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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Word of Wisdom

It's a pretty safe bet that Nick has taken this "know your limits" advice to heart, too. He always considered Brian to be as wise as a treeful of owls. "He's helped me a lot," Nick says thankfully of his groupmate's words of wisdom. In fact, it was the insightful fella who gave Nick the words that have become his personal motto today: "Live live to the fullest and enjoy every day," Brian told the 19-year-old songster.

That comment struck a nerve with Nick. Immediately, Nick resolved to look for the fun - and the funny! - side of life. That's why nowadays he never lets everyday irritations and petty details put him in a grumpy mood. "A sense of humor is cool," grins this self-described jokester. "People who are straight-up serious all the time annoy me. You've got to laugh at things."

However, Nick will also tell you that it's never smart to laugh at good advice. Now those are words of wisdom we can all live by!
