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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick's Deepest Thoughts.......

Ah, those blue eyes, that mop of blond hair. Adorable 18-year-old Nick Carter is definitely a guy that's got it goin' on in about a million ways.

Nick's totally into meeting his fans. When you meet him, you'll probably be taken with his winning smile and personality. But behind that grin lies a bashful side - the guys agree Nick's the shyest of the bunch.

Of course, Nick's always floored by a warm smile and bubbly personality, but it takes a special girl - one who's sensitive and loving - to make Nick feel comfortable enough to share all his secret thoughts. And like his BsB buds, Nick's very concerned about starting a serious relationship while he's on the road. "It's just not fair," he complains, waiting for the day when he'll have the time to pursue a serious romance.

Some Basic BsB Attention Grabbers!

* The guys are all very into girls with brains! "There's nothing worse than a girl who can't hold a conversation. You have to be able to talk to someone, " says Kev, and the rest of the Boys agree. The guys all stress the importance of education - so staying in school is definitely a cool way to impress BsB.

* Be yourself! Backstreet Boys have travelled all over the world and back. Think they know if someone's acting phony? You bet they do! No guy ever appreciates a girl who's always making up stories and being fake. Get real!

* Be positive! If you absolutely love "Quit Playin' Games (With My Heart)," be sure and tell them. If you're really excited about being in your school play, tell them that too! All the guys really like girls with energetic and positive attitudes. No one likes to be around a total downer all the time.

* Be cool about the fame game! They guys are constantly surrounded by photographers, fans and people in the press. You can bet they'd be into a girl who talked about something other than the music biz. Why not tell them what you're up to instead?

* Don't be jealous! Do you know how many girls would love the chance to chat with Backstreet Boys? Well, lots! Don't get stressed if one of the guys starts talking to someone else. Everyone deserves the chance to say hello.
