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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

What is Nick Like?

To say that Nick represents his sign in a major way is an understatement! The water bearer, which is the Aquarius symbol, fits the 18-year-old perfectly. This is a guy who lives for the sand and surf and can't stand being away from a body of water for too long-he thrives on it!

"A lot of the time I go out on the boat alone," he says of his rare moment gliding through the aqua-blue waters of the Everglades. "It's just something I need to do-just to get away from it all. To me, Florida Keys are paradise on Earth." Nick also fishes, skis and is a certified scuba diver.

Aquarians are known for taking pleasure in shocking people in unpredictable ways-and this funny guy's love for playing practical jokes proves it. "I'm definitely the prankster of the group," he admits. "I like to do anything I can think of to these guys." Giving his manager gum that tastes like fish or instigating a food fight is all in a day's work for Nick.

Physically, Nick is perfectly an Aquarius with his striking blue eyes, straight, silky blond hair, flawless complexion and impressive height (he's over 6' tall). With his gorgeous looks, it's not surprising that so many people fall for him!

This free spirit (another Aquarian trait) also has unconvental tastes. You can't pin him down to one style or one musical fave. He wears and listens to whatever he pleases! One day, Nick might sport an urban look-baggy jeans, Tommy Hilfiger shirt and top-of-the-line Nike sneakers. That same same night, he might look totally alternative decked out in grunge-wear. With Nick, you never know what you might get! The same goes for tunes-from 80s rockers Journey to Nirvana hip-hop, no genre is off-limits to this open-minded music fan.

There's a magical quality to Nick's personality that makes people gravitate to him. And, just like an Aquarius, Nick likes to get to know other people. He enjoys meeting all the fans the Backstreet Boys encounter on tour. Though he'd like to be in a relationship one day, this freewheeling Aquarian is content to play the singles game for now. "I know a lot of girls who are just friends - the way I prefer it," he says. "I don't really want to fall in love yet." But when he does, that girl will be the luckiest girl in the world.
