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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

What's Nick Like On Tour?

  • He loves playing pranks on the road and always seems to get away with it! During the recent Into The Millennium Tour, he stocked up on firecrackers to put under toilet seats and surprise the other boys! His favorite trick on the last tour was to fill a sock with all the smelly things he could fin, then leave it behind the drum kit to fester.

  • Nick can be a bit grumpy in the mornings and when he’s in a really bad mood he’s been known to slap the boys around the head!

  • According to AJ, Nicks hotel room gets pretty messy when the boys are on the road. "On the last tour, his room looked like it’d been hit by a tornado" he says. " clothes everywhere, video games, his console, food, candy bars, everything. It would be called the ‘comfortable, lived in look’ but only if you could actually find his bed!"

  • One of Nicks most embarrassing moments on stage was when he tried to do a kip up – when they lie on their backs and flip up onto their legs. He didn’t make it and fell flat on his back!

  • When Nick wants some time to himself, he’ll put on his headphones and listen to anything from Nirvana to Prince! Sometimes he’ll just sit on his bunk in the tour bus and draw.

  • If there’s time, he’ll stop and chat to fans. " I meet a lot of girls when we’re travelling and I try to make friends with some," he says. "Then when we go back to that country I can call them up for a chat!"

  • Nick prefers travelling from venue to venue by bus rather than plane. He still hates flying, despite having flown all around the world a million times!

  • Instead of partying after a show, Nick likes to go back to the hotel, have a nice long shower and go to bed. " It doesn’t take me long to wind down after doing a show," he says. " I get so tired I could fall asleep right away!"

  • If Nicks mum isn't on tour with them, he’ll call home twice a day ‘cause he gets pretty homesick. " where up at the crack of dawn some days, we travel all day and then perform at night. That’s the schedule, day after day," he sighs. "but the bad parts even out because we get such a buzz from performing and we meet some great people."
