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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

What Is Nick Snickering At?

Face it - Nick Carter has a lot to be happy about. In fact, to say that he's snickering about his life right now would be pretty accurate. (Don't you get a mondo set of the giggles when everything's going your way?) From family matters to his skyrocketing career, Nick should have a permanent smile plastered to his face. Check out our top 10 reasons for Nick to be more blissed out than a cherry on a hot fudge sundae!

Snickering Nick's List of reasons to be really hip happy!

1. He's on tour! Yes! He's out there seeing all his favorite people- his fans! And besides that, he's on tour with his little bro Aaron, so when he gets lonely and yearns for a family face, he can just turn to Aaron!

2. Nick's parents owned a restaurant in Westfield, NY called the Yankee Rebel. Take out irony! That name could easily describe Nick- originally from the northem part of the US, he "rebelled" against the odds and has become a worldwide sensation- a Backstreet Boy!

3. Nick doesn't have to shovel himself out of tons of snow each winter! Since the family moved to sunny Florida, he doesn't have the weather of the northeast to contend with!

4. He gets to eat his fave food - McDonald's - every single day!

5. His closest friend in the world- fellow Backstreet Boys Brian Littrell- is not only along for the ride every step of the way, but he also sings with Nick in perfect harmony - literally!

6. Nick can take his hobbies on the road with him. In addiction to being a Nintendo freak, he's been making a Backstreet Boys comic book for ages now and loves to doodle and make sketches whenever he can. With all those long trips from city to city, Nick has a great way to keep himself busy!

7. Being a role model makes Nick happy, too. He says that "it's a great feeling" to know that he's had a positive impact on his fans.

8. Well, if you could make thousands upon millions of people scream your name and sing along with your music, you'd be a-grinnin' too!

9. " My family used to call me Charlie Brown because I had a big round head and no hair"! Nick says, he couldn't be happier the he grew out of that!

10. Quite simply, Nick is smiling because he's the kind of person that knows how to have a great time. If you've been around Nick, you're definitely heard his mantra, " It's all good!"- and he means it!
