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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Lonely Heart

You'd think that on this holiday, 19-year-old Nick would be totally swamped with candies, cards and other romantic treats from all the femmes crushing on him. However, this gorgeous guy tells us that he's in the same sitch as Brian. When we asked him what kinds of goodies he's gotten from girls on Valentine's Day, Nick sighed, "I don't remember. Nothing special."

Don't feel too bad for Nick because no one has done anything especially memorable for him on the most romantic day of the year. He doesn't mind. "I've never really had the chance to have a serious relationship, [so] I've never had the chance to receive something incredible," he's shrugged. "It's hard to have a girlfriend when we're always traveling around."

However, like Brian, Nick says the lack of romance in his life hasn't kept him from catching Cupid's spirit every February! Nick looks forward to giving gifts to people he likes. "Like I've sent roses to girls' houses, and in school I used to give those little cards," he explains. Who says Valentine's Day is only for couples? Not this single sweetie!
