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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick: The Supernatural Lover

Continuing our exclusive series of the Backstreet Boy's unguarded moments, this fortnight Nick goes on a photoshoot and, erm, hunts for a ghost......

The photoshoot for The Backstreet Boys' new Millennium album was a lavish affair - with added spooks thrown in. "The whole thing took two days," remembers Nick. "We did a lot of it on this big sound stage, like they make films on. That's all the stuff you see with Howie, for example - we all had our individual sets built, which was pretty cool. The rest of it was done in this old mansion in the Hollywood hills. It belonged to a silent movie star of the '20's who apparently married into a very wealthy family."

" The story is that the star's wife's in-laws had the mansion built at great expense, but the actor's career then went promptly down the dumper. At the same time, his wife found out he was gay! "She was going to divorce him and suddenly she died in a mysterious car crash," mutters Nick. " She's burried in the grounds and now the house is haunted! "

Nick and Andre, the BSB's photographer, decided to go on a hunt for her ghost the night the Boys were there. " We went into the basement with a Polaroid camera and down to the grave, but we didn't see the ghost." chuckles Nick. " I still believe in them, though! "

The rest of the shoot was a riot of hats, millions of trainers and, in AJ's case, fluffy yellow jumpers.

" Yellow is his favourite colour," explains Nick simply. But what's Nick's waistband? Is it really - gulp - 38?

" No, i just like to wear my jeans really baggy, " puffs Nick, shocked at the very suggestion.

"My waist's about, um. 34 inches. They even got us some suits to wear - and we had to have them, baggy as well. Basically, the record company just sent up heaps of clothes and we could choose what we wanted. Hey, it was nice to have a choice! "

And of course, the ghost got the clobber they wouldn't be seen dead in!
