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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Kickin' It With Nick

Backstreet Boys Nick Carter reveals what he'd do if he had more time to chill

Bet you're pretty psyched for Christmas break. Perhaps you're going away on a little trip, or maybe you're just planning on hanging at home, sleeping in late and catching up on your soaps. Whatever the case, we here at BOP are kinda envious - we would love to have some extended chill time! But you know who's probably even more envious of your free time? Jet-setting international pop star Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys.

Okay, so you're probably thinking, "Why on earth would Nick Carter be jealous of me being a couch potato when he is a member of the Backstreet Boys?" Well, the answer is actually quite simple. Since becoming a member of the Backstreet Boys and adding his sweet voice and groovin' dance moves to performances of this hits "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" and "I'll Never Break Your Heart," this blue-eyed babe has had very little time to just chill out. After all, recording songs, doing interviews and photo sessions and performing for live audiences all around the world takes up most of this 18-year-old's life.

Believe it or not, Nick says that the one thing he misses most since achieving superstardom is "just doing nothing." "I'm serious," he stresses. "Like, after these interviews right now, I'll go back to the hotel and sometimes there is only a few things that I will go and do, like I'll go to the mall or soemthing like that, but I'm the kind of person who likes to chill, you know. I don't like to do anything. I will be sitting there wtching a baseball game."

So just what would Nick do if he had a "Christmas break" from the Backstreet Boys? Aside from dabbling in art, perfect his drawings for a cartoon book he'd love to publish someday, Nick would probably be spending a lot of time in front of the tube. "I love watching football games and baseball games," he tells BOP, adding that he would get comfy on the couch every weekend watching sports on TV "if I could."

However, Nick clarifies that being a couch potato doesn't always mean that he's just staring at the small screen - he's always up for some friendly competition on the tube as well. "I still like to play video games. I personally like this one game called Final Fantasy, it's the best game!" Nick raves. "I like to play anything. I'm like a little kid."

Fortunately, Nick's ultimate fave pastime is something he can always enjoy, whehter or not he's working - and it doesn't require a TV set either. "One thing I love is basketball, and so does [groupmate] Brian [Littrell]," Nick says. "We play whenever we have a chance. Everboyd has one thing they want to do in life, and being in this band was the thing for me, but I did have basketball at the back of my mind. About two years ago I was very good at it thinking it would go somewhere. I love it."

Luckily for us, Nick's singing career took precedence over his hoop dreams, and as a result, he helped create one of our favorite things to do when we're chillin' out: listening to the Backstreet Boys!
