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Heaven In Nick's Eyes


At 18, Nickolas Gene Carter is the group's youngest member. He's also the tallest (six-feet-one), the blondest and the most popular. Which is why he's having a hard time convincing a record company rep to let him wear his hair in a multitude of funky braids for the band's new video. "It'll look phat," Nick insists, intent on modeling his look on Cloud, a character in PlayStation's Final Fantasy VII game. Finally, a compromise is reached: no braids, but a definitely edgier-than-usual 'do that complements Nick's futuristic get-up and plastic bubble gun.

With his cherubic face and his obsession with toys and comic books (he plans on drawing an official Backstreet Boys series), Nick is every inch the baby Boy. But he's not as innocent as he seems. A five-year music industry veteran, he's more business-minded -- and more worldly -- than his band mates were when they were 18.

"I can't imagine having to deal with what we have to deal with now at his age," says Nick's best pal Brian Littrell, 23. "When I was eighteen, we weren't a hot commodity. I got to ease into it."

Nick, on the other hand, has a hard time remembering what it was like not to be in high demand. Only 13 when he joined up with the Boys, Nick worked with a full-time tutor from junior high on; this past spring, he received his high school diploma in a hotel room while the group was on the road.

Missing out on high school doesn't bother Nick, but missing out on everyday things -- like shooting hoops -- does. "I love basketball. Just to play, period," says Nick, who once dreamed of playing college ball. "I could be so much better, but I don't have the time."

He laments not having time for a girlfriend either. "Takes devotion," he says of a relationship, adding, "A few of the other guys have had girlfriends in the past, and it just didn't work."

Nevertheless, the Carter home near Tampa, Fla., remains a magnet for girls who sit -- sometimes all day long -- with their faces pressed against the eight-foot-high fence. Nick takes advantage of nearby Tampa Bay for his escape from all the attention, spending time aboard his boat. Sometimes he brings his family -- sisters Bobbi Jean, 16; Lesley, 12; and Angel, 10 (whose twin brother, Aaron, is the clan's newest singing sensation); dad Bob, his career advisor; and mom Jane, who manages Aaron. But often, he sets sail alone. "The ocean does something to me that is unexplainable," Nick says. "Just being out there and realizing I'm alive."
