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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick Plays Games With Your Heart

You've got it bad for Nick if ...

1. "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)" is your favorite Backstreet Boys' song. "It's the only song that I personally haven't gotten that sick of yet," says Nick, who's sung every BSB song billions of times at this point.

2. You liked the lessons on the Middle Ages in history class. "I just love the medieval time!" says this prince of pop.

3. You think it's cool to try different styles of clothing--but nothing too weird. "My kind of style is sportswear--jerseys, sneakers. It just depends on how I feel," says Nick. "If I want to dress alternative, I'll dress alternative. If I want to dress prep, I'll dress prep. Whatever, it's just me."

4. You're a video game fanatic!"I'm like addicted to that stuff," says Nick who brings along both a Sony Playstation and Nintendo 64 on tour. He's mostly into playing sporting games on them.

5. You can take a joke! As everyone knows, Nick's a prankster. "I haven't been able to pull (pranks) off lately because everyone knows my tricks," says this fan of itching powder and gum that makes your tongue turn blue.
