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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Valentine Valedictions

"I like the type of girl that loves to go dating. The type of girl that loves to move her body. The type girl that likes to shake what her mama gave her. The type of girl that lets me hold her tight and then kiss her, and kiss her and kiss her." I think we can say safely say that Nick likes a girl who likes to be kissed, what you say? (okay, stop screaming, we hear you!) The blond, blue-eyed is one heck of a dreamboat and understandably so 'coz, well, he's just darn cute, isn't he? But what kind of famous women attract him? "I'm kind of attracted to the singer Fiona Apple," so says the cutie-pie. "Also Christina Ricci is really fine. I've always had a crush on her." Can you be Nicky's girl?
