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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick's Personal Do's and Don'ts!


#1 - Do love video games! Any BSB fan knows Nick is crazy about video games and can play 'em for hours! Can you? Practice, practice, practice so if you ever meet Nick, you can challenge him to a Sega showdown!

#2 - Do read Nick's book, The Heart and Soul of Nick Carter. Actually written by his mom, Jane, the book has loads of know Nick better than you think you do! And Nick will adore you for being so into him that you'd buy his book!

#3 - Do offer to pose for Nick! He loves to draw cartoons and doodle - maybe he'd draw you! The finished product might not be a great likeness, but maybe he'd draw you as a super hero or a flying monster!

#4 - Do tell Nick his little bro, Aaron, is a cutie. Aaron, as you know is making his own way in music and Nick is very proud of his little bro. He sees a lot of himself in Aaron and he hopes the tyke will make it big, just like he has with BSB. So it'll thrill Nick if he hears you think Aaron got it goin' on!


#1 - Don't get car sick! If you were hanging with Nick, he'd probably want to take you for a spin in one of his cars. At lasy count, he has a Corvette Sting Ray, a Camaro and a Durango truck. He might take you for a wild ride, so hold onto your cookies!

#2 - Don't ask Nick if he likes being the mosy popular BSB. 'Cause he doesn't consider that to be relevant! "We're all for one and one for all," Nick tells. And the rest of the guys agree - If Nick gets more coverage, so what? It's PR for the whole group!

#3 - Don't forget to dream up a really cool costume for Halloween - it's Nick's favorite holiday! He loves dessing up and going trick treating for goodies! Bet he still does it with his younger sibs - only now he might need a bodyguard to tag along!

#4 - Don't order yours and Nick's pizza with a whole lotta toppings! Nick is a plain cheese pizza kinda guy. Give hima slice and a Coke and he's happy as can be!
