayahuasca - Tea Meetups!)

Sonic Boom (def.)

Shaped Sonic Boom Demonstration

Stargate Project

Targeted Individuals Canada: GOVERNMENT MIND CONTROL CASES

The 13 Most Evil U.S. Government Experiments on Humans

Trance-Formation ~ [According to the article at Henry Makow, entitled: Is Justin Trudeau a Product of Mind Control?: “Pierre’s 1968 marriage to Margaret was ‘arranged’ by the military.

~ “The couple were programmed with LSD at a remote farm in British Columbia."]

This is Why Trump on Twitter: "Project MKUltra – CIA's mind control - Use of unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects"

TRUDEAU government gag order in CIA brainwashing case silences victims, lawyer says [FIFTH ESTATE December 15, 2017]

What is Mind Control in Canada - [CANADIAN VIEWERS Watched the TV documentary show Fifth Estate in January 1998 for a show describing ex-Prime Minister Brian MULRONEY's

~ role in allowing the CIA to establish a torture center at the "Allan Institute", McGill University, Montreal, under the control of Dr. Ewen Cameron. Toronto CBC..."]


Voluntary Patient Request FORM for Medical Assistance in Dying

[ex CIA] Surveillance Whistleblower Edward Snowden {Gemini with Gemini rising} RIP 2017 Quebec (Edward says 'CSIS, don't even go there'):

~ (cont'd.)

~ (cont'd.) Biowikis Edward Snowden (check out height and weight)

~ (cont'd.) Snowden in Ecuador 06:43, 2 July 2013 (UTC)

~ (cont'd.) Permanent Record by Edward Snowden (Published September, 2019)

Will Canada Pay 80s Test VICTIMS?



Ancestry & Health DNA Reports (23andme ~ July 2019)

BIG BANG Theory (Quantum Physics)

DNA Skin Sample knick (photo of ankle taken May, 2018 during annual PLEIADEAN birthday visit with ex fiancé Dr. John C. Lilly {Capricorn with moon in Virgo} & spirit family Walk Ins)

Walk In ~ {Paranormal} ~ DNA Skin Sample (photo of knee - sample taken 2017-06-01 by ex Malibu fiance Dr. John C. Lilly, psychnaut ~ rip)

{PLEIADEAN (63rd) birthday visit protecting several mild heart attacks ~ guardian spirit family stayed on to this day}

{PLEIADIAN Forces of Light* (def.)

{God is Energy ~ God/dess is a verb and not a noun!}

[PLEIADEAN Star of Taurus] SHIRLEY MACLAINE's Past Life in Atlantis (also watch her in 'Extraterrestials {Star Beings} and JFK')

[List of Agencies, Institutions, and Individuals Involved in Mind Control ~ includes Dr. John C. Lilly (LSD, dolphins ~ his past life in Atlantis ~ 355 BC, flotation tanks)!]

[Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer by Dr. John C. Lilly]

[Simulations of God: The Science of Belief by Dr. John C. Lilly]

Joan of Arc (6 January c. 1412[6] – 30 May 1431 ~ my PAST LIFE in which [step]dad Siegy was her army Captain)

Nefertiti (c. 1370 – c. 1330 BC ~ my past life; mom & sister NICOLE [2% North African in DNA test result] were ladies-in-waiting)

(approx.)1480– 1526 Pirates (past life with ex flame Amadeus (rip) ~ (astro ~ Leo)

[French] Courtesan (maternal grandma and aunt's past lives ~ 17th Century)

Napoleon (15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821 ~ dad Siegy's past life & my birth mom was his {Polish} mistress!)

[Friend/lawyer BILL SCOTT {Gemini, Virgo rising, moon in Capricorn, N.Node/past life in Gemini} has painting of Waterloo: Napolean's Last Battle]

Rasputin (1869-1916) comes up as maternal Grandpa's previous life as a Palace Guard (brings spirit network help - one of several armies)

Maternal Family [Blue Blood] Heritage (Baron ~ German/French timeline)

Princess Diana Spencer (Virgo rising, ruling planet: moon) is 5th cousin

Princess Grace of Monaco {N Node/Past Life Pleiades} (German mother/grandfather Tuebingen - My grandmother Lina's uncle was Grace's grandfather's cousin.)

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: Earth Elements ~

(Grandma[Oma], Mom & I are Taurus[Pleiadeans]; Dad is Virgo; and Aunt and Dr. Lilly are Capricorn)

Astrology: Star Signs and Ruling Planets

* * * * *

Aussie Healer (CHARLIE GOLDSMITH), Melbourne, Australia {Virgo, Sagittarius rising, moon in Aquarius, Venus with Moon, Saturn in Virgo, Pluto in Libra with Venus/PLEIADES}

Sylvia Browne, Psychic Medium - Kansas City, MO. (Libra with Venus/PLEIADES, Sagittarius rising, Mercury in Libra with Venus/PLEIADES, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Pisces,

~ Uranus in Taurus/PLEIADES, Neptune in Virgo, Pluto with Moon, N.Node/past life in Sagittarius)

CHAR (MARGOLIS), Psychic Medium - Detroit, MI. (Virgo, Scorpio rising, double Moon, Venus/PLEIADES in VIrgo, Saturn in Libra with Venus/PLEIADES)

Chiron in Astrology

Chiron in Astronomy

ALLISON DUBOIS, Psychic Medium - Phoenix, AZ.(Aquarius, Taurus/PLEIADES rising, moon in Taurus/PLEIADES, Mercury in Capricorn, Venus/PLEIADES in Pisces, Saturn in Taurus/PLEIADES,

~ Uranus in Libra with Venus/PLEIADES)~ Phoenix, AZ ~ (TV Series 'Medium' + husband JOE: aerospace engineer)

Hollywood Medium (TYLER HENRY) {Capricorn, Taurus/PLEIADES rising, moon in Libra with Venus/PLEIADES, Mercury in Aquarius, Venus/PLEIADES in Aquarius, Jupiter in Capricorn,

~ Saturn in Pisces, N.Node/past life in Libra with Venus/PLEIADES)

JOHN EDWARD, Psychic Medium - Glen Cove, NY (Libra with Venus/PLEIADES, Sagittarius rising, moon in Aquarius, Mercury in Libra with Venus/PLEIADES, Venus/PLEIADES in Libra,

~ Saturn in Taurus/PLEAIDES, Pluto in Virgo)

Long Island Medium (THERESA CAPUTO), N.Y. (Cancer, Virgo rising, moon in Capricorn, Venus/PLEAIDES in Gemini, N.Node/past life in Taurus/PLEAIDES)

Marilyn Monroe (my chin implant, my camera makeup prep, her photo on my wall, her photos on my luggage, politician (broken rib) parallel universe - pull her energy)

MATT FRASER (TV Psychic), Rhode Island

Medical Medium: EBV, CFS & FM (Hay House, Nov 10 2015)

'Mom is a Medium' (TV Show) ~ Edmonton, Alta ~ (CARMEL JOY BAIRD + husband DAVE - ex U.S. military)

Mother Teresa {Virgo, Moon in Taurus/PLEIADES} Prayer (walk in with tears & prayer 2018-10-16) ~ astro planets

Networking Spirit Family Transitions to Afterlife ~ mother Trudi ~ March 11 (sis-in-law Liz birthday) 2009

(cont'd) ~ aunt Margrit ~ December 29 (Capricorn sister NICOLE birthday) 2013

(cont'd) ~ dad Siegy ~ December 30 (day after sister NICOLE birthday) 2016

One Degree of Separation:

maternal Aunt Margrit above (another "Maggie") met ex-Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, a Libra, and friends while skiing in the Laurentians -

(past life: Pierre T. was an army General with Joan of Arc - see my past life above) - Libra ruling planet is also Venus, just like Pleiades



"Our House" (2018 Canadian/German paranormal thriller about an electromagnetic device that pulls spiritual energy)

Psychic Attacks (def.):

abdomen pain (radiation emits) - Radiation Risks for Mars(/Aries) Astronauts

angina/chest pain (bio mom Waltraut Trudi and maternal grandma Lina transition pains to suspends - Pleiades/Venus - angel greets, planet protects)

back of head death pains ~ Radio DJ Jumpin' Jack (suspends & energy gets stuck in SETI weather balloons/HYPERLOOP)

migraines pain (dad Siegy transition pain to suspends from jet propulsions - Virgo/Mercury - latitude prevents from radiate emits)

+ resulting aneurysm (maternal grandfather George warns of same pain preluding his big stroke)

laryngitis (bio dad lost voice before he passed)

low back pain - ex father in law chronic pain before passing

(collapsed) lung/mid back pains (wing check) - refer to Nov 2018 CT Scan (family friend Paul Priest, Barrie, Ontario, father of OPP/Brinks-employed sons, passed of lung cancer, experienced similar pains)

nausea @ passing pain ~ family friend Kathy Meyer (daughter CAROLE, Innisfil, Ontario)

ovaries pains (maternal aunt margrit - transition pain to suspends - Capricorn/Saturn - wallops to exorcise big demons; also alien forces experiments. [Ovaries also bring Gilda (Radner).]

regurgitation hiccup ~ hot air balloon "uncle" Ray Houlihan from Canoga, California (does spirit network suspend retrieves)

sharp BEAK cuts (birds get tricked by satellite mirrors & get stuck in SETI weather balloons/HYPERLOOP)

[Note: birds are used as transport in peaceful transitions; also storks are used for births.]

solar plexus/pancreas pains/burns (maternal great grandma astral greets) ~ Past Life Regression & Solar Plexus Unblocking/Chakra Healing

whiplash pain (ex fiancé psychnaut Dr John C Lilly - WALK-IN/accident pain to suspends - Capricorn/Saturn rings - orbits to retrieve suspends)


Astrology Answers: Spirits Dream Meaning

Prayer Circles: Healing Light Center Church, Sierra Madre, CA. (yt trained by Rev. Rosalyn Bruyere, consultant "Resurrection" film)

PSYCHIC TIA BELLE (TV Series), New Jersey

SEATBELT PSYCHIC aka Thomas John Flanagan, L.A.(Cancer, Libra rising with Venus/PLEIADES, moon in Capricorn, Venus/PLEIADES in Gemini, Jupiter with Moon, Uranus/Pluto in Virgo,

~ N.Node/past life in Taurus/PLEIADES)

Soul Contract {birthday May 20 - Destiny Contract was (near) 70, with a possible extension to 75, but decreasing - is now near death (max 66) with torture pain Radiation Head Burns and programmed Head Bashes/Cuts with SETI points to Mercury with Virgo and Pleiades who needs to redirect to the Big Screen at the Capital to prevent emissions pains!} - Emergency Nov6/18 (above) post Destiny Contract angel pick up - guardians said we are staying ~in Lucid Dream Wakeup - recent ECG test (9 Oct 2018 above) flatline was angel huddles, and psychotherapist meditation (25 Oct 2018) also pulled up with angels then went to Head Burns, past life (Joan of Arc above) reminds]

Micro-Transient Ischemic Attack Trigger (Mini-Stroke-like activity can trigger migraines)

Telepathy (def.) (Dr. Lilly's dolphins help with this)

TWITTER Goddess ~ (


Walk In (def.)

We all deserve to live out the end of our lives in comfort and dignity.

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go to Silk Rags A-Z ~ {Astro pages 1-30}
(cont'd. ~ out of space)

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{...otherwise NEW AGE will be NUCLEAR AGE!}

Please don't Kill the Messenger!

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