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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

A Wise Guy Gets Wise

For Nick, worries that fans in the U.S. would dislike their tunes (as if!) weren't the only thing that made his tummy do flip-flops. "When we started, the other guys in the groups were older," they 19-year-old cutie recalls. "But I had to go through my insecure moments with everyone watching me. I felt very vunerable at times."

Luckily, his kind-hearted groupmates took him under their wings and helped him overcome his nervousness. "Brian always helped me a lot," Nick says gratefully. "He treated me like his little brother and looked after me." Now, praises 24-year-old Brian, "Nick is very adult-like. He's very mature."

Nick has even outgrown the sneaky tricks he used to play on the Backstreet Boys. A few years ago he got a kick out of his pranks like putting itching powder on his unsuspecting groupmates. Now, Nick's said," I've kind of grown out of that." So, does that mean Nick has become totally serious? Nope! He may be more mature, but this silly boy hasn't lost his mischievous sense of humor. "I still got that in me," he's grinned.
