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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick's Embarrasing Moments and Things He Wish He Hadn't Done

Nick Carter was thrilled when he went for his scuba-diving certification at age 12. On one of the dives, he grabbed a handful of what he thought was a clump of nifty-looking seaweed. When he reached the water's surface, Nick yelled to his instructor, "Hey, look at this huge clump of seaweed I found!" Everyone within hearing distance stared as the instructor told him, "Nick, that's not seaweed it's manatee poops!" So much for buried treasure.

One night, Nick was performing onstage with Backstreet Boys, singing and dancing up a storm, when he realized his fly was undone. He was red in the face when he got offstage - and you know his fellow bandmates teased him about it for weeks. During another preformance, when his time for a solo came up, Nick simply forgot the words. Panicked, he looked over at bandmate Brian Littrell, who instantly understood the problem and jumped in for a mortified Nick. The transition was so smooth that the audience members didn't even notice - but Nick still blushes about it.

Nick's always been an avid athlete, but one time it almost cost him his life. He was riding his bike really fast when he ran into an obstacle and flipped over head-first. He broke his arm and suffered nasty cuts and bruises, but it chilled him to the bone when he realized how close he came to actually breaking his skull.

When Nick was just a small child, he accidently locked himself in the family car. Too young to know what to do, Nick had to stay put while his mom frantically tried to get him out. She was finally able to unlock the door from the outside and reunite with her terrified little boy. Nick admits he worries about running into sharks when he scuba dives. He's even had recurring nightmares about shark attacks. But he doesn't let them stop him.

Things He Wishes He Hadn't Done

Nick says the dumbest thing he ever did way back when was hit an opponent during a fight. The most horrible thing was telling his parents what had happened, and seeing the fear and anger in their eyes. That event turned Nick off to fighting for good.

Nick's agent had set him ip for a Nickelodeon audition. But Nick, who was usually responsible and punctual, got so involved working on another project - singing with an aspiring group called Backstreet Boys - he totally spaced and missed the audition. His agent was furious and Nick didn't land the part; but as fate would have it, Backstreet Boys sailed to the moon with their soulful harmonies. Hey, maybe that wasn't such a bad move after all.
