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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick's Prized Possession

More than an album, a T-shirt or any other prized possesion that you can set on a shelf, what Nick Carter loves more than anything in the whole world are his beloved brother and sisters- 16-year-old Bobbie Jean, 12-year-old Leslie and 10-year-old twins Aaron and Angel, with whom he has always had an especially close relationship.

Growing up, the 17-year-old performer shares, "I did a lot of baby-sitting, but it was always a lot of fun because I really love my brothers and sisters." And, when he leaves home to tour with the rest of the Backstreet Boys, what he misses the most are "my brother and sisters."

But, aside from their siblings, albums, T-shirts, blankeys and books, Nick and his bandmates tell BOP that their fans will always top their list of favorite things. Howie sums up the band's feelings best when he says: "Fans are really important to all of us. They're the ones out there supporting the Backstreet Boys and buying the records. We're so grateful for that."
